February 2024 livestreams

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These are livestreams filmed by Chris in February 2024, influenced by Praetor.

Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream

Chris intended for this stream to allow viewers to share various media clips with him. However, he was plagued with technical issues ranging from being unable to play the clips, to having the audio cut out on him, and after failing to get it to work for about 15 minutes, he gave up and switched to the regular Q&A format. About halfway through the stream he was finally able to get the clips to work, although the audio only played for him, not the viewers.

Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
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Stardate 4 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Past Ideas Reemerging - Part 3
Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream

Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
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Stardate 9 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media Part 1


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media

Part 1

Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media
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Stardate 17 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media Part 2

Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]

[Stream begins at 2:25]

Chris: Hey everybody, hey-zeus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime here once again. [Stammers]

Hang on. [Mouse clicks] There, I think that turned down the echo. I can tell the audio is working so I'm going to ignore those comments. [Chuckles]

Anyway, so, as you can tell from the title, we're doing something a little bit different. [Adjusts camera] Ok, technical things, I'm still figuring things out and all that.

Anyway, so as you can tell from the title, hm we got a Lego set right here, we're gonna put together, on-screen. So in a moment, I'll be switching to the uh... other camera.

Just offa' here it's gonna be uh [pats table] table right here. But just to give ya'll a little bit of preface and mentions, so, of course, we're doing the uh, media share and options. [In the business we call this foreshadowing]

Oh, I [Clicking with mouse] gotta' check a detail right quick. Alright, good speakers, make sure y'all could hear the uh... video... the videos that come into the media share as well. [Nervous breathing]

And uh, obviously there's going to be... there's likely going to be time- cuz we're going to go on for like a few hours. So like, obviously, you can click the... [Points to onscreen donation link] this link.

You'll be able to uh, [exasperated sigh] donate and make your comments. Whatever, i'll read the ones that are good. I read only the positive ones and uh... yada yada yada.

Whatever that means, just details taken care off-screen. Anyway- um. [Nervous breathing] And all the other good stuff. Considerable to the pre-considerable related to the previous times... adjusting details yada yada yada.

Ya know what um, just I'll slide this keyboard over here. That'll make things a bit easier. ['Sighs and hums a tune]

Alright, but I moved the monitor closer to me so I can still read all that. Read the comments as they come in, so anyway. Without further ado. [Switches to view of workspace]

Right, [pointing], table. [Nervously giggles]

And I've got some, some, some special guests that are gonna' roll in as well. I'll show you the Lego set in a moment. [Moving mouse around] I'm gonna put the mouse over here.

Off-, just nearly off-screen. Got my water right here. But yeah- [Mutters]

Here's a little blast from the plast[sic]. [Rolls a toy car into view] The go-kart. [In a childish voice] It's a go-kart. With a glow-in-the-part, dark, tailpipes and the classic... me mini-figure.

With the airport torso. We actually did have the airport set. I built aeroplanes way back then. [Laughs] Fun. Fun times, good stuff. [Nervous breath] I like that, just, ya know, I just feel like it worked my, little mini figure.

I liked it, [Piece breaks off the go-kart] doh! [Fixes it with nervous laughter] I like him, my little orientations. Anyway, we gonna' have some fun with that.

And of course, here's a bigger thing coming in. [Rolls a much larger toy car into frame] Woo! My big carrrrrr! [Holds car to camera] And with meeeee, [In an insane voice:] driving iiiiiiit! Yahhh!

Cause I broke the door off. [More high pitch talk:] I broke the door off. Boy, doy-oy. [Talking like a baby:] Make it a little easier to get out by popping 'dis off, now it's a convertible.

Now we be like, [Holds lego figure Christine to camera] [High pitch speaking for the toy:] 'Hi guys, welcome to my live streeeeam.' [Chris laughs at own joke] 'We're gonna build something cool today'.

And the auto-focus works good. Alright. [In an annoying voice:] Without further ado, let's close the door! Gonna' close the door. Fun. [Childish voice:] Just fun, fun times. Good times.

I got another surprise, that'll come up a little later. We'll get the car outa' the way. Iiii'm in the action. But yeah, I'll show y'all something else, uh, you know my lil Power Ranger deal back in the day. [Holds a lego knight to camera]

That was my C-197 half, so, here's that mini figure of mine that was the Power Ranger that drew- that drove that one go-kart that made the head of... the cart Megazord. [Chuckles]

Lovely little pieces going on... Alright well, I'll respond to that pay- that pay wall later, little bit later, but anyway.

