User talk:Champthom

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Revision as of 09:20, 14 October 2011 by Old meme (talk | contribs) (I'm sorry)
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Champ tomas

okay like i'll have all the subtitles backed up on my hd so far, did you have i have like 8gb of cwc shit on my computer? yeah i know right. so anywayyyy i have decided to credit ppl on both the caption titles (for example, "iamstraight by champthom") and the video descriptions for double the fun!!also if i can't upload the subtitles i can ask tito to. i should be fine though. Abejita Cortez 19:09, 17 February 2011 (PST)

PSN Tracker

I'm not sure if you're the right person to ask, but I recently got Chris to add me on the PSN. How would I contribute to the PSN tracker? Dillon627 09:19, 22 February 2011 (PST)

Thanks. I'll try to start updating it when I can. Dillon627 12:12, 22 February 2011 (PST)

I apologize

I apologize for doing something wrong while transcribing Kacey Call 8. I want you to know that I am currently still working on the transcript, but as you can imagine, it is not walk in the park... It's a little over 35 minutes long and I'm sure you know how hard it is to transcribe audio. I also want you to know that I will try to do better in the future. --4Macie 16:34, 4 March 2011 (PST)

  • I do appreciate the effort, I do ask though you add this template to pages that aren't completely transcribed. That way, people can pick up the slack so it's not all on you. I do appreciate your work and I hope you continue transcribing. --Champthom 16:51, 4 March 2011 (PST)
Thanks for deleting the thinger-ma-bobber. Now that I look back at the edits, that should've been obvious..but I fail at computer stuff as it is so I'll blame it on that. :P --4Macie 18:51, 6 March 2011 (PST)

Re:Comic Categories

Sounds like a good idea.--trombonista 18:02, 4 March 2011 (PST)

Always here

Wallflower policy here:

I have never left, friend. I merely got a new job that causes me to work long hours. Once my time becomes free-er and my heart level recovers from Mumble translations, I shall return full-time. I still check here once a day or more.

Want a pizza roll? Message me if you want a pizza roll. --Ronichu 19:06, 7 March 2011 (PST)

Edit: I'll post it in the right place later tonight. --Ronichu 19:17, 7 March 2011 (PST)
  • Just did it dude, thanks for the help. --Champthom 19:17, 7 March 2011 (PST)

Anything I can do at the moment?

I've watched the CWCki for a while now and now that I've joined, I'd like to know if there is anything specific I can help with. Thanks. --Ctahu (t/c) 17:50, 19 April 2011 (EST)

Can do

Sorry I took so long to reply, it was 3AM here when you left the message and I just got it. I'll keep IRC open for whenever you're available. Freecell (t/c) 07:10, 23 April 2011 (PDT)



Just when everyone- EVERYONE- thought Chris had shriveled up, dried out like a prune and flat out fucking died- you delivered. Technically it was Freecell who uploaded them and obviously some beautiful, honest woman persuaded him to do this, but in my reality Champthom knows all, sees all... so yeah.

Holy shit. Honestly, if we get nothing else for 2011...

... I want you bad.

--Ronichu 08:17, 29 April 2011 (PDT)

Possible new article

I noticed after I signed up a couple weeks ago that the articles on the retconned Asperchu characters were an absolute clusterfuck, so I've been experimenting in my sandbox for a while now on merging the Chaotic Combo (Asperchu), Basement Rosechus and Mitch Sonichu pages. I added some new images and had Freecell look at it and make his own additions, and he thinks it's ready for the main namespace. Obviously though, that will involve moving pages and fixing broken redirects, and being the boss around here you get the final say. When I was working on this, the title I had in mind was "Asperchu parodies", but that's just my suggestion. Have a look at it and tell me what you think. --Old meme 08:19, 17 May 2011 (PDT)

