List of places that have banned Chris

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Despite being a 27-year-old man, Chris will not stoop below actually throwing tantrums and generally being a nuisance in public places, acting like the manchild he really is. Due to his terrible behavior, Chris has been banned from many places. Some of them have been temporary, some of them permanent. It just proves that Chris can't go anywhere without screwing it up for himself.


The Game Place

Main article: The Game Place

According to Mimms, Chris has been banned twice. The first time, which was temporary, was when Chris attempted to get something from the back without permission. The permaban came on 28 August 2008, when Chris got confrontational with a black child.

Charlottesville Fashion Square

Main article: Charlottesville Fashion Square

Chris was busted twice here, once for loitering and again for shouting in public. The second incident may or may not have been Chris's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shout upon learning Hanna was trolling him. He was banned for a year, but the ban has since expired.

Grace Baptist Church

Main article: Grace Baptist Church

Chris was banned from his old church in 2008. He claimed in an email with lordsillynipples that ""Pastor John Hartless did not like my views I've expressed in my video I did on my 25th Birthday, and he found the ED page."


Main article: Wal-Mart

Chris was twice kicked out of Wal-Mart. On 23 June 2005, the manager of the store's McDonald's (depicted as the B-Manajerk by Chris in the comics) attempted to arrest Chris for loitering, but his own fast thinking and hiding his Attraction Sign (which got him in trouble in the first place) ended up with him removed from the restaurant for the rest of the day (or so he says). The actual banning came two days later, 25 June 2005, when Chris returned and attempted to loiter again. Both managers for McDonald's and Wal-Mart confronted Chris, but Chris, being the stubborn, pig-headed, JERK-hating manchild he is, refused to listen to the managers, ran off and nearly ran over one of them. Chris recently returned to Wal-Mart, forcing one of the female employees to measure him for a sports bra.


Main article: Target

On 20 July 2005 (almost a month after Chris's incident over at Wal-Mart), he attempted to loiter there, intending on exploiting their free soda deal while he tried to get boyfriend-free girls. According to Emily, Chris was approached by management to leave, but he refused. Pressed, he insulted them and forced them to call the cops. When they did, Chris tried to run, forcing them to tackle, hogtie and handcuff him.

All this on the store's opening week!

Recently, Chris has put in an application to the store for a job, but it remains to be seen if this incident will play a factor in him getting a job (SPOILER: It will).

Piedmont Virginia Community College

Main article: Piedmont Virginia Community College

Two incidents occurred here. The first occurred on Chris's 21st birthday, 24 Feburary 2003. Chris originally blamed the incident to him having an outburst towards a male professor that he, like the main character in a story they were learning about, was autistic. According to Emily, however, it turns out that he was kicked out because of Chris's blatant homophobic tendencies striking and uttering something derogatory.

In either case, Chris started his Love Quest this day.

The second incident occurred when, in mid-October 2003, dean Mary Lee Walsh spotted Chris and his Attraction Sign and took it away, criticizing Chris for his actions as she believed he was trying to solicit for sex. When a second sign was destroyed by her, Chris raged and went on the offensive. This incident lead to her banning Chris for a year and forcing him to see a psychiatrist and go to anger management classes (all of which have failed.)

Web sites


Main article: deviantART

Chris has twice been banned from deviantART. Both times were for the same reason: sexual imagery without the proper filters. The first time was around May 2009, most likely due to the imagery from Sonichu 7, the second was 28 August 2009, due to the infamous cameltoe scene in Sonichu 9 (as well as ban evasion).


Main article: YouTube

Chris has abandoned many of his accounts on the basis of troll attacks. One of his accounts, CChanSonichu, was suspended because of three insulting videos he posted in tandem on 10 July 2009.


Main article: Chris and Wikipedia

On 1 May 2009, Chris created an account on Wikipedia, hoping to show his side to his life story, one that isn't "smeared" by trolls. It was deleted soon after. Both his user account has been suspended and the name "Christian Weston Chandler" has been "salted" to prevent the name from returning.


The Cub Scouts

Chris stated in part 4 of his KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special that he was kicked out of the "Wolf Cub Scouts" in the late 80s because he was autistic. Undoubtedly, it was for something he did that he didn't tell us about.