There's that. We'll show you all that. Alright so, let's- so... my lovely assistant [Addressing lego figurine of himself] my lovely little, [unintelligible] you're gonna pull in the, watch. [Makes straining noises, moving something off-screen]

[Talking for the figurine:] This thing is heaaavyyyyy. [Scoots a $40 Indiana Lego set on screen using the toy]

Ta-da! Indiana Jones! [More high-pitch speaking for the toy:] Adventure tiiiime, come on grab your friends! To go to fairly distant lands with... Indiana Jones!

[Adjust headset cables] Oh, my bad, just, I knot the... it's the extension cable of my headphones, um. Yeah, knot that off, that's what that is, anyways.

Ok. But anyway, we got plenty of table space so... [Playing with lego box] Let's find where you open this thing.

[Receives a donation from "Jon Arbuckle" that says: "I love Sonichu! Can I get a shoutout? Emily"]

Ah, bottom of the box. [Chris leans in to read donation] Again, I don't do shout-outs by specific names... but you have been noted. Thank you very much.

And uh... [Laboured breathing] [Makes high pitched childish noises]

Anyway, uh, [Opens box with nails] I'll just open it up from the bottom, that'll work. [In a strange voice:] It's like opening a present, at Christmas. Yay!

I watched them go recently build that Polaroid camera which I, really liked that, that was fun. Anyway, we're gonna, bring in a little Indiana Joooones. And, uh... get it out the way.

We're not just jonesin... [Laughs loudly at own joke] There you go. You got your one... Anyway, let's see. Number of bags... I like... got my own little... thing- I don't organise the pieces... I just pick them out as I need.

So, obviously you do have them numbered, you got the four bag. That's the one bag, that's the two bag. Alright, there's a three bag. We'll stack the bags on top in order, so that's two, three, four going down.

Ok, we got... we've got some... decals. I like decals, they're good. Alrighty! So... We got a couple of... plates to work with for starters. Let's uh... [In an annoying voice:] open up the baggyyyyy.

And we're gonna have some pieces to fun. [Catches breath] And we got the bigger pieces right there. We're gonna- oop- hm. [Talking for the toy again:] Put me right there.

Put smaller pieces... just outa the way. Just outa' the way. One bag and the other. But yes, as I- just- like I said earlier, the comments and the paid comments and the... media share, they're in here, you are encouraged.

Up, okay, the link [Points to the donation link] is up there, and of course, the Etsy store is stocked. Alright. So let's uh, open up the [With a Spanish accent:] instrucciones.

[Extremely loud and high pitched:] Ayeeeee, que instruccioneeeeessss. [Laughs proudly]

Alright, lets have a look here. Ooh... ok so we don't get Indy just yet, but we get like a... the... the guy there. Um... I've only like uh... watched some of Indian Jones, but I am quite aware of Indiana Jones.

Just to give you that little... nori... description there. Obviously, we got a little mini figure here of the... kind individual. [Repeats in high pitch] Kind invdividual.

Oh! His name is... oh... Salah. Alright, good. I was right... uh... like from Arabia, Hindi, I don't really know. And I do apologise, I do not mean to offend anyone. But I appreciate all cultures very much, [Quietly] I do.

[Mumbles while struggling to assemble] Anyway, we got the head piece. Fit down there. [In a happy tone:] Ah! Hi, guy. hm. [Talking for Salah:] Hello. Do a little fist-bump. Boop. [Fist bumps Christine toy]

Friendly fist-bump between nations. Boop. Yay. [Again but in high pitch] Yay!

[Breathes heavily on mic]

Friendly, friendly fist bump.

Oh yeah, I liked Lego, and I'm gonna mention- yes I like Lego movie, I've seen both Lego movies with Emmet. I've also seen the Lego Batman movie... and the Lego Ninjago movie. Was there another one? Oh yeah- um.

[Thinks for a few seconds] I think that was it.

But anyway, so obviously, as you know, all know, I'm a fan of- Le- all- alot of things Lego. Oop, don't wanna hurt our new little friend here.

[A donation from "Dark Mammoth" comes in asking: "Favorite Sailor Scout?"]

Oh! [Chris leans in to read the donation]

Favourite Sailor scout... I like Ami, Sailor- which is Sailor Mercury. And uh... Michiru who is uh... Sailor Neptune. Haruka which uh... I like her too.

[A donation from "Galileo Potato" comes in asking: "Will you invite Mega Man to Cwcville one day?"]

[Chris leans in to read] [Chuckles nervously at the question] Oh! Oh he do- he uh- he came- he comes in from time to time. Alright just [Sounds audibly concerned] alright I think we got a detail here.

Oh... um, something wrong here speaking-

[A second donation from "Galileo Potato" asking: "Would Mega Man and Sonichu be friends or enemies?"] Hm?