  • I've seen it, it's pretty good, but not sure about the name, as they're "parodies" in the same way Sonichu is a "parody" (which is, not really). Come up with a better name and we might be able to do something. Perhaps if you post on the portal here you could get some feedback. Nice work though, keep it up.--Champthom 21:25, 17 May 2011 (PDT)
  • Thanks. I'll do that now. --Old meme 06:32, 20 May 2011 (PDT)
  • Champthom ma boi, that message has been on the community portal for four days and I don't think anyone has noticed it. Do you want to come up with an article name yourself? Only I want to get this page up so I can start using my sandbox for other purposes. --Old meme 06:16, 24 May 2011 (PDT)
  • Thanks again. Tell me when you have a title for the page. --Old meme 07:15, 27 May 2011 (PDT)

Yo Champ! It's been nearly a month now. Have you got a title for me yet? I spent quite a while on that article and I want to see it up soon. --Old meme 09:33, 14 June 2011 (PDT)

  • Holy crap, thanks for reminding me dude. Alec's suggestion is kinda lame, too wordy - "Alternate interpretations of Sonichu characters" (I think he might have misunderstood me), I think "Asperchu parodies" might work. Man, I am awful at procrastination, lol. --Champthom 19:05, 14 June 2011 (PDT)
  • It's up now, and looking good. Thanks for sorting everything out Champ. Now to get to work on another merged page about Chris's shitty transformers. This will take a while. --Old meme 08:07, 17 June 2011 (PDT)
  • Oh, and while I'm here, a couple of weeks ago I decided to rewrite the Sonichu (game) page. I only just realised after looking back on it that I subconsciously created another merged page while doing so. I condensed Pokémon: Lightning Version, Sonichu Adventure and Sonichu Advance into that one page. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but take a look at it and fix it as you see fit. I didn't even know until now that I did that. --Old meme 08:17, 17 June 2011 (PDT)


Don't worry about it. I'm just sorry I wasn't online to see it sooner. Freecell (t/c) 08:31, 26 May 2011 (PDT)

Glad I was able to help since I missed the show. Griffintown 17:12, 26 May 2011 (PDT)

I suck donkey balls

I was trying to upload a new version of this file and make it into this file so I could use it in an article. Somewhere down the line, I fucked up. The first one now displays the old image in file mode and the new image as a thumb on article pages, while the new one has a fucked up name that I think was automatically assigned when I tried to upload a new version of the other one. Please fix this for me? kthnx. --Old meme 14:50, 21 June 2011 (PDT)

Check out this shit

I feel it's getting to the point where I'm just spamming with the ammount of times I keep asking you to look at a new article in my sandbox. Regardless, you said you wanted me to have a look at maybe rewriting the templates for the sagas and the like. I plan on doing so, along with a few other templates while I'm at it, but I am on my third sandbox already and I think making a fourth would be pushing it at this point. Even if I wasn't though, I think now would be a good time to show them to you because I am just about done. I'm awaiting Freecell's revisions for some of them, but he's taking a while and I'm sure whatever problems he would find, you would also. Anyway, here's the first. It's a reworking of the Samurai Pizza Bots page and it merges Prower and Armoraxe into it as well, so we have a page on the entire team instead of a few pages on some of them. The second one is a rewrite of the Decepti-Clone article, which has a bad name anyway because Decepti-Clone is the name for evil robots in general, but the page is about S.A.V.s. In my revision, I merged the original page with Jerkop Punislav and Crackder so it's actually about Decepti-Clones in general rather than just one type. I would suggest the name of the actual title for this page be Decepti-Clones plural. Just sayin'. Sandbox 3 is just a rewrite of Sarah Hammer, but I sandboxed it instead of just rewriting the article as normal because I also merged Queen of the Cherokian Clan into it, because she is literally a one panel character with no more importance at all. Anyway, I'm submitting all of these for approval, and I promise you that after this and the Sonichu (game) mergings are over, I'll stop merging so much shit and creating more work for you for a while. I'll take a break and work on those templates instead. --Old meme 06:21, 24 June 2011 (PDT)

