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Why--[[User:Beat|Beat]] 15:29, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
:With the way she talks, it sounds like a woman Chris clone somewhat. Still, fail-delete this. --[[User:Eniggy|Eniggy]] 15:30, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
:*This article seems to be really irrelevant, save for the fact that Bob and Chris occasionally go there. Since no drama with Chris seems to have occurred there, I vote for a delete.  --[[User:Shearod|Shearod]] 16:55, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
::I'm putting up the deletion template. Unless we got confirmation of Chris doing something worth noting, this page is going down. Sounds like its written by a butthurt employee anyway. [[User:Bill Lumburg|Bill Lumburg]] 17:15, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
== Do Not Delete; Pursue for the Drama. ==
== Do Not Delete; Pursue for the Drama. ==

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--[[User:JenkinsJinkies|JenkinsJinkies]] 22:16, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
--[[User:JenkinsJinkies|JenkinsJinkies]] 22:16, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
:What the fuck.--[[User:Beat|Beat]] 22:18, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

:I have no idea what you just said. Make some fucking sense. --[[User:Edward|Edward]] 22:53, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
*personally, i'd reward you shittons of stuff if you got a video of chris/bob arguing. i don't care who wins, amanda or chris, because again it's all for the LULZ. if amanda loses, i'll send in my troops. because amanda has potential...yes...indeed. [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 11:09, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
*Yes, my boy, you have done a great service for the CWCki. I salute you, good sir. [[User:NoVu|NoVu]] 13:15, 6 July 2010 (UTC)
== This is a confirmed CWCSighting ==
The first one. Now stop harassing this user Christ almighty. god damn you people overanalyzing shit. now if anyone touches this user I will BAN them. [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 00:15, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
*Thanks Clyde. I'm not the most active member on here, but goddamn some people get way too SERIOUS BUSINESS over some shit. This, even if it does have some non-CWC info in it, and even if it was a small sighting, is still useful, and furthermore interesting. [[User:NoVu|NoVu]] 05:58, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
*I think some people are just jumpy since Chris found another way to lock himself out of the internet. We must also accept and protect the brave volunteers who brought us sightings of the manchild. I think a banner confirming this sighting as valid might do good into dampening some "enthusiastic" reactions. [[User:Griffintown|Griffintown]] 03:10, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
== This Amanda person seems interesting enough. ==
Chris should probably do something against her. Perhaps the LULZ that come out of both. Chris has nothing to lose because he has no job because he's a lazy piece of shit, but Amanda has her job. I wonder if Chris could get her fired lololol. [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 03:43, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
:*Haha yeah, that would be lulzworthy. I hope he does. --[[User:Ronichu|Ronichu]] 05:54, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
::Wait wouldn't there be implications if it this site was linked to influencing Chris to get Amanda fired? This site may get shut down if Chris goes and does something like this. I'd say lets just hope Chris leaves this Amanda be.([[User:Drlugae|Drlugae]] 13:18, 4 July 2010 (UTC))
:::Good point.  I guess we don't want Chris doing it.  Thank god he doesn't read these because something like that would be the death of this website. -- [[User:Mexican|Mexican]] 16:43, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
::::That could be a total disaster for us and the CWCiki itself. Though we probably don't need to worry about that too much: Chris is way too much of a coward to ever try messing with her Amanda, so we should be safe-[[User:Kei|Kei]] 17:01, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
:::::It would be even worse if he recorded it so he had evidence that he was there.--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 19:41, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
:I am worried that Chris will go back to this place and yell at that Amanda and tell her that she's a Pickle Agent.  It could be a total disaster for all the trolls out there just like Kei said. If Chris tells her she's a Pickle Agent and causes a ruckus, then the government will have another piece of evidence to shut down all of the trolls. But I wonder if Chris will have the balls and manliness to go confront her and get her fired, hahahahahahahahaha. [[User:Elephant|Elephant]] 03:50, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
::Honestly, I don't think he has the guts to go through with his little plan. --[[User:BreadGod|BreadGod]] 05:01, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
:::Yeah, Chris is all hot air.  He's too weak and cowardly to put up any sort of fight, be it mental or physical.  I bet his parents must be so ashamed of him for not fighting his own battles and hiding behind them all the time.--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 05:33, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
::::It's kinda ironic, isn't it? Chris always bags trolls for not having the guts to meet him face to face, and then he goes and shows how gutless he is by not facing this obviously evil bitch. He's no better than us. [[User:Borednewb|Borednewb]] 10:36, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
:::::What has Amanda done that COULD get her fired, exactly? [[User:Sarge|Sarge]] 9:58, 6 July 2010(EST)
As ballsalicious it would be for Chris to confront her, the CWCki is at stake. I'd rather just have nothing happen. [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 11:05, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
