Alpha Trion/"Young" warrior challenge explained

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Alpha Trion/"Young" warrior challenge explained
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Stardate 2 December 2016
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The Alpha Trion/"Young Warrior" Challenge


Now accepting Donations on my Patreon Page,[1]

Citing emgo316 Alpha Trion Review[2]

Soundwave Review[3]

Alpha Trion on[4]



[Video opens with pre-rendered ShareFactory intro]

Hello everybody, this is Christine Chandler, comin' to you live from home once again. And in this video I'm gonna clarify a few details about the challenge that I recently decided to start, the, "Alpha Trion 'Yooooooooooooooooooooooung' Warrior" challenge. As inspired by emgo316, and his running gag of, of de-, and his running gag with Alpha Trion. Aaaaanyway, so, essentially, as, apparently, it did not get fully understood in the last video, as I found a comment that asked, "How does this work?", so I'll break it down, slow as I can, in speech, okay? Alright, so, anyway, optionally, with the Alpha Trion figure, or [video cuts], optionally with his face that you can find on the Internet, to draw if you like, or take it outta the box there if ya have it, or, whatever. Anyway ya don't need a figure, but really, the, uh, challenge is, starting the video, starting off with, and you wanna do this live from your own voice. Live, recording. And ya don't wanna, you're not gonna, do not do a previous recording that just goes on and on and on and on and on and on, and no video edits; that's parta da challenge. But anyway, the joke was, as emgo put it, he said "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung Warri-or", so you wanna, so, starting off, the first thing ya do, ya say "Young Warrior" and then go loong on the "O" as long as you're, are able to, in one breath. And after that, you ta- you wanna speech the camera, some sound advice you might have thought of yourself, or heard from your parents, or your grandparents, or other relatives, or friends, yadda yadda yadda. Like, uh, definitely as I ended the last video, "Donald Trump, you really should advocate [sic[1]] the office, and allow Hillary to come in, and take Pence with you! You're not young!" Heh, that was a good joke... Alright so, start the video, ya tell everybody you're doin' the challenge, aaaand ya wanna - ya much like previous challenge ya used to him/her/who/he/she/them, whatever, and then you go, "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooung Warri-or", "[unintelliglbe] me now, and understand me, tomorrow, when da ger- when da gerbil retreats into the bunghole, the moon, shall fall into a vat of tapioca!" [gruff voice] "Hey, ya know what's weird? Megatron got that joke!" [deeper, dumber voice] "He would." [shrill voice] "What's dat supposed ta mean?!" [possibly racist voice] "Does somebody need their door opened? [unintelligible]" [slightly deep voice] "Jenny[?] come back!" [smacks lips], anyway I just did that for fun, but essentially, you do the "Young Warrior", and then announce your piece of advice. And that, is the Alpha Trion "Yooooung Warrior" challenge. And hon- in re-, in respect of, to help make awareness of and help me out, charge to my Patreon directly from PayPal, but Patreon is where it's at now. 'Cus at the very least, you can make monthly do- you can donate monthly and you get charged next month, yadda yadda yadda... [unintelligible] per month, whatever... Aaaanyway so, that is that, and now for, a similar detail, and on a more serious note, meet Hillary Clinton. [rummages through hoard] This was Trump.. and Pence. Dada da da da da.. Seriously though, Trump, Pence, Donald Trump and Pence! Advocate the office and let Hillary Clinton take it! Or else a lot of Americans, including myself, are still gonna pray for your deaths to happen before January, so ya better- so you'll, so y'all will def-, so America and you, will definitely be a lot better off having Hillary for president. So advocate the office, Trump! [Patti comes back to life in the background] Advocate the position! And maybe I'll take ya down offa that noose. [grumbling, possibly to mock Donald Trump], "You can take the [unintelligible], but unlike yourselves, are actual people taken as [unintelligible]!" Yeah well in the meantime, you're going to be hanging off the Simpson's chimney house, 'cus I couldn't getcha to do, to hang off of the haunted house. Aanyway, Trump; not my president. Hillary; our president, yaaaaayy. Wonderwomaaaaan! Thank you, and have a good day. And look forward to anudder video of fun and hilarity, unless- for a few weeks or less.