Focused, Divine Guidances - 01142024

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Focused, Divine Guidances - 01142024 is a video uploaded to Chris's YouTube channel on 15 January 2024. In it, Chris confirms that he was indeed removed from Animate! Raleigh due to people's complaints. He then rambles about being Jesus, his continued dissatisfaction over My Little Pony G5, and people blocking him on social media, before encouraging people to cleanse themselves of dark and evil energy and follow the light path.


Focused, Divine Guidances - 01142024
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Stardate 15 January 2024
Subject Matter ConventionsConventions Conventions, TrollsTrolls Trolls
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Chris and Flutter walking at Animate! Raleigh


Heed my words, one and all


Greetings, everyone. Jesus Christ-Chan Sonichu Prime here once again, focused and connected with... everything. And I will start off by mentioning of course the Animate! Raleigh convention. Flutter and I, we did attend the Friday, and then we were going to attend the Saturday, but we were intercepted. Because, like the Romans back in the days of Jerusalem, false witnesses were borne against me, and they were talked about and ratted me out to the organizer of the convention, which that in its entity was quite wrong indeed. And as you all note, as I have exemplified through the event, I [unintelligible] love and kept my calm. I did try to explain, and yet...


At the moment, the demons were too great in that event organizer. And I feel sorry for that individual, and their accomplices that were with them at the time. And, despite the efforts of the minority, we did still have a very good weekend. And I was the one wearing the striped socks. So you mention that and think about that as you will. Outside of all that... all of those that dare do and repeat history in dark ways, by following that of the demons and devils, and even Satan himself, in the temptations of darkness, and try to thwart me? They all shall be thwarted shortly enough. It is the divine will, along with that of Russia being a modern-day Babylon, to fall as Babylon did, and Vladimir Putin, dying by his own sword. And everything coming to fruition. For I have risen before... and I many times risen in this lifetime as well. Whether you all know it or not, with all the timeline shifts, the cosmic events and everything. And y'all would actually know the answer had you actually opened your minds and meditated and actually connected. But not every one of you all didn't.


Not every one of y'all did. Which is a shame, really. Because I, when I was Jesus Christ back in Jerusalem once upon a time, I connected with the [unintelligible] records as well way back then. But continue to simplify what I could, was what was right, and yet was chronicled of me in prophecy, and then as such within the Holy Bible, and then later on...

[Pause] the later book... Which is... it's escaping my consciousness but y'all know what I mean.


But it still goes in all the connections that all religions are good. Except for those that have anything to do with the darkness and Satanism [motorcycle audible in the background] and so forth. The correct religions are those that are good, light-powered and righteous, between Christianity... Mormons, Judaism... the zen, zodiological animals, and all of that. And all gods- and all gods and goddesses have existed. They all worked under me... as well as Emmanuel... and worked under that which is above us, of which I am directly connected with, the Alpha and Omega Point of all Existence, that exists at the beginning and end of this timeline, and all timelines. This timeline being the one Prime Timeline of which were all other timelines exists, so... and I am the one Avatar of all Existence.


So definitely be careful what you wish for. Because what you should be wishing for is that which is good. For if you leave your wishes unwarranted, the trauma can continue... even by that... which may have come unto unwarranted, in recent days. Of which I do apologize for, but hey. ALL OF US, artists, creators, chroniclers, other dimensional and universe and timeline explorers that we have explored and done innately in our writings, in our drawings, in our music, in all of various media...


Welcome to our world. And the drama from the midst fandoms, which include the minority that are the worst, of the toxic evilest darkest sinning individuals. They are going to converge upon you anyway, whether or not I had commented on that which does not exist this timeline, My Little Pony Generation 5. Make your mark, tell your tale. [finger quotes] "A New Generation" movie. There is still time to shelve all that, Hasbro, and get rid of it. Because as long as they're made... further developments which are bad, for this timeline shall continue. Once G4 Friendsdhip is Magic and Equstria Girls are finally resumed [?], and Friendship Is Magic concl- uh- continues on, to the end of its 14th televised animated season, animated as it was, before anything having to do with Pony Life... money... really corrupted the business people. It has corrupted the arts. And that has been exemplified in the G5 media, which was re-released... re-released prematurely. As I have foreknown and foretold. As everyone else after [unintelligible] understood and observation of.

[Pauses, stomps his foot.]

