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The play itself will be released shortly. Chris drew pictures to illustrate and accompany the narration. This is one of those pictures.}} | The play itself will be released shortly. Chris drew pictures to illustrate and accompany the narration. This is one of those pictures.}} | ||
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==Part One== | ==Part One== |
Revision as of 20:23, 8 November 2023
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play is a series of videos where Chris reads the titular Christmas play starring Angelica Rosechu in front of a snow background accompanied by whimsical music. The videos are all around 10 to 15 minutes long. This is based on the "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" play that Chris wrote and drew in jail. New drawings occasionally appear in the video. He continues to shill OfficialCWCmart in the descriptions.
The Life and Times of Jesus Christ
Back in 2022, Praetor released "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ", a play Chris wrote in jail, which was sold on OfficialCWCmart as a part of the Praetor Jail Art. Chris would reuse this for the Christmas Play.
OfficialCWCmart listings
To pass the time in jail, Chris has been writing a lot. In addition to many other pieces, he has written an incredibly extensive play titled "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ." Chris has directed it to be narrated and made cohesive via video, with us going so far as to hire a voice actor. (Albeit from Fiver.)
The play itself will be released shortly. Chris drew pictures to illustrate and accompany the narration. This is one of those pictures. |
Part One
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 1 | |
Search for video | YouTube, archive |
Stardate | 18 October 2023 |
Subject Matter | ![]() ![]() |
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Saga | ![]() ![]() |
previous Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021 |
next Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 2 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 1 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well. [links to OfficialCWCmart] |
Transcript |
[Static crackles. Soft Christmas music can be heard while winter wind sound effects play in the background. Overtop of a drawn image of Angelica Rosechu, text rolls across the screen. Typos included.]
"The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu Narrator/Holy Ghost/Angel: Angelica Rosechu Three Wise Men: Nightstar, Inuyasha, Perceptor Joseph: Constanpole Sonichu Young Jesus/Little Drummer Boy: Danny Sonee Young Mary Magdaline: Rasenla Rosey Virgin Mary: Crystalina Rosechu King Herod/Satan: Jamsta Sonichu Desciple Peter: Punchy Sonichu Lazerus/John the Baptist: Wild Sonichu Elizabeth/Anna/Pharisee Woman: Bubbles Rosechu Judas: Cal Sonichu Pilate: Perceptor Barabas: Nightstar James: Inuyasha Sonichu Mary Magdalene: Rosey Rosechu Prime Jesus Christ: Sonichu Prime Lazuras's Sister: Lolisa Rosechu This ended up being an all Sonichu and Rosechu play, not because of segregation, but due to the volunteers who signed up for the auditions being literally 85% local Sonichu and Rosechu. This would become the very first stage performance of an all Sonichu and Rosechu cast ever; a landmark and massive undertaking. [Text roll ends. Screen fades to black. Chris Chan is revealed sitting in front of a green screen displaying a photo of a snowy forest. From here on out, Chris is speaking.] The Life and Times of Jesus Christ, a Christmas play by Angelica Rosechu, read by me, Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime. Since August 2005, after Angelica had her past visions confirmed about I, as Jesus Christ of Nazareth reincarnated and Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime, shortly after I had taken Angelica Rosechu back in time to meet and talk with Jesus himself before his death on the cross and resurrection. Angelica was inspired after returning to August 2005 to write an updated, more accurate play of the life and times of Jesus to be debuted in December 2005. This ended up being an all Sonichu and Rosechu play, not because of segregation, but due to the volunteers who signed up for the auditions being literally around 85% being of the Sonichus and Rosechus, including Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime themselves. And around 10 out of 15% of the volunteering humans auditioned for the role of Jesus. Also the rounding down physical height allowed for bare eye contact between the actors, this would become the very first stage performance of an all Sonichu and Rosechu cast ever, a landmark and massive undertaking. After all the auditions in late October 2005 in Angelica's church, and without typecasting, for they all portrayed the auditions respe- Magi-Chan himself went for and earned the role of Jesus's psychic Sonichu partner, [unintelligible] Sonichu. Various regular and special Sonichus and Rosechus made up the secondary and background individuals. Inuyasha Sonichu and even Nightstar Sonichu Prime got word and auditioned as well, then they stayed in Cwcville for throughout November and December to be in the play after earning their roles. Angelica was the narrator and the Holy Ghost angel. Some of the actors got multiple roles in the play, but the secondary parts are with less lines anyway. Nightstar, Inuyasha, and Perceptor played the three wise individuals who brought the gold, frankinscense, and myrrh. A regular male Sonichu who had a family with