February 2024 livestreams

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These are livestreams filmed by Chris in February 2024, influenced by Praetor.

Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream

Chris intended for this stream to allow viewers to share various media clips with him. However, he was plagued with technical issues ranging from being unable to play the clips, to having the audio cut out on him, and after failing to get it to work for about 15 minutes, he gave up and switched to the regular Q&A format. About halfway through the stream he was finally able to get the clips to work, although the audio only played for him, not the viewers.

Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 4 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Past Ideas Reemerging - Part 3
Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


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Raw captions

Text from YouTube's captions
hey everybody he is CHR team Western Channel sence you prime here and yeah obviously today as it says

in the tile we're going to go for uh media we're g to we're testing out the new media share option and as I

mentioned in Twitter we're going to look get some videos from Mr Gibby himself oh I had a moment ago in particular we're

going to start from the uh video here we go okay good all right anyway so

essentially we're starting off from where in one of Gibby's videos of which uh I'm aare I'm quite

aware of he has watched my videos darn if only I could see that in real time oh

well now obviously doing desktop share so I'm not sharing so I'm not seeing that so easily so there may be a delay

but that's why I have my phone right here it's watching my live it's I'm got my live stream viewing from here as well

anyway ah so so initial response I'm going to uh let's see if I can find it yeah

right here this particular image this piece from my J from my jail art right

here and now oh I forgot about the camera I forgot about the camera um oh

hang on a second I'm all right just testing testing hello

ah like oh darn it I need the camera just dog gone all right so there's your

little Boer real moment alleviate that okay okay here we go I'm my bad and I

probably should have the uh audio on turn my headph for my

headphones minut ah all might yeah

something oh well we have these moments I should thought got this shortening up

beforehand oh well there oh

darn chat history okay wa okay I know I missed a detailed there

so put all right anyway okay oh it's POS here we go all

right I think we can hear that okay good anyway so I want to comment a bit on regards to this piece for

starters and uh hang on you know what let me just backt track a bit see if I can

find D

nabit I got do this I gotta find the history where is the paid Super Chat the

details did live stream start they did the

details spam spam spam okay okay W just all this is stuff

now here's a little behind the scenes mod just because I'm trying to catch up with comments right now H not best timing whatsoever but oh

well blooper moments what you got do all right well uh slight delay

technical diffic ulties we'll just leave it that definitely a reason for me have second screen at this point

anyway all right let's get back on point I'm going to watch for uh the comments

on my phone here keep an eye on it so let's talk about this video and want listen the Gibby introduce it for for us

here uh he mispronounced say FIS Romana

rosu or V for short the psychic Squadron has a lot of psychic types and not just

limited to psychic side and Ro shoes which were regular side and roastes but upgrade with the psychic plate as they

we also have guardar alasam and other types of various psychic Pokemon other psychics in there


okay SPO

yep oh okay

oh I just love the way he laughs response to yeah that's Goku oh but that

just essentially that's not a girl that supports Ukraine that's a girl that's a Ukraine Refugee escaped from the war

between between Russia and Ukraine she's an escape be and Lisa Simpson adopted

her cuz she lost her parents unfortunately but still that was a nice thing

anyway still not perfect I'm missing out on the details look grief you know what I

probably need a where's how did I get

that what am I doing on this phone ah here we go live stream oh now why not to

it this sooner just oh okay I got this one thank yes

you're welcome for uh the streaming yeah thank you if I can find the more recent

super chats in the chat history I'm looking my phone

here filter top messages up oh D na I'm missing

one ah good grief I got that at least I got that one

maybe that was the one I just comment out okay well there you go we got one I apologize for any for all the comments

I've missed so far obviously we're missing a detail it's like ah well this got really mess

up the media share option

um okay what what did you say one good

grief man history where's the history on this thing WN win

wnk d ising that one I acknowledge that one

that just came by good grief okay this could be more perfect H

I'm going to just get this one okay well that's possibly yeah well

we'll see about that this a dumb thing all

right it's a work in progress all right trying for Media Share I'm keeping my

eyes open here second moniter would be great oh

good grief I mean y'all me I know yall able to see this okay

just second monitor just delay because it's on my phone good grief anyway yeah I didn't

want to clear that up just where

oh wait wait this FY

son oh talk oh

yeah oh man okay I managed to get okay

well what do you expect when you're in jail and you had to work for memory I mean I had to do Goku for

memory I missed this one take a look at

the all right well I

mean maybe I just get a little warning next time just how am I supposed to see the videos on here

when when what that uh

yeah partly Cannon bavers whatever just details so for

oh that finally caught up I just got guess gotta catch up with the timing my phone here

multitasking multitasking groovy groovy

groovy anyway any what do you expect when you're drawing from memory not the best deal maybe I should

have done like a gaming stream on this that would been an easier time I really wanted to do this where I

commented on Gibby at one point or another at least on this one

yeah yeah halfway so you know what um me pause it right

here I'll come right back maybe I will switch it to a gaming stream just that might be easier than I can actually see the videos y'all suggest uh so just give

me a moment um oh which one was this oh yeah I will be right


all right get my switch on gear right

now oh let me HDMI is in

um you charging cable I knew I was forgetting something I knew I was

forgetting something


okay maybe that's got it um come on work with me here work with

me work with me work with me get on the

screen good grief

okay that was fun well well at least got we got one we got one so far that was a

good start for this video that was actually fun let me just camera down a little bit

okay well that was fun little start um I guess for

now Rosie in the background that do for her now cuz I'm having technical difficulties we get my switch on the

screen I should started that okay well let me think let me

think um okay all right was still that was a good F that was a good first video

that was not bad all right so I guess at this point we can let's keep keep the comments and the suggested videos

