January 2019 videos

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This page contains Chris's videos from January 2019.

Jackson Dalton Interview

Main article: Jackson Dalton

It's snowing

Chris points the camera outside of a window in his house while filming the snow falling and singing to himself.

It's snowing
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Stardate 12 January 2019
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy ComedyComedy Comedy


Snowing, snowing, snowing is falling and we're inside at home, with eggs, for breakfast TO MAKE OMELETS WITH!

A message to everyone, and the Haters and Bullies

Main article: A message to everyone, and the Haters and Bullies


After being pushed to his wits' end by weens and trolls on Twitter, Chris expresses his rage in a short Twitter video.

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Stardate 22 January 2019
Subject Matter TrollsTrolls Trolls
Performance Style RageRage Rage
Shirt The Blue ClopperThe Blue Clopper The Blue Clopper Big RedBig Red Big Red


*breathes in*



With this video, Chris accidentally started a new Twitter meme. Not long after the video was published, people began editing the video to change Chris's scream into something else. Among the edits that have been made include ones where he screams the PlayStation 2 startup theme, the Loud Nigra sound clip, and Luigi's cry for "YHEEEEEELP!" from the Super Mario World cartoon.

Apologies to the liked Bronies and Pegasisters; PLEASE UNBLOCK ME ON TWITTER!

Main article: Apologies to the liked Bronies and Pegasisters; PLEASE UNBLOCK ME ON TWITTER!
December 2018 videos Chris's videos February 2019 videos