Megan emails, 2005-2006

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The following is a transcript of the known e-mails between Megan and Chris from 2005 through 2006. The only thing that has been removed are the email ads at the bottom of each page.

Megan's e-mails are in light red, Chris is in light blue.

Megan wants a Tin Tin episode

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−
From: pearl3 <>
To: Cc:
Sent: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 3:14 am
Subject: quick!

Hey quick! Please go to ebay and type Tintin videos

There's a buy it now near the bottom. The episode is Cigars of the Pharoahs. it's $9.99 and shipping is 5.75

Please can you get this video for me? please hurry! thanks!

Chris wants to date Megan at McDonald's

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−
Sent: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 8:12:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Hi Hi, Meg.

I've just talked to my father about him coming one Friday. Currently, he's a bit under the weather. But if he feels better by this coming Friday, he'd like for us to get together at the McDonalds closest to the Game & Hobby place after the League-Play. I'll let you know for sure Friday.

Thank you for the drawings you gave me. For your island's name, I feel that, "Parodyse Island," is a slightly better name.

Everytime I see your drawings, I get inspired to want to work more on my comics. So, I'll be working more often on them; I hope you're still working on your Strawberry Pink story, because it fascinates me. ;8)

I'll talk to you again soon.

Stay Sweet;

Chris Chan.

Chris wants her number

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−
Sent: Sun, 7 May 2006 2:03:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Hey, Meg-Chan.

Hey, no worries about the park meeting yesterday; I enjoyed watching the ducks and the fish. I've also talked to some of the ducks... have I done my "Donald Duck" imitation for you? And the children that passed by were fun to watch as well. I'd love to ride the train with you.  :)

I plan on working on my room as well this week.

I'll jump in on the 87-photo lot tonight at about 7:45...wait till the last minute... and punch in my max. bid. I'll let you know about the monetary total after winning the photos for you.  ;)

That's funny you've bought Super Princess Peach; so did I, and I am enjoying it as well. I'll send you a list of the games of your selected systems in my next E-Mail in a MSExcel file. I'll bold the ones I'd be willing to trade/give to you; you can print it for yourself and highlight the one's you'd like (I've misplaced the list with your underlines... I'm sorry).

Megan, I'd feel much better if I could converse with you about these situations vocally (than written), because I feel a bit of tension from waiting a day or two for your reply. And I feel that our points would come across between us more effectively. I understand that you don't like to "waste time on the phone," but how often do you receive calls at your house or cell from anyone other than telemarketers? So, could I get your phone number, please?

I know that I've given you mine a few times, so you have that.

Love, with you always in my mind and heart;

Chris Chan.

Megan comments on Chris's photos

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−
From: pearl3 <>
To: Cc: pearl3 <>
Sent: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:18 am
Subject: My tour through CWCville

Hi! I'm leaving tomorrow so I have time for one more email!

I'm typing this and looking at the pics of your stuff at the same time!

Let's see what I see....

pic#1: I notice the Octan signs right away. John had several sets from that. Wow this is neat, I never combined my sets like that. I only have a few small ones.

pic#2: First of all you have the same window air cooling unit I have. I see Houndhowl hanging down! No offence but your room looks a little cluttered and messy. Sometime I'll be like Brock the super maid and get that place organized!!

pic#3: Is that a japanese temple I see!? I've NEVER seen that before! OH!! You have an Egyptian set!! With my lego hero!! Johnny Thunder!! I have a set with a sphinx.

pic#4: Neat Pokemon poster! Hey I see my german boys down below!! I wonder....did you do that on purpose so I'd notice? ;)

pic#5: your closeups are really professional. I wish my camera was that good, cause I'd give you pics of my anime collection!

pic#6: Interesting combo: Spiderman and a Sonichu car...!

pic#7: Neat sign. Neat lego dude. I've always liked the heads with the shades.

pic#8: Nice patriotic scene you got going there. Like the flag too.

pic#9: Holy Wow it's CHRISTIAN!!

pic#10: Is that a plane? I can't really tell.

pic#11: Cool cops! Look it's your gamecube! Am I an animal? :D

pic#12: Sonichu and you. How did you make the heads?

pic#13: read above

pic#14: I'm guessing that's the mayor? Otherwise you've cloned yourself with different hair!

pic#15: blurry

pic#16: dark and scary

pic#17: A wee blurry. Who's the red one again?

pic#18: nice little cafe. Is that Johnny too I see?

pic#19:'s just a Johnny imposter.

pic#20: I totally want those sharks! :D

pic#21: Can't make out the sign

pic#22: The infamous birthday hospital!!

pic#23: Who's the wierdo with blue arms?!

pic#24: AAAH There he is again!!

pic#25: I don't know these people. Fill me in

pic#26: What's going on?

pic#27: Wahahahaha!! Either Crazy Hand or Master Hand came to visit!!

pic#28: That's a dudey-dude!

pic#29: You ever dust them off? hahaha

pic#30: *coughcough*

pic#31: Nice truck *please dust me, please dust me!*

pic#32: He looks scary and mean

pic#33: The almighty......something

pic#34: Whoa! It's Prince Fagalot, Batman, and the Easter Bunny! NO WAIT!!! It's Liberty Bell, Mange, and Harmony Bunny!!

pic#35: Post Office

pic#36: Please.....please dust that poor horsey

pic#37: Why is there a witch in the middle of a fuel station! Looks like someone died too.

pic#38: A Red Cross office?

pic#39: What's this little place?

pic#40: Hoooooly Craaaaap......Obi Wan, Luke, and Qui-gon are at the freakin bank!!

pic#41: Is this a night scene? Nice special effects

pic#42: Hey I see some of the stuff I gave you! Omigod! I can't BELIEVE you have that Mewtwo picture still!! hehehe can't wait til my birthday! Just a little request. can you please wrap the pieces in toilet paper so the paint won't scuff up the other parts? know what I mean? Anyway that was a nice conclusion of my tour through your city!! Thank you! *translation: megan's just being nice so she can grab that knuckles plushie when you least expect it!* JUST KIDDING!!! I already have my own plush of him!

picture of you, sonichu and rosechu.: Wow this part of your room looks clean!! Oh wait it's a hotel room. wahahaha!

I've got the full poop on that lego car!

Transformers! More than meets the eye! Tranformers! Megan-likes-gundam-better-then-you-so goodbye!

Thanks for the pictures! I'll put them on my computer and use this cd to burn the tracks I have for you I meant to do a while ago. The English song and German song and others.

I'll talk to you when I have come back from my trip! Thanks again! Bye ~Megan


MeganNoBG.png Megan Saga MeganNoBG.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Stackhouse, GAMePLACe, ED