Combatants CChanSonichuCWC | Ian Brandon Anderson
The Battle: SingStar Challenge
Videos from the Impostor: Captain's Log, Stardate July 22nd, 2009 | Do Not Dis C Ville | I Am The TRUE, Original Christopher Christian Weston Chandler; No Ifs, Ands or Buts | Captain's Log, Stardate July 29th, 2009 | Christian Weston Chandler - It Took Me Weeks to Perfect that Goatee, but it WILL Grow Back | Captain's Log, Stardate August 3rd, 2009 | CWC - Exposing Jeff | CWC - Hand Drawn Original | CHRIS!!! CHANDLER!!! | CCWC's Final Warning to the Second CWC | LOOK at the truth! | CWC Public Disclaimer | The Contest NEVER was to Determine Who was Who
Allies of Chris: Jimmy Hill | Kacey