:I think we're safe though Mr.Cash, we all know what type of character Chris has: he's too much of a coward to ever do anything, the naive retard runs away from anyone or anything that makes him uncomfortable, that's why he always looses. I wouldn't be surprised if that balding fuck is hiding from Amanda as we speak; as a customer he could start a screaming match with her and get her fired, and possibly start an investigation that could get us shut down, he's too much a coward to ever reach out and take any opportunity he has though! -[[User:Kei|Kei]] 16:37, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
::If Chris confronts her, it'll all end: us, the ED page, hell, even the Greene County Conspiracy might go down. We can't let this happen, guys.[[User:Hiiro|Hiiro]] 17:02, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
:::If it does, start backing up the site. [[User:Pfargtl9000|Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs]] 17:04, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
:Chris is so naive, though - he's always talking about how much he wants to lose his virginity, but he doesn't even realise that girls will only fuck guys who stand up for themselves and are assertive. If he did stand up to manajerks like Amanda, he might even have a chance at some china. [[User:Baxter|Baxter]] 20:58, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
::Chicks dig it when guys stand up to them and put them in their place.  Hell, the Amanda chick herself might even dig him if he showed her what a man she is.  It's what women do, they say no, they deny, they tease: It's all a test.  Those brave enough to not take no for an answer and get what they want end up getting the girl.  If Chris stands up to her, it make him more of a man than even *I* am. [[User:Frontspac|Frontspac]] 09:50, 12 July 2010 (UTC)
Have we heard anything new from this lately?--[[User:MEANWHILE|MEANWHILE]] 07:14, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
==Do not edit==
Hey guys, we want to give this information time to get digested by the head trolls so don't edit it at all unless you're an admin please. If you're an admin you can do what you want. --[[User:Ronichu|Ronichu]] 09:48, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
:I've already added the significant information to [[List of places that have banned Chris]].--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 01:21, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
:I don't think anything is going to happen with this Ron. Look at the Fridays After Five article; spotted once and then nothing.  This is probably just a random CWCsighting, like someone seeing Bigfoot while on a hike.  --[[User:Caboose -1|Caboose -1]] 23:31, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
::Jenkins hasn't been on since 13 July and this article needs a serious rewrite. [[User:Pfargtl9000|Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs]] 09:07, 12 August 2010 (PDT)
:::Indeed.  I'm not arguing about the article's importance or anything, just the execution.  It is almost certainly the worst-written page on this wiki. A few tweaks could preserve and enhance everything it brings to the table, while losing the flavor of a 13-year-old on a 3-day crack and Ritalin binge. I don't see what makes the spastic gibbering such a vitally important part of the message.  Incoherence is not a virtue, but whatever. [[User:Smokedaddy|Smokedaddy]] 18:57, 28 September 2010 (PDT)
::::<s>I agree, maybe I'm just retarded and can't see why this guy is jesus or whateer, but this article is a poorly written mess about a low quality picture, and the Amanda article is one sentence. People keep saying that if we just looked hard enough we would know why he's so amazing, could you be any less vauge. I think that this and amanda should be deleted, if we had an article for every place chris eats at or every person who is mean to chris, then we would have way to many articles. --[[User:Dalkalopagus|Dalkalopagus]] 16:19, 5 September 2010 (PDT)</s> Wow, I'm really dumb. Disregard this.--[[User:Dalkalopagus|Dalkalopagus]] 16:52, 5 September 2010 (PDT)
== Delete already ==
This page is a piece of shit, terribly written, and ain't nothing happened to it except certain editors bitching about it. Clearly it needs to go. [[User:Apostrophe|Apostrophe]] 10:27, 27 October 2010 (PDT)
shut it. this article is one of the best on the cwcki and if you can't see that, then you're blind. -- [[User:Clydec|Clyde]] 10:42, 27 October 2010 (PDT)
:'''Also, I agree with Apostrophe.''' And I did make a ''significantly'' better written article on [[Burger King]]. Also, I can see that this article is shit. [[User:Pfargtl9000|Pfargtl9000 Spam &amp; Eggs]] 16:14, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
:::Try and think before you type, no one cares about your article revision and how much "better" it is than it's current form, that's not what's significant here. If something is this way can't you please have the sence to figure out that there may be a good reason?-[[User:Kei|Kei]] 16:46, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
:::Okay then, here's your reason, it's lived its short life and it's outdated because nobody's allowed to edit it, even though it needs strong improvement, which it'll never get. [[User:Pfargtl9000|Pfargtl9000 Spam &amp; Eggs]] 18:28, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
::::There's a reason why you're on my ANNOYING USERS LIST on my user page. seriously, shut up christ. it'll pick back up ONE DAY. HINT HINT HINT -- [[User:Clydec|Clyde]] 18:54, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
::This article is still important.  Do you not grasp how important having it here is?--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 16:37, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
:: Jesus, I told you, on your talk page, what the deal was, and you still don't get it?--[[User:Austin|Austin]] 08:59, 6 November 2010 (PDT)
==Can we edit now? ==
Considering the recent documents being leaked to the cwcki, Should this page be reformatted to match Cwcki standars?--[[User:Basgon|Basgon]] 21:15, 5 November 2010 (PDT)
* Why not? it was pretty obvious from the beginning, and the stuff he posted on trolling train is downright hilarious. Is it all backed up? --[[User:SargentPickles|SargentPickles]] 21:17, 5 November 2010 (PDT)
* No, this article is to be preserved the way it is since it has unique Wiki formatting. Champ will direct you guys on this later. -- [[User:Clydec|Clyde]] 21:20, 5 November 2010 (PDT)

