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It all started when I was surfing TVTropes one day, and came across a page for Sonichu. I thought "how bad could it get?" While the comic was lousy enough, Chris's life is better than any TV show. Sadly, that TVTropes page is gone now.

One little note: The one time I went to the Pokémon Trading Card League, it was at the Books-A-Million that Chris volunteered at. I know that Chris worked the place at the time I went, because it was before the Neo (Gold and Silver) series cards. I only remembered getting gypped out of my Zapdos in a lousy trade and then losing to a creative player that kept bending the rules, and neither involved Chris.

My project, Chris-Chan: Rock Band : User:16BitAlex/Chris-Chan Rock Band

It's sad that I don't even have anything resembling experience to put on a resume, or even a driver's license. However, I have a reason for both. I am in college on practically a full scholarship (meaning a job would be an obstacle to my study and play), and I was too young to take driver's ed the year it was offered. I am still searching for a job, though. Unfortunately, no experience, so I'm resorting to listing former teachers as references, like Chris did. So, instead of making dating education mandatory, I would make a part time job and a driver's license necessary for graduation.

Of all of Chris's sweethearts and gal-pals, I think Ivy was the prettiest, going by both the drawings of her and the photographs that were supposedly of her in "Boyfriend". I love red hair. On the flip side, JULAAAY! was by far the least attractive.

Oh, and I was the one who rediscovered the Pastebin containing the Kacey date recently. Thanks to whoever mirrored it.

Chris connections

We both:

  • are fans of Sonic, Pokémon, and Guitar Hero
  • went to Chesterfield County Public Schools
    • failed English in 10th grade only to make honor roll status upon graduation
  • have a link to Leonard Bearstein. He gave Chris his name, I had a teddy bear of him when I was younger
  • are out of shape, though I'm much less out of shape than he is.
  • hate a certain food. Him, pickles. Me, apples.

Major differences

  • Chris struggles to play Guitar Hero on Hard Guitar, ignores Bass, and probably would fail out of even Easy Vocals. (I don't know what difficulty he plays drums on). Meanwhile, I play Expert Guitar/Bass, Hard Vocals, and Hard Drums, and am quickly progressing through Expert Drums.
  • He's on PS3, and his music game of choice is Guitar Hero. I'm on Hex-Box, and I prefer Rock Band.
  • Like Liquid, I play the real guitar. Unlike Liquid, I play mostly electric.

RuleCWC: a new forum - Now Open

With the PVCC strictly the domain of the old guard and the majority of /cwc/ and ED members being morons and idiots who think "tranny hooker digging up Patti" and "JULAY!" are funny respectively, we need a new forum for those who wish to discuss Chris on a more intelligent level.

This new forum will have four main sections: The Archive, General Chris Discussion, the secret forum, "Fan" Work, and Off-Topic. It will be public, except the secret forum.

Off-Topic will be the proving grounds, to weed out Chris, EDfags, and lesser Krapplefags. If they fail, they don't become truly approved members.

For The Archive, we will need some help from a PVCC member. We will have all Chris-related data copied, post-by-post, except anything related to the current saga if releasing it would jeopardize the saga. This is so that the P (private) in PVCC still means something, as the PVCC has good stuff related to Christory, and the alternative is making the PVCC public. The forum is closed to posting, except to the admins and mods, of which one will be the PVCC member I mentioned earlier. Also, if anyone has some Krapple threads pre-crash archived, we should put that in the Archive. CWCki articles that currently cite PVCC threads will then be edited to point to the corresponding RuleCWC Archive thread.

General Chris Discussion is going to be public too, just in case some genius insight gets posted.

The "secret" forum is visible only to the approved members. Let's just say we don't want another Sydney incident.

"Fan" Work will be public, and even non-approved members can comment. It can be fan art, fan videos, covers of his songs, "tributes" to him in games, anything. Sorta like /cwc/'s /cxc/ and /kcwc/.

And here it is, thanks to Anonymax:

The Public Archive needs to have copies of old PVCC threads. By "old" I mean any completed saga.


Asian Asian
This user is an Asian and loves random-access humor and martial arts!!
Ass Burger Ass Burger
This user has Asperger's Syndrome and tries to take the Shine and Limelight away from True Autistics.
This user is STRAIGHT. The men like dykes and china while the women like pickles & balls. Unlike Chris, they don't mind da homos.
Virgin with Rage Virgin with rage
Like Chris, this user feels lonely, and is currently looking for a Boyfriend-free girl, or possibly a Girlfriend-free boy.
God God Complex
This user has a God Complex and believes that you should get on your knees now.
American Flag Americunt: This user is an Americunt and refuses to use unnecessary vowels. Uncle Sam would be proud!
Observer Observer
This user is taking it Easy. They have followed Chris-Chan's movements, but hasn't contributed to the trolling efforts.

Because of the first three, I'm the fourth. After all, why would any girl settle for an Asian man with Asperger's when they can have a neurotypical white or black man?