a female Sonichu and had a [unintelligible] male son, as well as their trainer partner and his family, Constanople Sonichu played ho- played Joseph. Constanople and Lain Sonichu's son, Danny Sonee, played- played... Danny played young Jesus. Another trainer with a female Rosey, Rasenla Rosey, she played young Mary Magdalene with a few other Sonees playing as Jesus's childhood friends. Crystalina Rosechu played the virgin Mary. A plush Sonichu filled the role of baby Jesus. Danny also played the little drummer boy. [A hand-drawn image of DJ Jamsta Sonichu fills half of the screen, covering Chris.] Jamsta Sonichu played Herod the king, the Devil that tempts Jesus, as well as Satan. [The drawing disappears, and Chris is back on screen.] Cardboard cutouts took the role of demons in the hell realm where Jesus slayed Satan and freed and forgiven the former sinners. The imprisoned sinners were played by various regular Sonichus and Rosechus. Punchy Sonichu played Peter; Wild Sonichu played Lazarus, John the Baptist, and... [Chris checks his script] ...John. [A hand-drawn image of Bubbles Rosechu appears on the screen, Covering Chris.] Bubbles Rosechu played Elizabeth, Anna, and the Pharisee woman. [The drawing disappears, and Chris is back on screen.] Cal Sonichu of the psychic squadron played Judas. Perceptor also played the Pilate. Nightstar played Barabas. Inuyasha also played James; Rosey played adult- young adul- young adult Mary Magdalene and adult Mary Magdalene, and Sonichu Prime himself played as Jesus Christ. Oh and also Lolisa Rosechu, she played Lazarus's sister Martha. And also, Christian Chandler Sonichu, you know my self-counterpart [unintelligible], he, back in that day, before the transition to womanhood, he had a role at the end of the play as Jesus Christ in present day life as I, Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime. I've written out the play as it was... leaving some scenes out, but I've written up to eleven pages on this, so there won't be much left out from Angelica's play. As it was on Saturday, December 17th, 2005 - and this was the Saturday before the third Sunday of December that year - the show went on! In addition to Jamsta promoting the show with Rosey and everyone at station KCWC, the reporters of the Cwcville press and local news media got a good taste of the play from the rehearsals. The reviews were more or positive, giving the play as it stood a four out of five star rating. Ticket sales sold out as the play was held at the spacious George Lewis Hal theatre in the northwest section of the metropolis of Cwcville. Psychic squadron Sonichus and Rosechus and security guards were hired to ensure nothing went wrong. Even Team Rocket and all hating, really dark types with hate-filled violent intentions, were all barred from entering. Liquidchu and Blake, as they were in disguise at the time with their fur color changed and all to blend in, they were taking a break for themselves and were able to get in and watch the show. Blake was looking forward to watching Bubbles perform. Mary Lee Walsh and Silvana Rosechu also bought tickets to simply enjoy the rarity- this rarity of a show. [The same image of Angelica Sonichu appears on screen, covering Chris.] [unintelligible], who was Jamsta Sonichu's best friend and partner and former DJ at KCWC. [?], Jareth, Raven [?], Kathy [?], these individuals are gonna be talked about in the [?] pages, they'll be brought up at a later point once we get- once I get everything sorted out. And Robert and Barbara Chandler [unintelligible], and the other good and supportive citizens of Cwcville, and even some kind individuals from Charlottesville, Richmond, and D.C., and other cities of Virginia, they all came out to enjoy this landmark, all-Sonichu-and-Rosechu performance. Perhaps we're ready to change the scenes between acts. Chris had volunteered to grip as well. The grips were composed of humans and psychic squadron Sonichus and Rosechus and Pokemon. Video cameras were recording the entire play. The printed programs also had the note at the bottom, quote, "Aside from the scriptures that are holy, as well as further confirmations from divine guidances and visions that permit a personal experience, and enlightenments." End quote... Angelica Rosechu put that in. The show started at 8:00 PM. Angelica in her long white gown stepped into the spotlight at the stage's center from behind the curtains. She takes a deep breath as the audience is silent. Angelica starts... Angelica: Welcome everyone. [A hand drawn image of Angelica flying over top of the stage in front of a packed audience appears on the screen, covering Chris.] Chris: And she says that loud and well for everyone to hear. Angelica: Welcome everyone to this humble re-enactment of the life of Jesus Christ, who was our Lord, and still is. But Jesus was also the One Avatar, and when life on Earth began he appeared as a large turtle, then transformed into a human who had been around even before God was known to a lot of people. The avatar lived long and guided all in the name of God as the God of Gods, with insights and wisdoms and the holy light power spanning from the heavens and the very core of our universe. Then through God and Manuel, the Avatar... [The drawing disappears.] Angelica: ...had their very first reincarnation ever and was born in Bethlehem by the virgin Mary. So now we take you all to the sixth month of when Mary was with child. Chris: Angelica bows, and spans her wings as the curtain opens and she flies above the stages- the stage to the audience