Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown

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In June 2007, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) announced the Chop Chop Onion's Rap Showdown contest to promote the video game PaRappa the Rapper. Contestants were to film themselves performing one of three PaRappa songs a Capella. The grand prize winner of the contest would receive two PSPs and an all-expenses-paid trip to Seattle for the 2007 Penny Arcade Expo.

The contest was of monumental importance as it would achieve goals for Christian Weston Chandler on multiple fronts. Beyond his innate desire to win contests by making an ass of himself on film, Chris hoped to bestow one of the PSPs to his beloved Megan Schroeder and invite her to accompany him on the trip, thereby creating an opportunity for her to give in to her obvious passion for him. The potential benefits could not be understated. Failure to win the contest was not an option. To ensure nothing less than total victory, Chris elected to perform the Chop Chop Master Onion Rap. Despite claiming this was the only song he knew from the game, Chris clearly didn't know it all that well since he reads the lyrics to it while "performing," not bothering to rehearse/learn the lines.


At The GAMe PLACe, Chris handed out flyers telling people to vote for him. To ensure success, he read everything off the flyer to each person before giving them to them. Of course, no one voted for Chris.[1] He took matters into his own hands by stuffing the ballot with an endless stream of votes on different fake accounts.

Chris also badgered his half-brother Cole Smithey to vote for him. In return for his vote, Cole asked Chris to find out from their mother about the real identity of Cole's biological father. Chris wasn't interested in Cole's plight, and in return Cole never voted for him.

Such honesty of his situation and devotion for his lucky girlfriend adds great emotions to his performance. The visually appealing effects added the best humor and biggest laugh I had among the bunch. I enjoyed the fun background of his assumed-to-be bedroom. And his informative feedback on playing Guitar Hero on Playstation 3 was truly a wise and great addition. Also, he has nailed the lyrics A-Capella. :) As this brave AUTISTIC warrior so creatively put it at the end, "Rap, Rap, Rap, That's a Wrap!" Truly the cherry on the top of the sundae. A perfect score of 5/5 Stars for his marvelous effort, and smiling at knowing he looked a bit stupid. :)
Chris, describing his video in third person[2]


The competition was won by Adam Stackhouse, whom Chris bears a grudge against as he felt Adam had cheated in order to win the contest. It is likely the organisers were less than impressed by Chris rapping that he didn't even own a full copy of the game in question, and instead learned the rap from "a demo [he] borrowed from [his] friend Megan." The irony is Chris actually violated the rules by making up bits and pieces of his own lyrics, as seen below.


During Christian's struggle to be recognized as the rightful winner of the contest, Megan informed him that she was glad he lost and that she would never have gone with him on the trip if he had won. Also, Chris claims to have contracted a "gut virus" due to the strain on his body making this video.

Master Onion A-La Mode


Hey, P-Station, my name is Christian Chandler
I live in Ruckersville, Virginia!
I have a PSP, I like to rap
I play PaRappa, and go with him now
The only song I know is "Master Onion"
Which I got from a demo I borrowed from my friend Megan!

I have a PSP and she don't
So give me the PSP, unwrap the wrapper
So I can give one to her, and then we can play together!

So here we go, we're gonna sing it now
Master Onion, A-La Mode!

Kick! Punch! It's all in the m-mind
If you wanna test me, I'm sure you will find
That you all things, I'll teach ya sure to beat ya,
Nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now

Kick (Kick)
Punch (Punch)
Chop (Chop)
Block (Block)

Once more now Kick (Kick)
Punch (Punch)
Chop (Chop)
And Block (Block)

Don't get cocky, it's doesn't get rocky,
We gonna move down to the next ya jockey now

Duck (Duck)
Jump (Jump)
Turn (Turn)
And Pose (Pose)

Listen carefully Jump (Jump)
Pose (Pose)
Duck (Duck)
and Turn (Turn)

Hmm, yeah, I see you're getting better,
Kick to the limit in order to get her now

Kick Punch (Kick Punch)
Chop Block (Chop Block)
Chop Kick (Chop Kick)
Punch Block (Punch Block)

It's gonna get harder now Duck & Jump (Duck & Jump)
Turn & Pose (Turn & Pose)
Duck & Turn (Duck & Turn)
Jump & Pose (Jump Pose)

Come on now, why don't you follow my words,
Because we're almost done I'll make things worse
I wanna see if you wanna see what it means
To be the man with the master plan. Are you the man now?

Here we go now Kick Punch Block (Kick Punch Block)
Chop Kick Block (Chop Kick Block)
Block Turn & Kick it (Block Turn & Kick it)
Block Duck Punch (Block Duck Punch)
Duck Duck Turn (Duck Duck Turn)
Jump Kick Chop (Jump Kick Chop)
and Punch Punch Punch (Punch Punch Punch)

That's it for today
Good job, PaRappa You can go to the next stage now
Yahoo! Alright!!

PaRappa, I'm so proud of you
Congratulations are a [???]

Again, what? That ain't so good
[completely unintelligible]
I'm outta here!

Guitar Hero on PlayStation 3
Don't press the PS button after select hang, see?
Make sure you hook up with the converter controller
To rock on, yo! Nananananaaaa!

Rap rap rap! That's a wrap!

Beastie Christian

See Also


  1. Anecdote by Mimms in post 17515
  2. PSN Network