[Static crackles. A soft piano rendition of "Auld Lang Syne" can be heard while winter wind sound effects play in the background. Overtop of a drawn image of Angelica Rosechu, text appears across the screen.]
"The Life and Times of Jesus Christ"
a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu
Part 2
[The music abruptly cuts out and Chris appears over top of a winter stock photo.]
Chris: The spotlight turns off as the manger scene is brought out. Angelica descends onto the stage and addresses the audience as the spotlight shines upon her.
Angelica: And they were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock at night, and lo! The angel of the Lord came unto them and the glory of the Lord shone around and about them, and they were so afraid, and the angel said unto them:
[A hand drawn image of the angel on stage addressing the shepherds appears onscreen.]
Angel: Fear not! For behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ, the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you! He shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
[The image disappears.]
Angelica: And suddenly there with the angel of multitude, the heavenly host praising God and say: "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace, goodwill towards men."
Chris: The stage became fully lit, revealing Crystalina as Mary and Constanople as Joseph in the manger-
[A hand drawn image of Joseph and Mary surrounded by Pokemon appears. They all look into the basket with a plush Sonichu in it.]
Chris: -with a calm, trained Mudbray, Mareep, and Tauros right by them, looking into the basket with the plush Sonichu wrapped in cloth in the basket. Wild, Punchy, and Magi-Chan dressed in shepherds' clothes approached the manger and praised the baby as Angelica flies back above the stage. The three wise men approach as the piano started playing Little Drummer Boy, and they sing. Danny Sonee approaches as well and plays the drum upon him.
[The image disappears. Chris sings a short line of "Little Drummer Boy."]
Chris: At the end of the song, the lights are cut and the spotlight is shown upon Joseph, and Angelica tells Joseph:
Angelica: Wake Joseph, for Herod the King seeks to slay the young child! Flee to Egypt until when I tell you it is safe to return! Go, now!
Chris: Joseph picks up the basket with the babe, grabs Mary by the hand, and they exit stage left. The lights cut off as the pianist plays a tremor of notes expressing fright as Herod's shadow looms on the stage's curtain. As it closes over the empty manger, Herod shouts loudly:
Herod: Eh he he he he! The wise men have mocked me! It doesn't matter as I shall slay all the children of Bethlehem myself!
Chris: Sounds of screams and weeping come from the female actors offstage as the piano tune chimes out. Then trans is- Then the trans is- transitions to a jaunty tune of Psalm 87. Angelica narrates as the curtain opens to reveal a painted backdrop of the houses and streets of Egypt with youthful Sonees and Roseys laughing and playing. Danny Sonee as young Jesus sits on the barrel's top and powde- ponders. Rasenla Rosey as young Mary Magdalene is playing with the children.
Mary Magdalene: And so Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt where Jesus had spent his formative years growing up while Joseph and Mary were aware of what was to become of Jesus. Jesus had been young and naive, and lived his life unaware of his destiny. Jesus felt he was not like the other children, but he could not put his finger on why consciously, at least yet, and he didn't know what to make of himself quite yet.
Chris: Young Mary approaches Jesus.
Mary: Hi!
Chris: Jesus looks down towards Mary but doesn't make eye contact.
'Jesus: Euhhh... Hi.
Mary: What are you doing up on the barrel?
Jesus: Oh. Well, I don't know. I was looking up at the sky and counted numbers in the clouds.
[A hand drawn image of young Jesus sitting on a barrel talking to Mary appears.]
Jesus: It's kinda interesting cause when you add what you see within the lights around the clouds against the blue sky they tell stories of the wonders beyond the sky, and what number guides you to next.
Chris: Mary is bewildered with what Jesus said as she looks up at the clouds and sees the aura light around the cloud edges, yet unsure what to make of it.
Mary: Yeah, the clouds are shining pretty. I'm Mary! What's your name?
[The drawing disappears.]
Jesus: Ehhh... Jesus.
Mary: Oh, that's a cute name! Hey, you want to play with us? We can always use another creative kid to play Eye Spy with.
Jesus: You... want me... to play with you?
Chris: He asked with an uncertain expression on his face.
