Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 1
Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 1 is the first call between Chris and Alec.
Chris and Alec discuss about the size and location of Asperpedia advertisements on the CWCipedia. Chris tries to dictate over Alec's Asperchu series by telling him to tone down the amount of violence in Asperchu. He also goes on to tell Alec to rename the Chaotic Combo in Asperchu to the names seen in Sonichu 10. Alec questions how Chris-Chan can have a copyright to Sonichu when Sonichu is in fact a Pokemon, to which Chris jumps to change the subject to avoid admitting he makes a point. Alec also confronts Chris's ill-will towards the Asperchu series about the pages where Chris drew his super-form breaking into Alec's house and destroying his website and computer. Chris retaliates this by saying killing his fictional characters in Asperchu justifies his drawing of him committing destruction of one's property and theft. Chris gets more and more stressed out as the call goes on and eventually hangs up on Alec with a quick goodbye.
Alec: Hi, is this... is this, uh, Christian Weston Chandler?
Chris: Yeah, this is Christian, may I help you?
Alec: Hi Chris, um... this is Alec Benson Leary. Is it-Is it okay if we talk?
Chris: Oh yes. Uh... Sure. yes. So uh...
Alec: Good. Well, uh, there's a couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. Um, first of all, uh... Well I understand you've got... you've got a problem with the ads that are on CWCipedia? Can you... Can you tell me a little more about um... I kinda want to have, you know, get a compromise and settle this 'cause... 'cause I don't... I don't want anybody to be angry.
Chris: Okay yeah. I'll let you have your ads on the Cwcipedia but don't make them too big, and uh, leave 'em in the side bar.
Alec: Okay... um...
Chris: (interrupts) I don't want-I don't want-I do not want them in-I do not want them c... c... covering over... the introductory box or any-or anything else where I have to scroll down even to edit the pages. Or even to log in.
Alec: Okay, um. Well I understand
Chris: So- so Okay cool. Just keep your ads on the sidebar.
Alec: Yeah my friend Mao, he um, he actually makes the ads for me. I didn't make them myself but I can try to talk to him about that. About the size.
Chris: Okay. Alright.
Alec: As for like, where on the CWCipedia, they are, I don't know if Mao controls that or not, I don't think he does. I think... I'm not sure what controls like where the adspace goes, you know. I mean, I'll talk to Mao about it but I'm not sure if he controls that either.
Chris: Yeah. Okay
Alec: Yeah like, I can talk to him. But you might want to talk to your web manager or whatever, Cuz they set up the way the adspace goes, you know?
Chris: Yeah, and also, just uh, just one more concern of mine upon- uh, yeah, I've uh, read your pages on the Asperchu comic. But the-and the recent pages, what do you think you're doing- what do you think you- what do you think you're parodying, happy tree friends?
Alec: Um... What's happy tree friends? What's that?
Chris: [Sighs] It's supposed to be like a happy TV-Y show, but it's actually- it's actually adult dark humor because they go into cut-slashing all the cute characters up and uh, it's- well all the blood and gore and everything, and yet they make them come- they make them come back to life unharmed in the very next episode, just to slice and dice em up again.
Alec: Oh. Um, I've actually never heard of that series. What is, is that on cartoon network or...
Chris: [Talking over Alec] ye- yeah... no you can look it up on netflix.
Alec: Oh.
Chris: Yeah that's a good place. But anyway, blood and gore. Yeah, that's not a good way to go, especially when you killed, even- even considerable facsimiles of my own characters in that sense, and in that detail.
Alec: Well you know, um, I actually- I got a lot of uh, actually positive response from my fans when I did that. Because you know, some of my fans [trails off as Chris interrupts.]
Chris: Yeah, yeah, that's another thing. Yeah that's another thing. Encourage the fans that were originally my fans to come back to me. I would appreciate that.
Alec: Uh, Well I, I mean, you know I tell my fans all about you all the time Chris, because, you know, like I've told you in a lot of the letters I've written to you you were a big inspiration to me. You know, I don't really know what to say to my fans as far as that goes. They uh, they love my comic. I get a lot, I get a lot of fanmail about it.
Chris: Yeah, okay. Umm okay how about this, uh, just to make it equal, um, put an advertisement for the CWCipedia on uh, on the Asperpedia. About as much as the Asperpedia ads are on my CWCipeida.