  • Dude, I have bad news for you - I am the world's worst procrastinator. I put off EVERYTHING until the last minute, so if I don't reply to your message right away, that's probably because I'm on the Internet dicking around. I also work at night and sleep during the day most of the week, so on those days I maybe get to check the CWCki for 10, 15 minutes and that's mostly to see if anyone has been vandalizing. Anyways, your articles - your first one, on the Samurai Pizza Bots is pretty alright. My only complaint is the tone, it's rather informal. Now mind you, I don't mind that tone sometimes and I think some articles get away with it but I know that some people prefer a more formal tone and I believe their argument has merit. I have the next few days off, I'll see what I can do to critque your article and give you some ways to improve it. Your Decepti-Clones article seems better than the one we have, but I'll give it another look, it has a lot of details from the comic that I need to refresh to see the context (the later comics I mostly skimmed because Chris stopped giving a shit at that point). I really need to wait on seeing the Sarah Hammer article, that is yours versus the one we have as I don't want to get the two confused. Like I said, I can critque your articles for you. You don't have to work on those templates or the saga stuff if you don't want to, I usually say that when people ask "Why don't we have x?" I say "Because you haven't made it yet!" You're obviously a very dedicated wiki editor which I like and I expect great things from you, just keep up the good work and bear with me.--Champthom 07:42, 24 June 2011 (PDT)
    • I appreciate it Champ. I'm only on here a few days a week anyway, I figure while I am I may as well fix things up. No need to rush anything here, I can wait. There are plenty of other articles I could be working on that don't require the sandbox. Plus Freecell still needs to make his edits before this is moved to the main namespace. I'll take the formality thing into consideration and see if I can make the article a bit more serious when I do the spellchecking. And honestly, I do want to give the templates an overhaul. Some of them are laughably outdated compared to some of the articles using them. I think Dethchemist was actually working on some templates too, but I don't know if he still is or not. Either way, leave me a message on my talk page when you get around to reading the stuff, and I'll make the appropriate corrections. --Old meme 09:22, 24 June 2011 (PDT)
    • Made some updates. Tell me what you think. --Old meme 08:56, 25 June 2011 (PDT)


Trying to do, but whenever I make an account it refuses the username/password combination and says I have no method of recovering it. I'll let it sit for a while and try again. Alternatively, I'll be in IRC if that's easier for you. Freecell (t/c) 09:16, 14 July 2011 (PDT)

Champthom my homie

Wha's cracking y'all? I thought I'd drop by and remind you like always to look over my sandbox pages, already linked to above, because you said you would but then you did something else and forgot them. Not sayin' I blame y'all, but I'm here to remind you anyway, because you need reminding. They're merged pages for the transformers articles and one on Sarah Hammer fyi. Alright, that's it for now. I got things to do an' shit. Talk later, kay? --Old meme 01:29, 15 July 2011 (PDT)

You know, if you don't have the time or don't want to do it, I could always add the new pages and create the redirects myself? --Old meme 03:53, 26 July 2011 (PDT)

  • I'M WORKIN' ON IT!. Seriously, I'll give it a look tonight or tomorrow.--Champthom 06:08, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
    • Well, you said you would, so I can only assume you did. Was the page okay? Just give me a yes or no answer, and if it's a yes, I promise I'll do all the work and sort it out myself. --Old meme 05:49, 29 July 2011 (PDT)
  • Here's what I say - just make the changes, if people don't like it they can change it back. RPOBLEM OSLVED.--Champthom 05:51, 29 July 2011 (PDT)
  • KAY MAN. --Old meme 05:52, 29 July 2011 (PDT)

New members

I figured I'd let you know that a lot of people from /cwc/ have it in their head that the best course of action right now is to raid the CWCki in the name of the tomgirls. We're working on a similar plan right now but it needs to be taken one step at a time, not jumped into. So I'd keep an eye on any new members, just in case. It's possible they'll do something stupid. --Thorgnzorrg 12:28, 22 July 2011 (PDT)

  • Well main page templates have all been protected for the next week, that's usually what they target first. It's possible that new people are joining because there's new content, but I have considered the possibility of the attack, hence the protection. --Champthom 21:17, 22 July 2011 (PDT)


Yo. I've just been using {{subst:welcome}} instead of {{welcome}}. I'll switch to {{welcome}} if you want. --Dude 22:19, 22 July 2011 (PDT)

