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*Every Foul-Mouth Troll  
*Every Foul-Mouth Troll  
*The Not-Troll they follow</blockquote>''</blockquote>
*The '''Not-Troll''' they follow</blockquote>''</blockquote>

Origin: Because the person being trolled is supposedly '''not''' a troll, they are a not-troll.
Origin: Because the person being trolled is supposedly '''not''' a troll, they are a not-troll.

Revision as of 14:06, 19 November 2017

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One of Chris's most notorious features is his strange vocabulary. Like many children who don't feel comfortable referring to adult concepts directly, Chris often resorts to creating cutesy euphemisms for a lot of words that anyone else his age would generally use with little reservation, which is common with autistic people. While some of them are understandable — after all, nobody would really relish discussing their diapers — others, such as "tobacky" instead of "tobacco", only serve to turn an otherwise normal sentence into an advertisement for Chris's childish nature. Others are attempts to be clever that fail miserably, for example, he refers to semen as "navy", because semen sounds like sea men, get it? Combine this with the idiosyncratic speech patterns that are common among autistics, and you get his so-called CWCisms.

CWC-isms may be combinations or butchered versions of words or phrases that already exist, entirely new words, commonplace words that he uses repeatedly in a peculiar or obsessive way, or entirely new phrases that Chris often has to explain afterwards because nobody knows what he's talking about.

Primary categories of CWC-isms

There are 5 main types of CWC-isms:

  1. CWC-neologism - a new word or phrase, which didn't exist before, and was first created by Chris.
    Example: Lovehogs, a portmanteau of "love" and "hedgehogs".
  2. CWC-euphemism - a preexisting word or phrase, which Chris for some strange reason gave a totally different meaning than it was meant to.
    Example: Duck, meant to denote a bird, Chris uses it to denote his penis.
  3. CWC-anachronism - an obscure word or phrase which Chris has learned somewhere and now likes to utter pretty often, and which became characteristic for Chris's way of speaking/writing.
    Example: I don't care for smth., a phrase Chris uses almost every time he expresses hate for something or someone.
  4. CWC-misspelling - only the most notable of Chris's misspellings: those, which became characteristic for Chris's way of writing.
    Example: Geinus, what he deems himself to be.
  5. Other shit - or Miscellaneous.

These 5 Main Types of CWC-isms are here to help you determine, if a word or phrase is a CWC-ism. If it fits the first 4 types, it most probably is. If it doesn't, it most probably isn't. Only the most important and notable of exclusions go into the 5th Type.


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Adult Swim

1. (adjective) pornographic or otherwise "NSFW"; containing adult content.

She still has a great drawing style, even for the Adult Swim section.[1]"

Origin: Refers to the Cartoon Network block, Adult Swim. Chris seemed to only consider the "Adult" part of this block's name, and therefore assumed he could use this phrase to describe anything that's "adult" to him.


1. (adjective) Of an adult and mature nature

Originally it was supposed to be like, you know, like ages 7 and up, but then I end up going to the content, uh, it could be considered, be like, be like definitely be considered adulterous.[2]

Origin: usually used to describe people who cheat on their partners (i.e. guilty of adultery), Chris only notices the "adult" component of the word.

2. (adjective) Insult of unclear nature

Heeeeey, folks! It's me, Clyde Cash. I am the ruler of the internet and the internet trolls. I am an adulterous foe, a bastard and a self-righteous idiot who spends his time wallowing and trolling the one Christian Weston Chandler, and making up a whole bunch of dadgum rumors all over the internet![3]

Origin: Chris simply throws out the insult without a clear understanding of the word. Possibly referring to Clyde taking PandaHalo from Chris, though this is more aptly described as cuckoldry.

an' anurr thing

1. (Phrase, transitionary) Signifies that Chris wishes to make another point about a subject he is discussing, and that he wishes he were Peter Falk.

An' anurr thing...CHRIS. Your for real- your real name, as I have been told by Kacey, is only Chris Chandler! No "-tian," no "-topher," just Chris! So, admit that. An' anurr thing, I NAME is NOT IAN! BRANDON!!! SOMETHING!!!!![4]

Origin: a corruption of "and another thing". Used constantly when Chris is angry.


1. (adjective) Anything that is archaic in the Sonichu canon.

Well, what's this? I'm havin' an upgrade? Huh! Huh! My- my powers are given me the ability to fly with my wings attached to my head! It's like a w- it's like an add-on! That's optional! Huh! Must have been done by Anchuent Powers, so awesome I can fly now! Huh![5]

Origin: Initially, "anchuent" was taken to be a misspelling of the word "ancient" given Chris' poor grasp of the English language. Over time, however, it was revealed that "anchuent" was meant to be a portmanteau of the words "ancient" and "Sonichu", adding the "chu" part of "Sonichu" into the word "ancient". [6]

and such

1. (phrase) And additional items; to add to a list.

