User:Xentrilus/The Incredible Lioness

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The Incredible Lioness is, quite simply, Rosechu's final form (which Chris has attempted to categorize as a Pokemon evolution). In a horrifying display, she tears off all her clothes and becomes batshit insane, threatening to maul and even face-rape any man in close range. She is absolutely not a ripoff of The Incredible Hulk.

Chris created her in an attempt to demonstrate his support for women's rights.

Sonichu 8

In the climax of Episode 17: Rage Against The Garbage, Rosechu and Sonichu travel to Floor 66+6 of 4-cent_garbage to confront Jason Kendrick Howell about the ED page. Their main concern is the troll fan art of Rosechu with a duck, which Sonichu innocently interprets as a simple misunderstanding. Jason outright refuses to take down the ED page, and throws Sonichu into a wall. But this is not what triggers Rosechu's transformation, oh no. As the pair leave, having failed in their quest, Jason has the audacity to throw a pickle at Rosechu.

It strikes her, dead-center, on the back of the head. She picks it up and crushes it in a fist, as her mind fills with thoughts of violence and bizarrely ominous feminist diatribes, glorifying the creative power of the ovary. In spite of this supposed respect for the female form, Rosechu goes on to strip completely naked, exposing her breasts and vagina. (This is meant to be a children's comic, people.) At this point, she becomes The Incredible Lioness.

The Lioness leaps at Jason with murder in her red eyes. In what may be the most hideously explicit violence in Sonichu ever, she wraps her legs around his head, so that her vagina is pressed against his face. Then she tears a rip across his scalp, and bites down. In moments, Jason is near death (although dark forces keep him alive). As Rosechu reverts to standard form, she is close to fainting.


Episode 17 in its entirety was Chris's backlash against the trolls and ED. Sonichu and Rosechu's motive for meeting Jason was the large amount of fan art and photoshops produced by trolls of Rosechu with a penis. While it is possible (as evidenced by Rosechu's thoughts prior to the transformation) that Chris viewed these images as sacrilege against the holy God-given power of the female sex organs, it's more likely that he hated them because he hates penises in general.

Chris's warped view of womanhood combined with his mild sex obsession led him to believe that the answer to the troll art was to create more erotic images featuring Rosechu as a sex object. This carried on over to The Incredible Lioness, where Chris assumed that the rawest expression of femaleness was total nudity, as opposed to anything meaningful relating to character and instinct. As a result, Chris's attempt to portray himself as a feminist utterly failed, and in fact had the reverse effect, shedding more light on his real feelings towards women.

The Specifics

The only way to even try to calm her down to revert back to her normal self is to make amends with deepest apologies, heavy flattery...
Chris, exposing TIL as the superficial woman she really is.

Chris goes into some detail about the Lioness on CWCipedia here, wasting a good third of the paragraph on what she does if she loses her clothes.

Supposedly, her special ability is "Rough Skin", which makes the scene of Jason's face-raping all the more horrendous.

It should be noted that for some unfathomable reason, only the TRUE and ORIGINAL Rosechu can evolve into the Lioness or Vamprosa. Additionally, Chris details a way in which Rosechu can evolve into the Lioness permanently, although he states that this is only possible in the Pokemon video game.

See also