Alec: Um, well um yeah, we might be able to work something out, you know, you'd probably want to contact Mao, cuz he's my manager he does all the grunt work on Asperpedia. Um, I'm not even sure what how selling the adspace works but I'm sure he'd be willing to sell you some adspace on Asperpedia we could definitely try to work something like that out.
Chris: So basically... alright well, alright well Mao and I can talk through E-mail.
Alec: Yeah, yeah. Yeah cuz, you can- I mean, like I said I don't know the details but I know adspace is up for purchase so...
Chris: Yeah. Alright. Then we got settled on at least on, your ads on my CWCipedia. And yeah, ease up on the- not so much blood and gore. And try to uh, bring my fans, uh, redirect my fans back to me.
Alec: Um... well you know uh... I'm trying to think of a good way to say this, but you know, we are in kind of a friendly competition if you will. You know we, we're both artists, kind of. I mean, it doesn't really make sense for an artist to say to his fans, "Hey guys, don't follow me anymore, go back to this other artist". I mean, would you do that for your fans? Would you say "Hey fans, go talk to Alec" or "go watch Alec's cartoon" or anyone else's cartoon I mean really? No you want the fans to follow you.
Chris: Um. Okay, um. Okay yeah I can understand that um, okay, um.
Alec: Yeah, Mm-hmm.
Chris: Well since, well since you and I are on- are on okay agreeing mutual- okay talking tones right now.
Alec: Mmm-hmm?
Chris: How about I, uh, How about I just remove all the bad talk I have against you, and then start saying that, start saying that you're okay, that your comic is okay, that and uh, you know, but still saying that your, like you know I would appreciate it if you would stay being my fans, but if you want to go look at his work, that's fine I can't stop you there, but you know.
Alec: Well actually, I'm glad that you're bringing this up because, um, I do say we're on friendly terms and I'd like to keep it that way because, you know, I got my start because of you, um, but to be honest, I want to be honest and frank with you.
Chris: Mm. Mm.
Alec: Um, you made a couple of videos. And I don't watch all your videos but I do try to keep up, I mean I spend a lot of time drawing the comics, so I don't have a lot of time to watch videos anymore but um, I saw a couple of videos where you, uh, you actually threatened me with uh, physical...
Chris: [Chris interrupts] Umm, yeah. Okay well...
Alec: [Trying to talk] Yeah that didn't make me [unintelligible]
Chris: [Talking over Alec] I was uh, I was, well I was more angry back then because it was an immediate, uh, response, but now things have settled down and we're talking, I can-I can make a new video saying like, you know, I apologize for those threats, and uh, that things are okay here.
Alec: Okay and, and about you um-also the video where wanted your dog to eat me, or something like that, you-your dog to eat my soul, I mean that-well the death threats were kind of scary to begin with, but that, that was just a [unintelligible]
Chris: Okay yeah, well I'll take-I'll take that back as well, I'm sorry.
Alec: And, and um, that kind of leads me into another point, um you, you're under the impression that I was, that I was besmirching your dog in my comic, and I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Could you explain to me?
Chris: Okay well, the villain, the dog in your comic, it looks-it looks similar to my dog, especially around the green neckerchief and the other parts that are green on that dog. And the, and the shape of the dog, just looked like my dog.
Alec: Well it's just a-a lot of dogs look like that, Chris, I mean a lot's just a neckerchief, I mean it's just a little flair for the dog. That doesn't mean it's your dog.
Chris: Yeah.
Alec: I think honestly you make that assumption with a lot of my characters, it seems like you think that a lot of my characters were you know, like ripping off your characters, or even you yourself, because you said that Asperchu was...
Chris: Yeah, Buddha belly and the manboobs, the glasses...
Alec: Well I mean, Chris, you're...
Chris: Oh, and the sweetheart search thing and the future daughter.
Alec: Well I mean, Asperchu's not a parody, Chris, I mean he's an original creation.
Chris: Okay.
Alec: You know just because he has the glasses, the Buddha belly, and the-and the manboobs, and the goatee, you know, that doesn't make him a parody, I mean that's...And besides you said you had the fast food, I mean, how could it be a parody of you if, if your belly is [unintelligible due to Chris talking over him]
Chris: If I-if I, you, you mean if I currently do not have the Buddha belly.
Alec: Well, exactly, so Asperchu can't be a parody of you, right?
Chris: Okay. Well...
Alec: I mean, doesn't that-that makes sense to me, doesn't that make sense to you?
