Brushfire Video

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The Brushfire Video (officially Male Idiot tries to put out fire, and Sits There. Someone, please call 911 for Flintstone Drive!) is a video uploaded by Chris to YouTube on 6 November 2014. The video was posted during a string of rants on Facebook that Chris made while observing a man on a bulldozer trying to put out a very small brushfire accidentally occurring near his house.

Note that the long title of the video accidentally reveals the address of his Rental House.

This video notably shows an actual conversation between Chris and Barb in the rental house, the likes of which had not been seen since You're Always Pretty.

The video is shot in better quality than his usual standards, apparently made using the YouTube Capture app on his iPhone, but that's not saying much as the video quality continually changes, and is quite possibly one of the shakiest videos he has made this side of Sonichu's Edge.

Chris thought that his detractors wouldn't find the video by putting it in "Unlisted" mode on YouTube. This backfired spectacularly.


This video mostly consists of footage of the brushfire, shot through a window, with dramatic music added to effect, while Chris talks loudly to his mom and makes a stupid impression of the guy on the bulldozer every now and then. Note that Chris is not one to talk regarding fires. The crunching and plinking sounds implies that the video was shot rather nonchalantly during lunch.


Male Idiot tries to put out fire, and Sits There. Someone, please call 911 for Flintstone Drive!
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 6 November 2014
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png Hypocrisy
Performance Style RageRage Rage, ComedyComedy Comedy, SmugSmug Smug
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Not Visible
To Mr. Smith
26 December 2014


[The first minute and 17 seconds of the video are silent with some old orchestral music playing in the background. 9 seconds in, there is a jump cut to a new shot of the window that zooms in. At the 1:17 mark, Barb presumably asks him to mind his own beeswax.]

Well, it IS my business, I'm livin' right... next door to dis here. [Plenty of crunching and rustling sounds can be heard in the background. After some more silence, Barb asks him a question but cannot be easily heard at all.]

Yeah, and I'm recording it on my iPod! Video! [Chris clears his throat.] Yeah, you see what he's--you see, he moved his...shovel mech, and he's... lookin' like he's trying to, he's either stokin' it, or he's trying to put it out! [Barb talks again inaudibly.] Well, he could try covering it with the dirt, nanowats, that's what's looks like he is doing right now!

[More silence, then two grunts from Chris and plenty of rattling, followed by some more silence. Then, Barb talks again.]

You looked from downstairs or outside? [Barb inaudibly replies.] Yeah! [Some keys jingle in the background.] Hey, Snoopy. [More silence.] This can go on YouTube. [Barb likely asks him what he'll call the video.] "Shoveling Male Idiot Tries to Put Out Fire"..."Surrounding a Forest"..."and"..."Neighborhood"! [More silence.] An' there's a lake nearby, y'know what? He could scoop some water and put it over the damn fire! My momma tried callin' 911 but guess what! The darn idiots won't listen! They think, "He's not breaking any laws!" Consarnit! They don't have a lick a' common sense! Oh, LOOK at this now! He drivin' away from the damn fire...oh, wait, he turnin' around! [Chris' phone starts ringing. The ringtone is "Street Life", a disco song by Randy Crawford. Chris cuts the video and starts again after the call.] Oh, now what? I'm in a--

[Jump cut to a new shot of the window. Cue some more silence, with some new somber-type piano music in the background and either Clover or Snoopy howling. Bulldozer stops trying and rolls up the hill. Chris uses his retarded voice again.] Yep, I'm driving away! I stoked the fire, and now I'm driving away! I'm an idiot or somethin', look at me! I'm driving away from the fire after I darn stoked it! And the wind it heavy over hear, I can feel it! And now I just turn myself around. And now I'm gonna sit here and watch the damn fire some more! [Normal voice] Somebody please call 911 and tell 'em to get over here!

To Mr. Smith Chris's videos GameStop Assault