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This page covers miscellaneous chats from [[Naught]] in the [[Official CWCki Server]] during his [[2020 Discord leaks]].
This page covers miscellaneous chats from [[Naught]] in the [[Official CWCki Server]] during his [[2020 Discord leaks]].

Revision as of 16:39, 21 July 2023

This page covers miscellaneous chats from Naught in the Official CWCki Server during his 2020 Discord leaks.

April 2020

Content Naught discussed which occurred in April 2020.

Fail Troll:

Fail troll 1.jpg

Failure extraordinaire superbolyX pleads his case:

Superbrolyx failing.jpg

Origins of the doa cwc site started on Twitter by the usual unsavoury individuals:

Doa cwc site.jpg

Ween sends Chris dildo

9 August (leaked 10 August 2020)

The package.

Firstly, here's the shipping label from the envelope that the pink dildo came in yesterday.

Someone sent that to him by the way

Chris Chan VS. The Internet

(Leaked 10 August 2020)


Draft Interview hard drive.jpg

Here's the drive Joseph Draft had the cwc documentary on

Stress got to him

YouTubers were trying to monetize it

Megan didn't want it released

Joseph Draft interviewed CWC Barbara and the original Megan once it blew up on kiwi Farms that do to Joseph's friend putting up the kickstarter link everything went awry keep in mind cows still active at this time

Naught added, on Kiwi Farms:

As mentioned no one threatened to dox him. he sperged destroyed the footage only to later claim his account and his mom's was hacked only to realize he couldn't Cobble his documentary on the evil trolls back together.[1]
megan said "cut me out" until it turned to nothing plus the paranoia and his failed white knighting.[2]

Back of Nightvee Warriors


Ariel Sonni

Ariel Sonni part of the eschal righteous4cwc Carrie Krueger failed interdimensional white knights crew


Chris worries for SNT

11 August 2020

December 19th Chris worries for SNT

Naught then leaked an out-of-context portion of Chris's remarks from The Place chats - ProjectSNT and Opuscon789:

I concur. I don’t want to personally come off as annoying, either. Although, I wonder how the Bad Trolls have been messaging her lately?


Jacob threatens to kill barb Again

Pictures below

Jacob Threatens Barb.png


Dimensional Barrier Shatter Spell

10 August 2020

July 14th Chris rewrites corrupted spells

[Naught uploads Dimensional Barrier Shatter Spell images]


Inviting Chris to Official CWCki Server

10 August 2020

@Sonichu982 henlo

In response to a server member asking, "Is that him":


In response to other users reacting to Chris being invited:

Did you think I was joking when I said I was inviting him?

Later, Naught said:

Calm down the only reason CWC is here is because I invited him (edited)

Chris chats leaks


3 October 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Regardless, her mind has to be as clear and calm as possible, so meditation and deep breathing is best, and she, both soul and body, have become more diligent in that. Also, I looked into and bought some potassium supplements, I have some CALM supplement mixture for water or tea, and when needed the melatonin helps invoke sleep for the night.

And her body is constantly numb in feeling, as it needs to be in order to be better sensitive to the events and everything. When Christine gets the feeling, it is in linking to a relative and crucial event in either C-197, 1218, or both simultaneously, and even more so in the Dimension Merge events that still continue. My body will be back to full visibility here in 1218 very soon; she and I do not switch back until after that fact.

When asked about what cwc has been taking they reply:
She is not deficient in magnesium.
She was prescribed Paxil at about seven years old for Anxiety.
She stopped taking it when switched to paroxetine at the adult age, and then after Barbara read of its newly-found side effects, switched to fluoxetine.
That is why we are exploring these blood-pressure-stabilizing and calming methods.
Do note, please; my body has become very much used to dimension-traversing, the hard way, but for Christine’s body, this is its First Time doing so. It is versatile and durable, but still has accustoming to make within itself.
Oh, how I wish the first time from this “Reality” Dimension into C-197 was instantaneous, rather than slow.
To me, I literally don’t get that luxury, because I am needed in situations that others can’t do without me there. It took My psychic skills to help get into the mind of and tame a Bugbear in Equestria; it needed a new home, and we called for the good changelings to help make a home for it. I helped foiled Eggman in a way only I could do. AND I had to take out Dark IdeaGuy as he and Shadow Elijah were terrorizing New Comma, and the CPUs of Gamindustri weren’t enough to take out the shadowy giant. THAT I what I ended up doing late this morning/early this afternoon while Awake. I had to crash back to sleep for a couple of hours; SLEEPING IN AGAIN. And I get force-projected even while the body sleeps and rests for such great calls and answering prayers.
When told "even Batman gets a day off."


