Ride or Die

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"Ride or Die" is a fictional Michael Jackson song written by Chris in response to a Discord request for a "1214 Michael Jackson song".


In the midst of his delusions about being possessed by an alternate version of himself from another dimension, Chris explained that from where he comes from, the world is mostly the same, with one key difference being that Michael Jackson lived long enough to make two more albums before dying of an overdose, similarly to how he died in real life. Jackson's mental state while writing his last two albums was one that reflected acknowledgment that he was getting old and at risk of dying, and a desire to remain young in the face of old age. One wonders if Chris was subconsciously drawing from his own insecurities when he came up with the poem.


Chris provided a sample of the lyrics to "Ride or Die" with his eighth Discord interview as a means of proof that he wasn't just our Chris LARPing as an alternate universe version of himself:

I'm gettin' older, I don't lie.

I do not feel the age. I've got my wisdom, my faith; I'm a sage.

Life is a stage, we play our parts, but in my life I stay young at heart.

I've been up, down and around. I'm not from this part of town.

I've come from the hood of child, their youthful antics are from the wild.

It is a miracle to keep that mood, when getting older's got you brood.

I'm living my life in this later age, I am a bit of a sage, but my youth keeps me wild and alive.

Gotta stay young, because it's all Ride or Die.

Aside from the song's title, the lyrics don't have Chris's signature random capitalization. However, the lyrics are inconsistent between using contractions and listing out more formal words, and the poem seems to lack Jackson's type of lyrical structure in places.