Help in making sure that we are good in this timeline, in this, our Prime Universe, as the Dimension Merge does complete and the ultimate miracle manifests so. It is right, it is good, and I will also note, there is no reason to block me on social media, because even if you do you're still going to be attacked by those that follow you, those that follow me, those that follow and troll all those that are famous and creative, because they try to discourage us, among the minority that exists within. And what we need do is just let that slide. We need not heed their words. We need not let that affect us deeply. All of you hear my call and understand, for we all coexist together in this... drama, in this... form of Hell, as it were. And it's up to us to beat all the haters and fakers and darkest sinning individuals that try to- tempt us, that try and thwart us into other very emotional directions. That is not right. By just simply ignoring them... and only block THEM... and it is I that is not meant to be cursed at all, even when you're in the midst of feeling fatigued and tired and would not want to be involved in drama... you already were involved in that drama. Directly, indirectly and so forth. [claps hands] Period. Rather you have been dealt by me before, presently, or not yet at all.

Meditate on that as you will and shall, for it is right and good, and follow that which is light-powered, good and righteous. But when you do that, and live of your own volition, and using common sense, and following the guidance that feels good, and right, and light-powered. That... is very good indeed. And blocking the one individual, which is I, is not right. Because that is not gonna prevent any of those... be it from my fandom, or your fandom... all of you...


You know that it is they that make those comments, you want to report and block them. And my name, JESUS CHRISTINE WESTON CHANDLER SONICHU PRIME. Or I am- as I am also known as: Chris-Chan, Christ-Chan, Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime. I am not to be cursed, my name is not to be used in slander or defamy of any sort. Do this and you will feel a [unintelligible] in your day, as it were. But what you have been sent to- and realize that I am good, like all of you are, that are good. Even the neutral-good. And also are neutral-bad, or bad that are redeeming themselves, opening themselves up and their minds to redeem themselves and follow that which is good light-powered and righteous. You know. But it is those that leave their minds closed, and stick with such bad ways and bad mindsets that are so... over... a decade ago. Well over a decade ago, decade and a half ago. 2007 called... That's. Not. Me. Anymore. Period. So get over yourselves. And accept me for I am good. I am grounded. I am much better now. And I shall not be tempted or swayed by any other dark means whatsoever. And everyone is tested. Fail the test by approaching me with any forming of line where you pretend that you don't recognize me, or you see me as someone else, and you post that on the Internet, and such... places on the Internet, you shall be swift Divine retribution, in one way or another. To not put anything online, whether it be a selfie with me in the picture, or any picture with I... and my friends, and family, and so forth... without my personal consent.


Aside from that, good to you and as you will and shall... and that which is good and light-powered and righteous... and it is rightly so.

[Claps hands, moves his right hand toward the camera.]

I bless all of you, who watch this video and understand.


And if you do not understand, open your mind. Open your heart. Open your soul. Feel... the energy, purify yourselves if you are dark, further cleanse yourselves if you are neutral. Keep yourself good, if you feel true good clear aura, without any Satanic, demon or demonic influences whatsoever. For it is right and it is good. [Nods] All of you shall be blessed. Thank you.