Page Format

I've done a couple page cleanups over the last few days, and I got to thinking about the common nit-picks I have. There's good info in the Help pages on how to format dates, when to pipe, etc., but there's no real place to go to see a model 'page layout.' I started a formatting guide (improperly labeled 'style' guide, at the moment) as a subpage of my user page. Take a look, and feel free to use it as the nucleus for a new help page. --Dude 23:25, 24 July 2011 (PDT)

  • Not bad, it's definitely something we could use. I would suggest looking up how Wikipedia does things, as that tends to be the standard for wikis (for instance, standard for pics are right aligned when possible). Pretty much I'd recommend fleshing it out with stuff from Wikipedia's article layout guide (remember, it's Creative Commons so you can pretty much copy paste it, ideally source it as well) and obviously adapt it to the CWCki's needs.
To be honest, I came up with the "Sauces" thing since that's how most people who frequent this site talk - they'll say "sauce plz" HOWEVER if you and other people think it should be "References", I'm cool with that.
Keep up the good work man.--Champthom 04:50, 25 July 2011 (PDT)
HA! I thought if anybody would hate the sauces it would be you, man ;-) It doesn't really matter to me, though I prefer Refs. --Dude 18:51, 25 July 2011 (PDT)

Just got your message

I've been unwell for the past few days and still am. I'll leave IRC open if you're still wanting to talk, but I'm mostly going to be away from my computer so I may not be able to get back to you for a few hours. Freecell (t/c) 13:48, 27 July 2011 (PDT)

I'm sorry to neg you..

But can you please edit Da Update to include Liquid closing his YouTube account? I don't have permission to edit that template and I think this item is newsworthy, plus it might lead to Chris proclaiming victory on YouTube or something like that after seeing that his old foe's YouTube account is gone. -- User:NegaCWC

  • I agree that it's newsworthy, though it's unlikely Chris gives enough of a fuck anymore. Liquid got what he wanted, Chris lost and moved on. It sounds like you're trying to use the CWCki to troll Chris though. There's a stigma against that, non? Nullity 22:45, 27 July 2011 (PDT)
    • Yeah I know that the CWCki shouldn't be used as a trolling tool, I'm asking for it to be put on Da Update because I think it needs to be there regardless of Chris's possible reacion, even if we found out that Chris is dead by now I think it should be there. Sorry that I didn't sign my previous edit BTW. --NegaCWC 00:25, 28 July 2011 (PDT)
  • I'm sorry but Da update is strictly for Chris related updates. Unless Chris manages to react to the account closing, it definitely has no place in da update. Besides, it leads to a slippery slope - one could argue then that we include any update any past troll of Chris does on their YouTube accounts and that would be silly. --Champthom 05:00, 28 July 2011 (PDT)
  • I don't really have an opinion either way, but I don't know if it would necessarily lead to stalking all Chris related youtube accounts. Liquid is a bit more important than other troll youtube accounts because that saga happened primarily via youtube. It might be a milestone we'd want to make note of. Canine 06:03, 28 July 2011 (PDT)
  • But, was there an update when the Asperpedia was shut down? If so, then editing Da Update to include the closing of Liquid's account wouldn't be totally unprecedented. If not, then I agree, it's a slippery slope. Giantgroundsloth 06:50, 28 July 2011 (PDT)
  • Remember though people, da update is essentially about Chris. People check it out to see what Chris is up to. Da update really shouldn't be what other trolls are up to, as people who are curious about the trolls themselves usually manage to find out about them themselves. I have no problem with this information being incorporated into the Liquid Chris page if it hasn't already, as obviously it's relevant. However, it's not da update worthy because it's not about Chris. While it won't necessarily lead to stalking other trolls, it will set a precedent for it. People will say "Oh, Vivian has started a side project, let's include that in the update" or "Jack Thaddeus posted something on some Internet forum, let's include that in da update." I'm careful when it comes to establishing precedents, which is why including Liquid's account closing would set a bad one.
As I see it, people who want this in da update 1) want to troll Chris for it or 2) feel that we need to update da update because it's been too long. As many people will back me up on this, the CWCki isn't a way to troll Chris, that's to protect our asses if shit ever goes down. Even if we are to update it to troll Chris, I very, very, VERY much doubt he would care and I have sufficient knowledge of Chris to know this. Chris will probably have no clue who "Liquid Chris" is, and even if he realizes it's the "impostor" he'll just remind himself how he won the Singstar Challenge (at least, HE believes he did) and is therefore the TRUE and HONEST Christian Chandler, or at least the Christian Weston Chandler who was born Christopher. Second point, I don't think there's anything wrong with not updating da update. If nothing happens with Chris, so be it. Da update reflects what da update is and if there is no update, well, tough cookies. Da update should not be cheapen by updating it for the sake of updating it. --Champthom 07:21, 28 July 2011 (PDT)