:: I'm not fluent in batshit, but from what I've read, this kid saw Chris in a burger king and thought it was big news. If Chris wasn't filing his bottomless gullet with junk food, than it would be noteworthy. We know that Chris prefers McDonald's, so Bob must have chosen to eat here that day. Apparently Chris and Bob got into a shouting match with one of the employee's, but nothing seems to have come of it. Thats my analysis anyway --[[User:SargentPickles|SargentPickles]] 23:22, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
==So what's the deal with this article now?==

Oh my God. There is a rabbit-hole within a rabbithole. This kid's a fucking nutcase. He has potential to make the front-page of ED. Has a wiki documenting one Internet Phenomenon somehow spawned another? [[User:Baxter|Baxter]] 22:57, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Do we keep it the same? Should we add it to "Chris's edits to CWCki" or whatever the page is and delete this page? [[User:Freecell|Freecell]] 17:49, 30 January 2011 (PST)
:Can we get an IP check to see if he's actually Chris?--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 22:58, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
:I think that if we are to keep the page, we should at least put up some kind of notice that explains that Chris wrote it.--[[User:Blachman|Blachman]] 04:49, 31 January 2011 (PST)
::I am all for keeping the page. Chris did it? Therefore it's another historical document that needs to be archived. Some notice claiming he wrote the article would be nice if the trolling saga is gone for good. [[User:Griffintown|Griffintown]] 05:46, 31 January 2011 (PST)
::I agree. There should be a notice about this. [[User:Alan Pardew|Alan Pardew]] 06:18, 15 July 2013 (PDT)