applause, and the reveal of Crystalina as Mary Magdalene, sitting in a chair. As- I'm s- I'm sorry, as the vir- the virgin Mary. [Chris points a finger gun to his head.] [unintelligible] my mind for a moment! ...Angelica as the angel Gabriel descends and startles Mary a bit. The angel said to Mary... Gabriel: Hark! For you are highly favored, the Lord is with you, you are blessed among women. [A hand drawn image of Gabriel approaching Mary appears on screen, covering Chris.] Mary: What is going on here? Gabriel: Fear not, Mary. Behold from your womb you shall concieve and bring birth to a son, and he shall be named Jesus. He shall be great and called the Son of the Highest, and God shall give him his father David's throne. He shall reign forever over the house of Jacob with no end to his kingdom. Mary: How shall this be so? Gabriel: The Holy Ghost shall come to you and the power of the Highest shall overwhelm you, therefore he that shall be born of you be called Son of God. Your cousin Elizabeth is also with child, in her sixth month, when she was barren. With God, nothing shall be impossible. Mary: Hmm, I see. Hmm. [The drawing disappears.] Mary: I am the maiden of the Lord, I shall do my best by your word. Chris: Angelica flew up into the rafters above the stage. Mary knocks on a nearby door with Bubbles - [Chris knocks on the table] - in a dress, and with pillow above her belt under the dress as Elizabeth on the other side of the door. Mary entered and saw Elizabeth with child and holy light in her aura, and Mary said... Mary: You are blessed with child, dear cousin! Chris: Elizabeth responded with a smile. Elizabeth: Yes Mary, I have been blessed by the Holy Ghost. His name shall be John! Mary: I too have been visited by the Holy Ghost, and have a son, and he shall be the Lord. Elizabeth: This is indeed great news Mary! Chris: The scene quickly changes as the grips remove the chairs and the door. A red rug and a throne is quickly placed as a piano plays the tune of Psalm 140. Jamsta Sonichu, in kingly attire, sits on the throne. Angelica narrates as the scene transitions. Angelica: As Mary is concieved, word of her child and the coming of prophecy of the Lord reached ears far and wide. When King Herod heard of this coming of the Almighty, he was distressed. With the chief priests and scribes having told Herod the Lord would be born in Bethlehem as prophesised, Herod made his choice. Chris: The spotlight shines on Jamsta as Herod, and a nearby regular Sonichu playing the messenger. Herod tells the messenger... Herod: Summon the wise men! [unintelligible] Chris: The messenger runs off the stage, then announces... Messenger: Announcing the wise men, sire! Chris: And then Nightstar Sonichu, Inuyasha Sonichu, and Perceptor Sonichu, dressed in royal long robes as the three wise women, to pretty much get this accurate. [A hand drawn picture of a 2-panel comic appears on screen, covering Chris. The first panel shows Jamsta Sonichu sitting on a throne addressing the three wise women, and the second panel shows the three wise women deliberating amongst themselves.] Chris: The three of them bow, then rise. Inuyasha says... Inuyasha: You summoned us, sire? Herod: Yes, I heard the king of Jes- of the Jews is to be born in the East. Go to Bethlehem and find the child. After you've found him, let me know, so I may come and worship him also. Chris: The wise women look amongst each other as they hear the intent in Herod's words. Inuyasha responds... Inuyasha: As you wish, sire. We shall make delight in our search. Chris: The three wise men re- leave and relocate to another part of the stage to recieve a bag each. The spotlight is removed from Jamsta and lit upon Nightstar, Inuyasha, and Perceptor. They speak as they walk in place at the throne as the throne and rug are removed the stage. Nightstar Sonichu starts. Nightstar: Did you see the glint in the King's eye as he spoke? Chris: Perceptor speaks. Perceptor: Surely, I perceive the King has other intentions with the child. Inuyasha: Oh, no doubt! Chris: Inuyasha speaks. Inuyasha: Eh, but we have to do as the King wants. At least we will be worshipful with the child. Chris: The other two nod. [Chris mutters to himself or someone offscreen.] Okay... Alright. Inuyasha... Inuyasha: Well, I brought frankinscense for the family. What did you two get? Chris: Perceptor responds... Perceptor: I have some myrrh. Its scent is fervent. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: And then Nightstar says... Nightstar: I got a bag of gold. Inuyasha: Gold?! Chris: Inuyasha asks. [Chris makes a pffft sound.] Inuyasha: What a way to outdo us, Nightstar. Nightstar: If it's any consolation, this was my recent bonus. Ehhhh... Chris: Perceptor points up. Perceptor: I see the star of our Lord shining more bright. Come gentlemen, let's make haste. Chris: The other two nod. [Chris disappears off-screen. Text appears over top of the snowy forest photo.] "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu to be continued in part 2 [The piano music fades out, leaving the sound of snowy winter winds in the background as the video ends.] |
Part Two
Angelica Rosechu Christmas Play Part 2 | |
Search for video | YouTube, archive |
Stardate | 23 October 2023 |
Subject Matter | ![]() ![]() |
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Saga | ![]() ![]() |
previous Angelica Rosechu Christmas Play Part 1 |
next Angelica Rosechu Christmas Play Part 3 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 2 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well. [links to OfficialCWCmart] Music from [links to two songs] |