I've got to say Champ, I'm more than a little disapointed by this. --Old meme 07:52, 28 July 2011 (PDT)

  • I don't ban people unless they've actually done something against the CWCki (i.e. vandalized it) or their presence is so disruptive to the CWCki that people are spending more resources trolling said person than editing the CWCki (like with 16BitAlex). "General faggotry" is more of an exception clause, because there's usually exceptions to the rules. I try to be fair and just with everyone when it comes to bannings, and I won't ban anyone who edits in good faith.
Just chillax man.--Champthom 07:58, 28 July 2011 (PDT)
But still, you missed so many great opportunities with this! The people we could have gotten rid of! The unnecessary drama we could have avoided! Alex was totally acceptable to ban! Yet you didn't do that until he requested it himself! You need to start being harsher with your punishments. Keep that pimp hand strong. Or at least give me a promotion so I can be harsh for you. I promise I won't go crazy and ban all the furfags. Or Clyde. Unless you want me to. Which you should seriously consider by the way. --Old meme 08:09, 28 July 2011 (PDT)

T&T Page

Hey, the protection on the T&T page is up. Could you revert the edits to the 22nd and lock it again? Just in case, it's best to keep the article static until this is all over. --Thorgnzorrg 19:17, 29 July 2011 (PDT)


Hey, I saw you were on earlier and protected a page. If you're still online, jump on IRC real fast. Otherwise, I'll look for you another time. --Dude 21:02, 29 July 2011 (PDT)

Chibbity Champthom

I sent you a PM on PVCC but you're here more so hit me up homedog. --Thorgnzorrg 07:28, 6 August 2011 (PDT)

RE: Ivy's age

I'm a little confused about Ivy's date of birth. Is 1992 the year in which the actual culprit behind Ivy was born or is it Ivy's year of birth according to what Chris was told? If it's only the former than I'm not sure it should be listed as the date of birth in her article. After all if I remember correctly you're the one who said that articles on trollsonas should always describe the events as Chris perceives them rather than explain what really happened (who was really behind every trollsona and so on). - NegaCWC 11:13, 3 September 2011 (PDT)

  • It's the birthday Ivy told me when I asked her when her birthday is. Take that as you will.--Champthom 06:02, 4 September 2011 (PDT)

Standardising Template:PublicSauce

Champthom, can you rename Template:PublicSauce to "Template:PublicSource"? Now that the Template:Cite template has been changed to display [citation needed] instead of [sauce needed], shouldn't [public sauce needed] likewise be changed to read [public source needed]?

I'm going to go ahead and change the template to do just that, but I cannot rename the template. By renaming the template, it will further standardise naming conventions in the CWCki as well as be consistent with the template's output. Renaming shouldn't cause any problems regarding coding in other pages since no pages currently use this template. – BrianBash (talk|cont) 16:30, 3 September 2011 (PDT)

I moved it, which should fix this. --Anonymax 17:17, 3 September 2011 (PDT)

Sonichu Animated

Have you tried protecting the variations of using a colon and semicolon and different possible capitalizations of all the different words? And don't forget abbreviations like Sonichu TAS and STAS. I would also like to remind you that it can just be shortened to Sonichu Animated or some variation thereof. You have a lot of work to do bro. Maybe you should put the Jerkops to work on this. --Old meme 08:12, 6 September 2011 (PDT)