He certainly writes like him (random capitalisations, odd phrasing); I propose we keep the page up until the proper investigations have been made. [[User:Baxter|Baxter]] 23:02, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Bump!--[[User:Blachman|Blachman]] 15:38, 4 February 2011 (PST)
:Checked his contributions.  High chance this is Chris--he signed up back in May to tell Clyde that he knows he only removed an antenna from the PS3.  Then he went to the PSN download pages and a few unusual edits--he removed a pipe to [[duck]] from "Small Things", clarified that he rented Downfall(!), and a clarification that some DLC for Killzone 2 was purchased by trolls during a hack, rather than DLC for Resistance FOM.  And the photo he uploaded to this article is labeled "Burger King"--y'know, like the place Bob likes to go to exploit the free coffee thing?  I get the feeling Bob doesn't think trolls are tracking him IRL and he wants them to show up at Burger King to prove it.--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 23:17, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

:: Hmmm... Perhaps Bob and Chris got banned form Burger King, and Chris is trying to get trolls to go after the managers and employee's there. Would make perfect sense to Chris... But I'm not entirely sure this is his work, might be some stupid kid... Can we have a field agent do a check of Chris's local Burger King to see if he has indeed been banned? That would explain a lot --[[User:SargentPickles|SargentPickles]] 23:25, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
*This is a historical document, it should be preserved as such. --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 17:57, 17 February 2011 (PST)
:: The picture was taken on a Nintendo DS. This morning. Check the metadata. [[User:Massive Dynamic|Massive Dynamic]] 23:28, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
:::Confirmed, then.--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 23:40, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

:: I guess the pull of the internet is just too strong to resist. How should we proceed from here? Should we take "JenkinsJinkies" at his words and see what else we can get out of him? Obviously this is operating under the assumption that he isn't checking this talk page that frequently.[[User:Baxter|Baxter]] 23:35, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Wow, I didn't realize the original article by Chris was the one still up. It's been kept; I'm glad to see. His (mis)use of "butthurt" had me in stitches. Never remove! --[[User:The World Is Yours|The World Is Yours]] 14:01, 3 July 2013 (PDT)

==Yeah, this is probably Chris==
== Warning at the top. ==

*Chris is the only person on earth who thinks randomly capitalizing words is a proper way to put emphasis a word(the correct way being ''italics'').
I feel like there should be a disclaimer on the page that says that Chris wrote this article.--[[User:Superspongebobbros|Superspongebobbros]] ([[User talk:Superspongebobbros|talk]]) 06:14, 18 August 2020 (UTC)
*Chris has portrayed trolls referring to him as "Chrissy" before.
:I agree. Otherwise, there is absolutely no context for it. [[User:KingClark|KingClark]] ([[User talk:KingClark|talk]]) 10:44, 11 May 2021 (UTC)
*No troll calls Bob "I'm Cuttin' It Down" Chandler "Robert".
::I'd suggest something like {{protip|This article was written by Chris under his [[JenkinsJinkies]] persona. It is preserved as-is for historical reasons.}} [[User:FokkerTISM|FokkerTISM]] ([[User talk:FokkerTISM|talk]]) 09:15, 12 May 2021 (UTC) P.S. Should a similar notice be added to the [[PS3/How the PS3 is Hacked]] page?
*Chris likes to use semicolons everywhere.
*Chris has also used the term "Stop the presses" in Mailbag replies.
*Jenkins here clearly can't use the word "lulz" properly in a sentence.
*Jenkins switched subjects constantly, like he can't keep his mind on track.  Chris has this problem whenever he tries to talk or write or attempt any form of communication whatsoever.
*"Jenkins" acts as if his entire motivation for trolling Chris is that he hates "special" people. He's acting like a person who is genuinely playing kick the autistic--y'know, the kind of person Chris thinks all of us are?
*He also acts as if he has an incredibly unfortunate life--just like Chris implied he thought we all did in the emails he sent to Jack last year.
*His typing is rife with grammatical errors--it's almost as if he [[Song of Christian|failed English]].
*There's more, but what I've posted is damning enough as it is. Either we have a good Chris impersonator or this is Chris--[[User:MoarLurk|MoarLurk]] 23:38, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 05:16, 12 May 2021

Do Not Delete; Pursue for the Drama.

