Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play is a series of videos where Chris reads the titular Christmas play starring Angelica Rosechu in front of a snow background accompanied by whimsical music. The videos are all around 10 to 15 minutes long. This is based on the "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" play that Chris wrote and drew in jail. New drawings occasionally appear in the video. He continues to shill OfficialCWCmart in the descriptions.
The Life and Times of Jesus Christ
Back in 2022, Praetor released "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ", a play Chris wrote in jail, which was sold on OfficialCWCmart as a part of the Praetor Jail Art. Chris would reuse this for the Christmas Play.
OfficialCWCmart listings
To pass the time in jail, Chris has been writing a lot. In addition to many other pieces, he has written an incredibly extensive play titled "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ." Chris has directed it to be narrated and made cohesive via video, with us going so far as to hire a voice actor. (Albeit from Fiver.)
The play itself will be released shortly. Chris drew pictures to illustrate and accompany the narration. This is one of those pictures. |
Part One
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 1 | |
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Stardate | 18 October 2023 |
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previous Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021 |
next Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 2 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 1 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well. [links to OfficialCWCmart] |
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Part Two
Angelica Rosechu Christmas Play Part 2 | |
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Stardate | 23 October 2023 |
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previous Angelica Rosechu Christmas Play Part 1 |
next Angelica Rosechu Christmas Play Part 3 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 2 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well. [links to OfficialCWCmart] Music from [links to two songs] |
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Part Three
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 3 | |
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Stardate | 24 October 2023 |
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previous Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 2 |
next Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 4 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 2 [sic] of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well. [links to OfficialCWCmart] |
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Part Four
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 4 | |
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Stardate | 25 October 2023 |
Subject Matter | ![]() ![]() |
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Saga | ![]() ![]() |
previous Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 3 |
next Stay Lively Tuned |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 4 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well.[links to OfficialCWCmart] |
[Static crackles. A soft piano rendition of "Auld Lang Syne" can be heard while winter wind sound effects play in the background. Overtop of a drawn image of Angelica Rosechu, text appears across the screen.]
"The Life and Times of Jesus Christ"
a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu
Part 3 [sic]
[The music abruptly cuts out and the background changes to a wintery forest, with Chris in front of it.]
Chris: And there was the scene where Bubbles as Pharisee Woman cleansed Jesus's feet, and Jesus rebooked her husband, played by a regular male Sonichu, and a scene of the re- of the reenactment of the Last Supper folowed by Cal Sonichu as Judas, bartering for the betrayal of Jesus. And then the scene by Judas facing Jesus surrounded by his soldiers. Jesus said- I mean Judas said to Jesus I gotta get this down...
[A drawing of Judas kissing Jesus on the lips appears on screen.]
Judas: Praise, rabbi.
Chris: Then Judas kisses Jesus on the lips for a second or two. Judas leaves and Jesus asks:
Jesus: Hey, where are you going?
Chris: As the suporters of J- of Jesus fled off stage, Jesus was apprehended.
[The drawing disappears.]
Chris: Nightstar Sonichu as the High Priest asked for the witnesses, only to find none. Then the priest sentences Jesus to death. Jesus was taken to the Pilate for the trial. Peter says to Jesus:
Peter: I do not know you.
Chris: Ehhhhhhh [unintellibigle]. Perceptor Sonchu as the Pilate stands before Jesus at the trial and asked him... [loses his place] Perceptor Sonichu as the Pilate stands before Jesus at the trial and asks him:
Pilate: Are you just the king of the Jews?
Chris: Jesus replies:
Jesus: You said it, I didn't.
Pilate: Do you know the crimes that have been put against you?
Chris:Jesus does not respond but in the paused moment as the lights cut a light- a spotlight remains on Jesus. Jesus says aloud his thoughts in the moment.
Jesus: As i have foreseen it, even if I testify by destiny and prophecy I will be crucified anyway, so, I converse my- I conserve my energy for the Resurrection of mine from the cross. [sigh] It's a thing I gotta do and I gotta roll with it.
Chris: The lights cut back on teh- he- Pilate require- inquires the witnesses that were false. One of them shouts:
False Witness: He said he would destroy the temple and restore it in three days!
Chris: Everyone shouts out:
Crowd: Crucify him!
Chris: Nightstar Sonichu as Barabbas was brought in and the Pilate asked the witnesses:
Pilate: This man Bara--
[There is an abrupt edit.]
Chris: -and Pilate asked the witnesses:
Pilate: This man Barabbas is convicted of murder and insurrection. Would you rather I release-
[A drawing abruptly appears, showing Jesus and Barabbas kneeling before Pilate.]