Transcript |
[Static crackles. Soft Christmas music can be heard while winter wind sound effects play in the background. Overtop of a drawn image of Angelica Rosechu, text appears across the screen.] "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu Part 2 [The music abruptly cuts out and Chris appears over top of a winter stock photo.] Chris: The spotlight turns off as the manger scene is brought out. Angelica descends onto the stage and addresses the audience as the spotlight shines upon her. Angelica: And they were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock at night, and lo! The angel of the Lord came unto them and the glory of the Lord shone around and about them, and they were so afraid, and the angel said unto them: [A hand drawn image of the angel on stage addressing the shepherds appears onscreen.] Angel: Fear not! For behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a saviour, which is Christ, the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you! He shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. [The image disappears.] Angelica: And suddenly there with the angel of multitude, the heavenly host praising God and say: "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace, goodwill towards men." Chris: The stage became fully lit, revealing Crystalina as Mary and Constanople as Joseph in the manger- [A hand drawn image of Joseph and Mary surrounded by Pokemon appears. They all look into the basket with a plush Sonichu in it.] Chris: -with a calm, trained Mudbray, Mareep, and Tauros right by them, looking into the basket with the plush Sonichu wrapped in cloth in the basket. Wild, Punchy, and Magi-Chan dressed in shepherds' clothes approached the manger and praised the baby as Angelica flies back above the stage. The three wise men approach as the piano started playing Little Drummer Boy, and they sing. Danny Sonee approaches as well and plays the drum upon him. [The image disappears. Chris sings a short line of Little Drummer Boy.] Chris: At the end of the song, the lights are cut and the spotlight is shown upon Joseph, and Angelica tells Joseph: Angelica: Wake Joseph, for Herod the King seeks to slay the young child! Flee to Egypt until when I tell you it is safe to return! Go, now! Chris: Joseph picks up the basket with the babe, grabs Mary by the hand, and they exit stage left. The lights cut off as the pianist plays a tremor of notes expressing fright as Herod's shadow looms on the stage's curtain. As it closes over the empty manger, Herod shouts loudly: Herod: Eh he he he he! The wise men have mocked me! It doesn't matter as I shall slay all the children of Bethlehem myself! Chris: Sounds of screams and weeping come from the female actors offstage as the piano tune chimes out. Then trans is- Then the trans is- transitions to a jaunty tune of Psalm 87. Angelica narrates as the curtain opens to reveal a painted backdrop of the houses and streets of Egypt with youthful Sonees and Roseys laughing and playing. Danny Sonee as young Jesus sits on the barrel's top and powde- ponders. Rasenla Rosey as young Mary Magdalene is playing with the children. Mary Magdalene: And so Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt where Jesus had spent his formative years growing up while Joseph and Mary were aware of what was to become of Jesus. Jesus had been young and naive, and lived his life unaware of his destiny. Jesus felt he was not like the other children, but he could not put his finger on why consciously, at least yet, and he didn't know what to make of himself quite yet. Chris: Young Mary approaches Jesus. Mary: Hi! Chris: Jesus looks down towards Mary but doesn't make eye contact. Jesus: Euhhh... Hi. Mary: What are you doing up on the barrel? Jesus: Oh. Well, I don't know. I was looking up at the sky and counted numbers in the clouds. [A hand drawn image of young Jesus sitting on a barrel talking to Mary appears.] Jesus: It's kinda interesting cause when you add what you see within the lights around the clouds against the blue sky they tell stories of the wonders beyond the sky, and what number guides you to next. Chris: Mary is bewildered with what Jesus said as she looks up at the clouds and sees the aura light around the cloud edges, yet unsure what to make of it. Mary: Yeah, the clouds are shining pretty. I'm Mary! What's your name? [The drawing disappears.] Jesus: Ehhh... Jesus. Mary: Oh, that's a cute name! Hey, you want to play with us? We can always use another creative kid to play Eye Spy with. Jesus: You... want me... to play with you? Chris: He asked with an uncertain expression on his face. Mary: Sure! Come on, Jesus! Jesus: ...Okay! Chris: Jesus hops down and follows Mary into a crowd of kids and they wander off stage right. Angelica narrates as Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime as Jesus and Mary Magdalene go on stage from stage right together. Angelica: Jesus and Mary became friends and liked each other and Jesus had been accepted by Mary's friends as well. Mary had brought something good out of Jesus. Chris: Mary and Jesus sit side by side on the same barrel. Mary and Jesus sit side by side on the barrel, and she asked him once again: Mary: What are your dreams, Jesus? Jesus: Again, Mary? You're always asking me that, and the answer's always the same. Mary: Yeah! They're very unique and interesting and I can't get enough of them! Jesus: Well, alright. In my dreams I see various stone carvings and statues I had never seen