Mary: Sure! Come on, Jesus!
Jesus: ...Okay!
Chris: Jesus hops down and follows Mary into a crowd of kids and they wander off stage right. Angelica narrates as Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime as Jesus and Mary Magdalene go on stage from stage right together.
Angelica: Jesus and Mary became friends and liked each other and Jesus had been accepted by Mary's friends as well. Mary had brought something good out of Jesus.
Chris: Mary and Jesus sit side by side on the same barrel. Mary and Jesus sit side by side on the barrel, and she asked him once again:
Mary: What are your dreams, Jesus?
Jesus: Again, Mary? You're always asking me that, and the answer's always the same.
Mary: Yeah! They're all ve- [Chris clears his throat.] very unique and interesting and I can't get enough of them!
Jesus: Well, alright. In my dreams I see various stone carvings and statues I had never seen before, yet somehow they are familiar to me. The words in the carvings glow like gold and have sounds of ancient sand script [Sanskrit?], yet I can understand them. Then I see fields of stars amidst the cosmos and then the brightest star in the center of the universe, and the center within that star, and the center of that star, and so on and so on. Until I see this vision from far into the future, where I'm flying through a rainbow of immense energy and power and bringing order to a chaos-filled Earth with a bunch of arguing and fighting nations amidst fallen apartment buildings and an explosion on a dragon over some place that's not Babylon.
[A hand drawn image of a slightly older Mary and Jesus sitting on a barrel appears.]
Mary: So COOL, Jesus!
Jesus: Mary, how is it that you do not find such a dream weird like the other kids our age do?
Chris: Mary smiles and nodded.
Mary: Hmm... I don't know? Call it intuition or something. Crazy, or whatever, but hearing the details of your dream makes me wish I could see into the cosmos and future like you can.
Jesus: Mary, if I was anyone else, I'd call you weird.
Mary: Oh? Well then, maybe I out-weird YOU.
Chris: And they both laugh as they look into each other's eyes like two kids who get each other.
[The drawing disappears.]
Chris: Then from stage left, Joseph walks on stage and addresses Jesus.
Joseph: My son!
Jesus: Yes, father?
Joseph: I just got the all clear from the angels. You, your mother, and I are heading back to Nazareth. Come on, son.
Jesus: What?!
Chris: Jesus and Mary shout!
Jesus and Mary: No, no, no, no!
Jesus: Dad, I don't want f- I don't wanna leave! I- I've got friends, and I'm appreciated here! You pull me away from that, I'll be really upset!
Joseph: I'm sorry son, but your destiny is not here in Egypt.
Chris: Joseph grabs Jesus's hand and pulls him stage left.
Jesus: No, no! Mary! I'll really miss you!
Mary: Jesus, don't go!
Chris: She shouts to him as they leave stage. The stage lights cut off as the scene changes and Angelica to the next part.
Angelica: Jesus, Joseph, and Mary returned to Nazareth as Herod was dead and his throne taken by archangels in reign. Jesus had brough- become upset after having to leave his friends and more positive life in Egypt. Jesus found resonance as the family to Nazareth and he started listening and hearing of the Gospel of John the Baptist as he preached to the multitude about repentance.
[A hand drawn image of John the Baptist petting Jesus's head appears on screen.]
Angelica: Jesus was baptized by John, and Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was tested by the Devil.
[The drawing disappears.]
Chris: The scene was changed to a jungle clearing on stage left. A backdrop with a scene of all the kingdoms around the world. The spotlight shone over the left half with Jesus collapsed on the grass within a few- with a few rocks in front of him. Jamsta, dressed as the Devil, approached Jesus and said to him:
Jamsta: Hey, Jesus, you're looking real hungry. If you are the son of God, command these stones to become bread, and enjoy.
Chris: Jesus stands and looks to the Devil in the eyes.
Jesus: One shall not live by bread alone but by the word of GOD.
Chris: The Devil frowns and growls.
Jamsta: Ehhhh...
Chris: Then he pulls Jesus to stage right and shows him the images of all the kingdoms and the lovely throne. Then the Devil tells Jesus:
Jamsta: I shall give you total power and rule of all the kingdoms of the world and the adoration of everyone if you bow down and worship me.
