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[[Category:2020 Discord leaks|2020-04]]
[[Category:2020 Discord leaks|2020-04]]

Revision as of 20:56, 10 January 2023

This page covers miscellaneous chats from Naught in the Official CWCki Server during his 2020 Discord leaks.

April 2020

Content Naught discussed which occurred in April 2020.

Fail Troll:

Fail troll 1.jpg

Failure extraordinaire superbolyX pleads his case:

Superbrolyx failing.jpg

Origins of the doa cwc site started on Twitter by the usual unsavoury individuals:

Doa cwc site.jpg

Ween sends Chris dildo

9 August (leaked 10 August 2020)

The package.

Firstly, here's the shipping label from the envelope that the pink dildo came in yesterday.

Someone sent that to him by the way

Chris Chan VS. The Internet

(Leaked 10 August 2020)


Draft Interview hard drive.jpg

Here's the drive Joseph Draft had the cwc documentary on

Stress got to him

YouTubers were trying to monetize it

Megan didn't want it released

Joseph Draft interviewed CWC Barbara and the original Megan once it blew up on kiwi Farms that do to Joseph's friend putting up the kickstarter link everything went awry keep in mind cows still active at this time

Naught added, on Kiwi Farms:

As mentioned no one threatened to dox him. he sperged destroyed the footage only to later claim his account and his mom's was hacked only to realize he couldn't Cobble his documentary on the evil trolls back together.[1]
megan said "cut me out" until it turned to nothing plus the paranoia and his failed white knighting.[2]