  • When I said comma, I did mean colon. So far, I've protected "Sonichu: The Animated Series" and "Sonichu:The Animated Series" in addition to "Sonichu The Animated Series." It's not a huge ordeal, if it comes up again I'll delete it, I just find it annoying that people see that they can't create the page with the right spelling, so they think they're clever by taking out the colon or something like that. Sonichu TAS is the only page that keeps getting resurrected time and again. But yeah, I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it, if it comes up I'll deal with it then than try and figure out every permutation someone could make for the page. I mean, could you totally see me like, making a zillion protections and someone figuring out one I didn't cover? That'd be embarrassing. --Champthom 08:32, 6 September 2011 (PDT)
The recent changes page hasn't been moving *that* quickly; while it's retarded that it keeps being added, I think the deletion turn-around has been quick enough. And honestly, I think it's just retards that need to lurk moar, as opposed to any real effort at being a douche. --Dude 22:33, 6 September 2011 (PDT)
EDIT: OK, I just saw the last one, and that was pretty douchey. --Dude 22:38, 6 September 2011 (PDT)


Thanks =) As a side note, can you give User:WelcomeBot bot status - I am not a good enough admin to do it myself according to Special:UserRights =( --Anonymax 17:46, 21 September 2011 (PDT)

Oh yeah and I got a little bored and drafted some style guidelines. --Anonymax 22:30, 21 September 2011 (PDT)

Nag nag nag nag

Make me an admin so I can lord over these spergs with an iron fist. --Dinglebear 12:40, 22 September 2011 (PDT)

Image naming

As of MediaWiki version 1.14 or something, you can now "rename" files by using the move feature on File: pages. Just a timesaving pro-tip for the future - though an improper name may not be the sole reason for having to delete a file, if it is - then you don't need to delete/reupload anymore. --Anonymax 11:48, 27 September 2011 (PDT)

  • Well fuck me in the ass and call me your sister, you're right. I was expecting it to be named something like "Rename" but apparently not. Yeah, totally saves time, this is totally why I made you an admin.--Champthom 21:15, 27 September 2011 (PDT)

Bit of help...

Can you delete my account? Thank you. Kurtwodka 22:53, 04 October 2011 (PDT)

Come back you durp

I had some BUSINESS to DISCUSS with you before you RUDELY left upon request. --Thorg 23:54, 4 October 2011 (PDT)

  • Also make me a Jerkop. --Thorg 00:04, 5 October 2011 (PDT)
    • No wait make me an admin. --Thorg 00:08, 5 October 2011 (PDT)

Re: WelcomeBot

WelcomeBot is already clever in many ways. Firstly it only welcomes users who have made at least one edit since registering their account. This is for various reasons, but one is because bombarding a new user with a welcome message within 60 minutes of them making their account isn't terribly cool.

WelcomeBot already ignores users who are blocked - so vandals usually get detected and banned pretty quickly around here and by the time WelcomeBot does another sweep, it's more than likely any vandals will have been banned.

The {{Welcome}} (Usage) template already has a parameter for specifying a user other the one making the edit to the user's talk page - I've now edited WelcomeBot to place my name instead of his for the "contact me on my userpage" link. WelcomeBot still signs the message, but the bot's userpage explains who the bot is, who controls him and why.

A demo of this action can be seen on User talk:WBTest2 - which originally had one edit to their own userpage and I forced WelcomeBot to re-run - and you can see the difference in talk page linking. I can add to the welcome template or WelcomeBot's signature something about why a bot is welcoming them - but the userpage should already explain this. I think I covered most of your questions... --Anonymax 06:01, 8 October 2011 (PDT)

  • Very good, thanks for answering them. Sounds like this is a good thing then, keep up the good work.--Champthom 06:50, 8 October 2011 (PDT)

I was right about STAS

Totally called it.png

--Old meme 06:20, 14 October 2011 (PDT)