Chris: Jesus said:
Jesus: Get behind me Satan, for it is written: one shall worship the Lord and God and serve him.
Chris: The Devil pushes Jesus to the front edge of the stage and tells him:
Jamsta: Well, if you're so almighty, then you know as it is written that the angels will always save you no matter what. So JUMP, Jesus.
Chris: Jesus frowns as he looks the Devil in the eye again and tells him:
Jesus: You shall never tempt the Lord and God!
Chris: The devil vanishes as the lights go off and a lone spotlight on Jesus remains on Jesus with the scene change. Jesus looks up at the angels as the angel speaks to him.
Angel: Very good, Jesus. Know from your meditations that you are Lord and you are present to heal the distressed and brokenhearted. Preach to the poor, and deliverance to the captives, restore sight to the blind, and bring liberty and justice to all that have been hurt. The spirit of the Lord is upon you. Go forth and restore order to the chaos.
Jesus: Yes! I shall!
Chris: The audience applauds. The light turns back on and reveals a bedroom with a table and two chairs on it. Jesus sits in one of the two chairs as he walks- as he wakes from his visions once again. Jesus muses aloud.
Jesus: Wow. So I am the Lord and God? It kinda makes sense - the clues and signs have been all around me all my life, with my unique perspective and feeling advantage. My eyes, the seer eyes, the visions, mom and dad going on about my destiny as Lord, the message of the angels, and ALL THIS? Well, my intuition's often being on point, the cosmos, the universe core, and matrix...
[A hand drawn image of Jesus and Lavesh Sonichu approaching him appears on screen.]
Jesus: I've lived my life unaware of all this! I pray to the Lord and God... I've been praying to myself? Ehh... What do I do now that I am aware that I am? I can only pray and ask for continued holy light guidance and have faith and know these prophecies, even the not yet written prophecies!
[The drawing disappears.]
Jesus:' And the prophets before me may have foreseen this but may not have yet written these prophecies, and I can only see so deep into my visions and I don't know when specifically when they will and when they will manifest! Is there such a prophet on a God level who can help me keep myself better sorted? If there is, please, Lord and God that I am, send them to me and guide me right now!
Chris: A spotlight lands at the entrance to his bedroom as a knocking sound resonates from the door. [Chris knocks on the table.] Jesus gets up to answer it, a special psychic Sonichu played by Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime surrounded by Heavenly Divine and Universe Core Matrix Light is standing there.
[A hand drawn image of Lavesh Sonichu appears on screen. Lavesh Sonichu is surrounded by waves and mystical imagery.]
Lavesh Sonichu: Greetings, Jesus, o Lord of Lords. I am Lavesh Sonichu, psychic special Sonichu guardian of the Sonichus and Rosechus. I am on high God level and I am here to guide you.
[The drawing disappears.]
Chris: Jesus looks into Lavesh's aura and soul, and links with the heavens and cosmos to confirm this. His faith is assured.
Jesus: Welcome Lavesh, please, come in and talk with me.
Chris: Lavesh enters and takes a seat at the table, across from Jesus.
Jesus: Ehhh... I suppose it takes a God to really help another God.
[Chris Chan disappears off screen and the credits roll. I think a good chunk of the credits were cut off and the names are missing from a few lines.]
Scroll TitleNarrator/Holy Ghost/
Three Wise Men: Nightstar,
Joseph: Constanpole Sonichu
Young Jesus/Little Drummer Boy:
Young Mary Magdaline: Rasenla
Virgin Mary: Crystalina Rosechu
King Herod/Satan: Jamsta Sonichu
Desciple Peter: Punchy Sonichu
Lazerus/John the Baptist: Wild
Elizabeth/Anna/Pharisee Woman:
Judas: Cal Sonichu
Pilate: Perceptor
Barabas: Nightstar
James: Inuyasha Sonichu
Mary Magdalene: Rosey Rosechu
Jesus Christ: Sonichu Prime
Lazuras's Sister: Lolisa Rosechu
"The Life and Times of Jesus Christ"
a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu
Part 3 coming soon
[The snow sound effects continue on and the video ends.]