rolling I'll take them as is well I mean at least you know except for the NSFW

ones they're not being included whatsoever anyway of course all the comments Inc

coming this one I think it be popping up shortly

if oh oh okay that I think that might been the early

one like I me shoot stream history

um stream let me see if I can do something

here regards to finding the

history of

uh doing thing doing thing yeah

okay so right I just check that um really that's all you have right

there hello one okay yes um well thank you for

that thank you okay it looks like that's not going to work right all

right all right all right anyway so I guess we'll just make this a general stream at this

point anyway so I'm doing okay everybody I'm takeing y'all are doing

good too okay I'm just making as a note with the white the light reflecting off the

uh board behind me and the table maybe it's not a good idea I have that up in the background of my my streams I'll keep that in mind for future

reference making still too much background noise in the way here along

side the room than NAIT H the map monitor got

rotated random thing random neus

oops oh well oh don't we all have a little fun few pmps in the road there

all right anyway we waiting for the another video

um yeah doing okay doing good um I'm just let's see I could just talk about

recent uh um well

yeah we yeah lots of stress and details recently but yeah we are going to get G4

resumed period regardless of situation and I'm not exposing myself to anything

of the uh that was shall not be taught about details [Music]

whatsoever speak of the literal demon itself within

that anyway what was

I but yeah we're got to get that g we're g to get G4 and equestri Girls

friendship magic resumed period I'm seeing that personally is going to be manifested along with everything else

regards the dimension merge completion everything wonder if I should get my

GL I know time I you don't know why I look like with my glasses on it's spite the new

frames I really I really need to get these swapped out cuz like I really liked the wire frames underneath so much

better I just haven't been able to uh since I got since I got moved in I'm

still working on that I well I will mention this I got this while I was over at Western State there you go that's

where I was for a few month for a couple of months that's where I was and then

was back in jail I suppose that's okay talk about a little bit hey

yeah anyway good times I I end up making some uh friends

and deta and whatnot and just I remember some of them but nobody will be

mentioned oh okay I'll definitely wait for this one to come up and uh just of course I will comment on that this

lovely little comment the Super Chat just a moment

anyway that thing's really distracting excuse me for just one

moment there problem

so all right anyway

um um

ah okay that wasn't the one I was talking about earlier but thank you

yep Lev one in the all right any let me think let me

think what was I talking about I was talking about what all right anyway so I

suppose I will mention this much so uh yeah there you go I was what you what

one might be call a mental health care facility or what others might be called a mental ins here we go yes I do

remember American rabbit still my first favorite superhero my hero character of

all time before Sonic the Hedgehog before Sonic came to my consciousness of

course I remember the American rap of course I remember Robert um

now I have not missed give to it he's in the background wherever he's living and

my and I have not watch any of the videos featuring that thing so yeah

anyway anyway what was I talking about yeah anyway so yeah I was there so that's

where I was for two of the months no no names will be mentioned but essentially I with the flow I prove myself mentally

and everything although I will yeah that

place just the only one real bad thing I will mention they strap you to a chair if you're really at bad if you really

were like possessed or really outright just do anything they bad they will do that which I have not done anything of

the sort I was blessed to not have to suffer any of that I mean but just an empathy I mean

can you imagine this having your restrain of your legs restrain of your just restrain that's no

good that's no good that's not even a good thing to have in any facility of

the sort whatsoever um oh yeah of course I do

remember you copper you're doing okay I saw anyway anyway thank you very much for

that um I'll take that into consideration but right now we're just going with the flow of the other details and

events NOP you know what the one that is the Ian that would be Barbara and Weston

Chandler because she had the IB a Weston license plate that's where that stupid

thing came from there is no such there is no Ian there never ever was the they only one that came about this is because

all of you made that up oh and thank you very much thank you very very

much beside from that that one little reaction there keeping it calm keeping it cool everybody is

blessed well that was a little thing I saw that during the

moment okay but that was a little video there you go Slide the chair sit down

yeah I've seen the comment is like Kyle and of course that makes me take a

okay don't K Kitty you bastards

yeah yeah any all right let's recent events so

yeah there's all that just wow let's talk about this for a moment the M the planets all the planets are not in

retrograde for a few months so I mean that's a good thing for those that are

looking to be spiritually healed and everything making further progress getting out of the slums getting out of

the H bad vibes and whatever as long as they know what their attentions

are pardon me


anyway yeah anyway uh I'm bet just weird off

track oh I mean that's what you get I mean when one it when one is really good

it pyic Powers genuinely authentic and all that

just you're very sensitive to things oh boy we got a few Super Chat

comments coming in I am looking forward to spawning oh oh

positive affirmations meditations maybe cut the habits of those bad things I mean you take the first step in

acknowledging that they were bad for you maybe go like a supportive support

group to help you get out of that habit but anyway you are blessed and you

will be blessed as long as you keep on the light power path and help and help yourself in the recovery

anyway oh actually you know what I answer the qu I'll answer this one question it's not super chat but I just

saw it in the side stream here but yeah I support Israel Palestines they they

have more demons and Devils within them they have lots more doubt within them as opposed to Israel so there you

go huh I don't know what you're talking about all my Snorlax have been kept in

their pokeballs within the Pokemon home storage and within my games and whatsoever at least the all the numbers

of boxes I have on the c197 half of the earth

otherwise yeah I would be able watch I would watch that but obviously if I put that on right now I would not be able to

see the super see the super chats or the videos coming in I do not know who this

is I do not know who that is well I mean if you want me to watch that video you feel it's like mentioned

it's the tip link just uh copy the link to that video and pop it in there I'll

watch at least a little bit of it in a way

yes yes they do

anyway be

think [Music]

oh you know I will mention this kind of a Oddball random thing but kind of a

metaphysical thing but hey so you're at a con so you're at a convention you got some fan art for one of your f for one

of your favorite individuals there

oh there were bad things for you which you did not need anymore there's going to be better things for you down the

road if they if they were removed from your life it's just things that were not going to be meant for you working out

for you long term so count the blessings along the way and find more blessings that would be coming your

way not long from now anyway so I had some f so like you

know hey so I got like fan art so it's like want to give it to some of my favorite people while I was there were

at a convention years ago and I managed to give them off to to a few uh you know

here and there especially like in the vendor Halls so like this one individual I had this lovely little uh s lovely

little unicorn piece of whatsoever which it had them and their unicorn I see

within right beside them hi hi guy all so it's like so okay I thought I

believe I recognized him in the vendor Hall I had the picture in my I had the drawing in my hands I was going to give it to him but it's like I could hardly

tell couldn't confirm it was him or not because I could see his name name tag I mean shoot for all I know the

