Response to ADF

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Response to ADF is a video uploaded by Chris on 29 August 2011, and part of the Calling Out series. Chris replied to Ahuvia after he uploaded two videos in response to Chris's calling out of him. He starts out by saying he is heterosexual and happy as such, but he also likes lesbians because he gets along with women better.

Chris says he's ok with homosexuals getting married: "marriage should be between two happy people regardless of gender." He thinks smoking is stupid. He claims to have empathy; Ahuvia does not because Chris would go out of state if he had to and he could get a job. He believes that he can't get a job because of background checks not only showing criminal records, but showing the CWCki, Youtube videos, and Facebook which has "slanderous smut and shit" about him on it too.

His parents, being old and his father being a "forced shut-in" because of his feet swelling, also prevent him from being able to get a job. Chris claims that he doesn't stay in his house all the time, and that he gets out. Chris quotes Free Bird and incorrectly pronounces Lynyrd Skynyrd as "Lay-Nerd Sky Nerd." (It is worth noting that the only song Chris knows by this band is the one one Guitar Hero).

He's all for equality but he doesn't want to be forced into lifestyles he's not comfortable with or apart of. Chris wishes Ahuvia good luck with his sex change operation but warns him he will never be a part of femdom and ends the video with "damn homo", negating everything he's just said about being okay with homosexuals.

This video was brought to the pubic via a third party known as "CWCvilleProductions".

Response to ADF
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Stardate 29 August 2011
Subject Matter HomosHomos Homos
Performance Style SmugSmug Smug
Saga ClydeClyde Clyde Cash, TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Victory Rockout


If I whined like a virgin, would you please have sex with me?

This is my video response to... Ahuvia, who has apparently taken upon himself to, uh... record his response without wearing his face, optionally or leaving it out. So I'm just going to respond directly with my, uh- a few of my own thoughts. First off, I uh- now... I am heterosexual, I am straight, and that's just the way I am! It's not a have-to situation, I've never seen it ev- rarely seen it that way, I have at one point, but guess what, I've seen the other viewpoints, and they did not treat de ne- did not fair to me as s- so much, they gross me- they mostly gross me out. Therefore... that is what I am, and I am happy to stay that way, and I want to continue to be heterosexual. I am happy with myself there.

And I would admit that with other people, there are differences that I feel most uncomfortable about and around, such as... yes, gays... gay men anyway. [blows a raspberry] I like lesbians. Smokers, definitely the smokers. Can anybody tell me why smoking isn't stupid? I don't think so. And just most other males in gender- in general, because I get along better with women anyway. That's not really my fault, that's just part of my dang brain function with the missing links in my... brain and whatever. But that does not define me as an uncaring and cold-hearted person! I have empathy! I seek- I can see myself in other people's shoes and see how they would feel if I has- if I- with my responses into whatever situations.

And yet you may- while you may or may not have empathy as well, Ahuvia, I feel you to still be a typical non-understanding pig! I would go- I would travel outside of the state if where- or wherever if I could but, because A: I have- I'm on low funds, and I would get a job... but unfortunately, because of all the shit that's against me on the Internet... between the hate-filled webpages that y'all trolls and cyberbullies have created against me, and the past videos that I was blackmailed and deceived and just plain forced into creating, with such derogatory graphic smut and literal shit within them, it just makes it that much more difficult for me to be able to get a job. 'cuz they do the background checks, look up facebooks and look on Youtube and look everywhere! They don't just do criminal records anymore, ask anybody!

And I would travel if I could, but my parents are both old. My father is ill. He's sickly. He has feet-bloatings. And he has ailiments that doctors are unable to determine, and at this point he is certified as a forced shut-in! He cannot get out so much, 'cuz he feels so ill and sickly in his feet. And I do get out of my house, I go out here and there and everywhere, so don't tell me that I don't get out! I'm free as a bird and this bird... peep- and this bird you cannot change! Yes, I learned from Leonard Skynerd, and I like that song.

And listen- and I want you to listen here. I'm all for equality, but there is a limit! [Chris hits the camera] I do not want to be forced or intimidated into or bullied into lifestyles that I just not am of, or feel comfortable around! And this was a country where... people would not feel forced to do anything... then, whatever! And yes, marriage should be between two happy people, regardless of, uh, gender or whatever. But I'm still gonna feel most uncomfortable around homosexual dudes, regardless! And just most other males in general, hell, I probably won't even have a bachelor party 'cuz I don't know so many males, I'd probably be having a bachelor party mostly constituted with those within my congregation who I'm only aquinted with, like, one or two of. Hell, I would even appreciate having a bachelor party where I had all my Gal-Pals come and hold it for me! I'd rather have a bachelor party with... where it was... shoot, I'm trying the think of the word, um... well anyway, with m- anyway, with mostly women, 'cuz I feel more comfortable ar- around women. Platonic, that's the word I would use, the party would be platonic.

And likewise, if my bride had mostly male friends, I'd let her hang out with them platonically as well for her bride party. And you know what, I don't care wether I get a bachelor party or not, around the time I do get married. Because that's just- that's just me. And I cannot be changed. So I would- so I would say, good luck being a fake woman because you'll never be able to achieve true femdom! And you'll always be a dang homosexual male 'cuz you're born that way, you gonna to stay that way pretty much even if you're gonna- if you're gonna have your dick either chopped off or tucked in! People are still gonna look at you so ill. In the majority of this country.

Anyway, that's my response for now. Damn homo.

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