Template:Article of the now

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A taser is a weapon capable of delivering an electric shock. Chris believed he could harness a taser's power as a means to activate the Dimensional Merge, wanting to use it to shock his Gate Crystal and Celestial Key magic quartz stones, believing the spark could open an interdimensional portal and therefore bring about the Merge.

This attempt to break the Iron Curtain led to controversy. Chris wanted to borrow Praetor's taser to conduct this experiment, which Praetor had a supply of as they wished to sell autographed tasers on their Etsy shop. While Praetor initially agreed to meet with him and supervise the experiment, the Watchmen white knight group opposed the plan, believing Chris's safety to be at risk. Watchmen members Naught and MKRNightVee then launched a smear campaign against Praetor, creating and spreading rumors by taking out-of-context segments from conversations with Praetor and spinning those to create the impression Praetor wished to get Chris to use a taser on himself. This action in turn led to tension between the Watchmen group and Chris, who criticized the group's treatment towards Praetor.

Ultimately, Praetor cancelled plans to let Chris borrow their taser and the matter remains another of Chris's unresolved attempts to bring about the Merge. They also paused plans to sell the tasers in the wake of the Watchmen's actions, eventually putting them up for sale in 2022.



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