My family and I were there one morning a couple of weeks ago; my camera was screwing up with me, so I ended up with the photo of the front counter. I haven't been back for a while (Damn parents won't drive me back there), and I'm only 14.

Robert was shouting at Amanda, and eventually Chrissy joined in with an uproar so loud, it would have awaken the dead. It was in response to Amanda harassing them that day. I asked around after Robert and Chris left, without my family taking notice of me.

I can get away with anything within my reach; I'm the middle child of a set of three in my family. Sadly, we were only passing through that week on our way back from a visit with my Grandma and Grandpa in South VA; we live up in Boston.

Being bullied as a Freshman last year in my High School was no fucking picnic either. And I really loath ANYONE who is even considered "Special". I'm Special enough on my own for being invisible yet able to attract attention remotely with a mere thought or do-nothing and having to put up with the aggresiveness in my fucking family; I am very much the Master Mind in the family. My father is damned retarded.

But enough about me, I hate Chris as much as the rest of you. Stopping the presses on his books and giving up his website; it still pisses me off. If I recall correctly, it was about 10:30 when the Father and Son Duo left, so best bet is about 10:00 AM to try and intercept. I want to see Chris, if not both of them, squirm in torture from our Trolling of him. I really want to see him blow his top off again. LULZ.

Oh, and the Windows at that place were Tinted, so the photography would be best from inside the place.

For the LULZ!!!!

--JenkinsJinkies 22:16, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

  • personally, i'd reward you shittons of stuff if you got a video of chris/bob arguing. i don't care who wins, amanda or chris, because again it's all for the LULZ. if amanda loses, i'll send in my troops. because amanda has potential...yes...indeed. Clydec 11:09, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Yes, my boy, you have done a great service for the CWCki. I salute you, good sir. NoVu 13:15, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

This is a confirmed CWCSighting

The first one. Now stop harassing this user Christ almighty. god damn you people overanalyzing shit. now if anyone touches this user I will BAN them. Clydec 00:15, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

  • Thanks Clyde. I'm not the most active member on here, but goddamn some people get way too SERIOUS BUSINESS over some shit. This, even if it does have some non-CWC info in it, and even if it was a small sighting, is still useful, and furthermore interesting. NoVu 05:58, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
  • I think some people are just jumpy since Chris found another way to lock himself out of the internet. We must also accept and protect the brave volunteers who brought us sightings of the manchild. I think a banner confirming this sighting as valid might do good into dampening some "enthusiastic" reactions. Griffintown 03:10, 5 July 2010 (UTC)

This Amanda person seems interesting enough.

Chris should probably do something against her. Perhaps the LULZ that come out of both. Chris has nothing to lose because he has no job because he's a lazy piece of shit, but Amanda has her job. I wonder if Chris could get her fired lololol. Clydec 03:43, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