Hell. I even was forced-projected into Equestria on Sunday Morning, and right in front of Celestía and Twilight, in my Alicorn form, I freaking fainted and had to rest in Celestia’s bed for a few hours then.
It’s like a card game and your card is played and you are immediately summoned onto the field.

And the player is set to attack with you, and you already had a really rough day. And this player keeps playing game after game after game. It is Real Battles and Events. And I’m still learning, developing and gaining my own abundance of Experience from EVERYTHING. So I can end up being Tough Enough for it all to be a breeze for me. Eventually, I will catch a break and get better rest But now, I just take what I can get. I can lift a pair of 25 lb Wights. I know my limits; I am no Mary Sue; I Know That. Everything is building up within me. I will very soon finally be fully, physically in my Sonichu Form, and then the fun Really can Progress


15 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Hey. Just noting a personal observation for y’all’s reference. The first time, or first few times, when your body literally undergoes a super powerful transformation, or a transition from one dimension into another (the Hard Way), you are very likely to feel some motion sickness as a side-effect on the changes going on. Frequency changes between dimensions definitely bring on some motion. That is all for now. I go beddy-bye for now. Goodnight.

Kicking out Sockness

Chris finally ask for Jacob to be kicked.

Chris's psychic sense

3 October 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

When Christine has a psychic sense, or a CWC-Sense, she gets a forced pause in her head and then a vision of a local event, even at an instant-flash. OR, like Pinkie Pie, her body, or a part of, will feel something or tremble.


3 October 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

A Vibration is complicated. To describe it from this perspective: it is very much like the feeling of going through a Magical-Girl type of transformation. Mainly, the Aura GLOWS, and the physical form change can happen, as that is what the aura is trying to accomplish for the summoning or call need at the moment.
Anti stress drink 1.jpg
Chris shows his supplements

Healing power

3 October 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

At the present, while Christine is working diligently and hard as possible to transition my body from C-197 into 1218, here at home, I have been working on not only healing her body, but also transitioning her body to go fully from 1218 to C-197. In this, there is a fluctuation in blood pressure; this is also similar to how a body feels when it is glowing with the aura.


3 October 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Regardless, her mind has to be as clear and calm as possible, so meditation and deep breathing is best, and she, both soul and body, have become more diligent in that. Also, I looked into and bought some potassium supplements, I have some CALM supplement mixture for water or tea, and when needed the melatonin helps invoke sleep for the night.

And her body is constantly numb in feeling, as it needs to be in order to be better sensitive to the events and everything. When Christine gets the feeling, it is in linking to a relative and crucial event in either C-197, 1218, or both simultaneously, and even more so in the Dimension Merge events that still continue. My body will be back to full visibility here in 1218 very soon; she and I do not switch back until after that fact.

When asked about what cwc has been taking they reply:
She is not deficient in magnesium.
She was prescribed Paxil at about seven years old for Anxiety.
She stopped taking it when switched to paroxetine at the adult age, and then after Barbara read of its newly-found side effects, switched to fluoxetine.
That is why we are exploring these blood-pressure-stabilizing and calming methods.
Do note, please; my body has become very much used to dimension-traversing, the hard way, but for Christine’s body, this is its First Time doing so. It is versatile and durable, but still has accustoming to make within itself.
Oh, how I wish the first time from this “Reality” Dimension into C-197 was instantaneous, rather than slow.