[Music] individual ah on the way yes I was a normal

individual as it were but hey nobody I mean what's normal these days and all the way back down in Jerusalem

literally but anyway but a certainly service level normal but the within all

the powers that were coming out to be then and so forth I mean there's details

in the Bible that maybe

ohos so the Bible takes one things one way in regards to my life back then but takes things another way but they were

interpreted by it in those respective books it's just from their perspective as opposed to my perspective directly I

mean you don't see you know I mean there's the Book of John and book book of uh Matthew and so on and so forth

that those are read from their perspectives I said from my own personal perspective way back then I mean you

don't see like you know Book of Jesus within the Bible for one thing but still holy

oh ah well I mean okay so normally I would be open for energy drinks but um

Prime's okay good I have showered last

night I showered last night and I'm gonna shower again

tonight anyway what's up oh yeah so I could so

back to the thing I was talking about a moment ago some me just an empathy uh so I was like trying to recognize the guy I

wanted to give him the drawing at the same time was like okay so maybe if he was Maybe Might been a little paranoid

maybe just like oh this person looking at me I feel very Comfort

uncomfortable okay maybe maybe on that I mean of course anyway yeah I feel very

uncomfortable I don't know why they look they looking at me more than he like thank you you know

it's mentally emotionally everything yeah I like the three stoes

they're fun I got of them I'm

mortified yeah

anyway I de memory so far

oh uh um yeah I would consider that NSFW so I

so that's my response to that question so anyway just just where my B Miss

interpreted me in that in the in the moment just obviously that was from their perspective and they had misunderstand they didn't know I had a

drawing to offer them so they might just uh had the wrong impression about me at the moment but hey I what do you expect

you don't know the already you don't know they didn't know I was autistic at that point and they might have been in their their they got their own mental

problems I mean who doesn't have a mental problem these days I mean what's normal these days period I mean who's a

normal individual nobody is neurotypical oh yeah I have watched the

entirety of Sci Prime really good you could be donating and putting

the link into the tip jar so they can watch at least a few seconds of that that's the point of this media

share and I am not responding to that whatsoever I'm not even looking at this

because you're the fake and I'm the real

deal um you know what that's a good question

because considering what happened at the anime rally I'm thinking that yeah might

be taking a Frank from conventions for quite a long time

so y okay thank you just I wish I could actually watch the video in here I mean

that's what we're doing with the tip jar we man get that one video that two videos so far why can't you just put the link in there and

and pay for a few seconds oh yeah okay that's that's not great I

mean if you want you want me to watch the video right here right now this pop up in the cor corner here along with

that Matthew John I Consciousness I can't remember

them all at the same time I'm only focused on what I need to know in a moment H but it's like I mean you go

from one you go from one incarnation to a you're not going to remember every single detail as you were in your past

sh hello hi thank you oh

yeah I gladly accept that I mean my PO boot address is in my Twitter can say it

there something that's positive safe safe for work

good my brain's going on the blank of the word at the moment there compassionate you know

kind you know something that you would want for yourself you know just you know it's good positive

thing I mean just you know just obviously it's bad you mean you know I

don't I mean you know I don't like

if why you me a Peppers PE Peppers pepp

Peppers PE peppers that's

why ah happy birthday happy birthday guy thank you thank


anyway oh okay well I will answer that question in a moment the Super Chat that just

came up and then also I will go ahead and say this though so say a quickfi it's one

city and then it's the rest of the world that's not so it's not just the one city

it's the rest it's also the rest of the world that's far vast I mean literally the city of quickfield is almost half

the size of New York City and I literally check this out so

it's like uh just about somewhere between 700 and 1,000 square miles it's that

big it's that big and plus Z so you got that big

city and then you got the rest of the world the rest of the entire

Earth um we're gonna that's uh not the present moment but we may end up

bringing that back up as soon as possible um that just I I'm going to say this

right now so I have a Discord I still do but I don't use it as much

there I said I don't use Discord that much cuz I got a lot of other things going on in my life I got all the things

and thinks and metaphysical and details I'm psychically iny sensitive all right so here we go I'm answering that

question so Mega Man does not live in the city of quickfi but he is somewhere else where he is on that Earth on the

Earth planet okay cuz quickfi is one city of all the all the the infinite

number of cities and countries and all that same mer oh look at

the what where where is wa what BL

blop where's the widget on this thing

oh oh good grief I'm not having that on here right

now where is yeah where is the link thing where is

that ah good grief you know what me try one the other backgrounds might be over

there grief yeah John and Nick I saw them I

saw that a little while ago I said hi them thank


was it on here was it on there okay gra uh widgets widgets ah good

grief hang on go now I gotta find this thing to Media Share

widget adding widgets

okay there and ah there you

go oh

Dutch so exaggerating the features reminds me of the SpongeBob

anime sheesh okay tentacles h

i okay that was silly uh um did that did that actually come up now I got to look

on the phone okay there now I'm seeing it skippity t

whatever okay good that worked okay well good at least I'm

getting me get that over here screen down I

Tex that source

ah ah good gri all right well Le I'm getting stream

don't attention attention deficit disorder

duh any there we go now we got that

it's like if you got have it on one one these things M I'll have it on all these

backgrounds all right there you go There's the link just what they did answer the

