Irish Tito got no luck against this user, who will kick his ass with a shillelagh! Níl aon ádh ag Tito leis an úsáideoir seo, cé a chicfidh a thóin le mo shail éille!
White This user is white and finds Chris's race relations embarrassing.
Weeaboo This user is a weeaboo and is devastated by Chris's taste in animu. この人はおたくだので、アニメはクリスーちゃんに好かれたのは我慢しなさい。 Because this person is geek, anime was not liked by Sudie Endure chestnut.
Observer This user is taking it Easy. They have followed Chris-Chan's movements, but hasn't contributed to the trolling efforts.
Armchair Psychologist This user analyzes Chris's psyche WAAAY too much and should just accept that Chris is insane.
Kitty This user thinks Kitty is the best Chandler cat! :3