Family Guy
Family Guy is a mediocre animated sitcom renowned for its lack of originality and blatant plagiarism, which is ironic considering Chris rips it off so much in his comics.
The series is also the inspiration for Chris's infamous Ghostbusters "skitch" that appeared in Sonichu 7 and introduced the one-off appearance of his character Sammy, a creation that was a mix between Chris and Peter Griffin (srsly, and you thought his mix of him and Sonichu was bad!). Chris had hoped that the creator of Family Guy, Seth McFarlane, could possibly use his sketch in a future episode, but he unfortunately didn't realize McFarlane is quite capable of making unfunny, plagiarized, boring shit on his own.
Influence on Chris

Chris has variously expressed fanaticism for the series and watches it regularly. It can be inferred from this that the show's frequent use of non-sequitur, referential humor has bolstered Chris's belief that reproducing (or at least deriving) themes, motifs and characters from other works makes for legitimate, original art and has influenced his muddled understanding of parody.
Also significant is his citing of Family Guy as material that endorses homophobia, having completely misinterpreted what was a not-so-subtle jab at the prejudice in a recent episode. As the series often deals with issues of bigotry and other social taboos in a manner which to most would constitute ham-fisted irony, the question is raised as to what other messages from the show Chris takes at face value.
One of the best examples of Chris' misunderstandings of the show is Chris' referencing of a scene in which Stewie quotes the Bible to prove that gay marriage is wrong; The joke being that Stewie is constantly switching between being gay and straight (more often leaning toward gay) making his quoting of the Bible hypocritical. This joke obviously soared over Chris' head, and even now Chris references that scene to prove that being gay is wrong. What's even more ridiculous is the fact that Chris is using an animated comedy show to form his opinions on things like this.
It is notable that Seth McFarlane holds almost the complete opposite beliefs to Chris - he is liberal, an atheist, supports gay marriage, believes in gay rights, and has hinted at drug use. The irony is nearly painful.
Chris lifts lines and phrases from the show in conversation, perhaps unconsciously. He's been heard spouting the wacky phrase, "In da eaaaaggghh!", probably referring to an episode where Meg and her boyfriend take an abstinence pledge, and are discovered by Lois having ear sex. When he's angry - in the Father Call, in Vivitheg's AIM chat, in the e-mail that accompanied the Sports bra photo series - Chris often declares that a person or situation "grinds his gears," which is originally one of Peter Griffin's stock sayings.
Chris's influence on Family Guy
While probably unintentional, there are a few instances of eerie similarity from Chris's work on Family Guy.
The first few minutes of "Road to Germany" where Mort Goldman looks desperately for a bathroom only to accidentally go into Stewie's new time machine is strikingly similar to the Ghostbusters skitch.
Likewise, many CWC trolls noticed how uncanny that Peter Griffin in the episode "Three Kings" was wearing a shirt very similar to one of Chris's trademark shirts.
In the episode "Family Goy", Peter falls in love with a cardboard cutout of Kathy Ireland and later has sex with said cutout.
A majority of the show is based off of its shock appeal, and has sparked several debates with parental groups over TV. It is very unknown if Chris objects to Family Guy for many of its controversial topics and lewd jokes, but it is certainly something to question as he is usually very awkward feeling about anything offensive.
Chris and Meg
Chris has a crush on Megan Griffin (a cartoon character, for those keeping track at home). However, what Chris doesn't seem to understand is that a good portion of the show's "humor" is intended to come at the expense of Meg Griffin. Despite this, Chris has developed feelings for her, perhaps finding a kindred spirit in another person whose only use seems to be to entertain the masses by being constantly mistreated by the world at large (that or her name just reminds him of someone...). Although she is underage, Chris has sought porn of her, going so far as to assimilate it into his comics (see here).
On 8 October 2009, he commented on a YouTube clip from the episode "Road to the Multiverse" depicting a hot alternate-universe Meg, lamenting that if only McFarlane let Meg turn 18 that CWC would "be all over her sweet pussy and breasts." [1].
Chris's message to Seth McFarlane
On 05 June 2009, The Miscreants special ops agent Bryan Bash hacked into Chris's YouTube account and found a message Chris sent to Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane, via his YouTube account.
Hello Seth,
I am a long-time Family Guy Fan. I have purchased the Blu-Ray of your Calvacade; I enjoyed all but the homosexual and dick jokes (I detest the homos very strongly). For your next bunch of 50 or so videos, please do more breast and vagina jokes.
The Cleveland Show
27 September 2009 saw the debut of The Cleveland Show, a Family Guy spin-off that answered the question, "What would happen if we took one of the least popular characters on Family Guy and gave him his own show?" Naturally, it sounded like a solid gold idea to Chris, as he plugged the show heavily on one of his Captain's Logs. The eager endorsement of the show by an odorous bra-wearing creepy-ass manchild is certainly much appreciated by the Fox network.
See also
- Sammy - Chris's bastard love child creation of him combined with Peter Griffin.
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Monty Python's Flying Circus
- South Park