question anyway oh

um yeah fin night pH so details so I am quite quite that just the point click

jump scare type of thing and it's just it doesn't Vibe with

me very well so maybe maybe not that's just depending on the vibe and

everything but I am aware and I've seen the actually the uh animated video which

uh put in their perspective from what they saw I believe it's somewhere on YouTube I don't remember exactly what it

is but I have seen that


pardon me better out than in pardon

me there we go that helps a little bit I'm a little wored too get a load of

this get the load of this

pardon me yeah anyway just going to put some more water

from the plasy bile in my glass bottle so that a water could

be charged the MFS that's in there and Bess it say me a trip to the

bath to the kitchen sink filtered water I have a water filtration system on my kitchen sink so I do get filtered

water and i r reuse repeat recycle Reduce Reuse

and all that pardon

me okay anyway um you know what I'll

mention this so I have watched the has Hotel series um I've watched the pilot years ago I thought it was good i' also

watched Hill the boss I thought that was good you know what there's definitely going to be a crossover between

oh okay okay first do of

gum uh meet the view

count well I don't know too much about that right now just I mean all I know is just

you copy and paste the link you pay for the number of seconds for the videos video till I watch it just yeah I

mean like I feel like you can use common sense in that

one you know what here's your signi reference oh pretty good not bad I gotta get

out ah thank you very much [Music]

yeah okay humorous username you got there

guy and yes I was being sarcastic I said that we just did this didn't we I did he

Nick oh wait that was a different Nick okay by anyway hello there you go there's your shout out and as I'll

repeat again I don't typically do shout outs because you know for got these

question questionable individuals mentioned I don't consciously know who what they are are so like they think

it's all that all anyway uh let's start so hus been

hotel I have not watched that I have not watched that I have not watched that don't know consciously what that is

anyway yeah of course I like Charlie and uh and vaggie that's a really good

they're a really good couple I'd like that I like that vaggie was an angel

I can't you just copy and paste your link to the URL thing when the dipping

jar under that straight to the

tap if I was too loud videos you well

buy the car I want to say use common sense um

if you can afford that car now great otherwise I suggest you wait a little

while [Music] longer maybe get some help on that obviously you can if you got if you got

the credit you can take out a loan for the

car paron me what am I

doing yeah I like

baggie like you know best of wars and I love to spoiler the one individual from

the has Hotel Lally went up to heaven in the last episode one million

times how did you you okay that was a good one that was

good okay thank you for that okay um

okay that song's going to get stuck in my head now I've actually heard that song

before okay that was good upside downside

yeah well essentially we're filtering out the NSFW videos as well so if you're putting in the video for the that has

some NSFW or questionable content in it and it's not getting through well because that's

why okay that was a thing that was a thing

at least we know it is working and I'll consider that mildly

this FW but I'll let it slide it's all

good yeah oh a dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick

dick here got there your Nick shout out that's enough Nicks

and and that's enough shouting

outy thank you oh thank you there you go that was

simple was a that was a good

one toat H you know

what okay I'll give you this one it's just like you know yeah the one time it's un ref

[Music] reference over there oh please who who hasn't thought

about sending in word from time time anyway thank you thank you so much Ethan there you go I mean I think it's okay if

I just read the username and as long as it's a safe for work

username anyway

goodness um all right my brain went blank I'm

thinking think about what about next I know something's GNA come up

shortly something come up shortly

well this came up I kind of feel like this is a repeat of an earlier thing I

mean what you know what I can to try to answer that question so what's a song that often randomly gets stuck in my

head because you know I'm B about that b Canon b new channel I'm about the B Cy B

no CH about don't


okay puppy okay okay that was okay that was fun and also remind me from just

from that one little bit from Star ver it was so nice we had to see it

twice anyway driver put this bus over right now and get me m can't traffic I

love the voice of that guy the voice that bus driver I mean whoever voiced him I love that

voice not going to be a over I get out this

traffic very good voice I love that voice so fun

anyway all right another be com out

shortly anyway oh you know what go back to that don't show somebody that you

don't even know in this music it don't matter in this business it don't matter if your music's fast or

slow and by the way you know I just put that out there no

whacking but anyway I heard your story I just I appreciate your back I appreciate

your background what you've been through that's very very harsh I'm not going to go into spoiler I'm not going to talk

about detail ocal gima's

good I'm not going to say anything right now but just you're a good man noing you're a

good man although I will ask this if just if you respond any point whatsoever that'd

be great otherwise I won't worry about it but would you actually consider voicing DJ Pon Tre again I have a

feeling in my intuition that despite the Deep tone you my put

up but yeah I just in my intuition despite the deep voice you can always pick up your F your chit and F in the

nose so that you can still get the old DJ part 3 that is good you did the DJ part 3 the

best I feel like even do it better than I think it was the Lost n rare that did it it on that Magpie Pony ass Pony video

I mean just just so much better anyway that's a good song to get stuck

in your head it's not a good one sonic boom sonic boom sonic boom TR keep

running faster sonic boom sonic boom sonic boom save the planet from disaster

favorite song of all [Music]

time money Sarah star theme I may not

remember I may not speak Japanese but hey at least it's decent


okay I things my mind just just past few days and everything the

meditation t

massive damage on that guy little five

Flames all right cool

you know I also mention this as well hey everybody has drama whether you whether

you block me on Twitter or not drama's just going to follow you period

everybody I told you I'm taking a break from conventions I'm not going to be any

more conventions for a long long long time

period anyway I was I say earlier and enable this stop on OBS it's not

enabled I mean so okay

well okay well make a not of that enable desktop

audio my Powers is not to be used for personal game


I'd say put your money on the

minor put your money on the miners the minor I just talked about

that a little while ago but oh yeah overall opinion just I feel like it was pretty good I love the

