Nerdy Q&A

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The Nerdy Q&A is a video Chris released on 27 March 2016. In the video, Chris answers questions compiled by "an associate" about being "nerdy". Most of the questions concern what Chris is looking for in a woman and what girls he would or would not sleep with. If this were not evidence enough that Chris compiled the quiz himself, all of the questions are in first person; "do I" etc. This is Chris's first attempt at a video Q&A since 2008, when he released Chris Chan Q&A 27 October 2008. In this video, Chris states that he considers actress Mayim Bialik unattractive yet he would like to have sex with Velma from Scooby Doo.

The video is clearly a poorly-veiled effort to showcase his sexual availability. In the vein of the fabled "fake nerd girls" of the internet, Chris is attempting to sexually-capitalize on what he perceives as nerdy qualification. He uses female characters from The Big Bang Theory, a show which uses outdated and irreverent nerd stereotypes as a staple of its humor, as the basis for his new preferred mate (it should be noted that the portrayal of female characters in The Big Bang Theory has been criticized as sexist).


Nerdy Q&A
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Stardate 27 March 2016
Subject Matter Video gamesVideo games Video Games
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Shirt Pink sweater
I`m sorry for the lack of mic audio in the Destiny Stream‎


Chris is sitting in his room. The ambient music provided by the PS4 blares.

-coming to you live from home once again... And today, we are going to do some nerdy Q&A... Because I consider myself a bit of a nerd, anyhow... and I have seen a celebrity list of, uh, celebrity nerds, among which including one of my favorite female nerds, so... I had my associate and friend put da- put together a list of questions for me to answer and put a sense of thought IN-TO... trivia's not totally my thing anyhow...

Alright so, question 1: do I consider myserf a nord- a nerd girl? Yes, very much so, 'cos I'm very well-read... I got good scores throughout high school, and college... and all that sort of good stuff... Alright, s-so it's all good there. Anyways, so...

Am I attracted to other nerd girls? Yes, I like... I like in-telligent and smarts and... I find that quite appealing to me. I mean, definitely also uhs... To go with the pretty face, and, uh, good body, pretty much.

If I could date any nerd girl who would it be? Hmm, well considering I had to look up a few other... nerd girls; I got a short list here... I'd have to narrow it down to- I would date... If I could, I would date either Kari Brian [sic] or... Morgan Webb. Anyway also, uh, hmm...

If I could go on a date with either Daphne or Velma from Scooby-Doo, who would I pick?... [Chris grabs two Lego Figures] Velma. Velma-Velma! Here ya go, me and Velma, diddily diddily doo. We go making out [kissing sounds] Yep. In my DREAMS... We make out. Then we'd have sex. Daah!

Would I consider Rosechu a nerd girl? Mmm... Yeah, no, she's not a nerrrd. She's not nerd girl... She can be a big fan about some things, but she's not a total nerd, she doesn- she doesn't- would not consider herself a nerd girl either.

If I could have a nerd girl sleepover party, who would I invite? Well, I'd definitely invite Mila Kunis, Kari Brian, Megan Fox, Morgan Webb, Cindy Crawford, Andy-uh... I'm guessing that they're both- consider themselves nerd girls, the uh... the actresses who play Bernadette and Penny on The Big Bang Theory. Sorry Amy! Yerr... You just don't appeal to me that much. [Slurred gibberish] I'm sorry yeah, it's just the face. it's not your fault.

What's the best reason to date a nerd girl? Mmmm... Well, I'd say between her and me we could have quite intellectually stimulating conversations; mostly I could listen to her talk about what she- what her interests or what some of the things she knows, I could learn from her, and uh, I feel like she could learn from me also! I have an instance of knowledge, I'm so smart, I don't remember everything I know... [bizarre laughter] And that's a quote from the Yellow Submarine. The uh- we would have stimulating conversations, and it would be quite pleasant and uh... We could do it over coffee, tea, or whatever she likes... Anyway,

Why am I the perfect girlfriend for a nerdy girl? Well, I've got a lot to feature, I mean, I'm constantly overlooked and under-appreciated as the lesbian transwoman that I am! If you look at my face, and keep me, and a, you ta- you actually talk to me, come up to me and talk to me, you'll find out I'm definitely quite pleasant and easygoing to hang around with. And I'm definitely quite busty and other figure- other features as well. And, uh, being about five-foot-eleven, if you're shorter then I could reach up and help you there, get what's high up on the shelf. And, uh, shopping, I uh, think, uh, if you wa- if you wa- do want to do shopping, yeah I mean, uh, we could definitely shop for dresses and everything. We'd have a fun time, I would think... Ah, but, depending on her persp- perception, I don- I wa- I can't read minds. But anyway it'd be pleasant and quite easy-going like that. It's all good. Hmm...

If you design a perfect nerd body how does it relate to me? Alright, well, nerd-y, uh, body of, uh, perfect, nerd girlfriend, um, I'd say slim to average... um, she can have... she can have some fat, but not too much fat, alright? And I would definitely say C-cup breasts, minimum. D would be preferred. Cus I've realized the difference between C and D, more recently. Mmm... She should- I would have to have her be about four-foot-eight to five-foot-eleven, hmmm... Long hair. At least, um, down to chin but more preferably shoulder-length or longer. Umm... Hair color is not a factor here, but, umm... I dunno, shade of blue hair would be fun, then we'd match, but... I de- I would, I think I would like brunettes very much, yeah. Uh, but eye color's definitely not a factor, I do any eye color. It's a window into the soul! And also, her face has to be... Ehh, but that depends on my- on- that depends on my perception. She at least has to look good in the face, I am a face person, you know. Hmm, other features... But yeah, she has to be honest, kind, caring, compassionate, can be quite spirited, and successful in her, uh- in her passions and interests... Uhh, able to stimulate me to be able to be more passionate and less... Shy, and everything. Uhh, possibly, uhh, an open mind sexually, also... Yeah with that I'd describe a girl I'd like very much... And also, business-savvy with lots of business knowledge here and there... At least enough to get by, cuz, over my head, a lot of it. You know my mom was secretary for a number o' businesses, she's got more business knowledge than I could ever... Hmmm...

Anyway, so, that's ten Q&A nerd questions for, initially... If umm, if I find more questions I can put more thought and detail into that I could answer, my associate will put that together for me. But until next livestreaming, dunno when that'll be, thank y'all for watching and have a good safe day.