Pilate: -Jesus or Barabbas?
Chris: Witnesses shouted:
Crowd: Release Barabbas, crucify Jesus! Derrrrrrrrr!
Chris: They continued even as the Pilate asked:
Pilate: Why? What crime has Jesus committed?
Chris: With a groan the Pilate dipped her hands into the nearby bowl of water.
Pilate: Very well. Release Barabbas and deliver Jesus. I wash my hands of this. Let Jesus'-
[The drawing disappears.]
Pilate: -blood be on your hands.
Chris: The lights cut off as Jesus is relocated off stage right to get the crown of thorns on his head as the crowd of the cast of regular Sonichus and Roseshus line up along the curtain-
[A picture abruptly appears, showing Jesus/Sonichu carrying a cross past a group of onlookers.]
Chris: -and the lights come on as Jesus carries the cross acro- across the stage. Along the jeering crowd. Then he is tied to the cross and placed upright. Jesus shouts:
Jesus: My God, my God!
[The drawing disappears.]
Jesus: Why am I forsaken?
Chris: Then he collapses into death.
[A picture appears, showing Jesus/Sonichu tied to the cross.]
Chris: Angelica narrates as the lights come up and the scenery is changed.
Angelica: Jesus Christ had died on the cross at Golgaltha. His body had been laid to rest in the tomb. Jesus was fighting another battle-
[The drawing disappers.]
Angelica: -as the sins he had absorbed saw his soul fall to Hell.
Chris: The lights cut back on to reveal Jesus in the center stage with the Sonichus and Rosechus behind bars, groaning and moaning from their punishments amongst red streamers on the stage floor. Stage grips moving cardboard-
[The background abruptly shifts to a floating crucifix surrounded by light; religious music begins to play.]
Chris: -cutouts of demons scurrying aobut. Jamsta Sonichu as Satan approaches Jesus.
Satan: Welcome to the Hell, Son of God... Yes!
[Abrupt edit]
Chris: And Satan falls-
[A drawing appears, showing Jesuschu punching Satanchu.]
Chris: -with a Sky Uppercut. Bor a- Jesus takes Sa- Satan's keys. Satan rolls away stage right. Jesus breaks the cardboard demons in the middle and Jesus lifts a hand and emits a light and controlled Blue Thundershock symbolizing holy flames. The-
[The drawing disappears.]
Chris: -stage lights go from red to blue. Jesus frees all the sinners and forgives them. The freed ones leave stage right. Jesus returns to center stage and stomps his left foot. [Chris does this.] The lights cut off. Angelica narrrates as the streamers are picked up and the scener- scenery quickly changed.
Angelica: Jesus conquers Hell and death by taking Satan's keys and freeing the lost souls, cleansing Hell into nothing but holy flame and light. Three days in the tomb Jesus' body had lay, and then as the divine holy light shines upon the body Jesus Christ returns and he is resurrected.
Chris: The lights cut back on revealing Jesus lying in a casket, with the cave entrance blocked by a large stone nearby. Jesus wakes up and sits up and gets out of casket. Aloud he says:
Jesus: Right.
[A picture appears, showing Jesuschu in the tomb standing outside the casket.]
Jesus: [Snaps fingers.] I freed the sinners, time to announce my return.
Chris: Jesus slams the boulder away and lock- walks right out of the tomb, and off stage. The Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene walk to the tomb's entrance and see the stone rolled away with the tomb empty.
[The drawing disappears.]
Mary: What the...? Where's Jesus?
Chris: [unintelligible]
Other Mary: Uh... I don't know. Who can roll this boulder away?
Chris: Angelica Rosechu comes down and sits against the casket. She tells Mary and... she tells the two Marys:
Angelica: Do not be afraid. Jesus is crucified and Jesus has risen. As you can see, he is not here. Go and tell Peter and the Disciples that Jesus has gone to Galilee. You shall find him safe, alive, healthy and well there.
Chris: The two start off toward stage left as Jesus walks toward them and says:
Jesus: Hey, Mary.
Chris: The two Marys looked up and praise the Lord and they both hugged him. Jesus tell them:
Jesus: Be not afraid. Okay. Go tell my brethren that I shall meet them in Galilee.
Chris: As the lights cut off, the scenery is rolled away. Angelica walks toward stage right and narrates.
Angelica: And so the two Marys told all Jesus's Disciples and the eleven Disciples went to Galilee to find Jesus.
Chris: [Briefly loses his place.] Okay the lights cut back on. The Disciples stand before Jesus on stage and praise him. Peter approaches, checks and see the scars, which were essentially makeup at this point cuz we're talkin' about a play here, in his hands and touches his shoulder, and steps back against Jesus and... he's, no I'm sorry. And touches his shoulder then steps back, aghast. Jesus asks Peter three times:
Jesus: Do you love me?