music and I love the uh song from between Angel and

uh my brain it's not right I'd remembering on all the names and everything but yeah the guy with a

really good voice you know the popular voice actor and all that but yeah the guy that was the Bender yeah I like that

song that was a really good song

anywayyy I love you the minor

49er good to be a minor in the old 49ers

you are



and let's just I said minor as in uh I was making the pun in reference that old

classic song and talk about the minor the minor 49er like you know I'm working

the salt and the mines with the picka and

I love Fraser and Home



hey I can appreciate that he's got a good taste I like

Frasier I don't think this one's loading properly

um okay what's wrong with you why aren you playing apparently you got something

in you but you're not showing us show the eyes at home what the video

is well that'll clear out shortly enough or maybe another video

popping can you hear me now can you hear me now can you hear me now can you hear

me now because I can hear myself now and I'm seeing the yellow cling up when I

talk into the microphone right there

there all right so [Music]

there random random all right so something $20 $2 two

two B two bucks


Sing a Song Sing [Music]

yellow anyway yeah so yeah I'm a fan of classic songs I like to I mean I by Mr C

you know he raised me on music so how can I how can I not love classic Sons I love all music

genres and the one that said being just a heavy metal and the one exception for that would be Death Clock Thunder horse

AR that just like you [Music]

know I mean maybe I mean sure RX sk's got the chops for

it I did that just just to make the reference to MCG greto I like that anime that was really good that was really

cute and fun okay how much longer is this thing

me up here I'm just going to put it partly off screen so I'm not totally

distracted by it all right give we get another one

here give we get another one can buy something else

anyway [Music]

okay yes I did just sing the yellow rosea Texas I just answered that question a

little while ago and a part it does actually along with other events that shall be

confirmed later on this year and as you all will see ready to be in the news or ready to be in person one way or another

I'm going to find you and you will not take any pictures cuz I'll smash your

camera anyway let's get let Dr po oh

okay that finally disappeared good I can put that back on screen

oh okay this is a random turd okay that was a that that was that

thing silly silly stupid thing silly silly stupid

thing poor Spike having have to belch out

those Scrolls from time to time that was a real gas the bility to just ended

coming out like that goodness oh goodness

me okay ski ski skippity skippity skippity stupid silly thing all right

fine it's just a head in a to to go s whatever

ear rap aside which might do apologize for

that me yeah I need to brush my hair

oh wait oh yeah think I

again did I I forgot I think I might have pinned something oh

yeah Justin is the winner and there's your hint for your


dinner you know what I like coron and

OU just leave it at that they good streamers they're good [Music]

vtubers H but they do good do really good stuff I appreciate them they're good

individuals anyway uh what was I doing all right checking my profile oh yeah I have the

uh that might that may or might not be confirmed but don't necessarily have

to but that's whole another thing oh uh yeah sorry because I had the shout out

pin to the top oh H you know what I can remedy that real quick that poot situation and I'm

just checking my phone here

here yes I have disciples and Bowes and all the

others put that TW up when I put that up six days ago

okay to Temporary for I try January L

night like gu I PE Bots okay so I put that up oh here it

is okay November 20th guy or


try hard try hard but don't buy L

anyway that is the microphone it's right here that's to my mouth how can you not hear me loud enough and that's I'm

actually shout it to you

anyway anyway so what if I talk a little loud I talk a little low I give you a

thing and then we're on the go and I'm trying to get this fit out

copy uh no I don't know what that's about I

don't know I don't know I don't consciously know about that I know

something but I don't know about

that can you hear me now minute I try can you hear me now is

this thing working I'm trying the other microphone h i you I know you can hear

me through this can you can hear me through this marker please part to the

floor why the sh mic the the sh mic's not working working here this is the only mic that works it's the only microphone we have if you can't hear me

now that you've got problems with your phone maybe turn the volume up on your end I don't

know yeah okay um I never met everybody

in my high GR in my high school class year fit okay so I just got the put the

mic's right here I'm getting the input audio input capture sure it's going to

be through this thing you hear me through this thing okay either I'm being either I'm

get justest it on or anyway I know some of y'all can hear I know y'all can hear me I answer the

questions you know what it's been about an hour we got a

few good videos in all

right [Music] um I'm mening this one Advance just uh

no lson will not win I'm getting the uh other super chats

out of the way here and we know just yeah fits the microphone we're going to work we'll

work on this I me shoot desktop audio and all that anyway H let me just take

care of this really


why you making me sound like coach mcgurk or

just darn it my brain I mean okay so

John Benjamin why you making me sound like John Ben making me sound like John Benjamin anyway there you go I just uh

fit that by I just copied the PO Bots back onto the video back onto the

Twitter so that's not the latest tweet there all right so I'm very much going

to end the Tweet right here from in the chat right here by now but thank you all for coming this is this is a good

experiment we'll have more video more video more streams featuring this and uh grayy we'll have things more perfect by

then thank you all again have a blessed safe night peace love and peace love and

peace love and


Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream

Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
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Stardate 9 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Very First Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media Part 1


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media

Part 1

Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 17 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream
Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media Part 2

Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]

[Stream begins at 2:25]

Chris: Hey everybody, hey-zeus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime here once again. [Stammers]

Hang on. [Mouse clicks] There, I think that turned down the echo. I can tell the audio is working so I'm going to ignore those comments. [Chuckles]

Anyway, so, as you can tell from the title, we're doing something a little bit different. [Adjusts camera] Ok, technical things, I'm still figuring things out and all that.

Anyway, so as you can tell from the title, hm we got a Lego set right here, we're gonna put together, on-screen. So in a moment, I'll be switching to the uh... other camera.

