Flipnote Hatena

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Revision as of 00:15, 29 June 2010 by Eniggy (talk | contribs)
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Chris on his DSi at Fridays After Five, complete with Artist Asscrack

Flipnote Studio is a free downloadable application for the Nintendo DSi. It allows users to create both word and picture-based notes with the stylus, add sound, and put them together to create frame-by-frame flipbook-style animations. Flipnote Hatena is a website where users can upload and share their Flipnote creations, and other users can comment on them either by text, or by creating a flipnote.

In June 2010, Chris was spotted at a Fridays After Five event in Charlottesville. Among some very disturbing behavior, Chris was seen sitting down and playing with his DSi for some time while at this event. It later came to light that he was spending his time on Flipnote Hatena, drawing comments in reply to various Flipnotes.

Chris has also given himself a lot of stars on his own creations to give himself praise. He gave himself 10 on HippoOnYourHead and 91 on Don'tGetTrolled. Chris has done countless things to inflate his ego in the past, but this is just sad.

Chris has also plagiarized the 1983 animated Peanuts cartoon "Sally at School" to produce two of his shorts. The dialogue from the first few minutes of this is stolen verbatim and used in Chris's crude animations.

Chris's entries

There are currently nine entries on Chris's profile.

If you didn't expect this, you're an idiot.

The first "animation" is an unmoving picture of Sonichu, proving once again that Chris's "original" creation will infect every host it is presented with for the rest of Chris's life.

The second, UltimateNightmare, is a strange loop of a stick figure walking in place while a high-pitched tone plays in the background. According to Chris, the figure is walking at a rate of 1/8 of a millimeter per hour, when in reality it doesn't move anywhere. The title of this particular animation is particularly revealing, possibly proving that Chris's greatest fear (as many have speculated) is exercise.

Chris's third animation, Don'tGetTrolled! is a "remix" of another animation Chris commented on extensively. Chris adds very little to the original, scrawling in some laughable anti-troll messages, and, of course, inserting a picture of Sonichu.

The fourth animation released was HippoOnYourHead, a bizarre short in which Chris makes a failed attempt at random-access humor by dropping a hippo on a child's head. Truly this is the foundation of great comedy.

His fifth animation, a two-parter, was entitled RandomHumor1. Another horrible fail at being funny, the dialogue in this poorly-drawn short is plagiarized directly from Peanuts.

His sixth animation is RandomSong1, in which he still wonders what mysterious cow Flipnote Twilc was watching. Spoiler alert: It doesn't matter.

His seventh animation is Cheesy! in which Chris once again rips off a far more interesting and entertaining series, this time Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, in which there is a character named Cheese who likes chocolate milk.

The eighth one was untitled but it's based on a meme where people would tag each other to write a little about themselves. Since it was created by Chris, it is full of his huge ego and a mountain of lies.

The ninth one was part of a copying meme called Edit Me, much like the one above, but instead of listing facts, the artist (or, in Chris's case, failist) must draw characters onto a template left by the starter, and must include tags of their commenters so far. Being Chris, he added in everyone's favorite electric Pokemon hedgehog and his wife, but in a creepy humanoid form resembling something more of a furry fetish, as a repercussion of his bad drawing skill and the human-shaped template. It is notable that he was not tagged but rather forced his fat ass into it.

Chris's comments

Chris's comments on Flipnote Hatena were much like his comments anywhere else on the Internet, self-centered and devoid of any follow-up. While most of them were short negative statements towards works he thought were a little too trollish, one five-part self-pitying rant, posted in response to a song about trolling, stood out.

You're singing my song. I was Internet Famous... HUGE MISTAKE! Right now, I have removed Most Every... thing about myself... ...from the internet. now there is only FALSE info on me that THEY have crafted and spread to Bad-Rep me. And worse they've found me in R. Life to catch footage of me for their gross, uncool amusement. I WANT TO GO BACK TO A NORMAL REAL LIFE OFF THE FRIGGIN' INTERNET!!! AND I WANT MY "REP" CLEAN OF THEIR CRAP! DO you have any advice to help me clear their crap off me?

Chris's Favorites

What Chris has favored should not come as a surprise. A lot of them involve Sonic, Pokemon, and Family Guy, proving that, even after all this time, he still likes those series. As well, Chris has favored a number of female-drawn animations, done in anime-like styling and done with a particularly shoujou-ai/yuri (lesbian, for those not into animu) flavor.


External links