At least to give you all, my patient, loyal Fans and Trolls, something to quell your pallets until Official Merchandise is sold in Official Stores such as Toys 'R' Us, GameStop, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etcetera and such.[7]

Origin: Chris understands the term's meaning, but uses it superfluously.


1. (noun) art.

Good evening, but between this and the, uh, oh, and the other clips I would like to present you, uh, a few examples of hand artery.[8]

Origin: Not to be confused with the term for blood vessels. Chris doesn't seem to realize "art" is already a noun and doesn't need the suffix.

as such

1. (adverb) In the manner previously described.

They just hated me because they don't, they did not understand people with autism. And so they tortured me as such.[9]

Origin: Chris overuses this phrase to the point of self-parody. He's either tacking it on to fill space when he can't think of the next thing to say, or he's peppering it into his language in a feeble attempt to sound intelligent.

attraction location

1. (noun) Any place Chris may sit to gain the attention of any passing women, only to get promptly kicked out afterward.

Also, as of early November, I was reemitted into the Fashion Square Shopping Center, and since Mid-December, I totally left the UVA as an Attraction Location. [10]

Origin: Chris, having a very difficult socializing with women, thought that sitting around in a certain place and soliciteing himself would be a better alternative. Therefore, it would make sense to him to sit in a location with many people in order to gain the attention of several women.

attraction time

1. (noun) The time that is spent at an attraction location

Then, on my next visit to the mall, I felt seriously depressed about what had happened the other day; it killed my attraction time.[11]



1. (noun) Derogatory epithet for women.

Then that B-Dog ripped up my notes and all, dragged me to her quarters and talked down to me very RUDELY AND HOARSELY.[12]

Origin: Retarded censorship of the word "bitch". Bubbles Rosechu is implied to say this in Sonichu #8, when she shouts "BEEE..!!!" at Silvana.[13]

Be Woman

1. (verb phrase) Be a woman.

I am a Lesbian Transwoman; I am not confused or mentally ill about that; I Am Woman.[14]

How Dare You Insult and be so Inconsiderate of Her like that? She Is Woman; she would Never Revert Back.[15]

Origin: Used regularly when Chris asserts his transgender identity, notable for the consistent lack of a proper article and capitalization of each word in the phrase. Originally only attested in the first person ("I Am Woman"), a post on Chris's Miss Night Star Twitter sockpuppet account uses the third person ("She Is Woman"). Technically first appears in Sonichu 8 when The Incredible Lioness attacks Jason Kendrick Howell, as the somewhat cliché musical reference "I am woman, hear me roar!", which may have inspired Chris's broader use of the phrase.

biological clock

1. (noun) circadian rhythm

'I have a lot of stored caffeene [sic] in my energy supply, and not only kept me on my toes, but has also messed up my fucking biological clock as well.[16]

Origin: Although technically not used incorrectly in this context, the phrase "biological clock" is used exclusively for women in their child-bearing years. Possibly a confusion with "internal clock".


1. (adjective) Angry.

Oh, and how 'bout this?! I get BLANGRY! [17]

Origin: Given Chris's belief that he has mastered the English language and his speech impediment, it's likely he fucked up saying angry.


1. (adjective) Skilled in engineering.

I like many others, was born a foal; to a blue-printed Pegasus and a country tomboy earth mare.[18]

Origin: Chris portrayed Bob's Pony Counterpart in Sonichu 12-9 as an engineer, just like the real Bob. Due to Chris' limited vocabulary, Chris knew very little words he could use to describe Bob's profession. Derived from the word "blueprints", the plans set for the design of a product.


1. (adjective) Single; particularly used on women.

Ahh, well, it's been over a year and ten months now since I started my sweetheart-search; I still haven't found a boyfriend-free-caring-smoke-free-non-alcoholic-white-girl-near-my-age to build a relationship with from the ground up.

Buddha belly

1. (expression) Excess fat that gives a person a very round appearance.

Okay, well, I admit I do have a Buddha belly, but I am not lazy, I do get out and about, I exercise, I jog and work out, and I eat healthy.[19]

Origin: "Buddha" is a title given to several legendary figures in Buddhism. In this case, Chris is making reference to Budai, who is often known as "Fat Buddha". Chris presumably picked up the phrase from the Family Guy episode "To Love and Die in Dixie."

buh bye bay nose

1. (phrase) but if anybody knows.

If I knew who you were, I'd give you a kick in da bawls. But I can't, because I don't know who or where you are. Buh bye bay nose the whereabouts of the... jerk... and just happens to be nearby... or within the state? Give him a swick kick for me.[20]

butt garment

1. (noun) adult diaper; typically one used to control Chris' fecal incontenence.