Friends, because they are heroes... ok? Ah, I think we got to ditch outa here because I'm not hearing... the... I'm not hearing the... ba-bing. Hang on a second. [Aggrivated mouse clicks]

What's going on with the speakers here? Oh don' tell me... hm speakers U... SB audio should be... why are they not... coming in? Ah, don't tell me. [Exasperated sigh] Dang nabit.

We... [Laboured breathing] I do not want to have to end the stream because I wanna' make sure y'all are able to hear the audio... try something here. [Speaking what he is doing:] Switch headphones...

Alright then, switch back to... USB... speakers. [Mutters for a few seconds]

Okay, speakers... USB audio. I should hear a noise! [Accidentally drags camera screen across stream]

Just then, oops! [Corrects stream] I shoulda' heard a noise just then. Okay, we got a situation here... um...

I'm sory guys, but just um, I'm gonna pause right here, there'll be a part two for this stream, coming up shortly. Let me just check on the... on the other... pay ones that came in. I don't see any...

Alright, I apologies[sic], guys. [Switches stream view back to Chris front and centre]

I'll be back in a- in a minute or two I just gotta restart this app really quick.

[Screen changes to "Stream Coming Soon" page]

[Stream ends at 13:12]

Part 2

"I have not watched any hentai whatsoever in YEEEEARS!"

Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media
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Stardate 17 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