before, yet somehow they are famililar to me. The words in the carvings glow like gold and have sounds of ancient sand script [Sanskrit?], yet I can understand them. Then I see fields of stars amidst the cosmos and then the brightest star in the center of the universe, and the center within that star, and the center of that star, and so on and so on. Until I see this vision from far into the future, where I'm flying through a rainbow of immense energy and power and bringing order to a chaos-filled Earth with a bunch of arguing and fighting nations amidst fallen apartment buildings and an explosion on a dragon over some place that's not Babylon. [A hand drawn image of a slightly older Mary and Jesus sitting on a barrel appears.] Mary: So COOL, Jesus! Jesus: Mary, how is it that you do not find such a dream weird like the other kids our age do? Chris: Mary smiles and nodded. Mary: Hmm... I don't know? Call it intuition or something. Crazy, or whatever, but hearing the details of your dream makes me wish I could see into the cosmos and future like you can. Jesus: Mary, if I was anyone else, I'd call you weird. Mary: Oh? Well then, maybe I out-weird YOU. Chris: And they both laugh as they look into each other's eyes like two kids who get each other. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: Then from stage left, Joseph walks on stage and addresses Jesus. Joseph: My son! Jesus: Yes, father? Joseph: I just got the all clear from the angels. You, your mother, and I are heading back to Nazareth. Come on, son. Jesus: What?! Chris: Jesus and Mary shout! Jesus and Mary: No, no, no, no! Jesus: Dad, I don't want f- I don't wanna leave! I- I've got friends, and I'm appreciated here! You pull me away from that, I'll be really upset! Joseph: I'm sorry son, but your destiny is not here in Egypt. Chris: Joseph grabs Jesus's hand and pulls him stage left. Jesus: No, no! Mary! I'll really miss you! Mary: Jesus, don't go! Chris: She shouts to him as they leave stage. The stage lights cut off as the scene changes and Angelica to the next part. Angelica: Jesus, Joseph, and Mary returned to Nazareth as Herod was dead and his throne taken by archangels in reign. Jesus had brough- become upset after having to leave his friends and more positive life in Egypt. Jesus found resonance as the family to Nazareth and he started listening and hearing of the Gospel of John the Baptist as he preached to the multitude about repentance. [A hand drawn image of John the Baptist petting Jesus's head appears on screen.] Angelica: Jesus was baptized by John, and Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was tested by the Devil. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: The scene was changed to a jungle clearing on stage left. A backdrop with a scene of all the kingdoms around the world. The spotlight shone over the left half with Jesus collapsed on the grass within a few- with a few rocks in front of him. Jamsta, dressed as the Devil, approached Jesus and said to him: Jamsta: Hey, Jesus, you're looking real hungry. If you are the son of God, command these stones to become bread, and enjoy. Chris: Jesus stands and looks to the Devil in the eyes. Jesus: One shall not live by bread alone but by the word of GOD. Chris: The Devil frowns and growls. Jamsta: Ehhhh... Chris: Then he pulls Jesus to stage right and shows him the images of all the kingdoms and the lovely throne. Then the Devil tells Jesus: Jamsta: I shall give you total power and rule of all the kingdoms of the world and the adoration of everyone if you bow down and worship me. Chris: Jesus said: Jesus: Get behind me Satan, for it is written: one shall worship the Lord and God and serve him. Chris: The Devil pushes Jesus to the front edge of the stage and tells him: Jamsta: Well, if you're so almighty, then you know as it is written that the angels will always save you no matter what. So JUMP, Jesus. Chris: Jesus frowns as he looks the Devil in the eye again and tells him: Jesus: You shall never tempt the Lord and God! Chris: The devil vanishes as the lights go off and a lone spotlight on Jesus remains on Jesus with the scene change. Jesus looks up at the angels as the angel speaks to him. Angel: Very good, Jesus. Know from your meditations that you are Lord and you are present to heal the distressed and brokenhearted. Preach to the poor, and deliverance to the captives, restore sight to the blind, and bring liberty and justice to all that have been hurt. The spirit of the Lord is upon you. Go forth and restore order to the chaos. Jesus: Yes! I shall! Chris: The audience applauds. The light turns back on and reveals a bedroom with a table and two chairs on it. Jesus sits in one of the two chairs as he walks- as he wakes from his visions once again. Jesus muses aloud. Jesus: Wow. So I am the Lord and God? It kinda makes sense - the clues and signs have been all around me all my life, with my unique persepective and feeling advantage. My eyes, the seer eyes, the visions, mom and dad going on about my destiny as Lord, the message of the angels, and ALL THIS? Well, my intuition's often being on point, the cosmos, the universe core, and matrix... [A hand drawn image of Jesus and Lavesh Sonichu approaching him appears on screen.] Jesus: I've lived my life unaware of all this! I pray to the Lord and God... I've been praying to myself? Ehh... What do I do now that I am aware that I am? I can only pray and ask for continued holy light guidance and have faith and know these prophecies, even the not yet written prophecies! [The drawing disappears.]