Just offa' here it's gonna be uh [pats table] table right here. But just to give ya'll a little bit of preface and mentions, so, of course, we're doing the uh, media share and options. [In the business we call this foreshadowing]

Oh, I [Clicking with mouse] gotta' check a detail right quick. Alright, good speakers, make sure y'all could hear the uh... video... the videos that come into the media share as well. [Nervous breathing]

And uh, obviously there's going to be... there's likely going to be time- cuz we're going to go on for like a few hours. So like, obviously, you can click the... [Points to onscreen donation link] this link.

You'll be able to uh, [exasperated sigh] donate and make your comments. Whatever, i'll read the ones that are good. I read only the positive ones and uh... yada yada yada.

Whatever that means, just details taken care off-screen. Anyway- um. [Nervous breathing] And all the other good stuff. Considerable to the pre-considerable related to the previous times... adjusting details yada yada yada.

Ya know what um, just I'll slide this keyboard over here. That'll make things a bit easier. ['Sighs and hums a tune]

Alright, but I moved the monitor closer to me so I can still read all that. Read the comments as they come in, so anyway. Without further ado. [Switches to view of workspace]

Right, [pointing], table. [Nervously giggles]

And I've got some, some, some special guests that are gonna' roll in as well. I'll show you the Lego set in a moment. [Moving mouse around] I'm gonna put the mouse over here.

Off-, just nearly off-screen. Got my water right here. But yeah- [Mutters]

Here's a little blast from the plast[sic]. [Rolls a toy car into view] The go-kart. [In a childish voice] It's a go-kart. With a glow-in-the-part, dark, tailpipes and the classic... me mini-figure.

With the airport torso. We actually did have the airport set. I built aeroplanes way back then. [Laughs] Fun. Fun times, good stuff. [Nervous breath] I like that, just, ya know, I just feel like it worked my, little mini figure.

I liked it, [Piece breaks off the go-kart] doh! [Fixes it with nervous laughter] I like him, my little orientations. Anyway, we gonna' have some fun with that.

And of course, here's a bigger thing coming in. [Rolls a much larger toy car into frame] Woo! My big carrrrrr! [Holds car to camera] And with meeeee, [In an insane voice:] driving iiiiiiit! Yahhh!

Cause I broke the door off. [More high pitch talk:] I broke the door off. Boy, doy-oy. [Talking like a baby:] Make it a little easier to get out by popping 'dis off, now it's a convertible.

Now we be like, [Holds lego figure Christine to camera] [High pitch speaking for the toy:] 'Hi guys, welcome to my live streeeeam.' [Chris laughs at own joke] 'We're gonna build something cool today'.

And the auto-focus works good. Alright. [In an annoying voice:] Without further ado, let's close the door! Gonna' close the door. Fun. [Childish voice:] Just fun, fun times. Good times.

I got another surprise, that'll come up a little later. We'll get the car outa' the way. Iiii'm in the action. But yeah, I'll show y'all something else, uh, you know my lil Power Ranger deal back in the day. [Holds a lego knight to camera]

That was my C-197 half, so, here's that mini figure of mine that was the Power Ranger that drew- that drove that one go-kart that made the head of... the cart Megazord. [Chuckles]

Lovely little pieces going on... Alright well, I'll respond to that pay- that pay wall later, little bit later, but anyway.

There's that. We'll show you all that. Alright so, let's- so... my lovely assistant [Addressing lego figurine of himself] my lovely little, [unintelligible] you're gonna pull in the, watch. [Makes straining noises, moving something off-screen]

[Talking for the figurine:] This thing is heaaavyyyyy. [Scoots a $40 Indiana Lego set on screen using the toy]

Ta-da! Indiana Jones! [More high-pitch speaking for the toy:] Adventure tiiiime, come on grab your friends! To go to fairly distant lands with... Indiana Jones!

[Adjust headset cables] Oh, my bad, just, I knot the... it's the extension cable of my headphones, um. Yeah, knot that off, that's what that is, anyways.

Ok. But anyway, we got plenty of table space so... [Playing with lego box] Let's find where you open this thing.

[Receives a donation from "Jon Arbuckle" that says: "I love Sonichu! Can I get a shoutout? Emily"]

Ah, bottom of the box. [Chris leans in to read donation] Again, I don't do shout-outs by specific names... but you have been noted. Thank you very much.

And uh... [Laboured breathing] [Makes high pitched childish noises]

Anyway, uh, [Opens box with nails] I'll just open it up from the bottom, that'll work. [In a strange voice:] It's like opening a present, at Christmas. Yay!

I watched them go recently build that Polaroid camera which I, really liked that, that was fun. Anyway, we're gonna, bring in a little Indiana Joooones. And, uh... get it out the way.

We're not just jonesin... [Laughs loudly at own joke] There you go. You got your one... Anyway, let's see. Number of bags... I like... got my own little... thing- I don't organise the pieces... I just pick them out as I need.

So, obviously you do have them numbered, you got the four bag. That's the one bag, that's the two bag. Alright, there's a three bag. We'll stack the bags on top in order, so that's two, three, four going down.

Ok, we got... we've got some... decals. I like decals, they're good. Alrighty! So... We got a couple of... plates to work with for starters. Let's uh... [In an annoying voice:] open up the baggyyyyy.

And we're gonna have some pieces to fun. [Catches breath] And we got the bigger pieces right there. We're gonna- oop- hm. [Talking for the toy again:] Put me right there.

Put smaller pieces... just outa the way. Just outa' the way. One bag and the other. But yes, as I- just- like I said earlier, the comments and the paid comments and the... media share, they're in here, you are encouraged.

Up, okay, the link [Points to the donation link] is up there, and of course, the Etsy store is stocked. Alright. So let's uh, open up the [With a Spanish accent:] instrucciones.

[Extremely loud and high pitched:] Ayeeeee, que instruccioneeeeessss. [Laughs proudly]

Alright, lets have a look here. Ooh... ok so we don't get Indy just yet, but we get like a... the... the guy there. Um... I've only like uh... watched some of Indian Jones, but I am quite aware of Indiana Jones.

