User:Dodo Conservative

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I'm Gianluca. I'm an autistic adult and Chris inspired me of how not to be.

Ass Burger Ass Burger
This user has Asperger's Syndrome and tries to take the Shine and Limelight away from True Autistics.
Union Jack Britfag: Tito got no luck against this user, who is British.
Homo Homo
This user is a homosexual and likes pickles. Magi-Chan is watching you masturbate.
This user is a JERK and takes away all the girls.
Star of David Jew
This user is a JEW! Unlike Chris, the
CWCki likes Jewish people.
Mazel tov!
PS2logo.png PS2
This user owns one of the many PS2 systems that isn't covered in Pixelblocks and Legos.
This user is in possession of a life upgrade, and treats it with the respect it deserves - unlike Chris.
Chris Acting Black White
This user is white and finds Chris's race relations embarrassing.