  • Haha yeah, that would be lulzworthy. I hope he does. --Ronichu 05:54, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
Wait wouldn't there be implications if it this site was linked to influencing Chris to get Amanda fired? This site may get shut down if Chris goes and does something like this. I'd say lets just hope Chris leaves this Amanda be.(Drlugae 13:18, 4 July 2010 (UTC))
Good point. I guess we don't want Chris doing it. Thank god he doesn't read these because something like that would be the death of this website. -- Mexican 16:43, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
That could be a total disaster for us and the CWCiki itself. Though we probably don't need to worry about that too much: Chris is way too much of a coward to ever try messing with her Amanda, so we should be safe-Kei 17:01, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
It would be even worse if he recorded it so he had evidence that he was there.--MoarLurk 19:41, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
I am worried that Chris will go back to this place and yell at that Amanda and tell her that she's a Pickle Agent. It could be a total disaster for all the trolls out there just like Kei said. If Chris tells her she's a Pickle Agent and causes a ruckus, then the government will have another piece of evidence to shut down all of the trolls. But I wonder if Chris will have the balls and manliness to go confront her and get her fired, hahahahahahahahaha. Elephant 03:50, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Honestly, I don't think he has the guts to go through with his little plan. --BreadGod 05:01, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, Chris is all hot air. He's too weak and cowardly to put up any sort of fight, be it mental or physical. I bet his parents must be so ashamed of him for not fighting his own battles and hiding behind them all the time.--MoarLurk 05:33, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
It's kinda ironic, isn't it? Chris always bags trolls for not having the guts to meet him face to face, and then he goes and shows how gutless he is by not facing this obviously evil bitch. He's no better than us. Borednewb 10:36, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
What has Amanda done that COULD get her fired, exactly? Sarge 9:58, 6 July 2010(EST)

As ballsalicious it would be for Chris to confront her, the CWCki is at stake. I'd rather just have nothing happen. Clydec 11:05, 5 July 2010 (UTC)

I think we're safe though Mr.Cash, we all know what type of character Chris has: he's too much of a coward to ever do anything, the naive retard runs away from anyone or anything that makes him uncomfortable, that's why he always looses. I wouldn't be surprised if that balding fuck is hiding from Amanda as we speak; as a customer he could start a screaming match with her and get her fired, and possibly start an investigation that could get us shut down, he's too much a coward to ever reach out and take any opportunity he has though! -Kei 16:37, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
If Chris confronts her, it'll all end: us, the ED page, hell, even the Greene County Conspiracy might go down. We can't let this happen, guys.Hiiro 17:02, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
If it does, start backing up the site. Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs 17:04, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Chris is so naive, though - he's always talking about how much he wants to lose his virginity, but he doesn't even realise that girls will only fuck guys who stand up for themselves and are assertive. If he did stand up to manajerks like Amanda, he might even have a chance at some china. Baxter 20:58, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Chicks dig it when guys stand up to them and put them in their place. Hell, the Amanda chick herself might even dig him if he showed her what a man she is. It's what women do, they say no, they deny, they tease: It's all a test. Those brave enough to not take no for an answer and get what they want end up getting the girl. If Chris stands up to her, it make him more of a man than even *I* am. Frontspac 09:50, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

Have we heard anything new from this lately?--MEANWHILE 07:14, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

Do not edit

Hey guys, we want to give this information time to get digested by the head trolls so don't edit it at all unless you're an admin please. If you're an admin you can do what you want. --Ronichu 09:48, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

I've already added the significant information to List of places that have banned Chris.--MoarLurk 01:21, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
I don't think anything is going to happen with this Ron. Look at the Fridays After Five article; spotted once and then nothing. This is probably just a random CWCsighting, like someone seeing Bigfoot while on a hike. --Caboose -1 23:31, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Jenkins hasn't been on since 13 July and this article needs a serious rewrite. Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs 09:07, 12 August 2010 (PDT)
Indeed. I'm not arguing about the article's importance or anything, just the execution. It is almost certainly the worst-written page on this wiki. A few tweaks could preserve and enhance everything it brings to the table, while losing the flavor of a 13-year-old on a 3-day crack and Ritalin binge. I don't see what makes the spastic gibbering such a vitally important part of the message. Incoherence is not a virtue, but whatever. Smokedaddy 18:57, 28 September 2010 (PDT)
I agree, maybe I'm just retarded and can't see why this guy is jesus or whateer, but this article is a poorly written mess about a low quality picture, and the Amanda article is one sentence. People keep saying that if we just looked hard enough we would know why he's so amazing, could you be any less vauge. I think that this and amanda should be deleted, if we had an article for every place chris eats at or every person who is mean to chris, then we would have way to many articles. --Dalkalopagus 16:19, 5 September 2010 (PDT) Wow, I'm really dumb. Disregard this.--Dalkalopagus 16:52, 5 September 2010 (PDT)