Just to give you that little... nori... description there. Obviously, we got a little mini figure here of the... kind individual. [Repeats in high pitch] Kind invdividual.

Oh! His name is... oh... Salah. Alright, good. I was right... uh... like from Arabia, Hindi, I don't really know. And I do apologise, I do not mean to offend anyone. But I appreciate all cultures very much, [Quietly] I do.

[Mumbles while struggling to assemble] Anyway, we got the head piece. Fit down there. [In a happy tone:] Ah! Hi, guy. hm. [Talking for Salah:] Hello. Do a little fist-bump. Boop. [Fist bumps Christine toy]

Friendly fist-bump between nations. Boop. Yay. [Again but in high pitch] Yay!

[Breathes heavily on mic]

Friendly, friendly fist bump.

Oh yeah, I liked Lego, and I'm gonna mention- yes I like Lego movie, I've seen both Lego movies with Emmet. I've also seen the Lego Batman movie... and the Lego Ninjago movie. Was there another one? Oh yeah- um.

[Thinks for a few seconds] I think that was it.

But anyway, so obviously, as you know, all know, I'm a fan of- Le- all- alot of things Lego. Oop, don't wanna hurt our new little friend here.

[A donation from "Dark Mammoth" comes in asking: "Favorite Sailor Scout?"]

Oh! [Chris leans in to read the donation]

Favourite Sailor scout... I like Ami, Sailor- which is Sailor Mercury. And uh... Michiru who is uh... Sailor Neptune. Haruka which uh... I like her too.

[A donation from "Galileo Potato" comes in asking: "Will you invite Mega Man to Cwcville one day?"]

[Chris leans in to read] [Chuckles nervously at the question] Oh! Oh he do- he uh- he came- he comes in from time to time. Alright just [Sounds audibly concerned] alright I think we got a detail here.

Oh... um, something wrong here speaking-

[A second donation from "Galileo Potato" asking: "Would Mega Man and Sonichu be friends or enemies?"] Hm?

Friends, because they are heroes... ok? Ah, I think we got to ditch outa here because I'm not hearing... the... I'm not hearing the... ba-bing. Hang on a second. [Aggrivated mouse clicks]

What's going on with the speakers here? Oh don' tell me... hm speakers U... SB audio should be... why are they not... coming in? Ah, don't tell me. [Exasperated sigh] Dang nabit.

We... [Laboured breathing] I do not want to have to end the stream because I wanna' make sure y'all are able to hear the audio... try something here. [Speaking what he is doing:] Switch headphones...

Alright then, switch back to... USB... speakers. [Mutters for a few seconds]

Okay, speakers... USB audio. I should hear a noise! [Accidentally drags camera screen across stream]

Just then, oops! [Corrects stream] I shoulda' heard a noise just then. Okay, we got a situation here... um...

I'm sory guys, but just um, I'm gonna pause right here, there'll be a part two for this stream, coming up shortly. Let me just check on the... on the other... pay ones that came in. I don't see any...

Alright, I apologies[sic], guys. [Switches stream view back to Chris front and centre]

I'll be back in a- in a minute or two I just gotta restart this app really quick.

[Screen changes to "Stream Coming Soon" page]

[Stream ends at 13:12]

Part 2

"I have not watched any hentai whatsoever in YEEEEARS!"

Christ Chan Live Stream: Legos, Games and Media
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 17 February 2024
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