Origin: To avoid embarrassment from stating that he shits himself constantly, and uses diapers, Chris refers to his adult diapers as butt garments.



1. (adjective) Poessessing a lot of strength

There are no quotes that cite the use of this CWC-ism. It appears in his resume, where he lists it as one of his "functional skills"

Origin: A misuse of the idiom, "elbow-grease", a figure of speech humorously used for tasks that involve manual labor only.

Electric Hedgehog Pokémon

1. (noun) Any of the characters found in Sonichu which are hybrids of Sonic the Hedgehog characters and/or Pokemon.

Since the inspiration and conception of Sonichu, the Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon on March 17, 2000, I have grown further in his stories, plots and adventures in a series of hand-drawn and computer-edited comic books.[21]

Origin: Despite the name, a majority of "Electric Hedgehog Pokemon" are neither Pokemon or hedgehogs. This misnomer may come from Chris' original characters being hybrids of two Sonic characters, both of whom are hedgehogs (Sonic and Amy Rose) and two Pokemon (Pikachu and Raichu).


1. (noun) Charisma or attraction

Too much entendre?[22]

Origin: Derived from the phrase "double entendre", a figure of speech used for words or phrases with a double meaning, typically with one of them being risque.[23] In English, the word "entendre" isn't typically used outside of the phrase itself, but in many other languages like French and Catalan, it is understood to mean "to hear" or "to understand". Chris, thinking he knows everything there is to know about the English language, most likely botched up his understanding of this with his Ego.


"G'Day welcome to Auschwitz"

1. (noun) Chris' teeth

They're called Eye-Teeth, but they feel and look like fangs of a vampire, dog or something to me.[24]

Origin: Chris believes his teeth to be unordinary compared to most other people's teeth. Because he believes his teeth to be menacing, he gave them the name "fangs". Once in a while, Chris would show off his decaying teeth to scare off his enemies.


1. (interjection, imperative verb) Parting salutation, akin to "goodbye".

Vessel of my loneliness for the past three years of anguish. I bid you fond...faredoo. Adieu. Fond farewell adieu...[25]

Origin: Accidental portmanteau of "farewell" and "adieu".


1. (adverb) A word that indicates that Chris is about to tell someone why he's right. Often not followed by an enumerated list of reasons, despite the implication.

Firstly, Aspergers is NOTHING Similar to Autism; Aspergers pertains to MEMORY, Autism is Social Skills. and I'm High-Functionally Autistic[26]

Origin: Use of "firstly" to begin a list, rather than "first," is a matter of dispute among linguistic fags. "Firstly" has fallen out of common use and tends to sound more formal, perhaps overly so. Chris seems to like this formality, probably because he thinks it sounds smart.


1. (adjective) fond

Faithfully yours with fondful thoughts; Chris Chan.[27]

Origin: Chris apparently doesn't understand that "fond" is already an adjective by itself.

for good-like

1. (adjective) final, but with the imagined possibility otherwise.

And in June of 2008, he banned me from the store for good-like.[28]

Origin: Confusing modification of "for good".


1. (verb) To dedicate, as in a monument or building.

I, Christian Weston Chandler, re-foundate this monument that is the PAGE with MY SOLE HONEST TRUTH from my sound mind and heart.[29]

Origin: Likely a portmanteau of "found" and "dedicate", or a bizarre attempt to convert "foundation" into a verb.

four-boomerang-shaped symbol

1. (noun) minced oath for "swastika," especially the Hakenkreuz symbol of the Nazi Party.

Like Most People, I do not care much for Adolf; he was a terrible man, and even in jest, I WOULD NEVER want to portray him, much less, his four-boomerang-shaped symbol (I know what it is called, but I do not wish to type the word).[30]

Origin: Chris was apparently afraid to say the word "swastika," probably for the same reason he used to fear using racial slurs.


1. (noun) The rewards of giving Chris compliments.

Compliments will get you fuzzy-wuzzies.[31]

Origin: Picked up from the children's book, A Warm Fuzzy Tale.



1. (noun) a female friend.

And also, I would like to give a shout-out to...Ivy, sweet gal-pal of mine...and her friend Rachel across the hall from her, in a college within these United States![32]


1. (noun) a male lesbian, whatever that's supposed to mean.

Uh… simply put—and I am willing to say this… in sound mind and body: I… am a gaybian.[33]

Origin: With Clyde Cash threatening to harm Julie, him forcing Chris to "come out of the closet", and Chris having no clue how to handle the situation, Chris thought it would be clever to admit he was gay, but yet he isn't attracted to men. Thus, he tacked on the word "gay" onto "lesbian" to create the word "gaybian".

give birth, give the birth

1. (verb) To transfer possession of the state of having been born, by bearing as offspring.

