Josh Lover of men

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Josh Lover of men is a video uploaded by Chris on 20 July 2016, as part of his video request program. In this video, Chris reads out a paragraph written by a homo named Josh about how much of a crazy fucking idiot he is for paying $50 to Chris for this video. Chris was hopelessly unable to detect the sarcasm praising his exemplary life and achievements. In fact, Josh's admiration was so obviously masturbatory, it's reasonable to assume Chris would have understood it as mockery if not for his inexhaustible sense of self-importance

Josh Lover of men
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Stardate 20 July 2016
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl


And now by paid request...


[PS4 intro]

Hello 'vbody, this is Christine Chandler, and, uh, the following is from... this guy Joshua's own words, this is a paid request. And the title is right here underneath, "Josh, Lover of Men". So, yeah. [reading from iPhone] "Homosexual known as Josh has paid me $50 United States currency to make this video. He is truly a crazy fucking idiot for doing so." His words, not mine. He wanted me to tell his friend Nicole that "she is an attractive slut and that he abbire her - he admires her greatly and appreciates her filthy whore face. Happy early birthday, you magnificent piece of human garbage. You are such trash and we all love you a lot."

On a more serious note, Josh also wanned me to remind you that, hmmm, [reading] "I, Christine, am now and have always been a worthwhile human being that deserves a great amount of respect, and... all [unintelligible] and... gratitude for... over the years of creativity and effort I have poured forth, for all the genuine love and care I have trust onto you, not just for Sonichu and all related original intellectual properties, but also for the care I have put into my fanbase and all those loyal to my righteous cause. Please take a moment out of each day to think about the tremendous good I have done for you, and others, and what you could do to give back. Be the hero that you feel inside. Be the Sonichu dat's in your heart. And go fast. Go... to PayPal, and buy a personalized video just like Josh did. Much love," Josh assed... me to bid you a fond farewell, "and may lightning hedgehogs guide you to a path o' happiness".

Well, Nicole, at least he appreciates you. And, yeah, I agree with him on everything about me, so... thank you, Joshua. I don't like very much calling other people... such negative things, 'cause they're still people, after all, but... let's just leave it at that.

[PS4 outro]