Chris: A spotlight lands at the entrance to his bedroom as a knocking sound resonates from the door. [Chris knocks on the table.] Jesus gets up to answer it, a special psychic Sonichu played by Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime surrounded by Heavenly Divine and Universe Core Matrix Light is standing there. [A hand drawn image of Lavesh Sonichu appears on screen. Lavesh Sonichu is surrounded by waves and mystical imagery.] Lavesh Sonichu: Greetings, Jesus, o Lord of Lords. I am Lavesh Sonichu, psychic special Sonichu guardian of the Sonichus and Rosechus. I am on high God level and I am here to guide you. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: Jesus looks into Lavesh's aura and soul, and links with the heavens and cosmos to confirm this. His faith is assured. Jesus: Welcome Lavesh, please, come in and talk with me. Chris: Lavesh enters and takes a seat at the table, across from Jesus. Jesus: Ehhh... I suppose it takes a God to really help another God. [Chris Chan disappears off screen and the credits roll. I think a good chunk of the credits were cut off and the names are missing from a few lines. ] Scroll TitleNarrator/Holy Ghost/ Three Wise Men: Nightstar, Joseph: Constanpole Sonichu Young Jesus/Little Drummer Boy: Young Mary Magdaline: Rasenla Virgin Mary: Crystalina Rosechu King Herod/Satan: Jamsta Sonichu Desciple Peter: Punchy Sonichu Lazerus/John the Baptist: Wild Elizabeth/Anna/Pharisee Woman: Judas: Cal Sonichu Pilate: Perceptor Barabas: Nightstar James: Inuyasha Sonichu Mary Magdalene: Rosey Rosechu Jesus Christ: Sonichu Prime Lazuras's Sister: Lolisa Rosechu "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu Part 3 coming soon [The snow sound effects continue on and the video ends.] |
Part Three
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 3 | |
Search for video | YouTube, archive |
Stardate | 24 October 2023 |
Subject Matter | ![]() ![]() |
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Saga | ![]() ![]() |
previous Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 2 |
next Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 4 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 2 [sic] of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well. [links to OfficialCWCmart] |
Transcript |
[Audio crackles can be heard as a hand drawn image of Angelica Rosechu appears on screen. Soft, old-timey piano music fades into the foreground as text appears over top.] "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu Part 3 [The music abruptly cuts out and the image changes to a stock photo of a wintery forest. Chris Chan appears on screen over top.] Chris: Before resuming the story of Angelica Rosechu's Christmas play in 2005, I'll write a bit about Lavesh Sonichu, one of the earlier Sonichus' and Rosechus' psychic type special guardians. [A hand drawn image of Lavesh Sonichu surrounded by mystical lines appears on screen.] Chris: Lavesh Sonichu heralded from a Sonichu and Rosechu village near the Ultimate Emerald Shrine. He was born in 324 B.C. and was promoted by the village's elder after connecting with a distant Ultimate Emerald as well as the heavens and the cores and matrices of the universe's timeline and the alpha mega point of all existence, and guiding and protecting many of the Sonichus and Rosechus with a divine guidance and light power. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: Lavesh had also personally met and worked with Emmanuel herself, and himself back then. There's no- Emmanuel can be one or the other, either gender or whichever, but presently, Emmanuel is woman. So there. At least, in our day here in the 2020's. Back then? Guy. Anyway, where was I? La la la la, ah! And worked with Emmanuel and the other gods and goddesses, and earned his way up to being a god as well in service and appreciation of the gods of the God of Gods and Lord. Lavesh had foreknown he would be the one to help guide Jesus Christ of Nazareth as he became into his godlihood. By the time Jesus had prayed for the direct guidance, Lavesh had made preparations to confirm the leaders and elders would keep the village of the shrine safe as well. When Jesus made his prayer and similar thoughts and wording as Sonichu Prime had spoken during the play, Lavesh had teleported from the village to where Jesus Christ was, after waking from the test and temptations in the midst- his troubled thoughts and questions amidst his transition. Also Lavesh had talked with Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime during his time, when Magi-Chan himself went back in time to visit Jesus and he met Na- and he met Lavesh prior to Jesus's first resurrection. Lavesh Sonichu had visibly teleported his body and mind and soul into the heavens and universe core to emerge into his next iteration long after that. But just to mention all this, this part, cause I'm gonna eventually talk about this, from the- from the moment this gets recorded. Chris: The ultimate emerald is the one emerald, and there are 8 master emeralds, counting the one that Knuckles has been guarding, and then of course after that there are not 7 chaos emeralds, there are 8 chaos emeralds, the orange one. Of course there are 8 chaos crystal balls as well and there's an orange one there also. And the chaos emeralds had been- had come about from the ultimate emerald itself as it was a centerpoint, and long long ago, before- sometime in the- in the BC's, I think it was like 450-something- I forget. 