Continuity in the Sonichu comics

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Revision as of 10:39, 15 January 2010 by TheBadGuy (talk | contribs)
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Among many things, the continuity in the Sonichu series is entirely full of fail. The following is a list of continuity errors and retcons in the series:

Every Sonichu comic ever

Character disappearances

  • After Sonichu 1 Kel completely disappears from the comics.
    • Chris later retconned in the CWCipedia that she "continued her Pok'emon Master Journey." She still has not returned to the comics.
  • Bill The Scientist only appears in episode 4 and is never seen again. This can be explained by the fact that he's an extra, but everyone has been waiting to hear what happened to him. Chris seems to have forgotten this character even existed.
  • Sonic does not appear after episode 6. He will supposedly appear again in Sonichu 11, but Chris likely won't make it that far.
  • Metal Sonichu went to the moon in episode 6, and is never seen nor heard from again. This is, arguably, the case that is most likey to fuel a future plotpoint, but chances that Chris has also completely forgotten about this are overwhelmingly big.
  • Crystal Weston Chandler was trapped in the Dark Mirror Hole during Sonichu 5, and whilst she was mentioned afterwards in a few issues, was mostly forgotten by Sonichu 8 and not even mentioned in Sonichu 9. However, Crystal was finally saved in Sonichu 10 by Collosal Chris-Chan, who simply enters the mirror and picks her up with very little drama or fanfare. It's possible that Chris had entirely forgotten about this particular plot thread, but was reminded of it after several letters complaining about discontinuity in the Mailbag.

Character appearances

  • Billy Mays suddenly appeared in Sonichu 9 (page 32) with Chis proclaiming that he has been his body guard (and never mayor) all this time. Though he never gives an explanation where he was all the numerous times Chris was having shit beaten out of him by Jerkops.

Full edits

Recently, Chris has uploaded alternate versions of certain pages onto his DeviantART account and the CWCipedia.

See also