  • 09:08: Receives donation from "alfredwoden" saying: "I want to come enjoy your streams but chat is really negative. Just mentioning again if you need moderation, get with me on Discord (same name) or maybe I email you?"' Chris: [Celebrates fixing donation audio] There we go! We solved it. Yeah, [Addressing donation] I know! That's why I nuked the comments on the uh, videos I upload. [Chuckles] So dumb. [Trademark sigh]
  • 10:35: Recieves donation from "Total_Nick-Ker_Deth" saying: JULAYYYYYY Chris: [Scoffs and hisses at the camera with a Lego snake]
  • 11:17: Recieves donation from "KnexIsBetter" saying: ""F" is for Finnish! "F" is for Flutter! What a coincidence!" Chris: [Trademark Hm] If it is such a case, it might be, but it's not, so therefore {Singing:] everyone can sing and dance for Christmas.
  • 21:11: Receives donation from "KoolKid" saying: "Would you ever make the Bible again but like for autistic people? Would Sonichu or the other OCs be involved? Chris: Well, the Bible is in progress. It will be written by... other individuals, which I, I did inspire individual pieces here and there from within my 'God's Law' pages. [...] But you don't need to be putting Sonichus or Rosechus into it.
  • 25:18: Receives donation from "Rhodesians_Never_Die" saying: "You are not a woman, Chris. You are not God, you're just a man with Asperger's. You will always be Ian Brandon Anderson." Chris: [Ignores it and continues to hum; "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel.]
  • 28:12: Receives donation from "KK" saying: "What would you say to the people that think you're a cult leader or will start a cult?" Chris: Hm. Oh. Ok, well um, there are good cults and there are bad cults. And the bad cults are the ones that do the sacrifice and the blood and all that. [Makes grossed out sound] And the good po- good cults actually promote goodness, light, power and righteous[sic] and in fact religions [Points to camera] literally... the good ones, they start out as... cult followings. Based on the scriptures, based on the predictions, based on the prophecies... so... you meditate on that.
  • 30:14: Receives donation from "Total_Tr00n_Deth" saying: "How do you feel knowing Liquid Chris is a doctor, while you're just sitting at home in your dirty crapped briefs pretending to be a woman?" Chris: I'm not pretending to be a woman... my panties are CLEAN. And Liquid Chris is not a doctor. In fact he's just trapped in his own stupor and mentality and arrogance and everything... bad. So. I feel sorry for him. He's disappointing.
  • 31:02: Receives donation from "TheRemedy" saying: "Considering that you're career is now being a streamer now. And that You're making money from donations now. No more tugboat tax payer money Chris!"][sic] Chris: [Signature hm] Eh, [In a childish tone:] you don't know anything. You don't know anything.
  • 31:18: Receives a donation of ₱125 (Philippine Pesos), (roughly $2.23 as of 18th Feb 2024). Chris: Hm. Yes. Thankyou for that, that's nice. [In a bad accent] Lovely British Pounds. That's a bit of tea.
  • 35:39: Receives first media share donation. Video is titled: "My Little Pony - Friendship is Gic: What a Story Mark Crusaders." Sent by user "sweetiebell" In the video, two ponies check in on a pony called "sweetiebell" Sweetiebell: "We are the cutie Mark [N-Word]s". [Chris laughs]
  • 36:38: Chris admits to having two phones. Chris: [Singing in a strange voice:] I got two phones, one for the trolls and one for my homes. I got two phones. [Shows a silver cell phone]
  • 39:28: Receives donation from "Samster86" saying: "Hi loving the stream here is a family friendly joke what's another name for a Jewish discount? A hollow cost haha" Chris: [Laughs unconvincingly] Ok. That's a decent pun.
  • 41:17: Receives media share of a video titled: "G**ks of hazard" (The title was not censored). [Chris laughs uproariously] Oh I called it, it wasn't the Dukes of hazard, but still, that was pretty good.
  • 45:03: Receives another donation from: "Total_Tr00n_Deth" saying: "How does it feel to have a 35 degree bent duck?" Chris: Well, I tell you what, how does it feel to have a short one?
  • 53:08: Recevies a donation from "Chris_Belongs_In_Prisos" saying: "Is Borb [[1]] a squirter?" [Chris completely ignores this]
  • 54:07: Receives a media share of a few seconds of the song "Skin O' My Teeth" by Megadeth. The Youtube video now lists this song as having been a part of the stream Chris: Okay, you know what, that sounds like a song from Shadow the Hedgehog despite it not being from Crush 40. Really good band, by the way, I really like Crush40.
  • 1:04:38: Receives a donation from "Snorlax_Squirts_Hard" saying: "How many times did you crap your briefs today, Chris?" Chris: NONE. ZERO TIMES.
  • 1:14:21: There is a visible superchat that says: "what's flutter like irl?" This never makes it onto the screen, proving her name is filtered or his donations are moderated
  • 1:22:01: Receives a donation from "ICameforCWC" saying: "Hey Chris Chan, I purchased a medallion a month ago only to find that you are now offering Certificates of Authenticity. Can I purchase one separately to go with my medallion? Chris thinks about this for some time. Chris: So on these medallions, that were personally crafted by me, they don't necessar- they do NOT... really need the certificates of authenticity, it's just that it became by popular demand so we started adding them... so. [...] So, tell you what, hm... [...] alright so, I tell you what, so, anybody that has purchased a medallion that was officially from me personally... one of the ones... um... as opposed to the other ones that are less expensive... that I have personally approved and authorised and everything and I do get the money and proceeds from that... if you uh send us a DM in the Etsy store, only if you have purchased one, in the past, we will confirm this within the order detail... then we will see about sending you a complimentary certificate of authenticity to go with the medallion.
  • 1:24:57: Recevies a donation from "Total_Tr00n_Deth" saying: "Where's Kimmi?" Chris: That balloons been popped... A LOOOOONG time ago. There's no , there's nothing like that around here either, so therefor... [Makes mocking sound]
  • 1:27:58: Receives a donation from "Dnoot" saying: "Did you hear about Geno's Sonichu series he is doing? And if you did, what are your thoughts?" Chris: Umm... It is not authorised, it is not canon, therefore, I do not need to worry about it. And I only have to read about it because... essentially that's one alternate universe, one alternate thing, just [Blow raspberry] Eh. I can just take it or leave it. Very much like a certain other individual, who lives somewhere else, who put his own address all over the place. Pretty much lost his onions a few times. Yeah, that was just awful. [Who is Chris talking about here?] And then of course there is the guy who was behind Asperchu. You don't... do... you don't do fanfictions or stories where you've got a lot of gore, and all that in there and then just, uh, lack of continuity throughout the series and all that. [Proceeds to scold the creator of Asperchu like a child]
  • 1:31:37: Receives a media share of an old video where Chris says "Gaaaay" under duress. [[2]] Chris: And that was back from when I was... homophobic which that is no longer the case since I came out and realised myself. It is ok to be Gay, it is ok to be lesbian, it is ok to be bisexual, polyamorous and whatnot, cause you are identifying as yourself. LGBTQ even queer is good, I, A... plus. Everything, it's all good. As long as you are happy and content with yourself and everything. I never really could identify very good being... within the, [Clears throat] maaaale identity. [Chris does not see the irony that he mumbles "Male Identity" the way he used to mumble, "Gaaaay"]
  • 1:50:47: Recevies a donation from "kakyoinzbich" saying: "Will you ever resume your love quest?" Chris: Oh, I don't need to! I'm married to Magichan, Cryzel, Sylvana and Mewtwo. You see these four rings? [Shows his many finger rings]
  • 2:00:31: Receives a donation from "J" saying: "Have you watched any good hentai recently or recommend any artists?" Chris laughs angrily. Chris: You know what, I am switching to the other camera to answer this question! [Camera switches to show Chris front and centre] [He removes his glasses and raises a stern hand] [Speaking as though for an official record:] I have not watched any hentai anime... what-so-ever in YEEEEEARS. So I can't really answer your question about recommendations, at all, ok?
  • 2:21:50: Chris changes to streaming his Nintendo Switch. He plays the Mario Vs Donkey Kong demo and then Tetris until the stream ends at 2:42:55.