459 BC? I have it written down. But anyway, essentially at one point around there, the ultimate emerald became overwhelmed and shattered and all that was left of it was shards, the core of the ultimate emerald had zoomed in and up, literally within my body, literally. And this- and the chaos- and the 8 chaos emeralds [unintelligible] for now. Before then, the ultimate emerald was in the center, and the 8 master emeralds were surrounding it at that shrine, that very shrine. And also when the ultimate emerald shattered and all that, the master emeralds went into hiding as well and transitioned elsewhere. And eventually Knuckles found his master emerald, and the orange master emerald became the master Sunstone on the- under Flame the Sunbird's guidance and watch. And the other 6 were around the Earth somewhere else. [The video abruptly jump-cuts. Chris is now narrating the play.] Chris: -orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet lights beam in a line on the edge of the stage. The scenery is changed and Angelica narrates. Angelica: So Jesus found- Chris: Ahem. Take 2. Angelica: So Jesus found his own guidance from within himself with focus from his visions. He wrote what he saw, then on his next guidance he started his mistreatment locating and taking him and first disciples. The stage is lit with a ship on stage left with Inuyasha as James and Wild as John on board, talking with a male Rosechu who played Zebedee, and on stage right Punchy as Peter with two other male Sonichus who played Simon and Andrew casting a net. Jesus walked towards the center of the stage and called to Peter and his brothers. Jesus: Come with me, and I shall make you into fishermen. Chris: Peter, Simon, and Andrew were drawn by the conviction, and left their net to follow Jesus. Jesus called up to the ship. Jesus, again: Come with me, and I shall MAKE you into fishermen. Chris: James and John nodded, and cast a torn net left aside and Zebedee... To left the- they left the ship and Zebedee to follow Jesus. [Chris lightly laughs at himself, and a hand drawn image of Jesus leading the Sonichus and Rosechus off the boat appears on screen.] Chris: And then Zebedee saw this [unintelligible]. Zebedee: HEY! GET BACK HERE ON THIS BOAT! Chris: But his words fell on deaf ears. [unintelligible]. Zebedee, again: HEY! GET BACK HERE ON THIS BOAT! Chris: Jesus and his disciples walk to the center stage and Jesus preaches to the audience. [The drawing disappears.] Jesus: Follow the words and light power as you shall be guided and well and saved. Chris: The crowd of the cast gather around Jesus as he speaks. Jesus: All of you are the salt and light of the Earth. But if the salt loses it's savor, it is nothing and must be cast underfoot. And if a light loses it's glow, the path grows dark. So I tell all of you, never lose your savor. Never lose your glow. Let your light shine, so all my- so all may see your good and good works and intentions, and they will be inspired to improve on themselves, and shine brighter and healthier and longer. I do not come to destroy, but to fulfill. As all of you fulfill the lives, scribes, prophecies as well. [A hand drawn image of Jesus addressing the audience on stage appears.] Jesus: Do not be righteous by ignoring these wise words of prophets and guidance, it is to be denied entry into Neo Life and the kingdom therein. Chris: Sonichu Prime as Jesus summarizes each teaching over the course of the five minutes, then Angelica narrates as the scene is changed. Angelica: Jesus's healing ministry had spread famously everywhere as he taught and healed others as well as answered the questions of the doubtful with insight and wisdoms. Chris: And then a montage of various Sonichus and Rosechus from the cast came forward with their ailments and were healed by Jesus. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: Bubbles and Angelica gave thanks to the Lord- Bubbles as Anna gave thanks to the Lord in fulfilling the prophecies. John the Baptist behind the bars asked Jesus his questions and Jesus answers wise and true. [A hand drawn image of a possessed Sonichu and Jesus speaking appears on screen.] Chris: Those who were possessed were cleared of the demons and devils. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: There was a moment where Jesus had broken bread and fish and satisfied all who ate of his kindness and love from the morsels. [A hand drawn image of Jesus spreading his arms over a table of food appears.] Chris: The pianist played the tune of a thunderstorm, as the two on board ran to Jesus and told him to bunker down. [The drawing disappears.] Chris: But then Jesus rebuked the wind and the storm, and the two were made to see sunshine and a peaceful tune suddenly playing. Angelica narrates as all this goes on. Wild Sonichu as Lazarus and Lolisa as his sister Martha gave praise and kind words to Jesus. Lazarus was in bed sick as Martha ran to fetch Jesus. Jesus sees Nazareth and told- I mean- as- Je- Jesus sees Lazarus and tells Martha that he was sleeping, and Jesus would return to wake him out of sleep. News of Lazarus in a grave for four days gave Jesus reason to assure Martha of his resurrection. Then Jesus sees the covered Lazarus in the grave and weeps because he loved Lazarus. Then Jesus told Martha to move the stone in faith of God. Then Jesus lifted up his eyes and said: Jesus: I thank you for hearing me and hearing