Chris: Okay, I s-yeah, that's fine.
Alec: I mean, it's just a little-it seems-it seems a little naïve to think that Asperchu and everything are parodies of your char-I mean, I do include some of your characters in the comic, and those-those-my original characters are purely original. Asperchu...nothing about Asperchu is a parody. [Chris tries to interrupt, but Alec continues.] And actually-actually, I'd kind of like you to issue your retraction video to, to um, let everyone know that Asperchu is original and is not a parody in any way. Or if there are-oh, and, and you did mention that I don't have a disclaimer on my comics, but uh, that made me think I should create a disclaimer and so I did, so if there are any elements that look parodic, I'm covered.
Chris: Yeah, okay, yeah. And also, yeah, you definitely do reference my Sonichu and my CWCville and especially the Chaotic Combo recently.
Alec: Well as you said those weren't yours, you said those were copies. You said those were just, you know, copies of...
Chris: Y-y-y-your versions are just recreational-recreation-recreated facsimiles. Okay so let's agree to that...
Alec: [Trying to speak] Can I ask-can I ask you something about the Chaotic Combo and Sonichu? Yeah, those were just facsimiles, those weren't really yours...
Chris: No they were-no, they were all mine-actually they were all mine. They were all-they were originally mine.
Alec: But, the ones that I drew, were those facsimiles or are those not?
Chris: Uhh...okay well...
Alec: Because you, in your comic, you came and you took them away, in your-in your recent pages of your comic. I mean you said in-you said in the comics that those were mine, but, you know, so they must be original, right? [Chris tries to interrupt, but Alec continues.] You said in the comic they weren't the Chaotic Combo, so they must be original. But then you came and took them. I-I don't get that, and you renamed them and re-restyled them.
Chris: [finally manages to break in] Listen, listen, okay. The Chaotic Combo, in my comics, appeared before Book number 10, and originated in CWCville, Virginia, not in Minnesota, those are originally mine. But the ones that you re-drew and then made them different from how they originally were, in my comic, then that's definitely-that's totally fax-facsimiles...
Alec: Mine? Then, why did you take them?
Chris: Okay, well I mean-okay number one-
Alec: And not just the Combo, you tried to retake my Asperchu. And Asperchu wasn't, you know, a copy of anything. You-you renamed him Mitch Sonichu. I mean, Asperchu's mine. You-I don't really appreciate that.
Chris: Hm.
Alec: You know, you accuse me of thievery, but then you go and take-and try to take my Asperchu.
Chris: Okay well you did-you did take my Sonichu, and you did claim him to be the original one, and you did claim orig-you did make it obvious in your comics where he was the original one, from the city of CWCville, and even worse you made him brother to Asperchu, and uh, with the homosexual tendencies and whatnot, even when you drew the Chaotic Combo you made Wild a homosexual even when he is not.
Alec: Well, but Wild's not yours, what does it matter if, if my Wild's gay? I thought there was-I thought there was depth to the character, I was just trying to give them a little personality. And the homosexual references, okay this is something that came up before...
Chris: Okay well listen, okay well aside from the [unintelligible] Sonichu-
Alec: Asperchu has a girlfriend, Dixie Chu.
Chris: No actually, I read further in the book and Dixie Chu dumped his ass.
Alec: She doesn't-she doesn't-she doesn't-no, she doesn't mean that, she doesn't mean that. They're, they're destined to be together, Chris, I mean, can't you see those undertones? I mean that's-that's where this whole comic is going. And besides, he's shown he's straight, I mean even if a girl does dump him, what does it matter? He went after a girl. He didn't go after a boy. Like you said, Sonichu is his brother, why would know, even if he was gay why would he go for his brother? That's just-that's just sick.
Chris: [sigh] Yeah, I mean anyway-okay well listen, how about this, in your comics, when you, uh, in the future, or in re-or re-referencing the past pages, the Sonichu that is Asperchu's brother, you just refer to him as Michael, and the Wild you'd refer to him as Bobby, and the Angelica Trisha, et cetera, just like I said in my pages. And Mitch can be Asperchu's nickname.
Alec: But Chris, those aren't really their characters' names. I mean, Bobby and Mitch and-and, I forget the other names, I think you renamed Bubbles "Kitty" or something like that, I mean those aren't, those aren't their names.
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⇐ First | Alec Benson Leary calls | Chris and Alec Call 2 ⇒ |