My mother and my father are both really nice, old-fashioned-type people who not only gave the birth--gave me birth at their ages...which my mother is sixty-six, currently, and my father is currently eighty. They both just turned that way in the last couple of months. And, uh, I was born in 1982. They gave me the birth...then, and, uh, anyway, it was so nice of--for them to give me the, uh, birth during the early 1980s.[34]

Origin: Chris seems to think that a sentence like "Barbara gave birth to Christian" is grammatically equivalent to a sentence like "Barbara gave Go-bots to Christian."

go make a rhyme

1. (expression) A phrase used by Chris to indicate that he is in a poetic mood.

Oh, Back Off, go make a rhyme. Love will come your way in good time.[35]
Keep Heart, Have hope and faith. Life is a coinkie-dink strafe.
Have an open heart, don’t be afraid. Your sweetie is likely in your friendship parade.

Origin: Chris intended to write a rhyme in order to sound poetic in a tweet, continuing with the rhyming schtick in several subsequent ones. Due to his own laziness, the best Chris could come up with in terms of words that rhyme with "time" is "rhyme".


I can feel the cosmos.jpg

1. (interjection) Expressed angrily when you wish to break someone apart to kill them'"

Jason Kendrick Howell... you BASTARD! BASTARD! You hacked into everything! You have driven me so beyond the wall, I can't even DESCRIBE it! YOU'RE LAUGHING NOW, BUT... I'LL BREAK YOU DEAD! Goodbye![36]

Origin: Used as a death threat to Jason Kendrick Howell after he has hacked Sonichu.net.

I can feel the cosmos

1. (expression) Statement of achievement and oneness with the universe.

I promise, uh, three da—three pages a day, drawn or colored, but, also with the, uh, website, and God/Jesus's support, I feel like... we will be seeing many new—many new thing. The website will be better. I can feel the cosmos! Peace.[37]

Origin: Inspired by a line from the game Katamari Damacy, "Oh, I feel it. I feel the cosmos."


1. (expression) Abbreviation for "I be a chandler," i.e., "I am a person named 'Chandler.'"

I am so sick of hearing that stupid name that somebody made up back when I had that IBAChandler account, and I be a Chandler. You know, "I" being myself, "B" standing for specifying who I am, and "Chandler" being my last name.[38]

2. (proper noun) YouTube username in use by Christian Weston Chandler during his conflict with Liquid Chris, leading trolls to accuse Chris of being an impostor of Liquid named Ian Brandon Anderson.

3. (proper noun) Name of a Sonichu villain based upon Liquid Chris, ironically named for the real Chris's alias.

I B A Chandler, And I am here to copycatly sieze claim of you hedgehogs and this city from your absent mayor's domain.[39]

Origin: Inspired by Bob Chandler's license plate, "I B MR C" ("I be Mister C.").[40]


1. (verb) Identifying.

"That is the difference between Trans Gender and Vestites; ID as the other sex, and dressing like it, respectively"[41]

Origin: Possibly derived from ID meaning "Identification".

infinitely high boyfriend factor

1. (noun) the extremely high probability that any woman Chris talks to is not boyfriend-free.

With the infinitely high Boyfriend-Factor, I am not fond of about 99.999999999996% of the total male population, with a margin-of-error of the 4 billionth of a percent (for about 100 men) of whom are okay acquaintences.[42]

Origin: In general, Chris will almost never find a sweetheart.[43] Already aware of this fact, but not willing to admit he's not at all attractive to most women, Chris blames it on the fact that most men are "jerks", and that one probably is already dating the woman he's trying to latch onto.



(noun) 1. A female jerkop.


Origin: Whereas the term "jerkop" is a portmanteau of the CWC-ism "jerk" and the word "cop", janekop is a portmanteau of the words "jane" and "cop". The word "jane" is a slang word for "woman". [45]


(noun) 1. Any man that Chris dislikes, particularly one that gets in the way of his LoveQuest.

On the flip side, I feel discomfort around men, because they can be such mean and cruel jerks.[46]

Origin: The term "jerk" is generally defined as "A person with unlikable or obnoxious qualities and behavior, typically mean, self-centered or disagreeable." [47]. As stated in the quote above, Chris believes that all men to be cruel, selfish, and overall unlikeable. Therefore, he views almost all men as jerks.


(noun) 1. An official of the law.

I would have left peacefully, in fact, I was ready to go, but I had a prepared speech to say to them stupid Jerkops.[48]

Origin: Since Chris views most officers of the law as jerks, the term is a portmanteau of "jerk" and "cop". Possibly a pun on the word "jerkoff", which is defined as being "a contemptible man". [49]


Kick the Autistic

1. (noun) Any action which involves doing something to Chris that he doesn't like

And if you have so much free time to play the cruelest game of "KICK THE AUTISTIC", then you CAN and SHOULD put the time to better use; volunteer for a social chore; take up the culture in tasteful art; go out and socialize.[50]

2. (noun) Any form of discrimination towards Chris solely due to his autism.