Delete already

This page is a piece of shit, terribly written, and ain't nothing happened to it except certain editors bitching about it. Clearly it needs to go. Apostrophe 10:27, 27 October 2010 (PDT)

shut it. this article is one of the best on the cwcki and if you can't see that, then you're blind. -- Clyde 10:42, 27 October 2010 (PDT)

Also, I agree with Apostrophe. And I did make a significantly better written article on Burger King. Also, I can see that this article is shit. Pfargtl9000 Spam & Eggs 16:14, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
Try and think before you type, no one cares about your article revision and how much "better" it is than it's current form, that's not what's significant here. If something is this way can't you please have the sence to figure out that there may be a good reason?-Kei 16:46, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
Okay then, here's your reason, it's lived its short life and it's outdated because nobody's allowed to edit it, even though it needs strong improvement, which it'll never get. Pfargtl9000 Spam & Eggs 18:28, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
There's a reason why you're on my ANNOYING USERS LIST on my user page. seriously, shut up christ. it'll pick back up ONE DAY. HINT HINT HINT -- Clyde 18:54, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
This article is still important. Do you not grasp how important having it here is?--MoarLurk 16:37, 29 October 2010 (PDT)
Jesus, I told you, on your talk page, what the deal was, and you still don't get it?--Austin 08:59, 6 November 2010 (PDT)

Can we edit now?

Considering the recent documents being leaked to the cwcki, Should this page be reformatted to match Cwcki standars?--Basgon 21:15, 5 November 2010 (PDT)

  • Why not? it was pretty obvious from the beginning, and the stuff he posted on trolling train is downright hilarious. Is it all backed up? --SargentPickles 21:17, 5 November 2010 (PDT)
  • No, this article is to be preserved the way it is since it has unique Wiki formatting. Champ will direct you guys on this later. -- Clyde 21:20, 5 November 2010 (PDT)

So what's the deal with this article now?

Do we keep it the same? Should we add it to "Chris's edits to CWCki" or whatever the page is and delete this page? Freecell 17:49, 30 January 2011 (PST)

I think that if we are to keep the page, we should at least put up some kind of notice that explains that Chris wrote it.--Blachman 04:49, 31 January 2011 (PST)
I am all for keeping the page. Chris did it? Therefore it's another historical document that needs to be archived. Some notice claiming he wrote the article would be nice if the trolling saga is gone for good. Griffintown 05:46, 31 January 2011 (PST)
I agree. There should be a notice about this. Alan Pardew 06:18, 15 July 2013 (PDT)

Bump!--Blachman 15:38, 4 February 2011 (PST)

  • This is a historical document, it should be preserved as such. --Champthom 17:57, 17 February 2011 (PST)

Wow, I didn't realize the original article by Chris was the one still up. It's been kept; I'm glad to see. His (mis)use of "butthurt" had me in stitches. Never remove! --The World Is Yours 14:01, 3 July 2013 (PDT)

Warning at the top.

I feel like there should be a disclaimer on the page that says that Chris wrote this article.--Superspongebobbros (talk) 06:14, 18 August 2020 (UTC)

I agree. Otherwise, there is absolutely no context for it. KingClark (talk) 10:44, 11 May 2021 (UTC)
I'd suggest something like

This article was written by Chris under his JenkinsJinkies persona. It is preserved as-is for historical reasons.

FokkerTISM (talk) 09:15, 12 May 2021 (UTC) P.S. Should a similar notice be added to the PS3/How the PS3 is Hacked page?