Peter: Yes.
Chris: [stuttering] Peter answers every time yes, with tears in his eyes... the third time. Jesus says to his Disiples:
Jesus: I am blessed with the powers of the heavens, cosmos and earth. Go forth and teach all nations to always be mindful, observant, and follow in the path of light power and good. Also cues are signs and the angels, cosmos and light. Do-
[A picture appears, showing Jesuschu with his hand on a portal.]
Jesus: -not ever dismiss them. We Gods and Goddesses are always with all of you. Including I. Even though we're not perfect, either. Keep faith and have no doubt within. Go forth with blessings and good, all of you.
Chris: Everyone vacates the stage as Angelica approaches the center stage with her last narration of the play.
Angelica: And Jesus walked away from his Disciples into a portal of light.
[The drawing disappears.]
Angelica: Jesus continued on in immortal life, never again dying physically. Jesus continued his walks of... on earth life, going from one place to another and assuming different identities and forms.
Chris: Sonichu Prime, still as Jesus, walks onstage from stage right as from... as from stage... left a regular Sonichu female brought out a large blue turtle plush and a llama plush and stood between them in a line. Jesus stood beside the llama. Following Jesus was a Sonichu donned like an African man, followed by one who was a monk, a few others in varying forms followed by... followed one by one dressed in der- in... followed by one dressed in Egyptian garb like one of Cleopatra's advisors. A few others including some female Sonichu and female Rosechu... ending with Punchy dressed up as Aang the Airbender-
[A picture appears, showing all of this.]
Chris: -Bubbles as Korra and Nightstar as Sylvia, Merlin's assistant, now I'm talking Merlin the magician. Angelica continued:
Angelica: So in summary, Jesus Christ is the one Avatar of Existence and God of Gods. He still walks among us today. From a veil separate half of our earth right here, but not like how we all have come to know of his famous past self.
Chris: The next part has some preface so... Christian, you know, Christian Chandler, his counterpart, yeah he had to do some research into my Goddess form. Even-
[The drawing disappears.]
Chris: -got into talking with Neptune Blonde Noir Invert of Gamindustri to learn of Scarlet Leroux, the original CPU Goddess Blue Heart, Comma and the Commodore consoles. The outfit of Goddess Blue Heart matched what I was wearing and wear today, in that divine intervention card I gave to Crystallina. That's another detail that's gonna be revealed when I get to revealing the rest of these parts of the Goddess Log pages, this was written before that, anyway... da da da da, Chris had a specially tailored one-piece suit and shin guard wear, plus the Commodore wings made... and had to wear and fill a D-cup padded bra under the one-piece, and slip a shaped blue colored cover over his Sonichu form's tail and get dolled up in the bless- in this blessed portrayal.
[Chris fumbles for the camera momentarily, then disappears. The credits scroll up the screen, still cut off on one side. Typos included.]
Narrator/Holy Ghost/Angel: Angelica
Three Wise Men: Nightstar,
Joseph: Constanpole Sonichu
Young Jesus/Little Drummer Boy:
Young Mary Magdaline: Rasenla
Virgin Mary: Crystalina Rosechu
King Herod/Satan: Jamsta Sonichu
Desciple Peter: Punchy Sonichu
Lazerus/John the Baptist: Wild
Elizabeth/Anna/Pharisee Woman:
Judas: Cal Sonichu
Pilate: Perceptor
Barabas: Nightstar
James: Inuyasha Sonichu
Mary Magdalene: Rosey Rosechu
Jesus Christ: Sonichu Prime
Lazuras's Sister: Lolisa Rosechu
"The Life and Times of Jesus Christ"
a Christmas Play by Angelica Rosechu
Part 5 coming soon
[The music continues briefly before the video ends.]
Part Five
Angelica Rosechu's Christmas Play, Part 5 | |
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Stardate | 26 October 2023 |
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Saga | ![]() ![]() |
previous The Return of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime |
next Reading Chaos Crystal Control Act 4 |
This is "The Life and Times of Jesus Christ" as written and directed by Angelica Rosechu in a Christmas Play she and a lot of other Sonichus and Rosechus enacted on December 17, 2005 after having gone back in time and personally met and talked with Jesus in Israel way back in the day, with Magi-Chan's help.
This is Part 5 of the Multipart reading video series read by I, personally, as chronicled. Visit the Etsy Store for often updated items we have for sale as well.[links to OfficialCWCmart] |