Origin: Chris has this paranoid idea that the whole world is going against him and his goals, solely due to his autism. In this sense, the fact that so many people want to thwart his goals makes him feel like he's being "kicked" around.


Laughs Under Lucricities

1. (backronym) backronym for "LULZ"

Although, F.Y.I., "LULZ" is short for "Laughs Under Lucricities"[52]

Origin: Chris knows "lulz" is a variant of "LOL" and that it does not actually stand for anything, although he seems to think it must be written in all-caps anyway like an acronym. Originally he would simply say "LULZ" ought to stand for "Laughs Under Lucricities," but he soon began implying that it already does.[53]

like, you know

1. (discourse particle) Space filler during sentence.

I don't want too much conflict to happen, like, you know. You wouldn't want too much conflict to happen, like, you know. I mean-like, you know, between you and him any further. Yeah.[54]

Love Quest

1.(noun) Chris' on-going search for a sweetheart.

As for Wes, I blame all of these happenings on him. If he had not taken my life-long friend away from me, I might have a Pretty Girlfriend today. And I would not have had to set out on endeavoring LOVE QUEST![55]

Origin: In its context, the term Love Quest, makes sense, as a "quest" is defined as "a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something".[56] In Chris' case, he's trying to find a significant other in order to solve all of his problems.


1.'(noun) A lover in a relationship between two Electric Hedgehog Pokemon.

Also, I have finished the drawing for you, and I have shown off the Original LoveHog Couple's Wedding Rings, and their three children: Cerah Rosey, Robbie Sonee and (Shiney Rosey) Christine Rosey.

A portmanteau of "love" and "hedgehog".


1. (pl. noun?) lurid acts or motivations (?)

Origin: Chris completely made this word up, presumably based on "lucrid," which may in turn be based on the actual word "lurid." According to Chris, the word "lulz" can mean either "Laughs at my expense" or "Laughs under lucricities," so presumably the two contexts are equivalent.


1. (adjective) obscene, profane, wicked

And promoting the hatred, and...drawing such loose—such lucrid mockeries is not gonna further the story plot or have anything new created, or even gonna help in any way...[57]

Origin: Unknown. Possibly a corruption of "lurid," given the context. Alternatively, it might be a corruption of "ludicrous." Chris has used this word to describe the homoerotic/dickgirl art on the ED page, as well as the fan comic in which he was depicted as a man-baby.



1. (adjective) dumb, lacking intelligence.

You are such a cowardly, naïve, retarded, individual.[58]

Origin: Chris only seems to understand the most simplified definition of the word. In general terms, the word "naïve" is defined as "showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment."[59]. However, in Chris' mind, the word is used to "question one's intelligence". Despite his distaste for the use of the word on him, this turns out to be a commonly used insult by Chris.


1. (noun) Euphemism for semen.

You know that, uh—first off, uh, the one... with the navy being drunk. Yeah. Som—yeah. A b—a—i—a—it's a good idea somet—uhhh... it's a... it's a good idea. But, uh, you know, you don't have to do it if you don't like it, but, uh... I recycle my own semen[60]

Origin: Play on words, i.e, a navy is a collection of seamen/semen.

See also: Comeuppance


1. (Adjective) Similar.

And so I killed about killed about twenty miles round trip for gas to go find her house. But it turns out that was a troll posing as that girl. [sighs] THE VOICES SOUNDED NEARLY SAME.[61]


1. (adjective) platonic.

I apologize, but I meant the term neutrally, and I never meant anything from that.[62]

And One More thing, Darling!... Talluah Bankhead would be Insulted with your response to the term's neutral usage. Hmpf!'[63]

Origin: Chris believes words like "darling" and "dear", are gender neutral terms. Because of this, he assumes that if he claims that he used it in a "neutral" way, people will know he's not using the term in a romantic tone.


1. (noun) An African-American person.

Where he will be raped by a bunch of niggos.[64]

Origin: A bastardization of the racial slur "nigger". This butchering was done after BlueSpike forced Chris to say: "BILLY MAYS is the new mayor of CWCville, and Christian Chandler will be thrown in CWCville jail, where he will be raped by a bunch of niggers". Chris decided to repeat this phrase, but decided to "outsmart" BlueSpike by replacing "niggers" with "niggos".


1. (noun) the fear of women pairing up with other men.

His one fault, that has restricted him from finding the Ms. Right, he had a major case of Noviophobia, where he is afraid to even approach most ladies, because he thought that they were all already paired up with “A Jerk.”[65]

Origin: Because Chris was so frustrated with so many jerks stealing his potential mates, Chris decided that his envy and hatred of men was a real phobia. Thus, overconfident in his ability to speak Spanish, formed the word "noviophobia" by using the Spanish word novio, meaning "boyfriend", and the suffix, -phobia.


