TF2 Analysis

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.
β€œ ........ HA! HA! HA! Really Funny! HA! HA! HA!........ 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑 ”
Chris having a mental breakdown after being blocked by someone on twitter.

TF2 Analysis is a web animation series featuring My Little Pony-versions of its crew in the game Team Fortress 2. Chris used to follow many of its members on Twitter. However, in January 2019, many of them blocked Chris after either being harassed by weens tagging them or finding out about Chris's personality flaws. Being blocked by these people prevents him from viewing their posts, eliminating a source of interaction online that is not interaction with trolls.

Response to these blocks

Chris responds poorly to getting blocked by those he follows on Twitter and his responses often take the form of vocal outbursts against the trolls who he thinks got him banned. Chris has extended is apologies to those who have been affected by his outbursts on Twitter but he still holds resentment towards the trolls. Chris has stated that the mass blocking he has received from his favorite Twitter users has left him with PTSD related symptoms and has made it clear that this form of trolling has been particularly distressing to him.[1]

He has made two videos and a hand drawn comic on the subject.

As the game of Block the Autistic, America's favorite new sequel to it's similarly named franchise hit, continued to rage across Twitter Chris began retreating into a state of denial once more about how much it was affecting him. Since he could no longer convince himself that all the various twitter accounts he followed had blocked their favorite autistic friend and CPU Goddess Miss Christine Weston Chandler by mistake, he began claiming that it must be a new trend[2].

List of people Chris has been blocked by

Account Description Reason for block
@AmyMethvenart Artist, YouTube film critic, and Brony.
@ChaoticChimera Brony.
@ChirashiKibo Artist and singer. Ween Spam.[3]
@DoopieDoOver Artist and animator. Blocked after making her account private.
@Dusty_Kat Brony. Ween spam[4]
@Eliyora Sells jewelry on Etsy, also a Brony.
@joshscorcher Youtube critic, and Brony.
@Lightning_Bliss Brony, and lets-player. Disapproves of Chris's reputation[5]
@Nowacking Voice actor in various MLP fan films. Not stated. Implied that she dislikes Chris, based on snubbing him at the 2018 BronyCon.
@SEGASister Singer, and Brony. Ween spam.[6]
@StTabitha Voices a whopping 73 characters in MLP. Ween spam[7]

Noticing a trend?

See also