  • 09:08: Receives donation from "alfredwoden" saying: "I want to come enjoy your streams but chat is really negative. Just mentioning again if you need moderation, get with me on Discord (same name) or maybe I email you?"' Chris: [Celebrates fixing donation audio] There we go! We solved it. Yeah, [Addressing donation] I know! That's why I nuked the comments on the uh, videos I upload. [Chuckles] So dumb. [Trademark sigh]
  • 10:35: Recieves donation from "Total_Nick-Ker_Deth" saying: JULAYYYYYY Chris: [Scoffs and hisses at the camera with a Lego snake]
  • 11:17: Recieves donation from "KnexIsBetter" saying: ""F" is for Finnish! "F" is for Flutter! What a coincidence!" Chris: [Trademark Hm] If it is such a case, it might be, but it's not, so therefore {Singing:] everyone can sing and dance for Christmas.
  • 21:11: Receives donation from "KoolKid" saying: "Would you ever make the Bible again but like for autistic people? Would Sonichu or the other OCs be involved? Chris: Well, the Bible is in progress. It will be written by... other individuals, which I, I did inspire individual pieces here and there from within my 'God's Law' pages. [...] But you don't need to be putting Sonichus or Rosechus into it.
  • 25:18: Receives donation from "Rhodesians_Never_Die" saying: "You are not a woman, Chris. You are not God, you're just a man with Asperger's. You will always be Ian Brandon Anderson." Chris: [Ignores it and continues to hum; "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel.]
  • 28:12: Receives donation from "KK" saying: "What would you say to the people that think you're a cult leader or will start a cult?" Chris: Hm. Oh. Ok, well um, there are good cults and there are bad cults. And the bad cults are the ones that do the sacrifice and the blood and all that. [Makes grossed out sound] And the good po- good cults actually promote goodness, light, power and righteous[sic] and in fact religions [Points to camera] literally... the good ones, they start out as... cult followings. Based on the scriptures, based on the predictions, based on the prophecies... so... you meditate on that.
  • 30:14: Receives donation from "Total_Tr00n_Deth" saying: "How do you feel knowing Liquid Chris is a doctor, while you're just sitting at home in your dirty crapped briefs pretending to be a woman?" Chris: I'm not pretending to be a woman... my panties are CLEAN. And Liquid Chris is not a doctor. In fact he's just trapped in his own stupor and mentality and arrogance and everything... bad. So. I feel sorry for him. He's disappointing.
  • 31:02: Receives donation from "TheRemedy" saying: "Considering that you're career is now being a streamer now. And that You're making money from donations now. No more tugboat tax payer money Chris!"][sic] Chris: [Signature hm] Eh, [In a childish tone:] you don't know anything. You don't know anything.
  • 31:18: Receives a donation of ₱125 (Philippine Pesos), (roughly $2.23 as of 18th Feb 2024). Chris: Hm. Yes. Thankyou for that, that's nice. [In a bad accent] Lovely British Pounds. That's a bit of tea.
  • 35:39: Receives first media share donation. Video is titled: "My Little Pony - Friendship is Gic: What a Story Mark Crusaders." Sent by user "sweetiebell" In the video, two ponies check in on a pony called "sweetiebell" Sweetiebell: "We are the cutie Mark [N-Word]s". [Chris laughs]
  • 36:38: Chris admits to having two phones. Chris: [Singing in a strange voice:] I got two phones, one for the trolls and one for my homes. I got two phones. [Shows a silver cell phone]
  • 39:28: Receives donation from "Samster86" saying: "Hi loving the stream here is a family friendly joke what's another name for a Jewish discount? A hollow cost haha" Chris: [Laughs unconvincingly] Ok. That's a decent pun.
  • 41:17: Receives media share of a video titled: "G**ks of hazard" (The title was not censored). [Chris laughs uproariously] Oh I called it, it wasn't the Dukes of hazard, but still, that was pretty good.
  • 45:03: Receives another donation from: "Total_Tr00n_Deth" saying: "How does it feel to have a 35 degree bent duck?" Chris: Well, I tell you what, how does it feel to have a short one?
  • 53:08: Recevies a donation from "Chris_Belongs_In_Prisos" saying: "Is Borb [[1]] a squirter?" [Chris completely ignores this]
  • 54:07: Receives a media share of a few seconds of the song "Skin O' My Teeth" by Megadeth. The Youtube video now lists this song as having been a part of the stream Chris: Okay, you know what, that sounds like a song from Shadow the Hedgehog despite it not being from Crush 40. Really good band, by the way, I really like Crush40.
  • 1:04:38: Receives a donation from "Snorlax_Squirts_Hard" saying: "How many times did you crap your briefs today, Chris?" Chris: NONE. ZERO TIMES.
  • 1:14:21: There is a visible superchat that says: "what's flutter like irl?" This never makes it onto the screen, proving her name is filtered or his donations are moderated
  • 1:22:01: Receives a donation from "ICameforCWC" saying: "Hey Chris Chan, I purchased a medallion a month ago only to find that you are now offering Certificates of Authenticity. Can I purchase one separately to go with my medallion? Chris thinks about this for some time. Chris: So on these medallions, that were personally crafted by me, they don't necessar- they do NOT... really need the certificates of authenticity, it's just that it became by popular demand so we started adding them... so. [...] So, tell you what, hm... [...] alright so, I tell you what, so, anybody that has purchased a medallion that was officially from me personally... one of the ones... um... as opposed to the other ones that are less expensive... that I have personally approved and authorised and everything and I do get the money and proceeds from that... if you uh send us a DM in the Etsy store, only if you have purchased one, in the past, we will confirm this within the order detail... then we will see about sending you a complimentary certificate of authenticity to go with the medallion.
  • 1:24:57: Recevies a donation from "Total_Tr00n_Deth" saying: "Where's Kimmi?" Chris: That balloons been popped... A LOOOOONG time ago. There's no , there's nothing like that around here either, so therefor... [Makes mocking sound]
  • 1:27:58: Receives a donation from "Dnoot" saying: "Did you hear about Geno's Sonichu series he is doing? And if you did, what are your thoughts?" Chris: Umm... It is not authorised, it is not canon, therefore, I do not need to worry about it. And I only have to read about it because... essentially that's one alternate universe, one alternate thing, just [Blow raspberry] Eh. I can just take it or leave it. Very much like a certain other individual, who lives somewhere else, who put his own address all over the place. Pretty much lost his onions a few times. Yeah, that was just awful. [Who is Chris talking about here?] And then of course there is the guy who was behind Asperchu. You don't... do... you don't do fanfictions or stories where you've got a lot of gore, and all that in there and then just, uh, lack of continuity throughout the series and all that. [Proceeds to scold the creator of Asperchu like a child]
  • 1:31:37: Receives a media share of an old video where Chris says "Gaaaay" under duress. [[2]] Chris: And that was back from when I was... homophobic which that is no longer the case since I came out and realised myself. It is ok to be Gay, it is ok to be lesbian, it is ok to be bisexual, polyamorous and whatnot, cause you are identifying as yourself. LGBTQ even queer is good, I, A... plus. Everything, it's all good. As long as you are happy and content with yourself and everything. I never really could identify very good being... within the, [Clears throat] maaaale identity. [Chris does not see the irony that he mumbles "Male Identity" the way he used to mumble, "Gaaaay"]
  • 1:50:47: Recevies a donation from "kakyoinzbich" saying: "Will you ever resume your love quest?" Chris: Oh, I don't need to! I'm married to Magichan, Cryzel, Sylvana and Mewtwo. You see these four rings? [Shows his many finger rings]
  • 2:00:31: Receives a donation from "J" saying: "Have you watched any good hentai recently or recommend any artists?" Chris laughs angrily. Chris: You know what, I am switching to the other camera to answer this question! [Camera switches to show Chris front and centre] [He removes his glasses and raises a stern hand] [Speaking as though for an official record:] I have not watched any hentai anime... what-so-ever in YEEEEEARS. So I can't really answer your question about recommendations, at all, ok?
  • 2:21:50: Chris changes to streaming his Nintendo Switch. He plays the Mario Vs Donkey Kong demo and then Tetris until the stream ends at 2:42:55.