1. (noun) zombie nazis

Anyway, as for the medical study, and this will require your aid, Magi-Chan. In June of 2015, the scientists have found the gene-like molecule which makes a person turn...ugh..nombie-zazis.[66]

Origin: Replacement for homosexuals and homosexuality in the revised Sonichu 10.


1. (noun) a victim of trolling.

Consider who does more harassing, which do you block? [67]

  • Every Foul-Mouth Troll
  • The Not-Troll they follow

Origin: Because the person being trolled is supposedly not a troll, they are a not-troll.



1. (adjective) Racist.

But still, call me old-fashioned but, I'd rather be- I would not- I'd uh- I'd definitely wouldn't uh... NOT BLACK. Not black.[68]

2. (adjective) Opposed to miscegenation.

I mean Old Fashioned as in the Classic white-marry-white type of thing.[69]

3. (adjective) Homophobic.

My father is OLD FASHIONED; he NEVER gives thought to homos, and he HATES them too.[70]

4. (adjective) Dating back to the 1980s.

Ah, you can tell this is an old-fashioned Lego set on account of this—the old-fashioned "LegoLand" on the corner.[71]


1. (interjection) Expression of pain in one's axles (the central shafts of rotating wheels or gears in a machine).


Origin: Written for Ghost Buggy's cameo in Sonichu #7, based upon the character's tendency to complain about its aching mechanical components.



1. (noun) Short for quarter sandwich (i.e. a quarter of a sandwich).

So, mom ignored her and ate the q-sand in front of her.[73]

Origin: Appeared in an e-mail sent to Jackie dated August 5, 2011. Most likely unnecessarily used as a way past cool abbreviation.


Reldnahc the Rapier

1. (noun) a condom

You ARE the woman...we gotta stop by Wall-Mall-Wart on the way for a "raincoat. [74]

Origin: The term "raincoat" is actually an archaic slang for the word "condom".[75] Given that Chris has been raised by two geezers his whole life, and that part of his childhood has consisted of old TV shows, Chris thought that people would understand what he meant when he states that his Mary Sues are having protected sex with a raincoat.

random-access humor

1. (noun) non-sequital humor.

Origin: According to Chris, his brain is completely random, and it always spews out incoherent garbage. In his mind, this works in the same way a computer processes random access memory.


1. (noun, attributive) rapist, sexual assailant.

Now! My rapier friend, I would very much like you to get off me, please. [76]

Origin: Possibly a pun. Chris-Chan Sonichu calls Reldnahc Ha-Taque his/her "rapier friend" in Sonichu 12 after Reldnahc tackles him/her to the ground in a suggestive pose and touches his/her chest, thus (in Chris's hyperbolic mind) "raping" him/her. He could also be using the externally attested definition, as an adjective meaning "witty"[77], metaphorically referring to a kind of thin, sharp-pointed sword.


1. (adjective) realated to live-action.

Ah! Going for something realistic. Awesome [78]

Origin: Chris, taking everything he sees at face value, possibly believes live action shows actually happen.

reality cartoon

1. (noun) The universe.

Life is a cartoon; we are all the characters of the larger; the cartoons we make are part of our own universe; we're all a reality cartoon. [79]

Origin: Since Chris' life revolves mainly around Vidya and cartoons, it would make sense to him that the most believable explanation for the universe and everything in it is that it's all a cartoon. Likely related to Chris's known belief that all fiction actually exists in alternate universes.


1. (verb) the act of one ingesting their own semen to preserve their sperm count.

I recycle my own semen, because, uh, you know, yes I do masturbate.[80]

Origin: Chris, having very little knowledge of how the male reproductive system works, thinks that men can run out of sperm from masturbating or orgasming too much. Fearing the loss of "potential children", Chris actually thinks that by ingesting the sperm back into his body, his sperm count will stay in balance, thus, he is "recycling" it.


1. (noun) beer or any other alcoholic beverage of the like.

Then he glugs his reeb, heh-heh, and then he conks out.[81]

Origin: Chris, thinking he's so clever, decided to censor any mention of the word "beer" in his comics, by spelling the word backward.



1. (noun) Telepathy, i.e. communication through long distances, usually via psychic or supernatural means.

I’ve been communicating with her through telekinesis, and she sounded very lonesome.[82]

Origin: Whereas telekinesis means moving objects from a distance with psychic powers (c.f. kinetic), Chris has never used the term properly. Psychic characters in the comic have both powers of telekinesis and telepathy, but Chris has only used the former to refer to both.