me always, but- [A hand drawn image of Lazarus exiting his tomb appears.] Jesus: In witness of the people I've told with faith and goodness, so they may believe you have sent me... Lazarus, come forth! [The drawing disappears.] Chris: Lazarus moans and walks through the grave's entrance and removed the cloths from his eyes. By the way, for the record Wild Sonichu's voice, he sounds similar to Luke Skywalker. Period. He does not have a country accent, despite what some may have mis-portrayed of him. LUKE. SKYWALKER. He has a voice like him. Anyway, he's like: Lazarus: Uuuunnhhh... Uhh... What has happened? Chris: Martha hugs Lazarus and thanks Jesus. Another scene, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to center stage. The lights dimmed. Jesus transformed into bright light. Sonichu Prime had used Flash to simulate that. Two psychic squadron Sonichus play Moses and Elliot teleport besides Jesus and talked with him for a moment, in Peter, James, and John's amazement. After the two teleported away, the disciples offered to build tabernacles. A spotlight shone down from Jesus, and Magi-Chan said from off stage, aloud: Magi-Chan: Jesus is my son. I am pleased with him. Hear him well. Chris: The disciples were afraid but Jesus told them, Jesus: Do not be afraid. Chris: With a touch. Another scene, Jesus enters the temple of God, with the stage laid out with vendors and tables full of merchandise that were being brought- bought, and sold. Jesus cast the vendors away from their tables and FLIPPED THEM OVER! Then he shouted loud: [A hand drawn image of Jesus flipping over a table and knocking items everywhere appears.] Jesus: It's written! This is a house of prayer, but with this, it's been made into a den of thieves! I really don't like this. Chris: The vendors collected the goods and scattered. Jesus stepped into the front and center of the stage and exiting the temple of God. Lavesh meets him there, and as they talk. [The drawing disappears.] Jesus: Lavesh! My guided friend! I have done and overdone my work as Lord and God in guidance of light power, and the Lord, my past self, and the Good Gods. Lavesh: Indeed, you have done, and do very well. All appreciate and praise you in good faith. Jesus: I am truly humbled and grateful. I truly feel good in soul and fulfilment, and seeing everyone's kind faces, and hearing their kind words, is a real blessing. But wow, I am feeling tired. It's so very tough to be Lord and God on Earth! Every time someone asks me a brain-bender of a question, the only solvance I have is connecting with the heavens and the universe core for a simple answer! Direct enough that I couldn't put it [unintelligible] myself when my brain goes numb! Eaaagghhh... Eeehhh! Lavesh: I have had to go through similar with the Sonichus and Rosechus of my village. It was overwhelming, even taking it one at a time. But over time, with deep-end breaths, and meditation with breaths, it shall become easier. Jesus: Ehhh, you're right. And that's nothing compared to what I've forseen with Judas. Good grief, I do not look forward to that day. If I knew when exactly and if I was able to avert it... Well... Is as... It is needed to be done, as the prophecy fortells. I don't agree with it, but I gotta get on with it anyway. Lavesh: Quite right. Chris: Another thing I forgot to mention, heh, where the ship is asail on the waters on the stage and Jesus walks on the water. Jesus urges his peers to come down with no doubt and with faith. Punchy as Peter steps down and slips and falls into the water. Jesus helps him back up and asks him, Jesus: Why did you not have faith, Peter? Peter: I don't know! I saw you walking on it... The water's not frozen... Chris: Peter shrugged with a puzzled look on his face and asked: [A hand drawn image of Peter and Jesus standing on water appears.] Peter: What could be wrong with my footing? [The drawing disappears, along with Chris at the same time. The credits roll across the screen, still cut off from one side. Typos included.] Narrator/Holy Ghost/Angel: Angelica Three Wise Men: Nightstar, Joseph: Constanpole Sonichu Young Jesus/Little Drummer Boy: Young Mary Magdaline: Rasenla Virgin Mary: Crystalina Rosechu King Herod/Satan: Jamsta Sonichu Desciple Peter: Punchy Sonichu Lazerus/John the Baptist: Wild Elizabeth/Anna/Pharisee Woman: Judas: Cal Sonichu Pilate: Perceptor Barabas: Nightstar James: Inuyasha Sonichu Mary Magdalene: Rosey Rosechu Jesus Christ: Sonichu Prime Lazuras's Sister: Lolisa Rosechu "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu Part 4 coming soon [The video ends.] |
Part Four
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 4 | |
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Stardate | 25 October 2023 |
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previous Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 3 |
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This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 4 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well.[links to OfficialCWCmart] |
Part Five
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 5 | |
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Stardate | 26 October 2023 |
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next Reading Chaos Crystal Control Act 4 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 5 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well.[links to OfficialCWCmart] |