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About Me

Nothing special, just another person on the net following Chris' actions. Not particularly a troll but no White Knight either. Came across Chris last year and loled. I'm so glad I am who I am after witnessing this autistic lolcow.

What I do on the CWCki

Again, nothing special. Just the odd edit here and there, spell checking, puncuation etc. Perhaps the occasional annotation, remark or link. If I ever get the time to do so, I might start transcripting (or sometimes translating when it involves Chris) audio and video documents that have not been done so.

Achievements Unlocked!

Flag of Europe Eurofag: This user is a Eurofag and insists on using unnecessary vowels.
Union Jack Britfag: Tito got no luck against this user, who is British.
Asian Asian
This user is an Asian and loves random-access humor and martial arts!!
This user is STRAIGHT. The men like dykes and china while the women like pickles & balls. Unlike Chris, they don't mind da homos.
This user is a JERK and takes away all the girls.
Observer Observer
This user is taking it Easy. They have followed Chris-Chan's movements, but hasn't contributed to the trolling efforts.
This user is in possession of a life upgrade, and treats it with the respect it deserves - unlike Chris.
BLANK Grammar Nazi
This user edits the CWCki to exterminate all typos and grammatical errors. HEIL GRAMMAR!
Janitor Quality Control Jerkop
This user is a Jerkop who ensures high quality Bavarian standards for all content on the CWCki.