1. (noun) tobacco or tobacco products

If I could, I would take every last ounce of tobacky, put 'em on a rocket, and shoot 'em up to the Moon.[83]

Origin: Chris hated the idea of smoking so much that even uttering the word "tobacco" made him feel uncomfortable, so he created a new retarded sounding word to avoid saying the actual word.[84]


1. (noun) A male who is into girly stuff; apparently, in Chris's mind, this goes all the way to make-up and crossdressing.

I am Tomgirl.[85]

Origin: analogous to "tomboy", i.e. a girl who likes boy-stuff.

too many crooks

1. (interjection) Expression of dissatisfaction with an overabundance of evildoers.

Well, call it--this was "too many crooks." Too many crooks! Too many crooks! And that ED page is one of those crooks.[86]

Origin: Based upon the idiom, "too many cooks spoil the broth," although that idiom means something, whereas this is just an incomplete sentence.

trollin' stupid

1. (adjective) Very stupid, in a manner pertaining to trolling.

Because that's what you deserve, you God damn womanizing raping... trollin' stupid pickle suited... nigger![87]

Origin: Chris seems to have coined this phrase for his "Boyfriend" lyrics with "trollin'" serving as an intensifier along the lines of "fucking."



1. (noun) A piercing Chris got on his perrinium as an immitation for a clitoris.

It is a short, steel straight piece with steel spheres, of which I refer to them as my un-clit.[88]

Origin: During his Tomgirl years, Chris was, and still is, very desperate to gain female body traits such as bigger breasts, wider hips, a fully functioning vagina, etc. In order to get a part of the work done, Chris got a piercing on his taint as a sort of pseudo-clitoris, showing more of Chris' limited knowledge of female anatomy.


1. (adjective) "lacking good manners".

And it was ignored by you that Talulah Bankhead coined the term for Tabitha, you Uncouth Twat.

Origin: Chris most likely picked up this word from an MLP episode, where Applebloom and Applejack are talking about what the word "uncouth" means.


1. (preposition) Archaic or poetic form of the word "to".

Now that it has been made fully clear to me, I am now able to devote myself fully unto you, Julie.[89]

I am very devastated, due to my SHATTERED HEART that XXXXX caused unto me!.

Origin: Another one of Chris's autistic ways of sounding smart, possibly in imitation of the Bible. (c.f. Do unto others...) Chris uses this form more frequently than most English speakers of the 21st Century should, even when it sounds unwieldy.



1. (noun) Vegemite

Certainly not a vege-marmite sanwich. Lol[90]

Origin: A retarded pun made by Chris to state his distaste for veggie marmite. Coincidentally, vegemite is essentially marmite, yeast extract from brewing beer turned into a pungent, salty paste, with vegetables and spices added in.[91]


1. (noun) A transvestite person.

"That is the difference between Trans Gender and Vestites; ID as the other sex, and dressing like it, respectively"[92]

Origin: In the above post, Chris intended to write the words "transgender" and "transvestite" in the same sentence without duplicating the trans suffix. He did so by adding a space between the prefix and the respective endings.

Virgin with rage

1. (noun) An individual who is sexually frustrated

Tell me why

I'm stuck as a virgin with rage! Tell me why I so need a cute girl my age! Tell me why I never wanna hear you say,

"I have a boyfriend!"[93]

Origin: Even after having sex with Mia Hamm, the idea of being a virgin and not having a sweetheart pushes Chris' buttons. This gets so bad, that he might even rage after he's lost a potential sweetheart.

Virginia is for virgins

1. (phrase) A phrase that pushes the strange idea that the citizens of Virginia won't allow Chris to get any china solely due to his autism.


Origin: A butchering of the phrase "Virginia is for Lovers". Apparently, this strange idea has started since attending PVCC, with him leaving attraction signs everywhere, only to have all of them destroyed by Mary Lee Walsh afterward.[94]


Walter Grisby

1. (noun) A man's name often employed in acts of random-access humor.

"Is this Walter Grisby? Who threw a frisbee? Well you know what? DAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!"[95]

2. (noun) The retconned name of the character formerly known as Wes Iseli.

Origin: Unknown; thought by some to be a reference to the Cartoon Network show Ed, Edd n Eddy. A character in the PC game The Sims 3 goes by the name of Walter Grisby, but the game's release post-dates Chris's first uses of the term by some years.

Warroir of Love

1. (noun) an advocate for spreading love and peace.

"People! You do not understand! By Not blocking the Trolls, you are Promoting Hatred; They don't always side with Love. I Am Warroir of Love."[96]

Origin: Misspelling of the word "warrior". Chris considers himself a "warrior of love" because he believes that he is the voice of kindness. Most likely derived from the derogatory term "Social Justice Warrior", a term used for individuals who advocate for social justice and equality.


1. (adjective) Having large breasts.