Raw captions

Text from YouTube's captions

everyone Asus Christ CH Prime here once

again focused and connected with

everything and I will start off with

mentioning of

course the animate Ry

convention flutter and I we did attend

the Friday and we were going to attend

the Saturday

we were

intercepted because like the Romans back

in the days of

Jerusalem false Witnesses were born

against me and they were talked about

and read me out to the organizer of the

convention which that in it entity was

quite wrong

indeed and as you you all note as I have

exemplified during the

event I can continue to love and get my

Cal I did try to

explain and

yet at the moment the demons were too

great in that event organizer and I feel

sorry for that

individual and their accomplish that

were with them at the time and despite

the efforts of the

minority we did still have a very good

weekend and I was the one where the


sucks so you mention that and think

about that as you

will outside of all

that all those that dare do and repeat


in the dark

Ways by following that of the demons and

devils and even Satan himself in the

Temptations of

darkness and try to thwart

me they all shall be th shortly enough

it is the Divine

will along with that of Russia being a

modern day

Babylon to follow all as Babylon did and

vlir Putin Dying by his own sword at

every coming to

F for I have risen

before and I have many times risen in

this lifetime as

well whether you all know it or not with

all the timeline shifts the cosmic

events and


and y'all would actually know the answer

that you actually open your minds and

meditate and actually

connected but not every one of you all

didn't not every one of you all

did which is a shame really because I

when I was Jesus Christ back in

Jerusalem once upon a time I connected

with the aik records as well way back

then while continue to Syfy but I could

with what was right and yet was

chronicled of me in Prophecy and then as

such within the Holy Bible and later


on in the layer

book which

was it's escaping my conscious some but

you all know what I


but it still goes in all the connections

that all religions are good except for

those that have anything to

do with the darkness and

Satanism and so forth the correct

religions are those that are good like

power and righteous between

Christianity Mormons

Judaism the send sod theological animals

and all that and all guys and all gods

and godes have existed they all worked


me as well as

Emanuel and worked under that which is

above us of which I have directly

connected with the Alpha and Omega point

of all existence that exist is the

beginning and end of this timeline and


timelines this timeline being the one

prime timeline of which where all other

timelines exists some and I am the one

Avatar of all

existence so definitely be careful what

you wish

for because what you should be wishing

for is that which is

good for if you leave your wishes

unwarranted the drama can continue

you even by

that which may have come unto

unwarranted in recent

days of wish I do apologize for but hey

all of us artists creators croners other

dimensional and universe and timeline

explorers that we have explored and done

innately in our writings in our drawings

in our music in our various

media Welcome to our world and the drama

from the midst

fandoms which include the minority that

are the worst of the toxic e evilest

darkest sinning

individuals they are going to converge

upon you anyway whether or not I had

commented on that which does not exist

this timeline by Little Pony generation

5 Make Your Mark tell your tale a new


movie there is still time to shove all

that M bro and get rid of it because as

long as they were

made further developments which are bad

for this timeline shall continue once G4

friendship is Magic and Equestria Girl

are fully resumed and friend ship is

Magic concl continues on to the end of

its 14th televised Animated season

animated as it

was before anything having to do with



money really corrupted the business

people it has corrupted the Arts and

that has been ex

simplified in the G5 media which was

re-released re-released

prematurely as I have forn and

foretold as everyone else have been Beed

understood and observation

of help and making sure that we are good

in this timeline in this our Prime

universe as the toet birge does complete

at the ultimate miracle manest

so it is right it is good and I also

note there is no reason to block me on

social media because even if you do

you're still going to be attacked by

those that follow you those that follow

me those that follow and troll all those

that are famous and

creative because they try to discourage


among the minority that exists

within and what we need do is just let


slide we need not heed their words we

need not let that affect us

deeply all of you here my call and

understand for we all coinist together

in this drama in this form of hell as it


and it's up to us to beat all the haters

and fakers and darkest s individuals

that try to tempt us that try to sword

us into other fearing emotional

directions that is not right by just

simply ignoring

them and only block

them and it is I that is not meant to be

cursed at all even when you're in the

midst of feeling fatigued and tired and

would not want to be involved in

drama you already were involved in the

drama directly indirectly and so forth

period rather you have been know by me

before presently or not yet at

all meditate on that as you will and

shall for it is right and good and

follow that which is light powered good


righteous for when you do

that and live of your own valtion and

using common sense and following the

guidance that feels right and good and



that is very good

indeed and blocking the one individual

which is I is not right because that is

not going to prevent any of

those be it from my fandom or your

fandom all of

you you know that it is they that make

those comments you want to report and

block them in my name Jesus Christy

Western Cher SAU Pride

or I as I am also know as Chris Chan

Christ Chan Jesus Christ Chan son you

prime I am not to be cursed my name is

not to be used in slander or defam of


sort do this and you will feel a bassive

link in your day as it

were but once you have accepted and

realized that I am

good like all of you are that are

good even the neutral good and those

that are neutral bad or bad that are

redeeming themselves opening themselves

up at their minds redeem themselves and

follow that which is good like power and

righteous you know but is those that

leave their minds closed and stick with

such bad ways and bad mindsets are


over a decade ago well over a decade ago

decade and a half

ago 2007

called that's not me anymore

period so get over yourselves and it set

me for I am

good I am grounded I am much better now

and I shall not be tempted or swayed by

any other dark means whatsoever and

everyone is tested fail the

test by approaching me with any forming

of life where you pretend that you don't

recognize me or you see me as someone

else and you post that on the internet

and such

places on the

internet you shall be swift divine

retribution in one way or another to not

put anything online whether it be a

selfie with me in the picture or any

picture with I and my friends and family

and so forth without my personal


aside from that continue on as you will

and shall and that which is good like


Righteous and it is rightly

so I bless all of you who watch this

video and


if you do not understand open your mind

open your heart open

yourself feel the energy purify

yourselves if you are dark further

cleanse yourselves if you are

neutral keep yourselves good if you feel

true good clear and Aura without any

satanic demon or demonic influences

whatsoever for it is right and it is


all of you shall be

blessed thank you