And her image dawned upon me in my imagination, starting out as the well-breasted pink electric-hedgehog (Pok'emon) with the long Raichu-like tail, I drew her outfit onto her in red and Battery-Charged Blue.[97]

Origin: Confusion between "well-endowed" and "large-breasted".

Women's rights

1. (noun) The right for women to strip down without interference.

2. (noun) The right for women to not be depicted with a pickle.

Origin: Chris' understanding of sexism is botched up beyond belief. Chris believes that sexism only consists of any type of aggression or abuse towards women, and that it doesn't involve any kind of unfair depiction of women, like that all women like to strop down to their bare bodies and that all they care about is sex, shopping, and cooking.

wooden nickel

1. (noun) Acoustic guitar.

I got the idea of the challenge from him COPYING me playing Boston's "More Than A Feeling" on Guitar Hero on his old Wooden Nickel; if he wants to copy on Guitar, he may as well be challenged in a Sing-Off.[98]

Origin: In real life, a wooden nickel is a now defunct form of currency used during the Great Depression. His use probably refers to the phrase "don't take any wooden nickels" - that is, he is calling the acoustic guitar a semi-worthless imitation of his Guitar Hero controller.


1. (adverb) Severely; extremely, in an adverse manner

IMHO, having Seinor Citizens for Parents throughout your whole life is no picnic; they are WORSE Overprotective.[99]


1. (noun) Great anger or rage. Considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Apparently, my, uh, heed of warning towards Vivian has gone unheard or otherwise SHE DID NOT REALIZE THE FURY OF MY WRATH[100]

2. (noun) Strength sufficient to lift an office chair.




1. (verb) Double Checking

Just X2-checking if you got the drawing I left you.[102]

Origin: Comes from x2 meaning times two, which means double to Chris.



1. (pronoun) indicating second person plural.

"Y'all are free to stay here in one or so of their bedrooms for free, and y'all get fed too. Consider this a second chance for a good life which Christian offers to y'all; seek good employment after y'all get your strength rebuilt. ... I'll go check y'all in, then I have to finish saving the world."[103]

It would be appreciated if y'all can book the flight for me, because I'm unsure about my family's current financial status, and my social's being saved for my own bills."[104]

Origin: Derived from "you all", originating from the dialect of the Southern United States (and found in black communities outside the South). Often considered substandard English, Chris even uses this in formal written situations. Also overused in the comic to the point of absurdity.

y'all should know me by now

1. (phrase) An introduction to complete strangers.

Y'all should know me by now, but if you don't, I am Christian Weston Chandler, the original creator of Sonichu, the Electric Hedgehog Pokémon, back on March 17th, 2000.[57]

Origin: His second message on YouTube, addressed to the ED trolls. He would use it several more times after this, possibly making this into his tagline. The introduction is made under the assumption that Chris is already well-known.

young at heart

1. (noun, attributive) An individual with childlike characteristics; a childish person.

I am Young at Heart; a concept I have kept within myself since childhood.[105]

We, the Young at heart stand alongside our Liked and Cared others.[106]

Origin: Chris can't seem to tell the difference between being a child at heart, and being childish. In his mind, people who are considered childish actually lead a more exciting life, since he believes that more childlike people are willing to show off their kindness and are generally more eccentric. In reality, adults who are "young at heart" generally have a somewhat innocent outlook of life and are generally interested in things considered suitable for children, yet understand their responsibilities as adults.


zap to the extreme

1. (phrase) Go out and be brave.

Go! Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme![107]

Now everyone stay green and go out and zap to the extr-r-r-r-r-eme. Have a lovely day. [108]

Origin: This phrase is first used on the cover of Sonichu 0, where Chris' mary sue character tells Sonichu to "zap to the extreme" as if Chris and Sonichu were in a bona fide Pokémon tournament. Chris would then end up using this phrase time and again, usually completely out of context of its original meaning.


  1. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/night-star-delivers-christines-side-of-the-story.33062/
  2. Lars Call
  3. 100 2267
  5. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_3_Official_Videobook
  6. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_3_Official_Videobook
  7. Cwcipedia captain's log, 25 November 2009
  8. CWC - Hand Drawn Original
  9. Father Call
  10. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Story_of_My_Current_Days
  11. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Story_of_My_Current_Days
  12. User:ChrisChanSonichu profile
  13. Issue 8 Pages 94-95
  14. 2017_tweets#Proud_to_be_a_feminist
  15. NightStar2891_tweets#She_is_woman
  16. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Biological_clock
  17. Chris Calls Clyde Out
  18. https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/screenshot_20171019-235945_01-png.299275/
  19. Father Call
  20. Christian's Update 13 September 2008
  21. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris%27s_resume
  22. https://www.patreon.com/posts/15092809
  23. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/double%20entendre
  24. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_Girls#Your_understanding_me_fukky_.281_January_2009.29
  25. The MovingFoward videos.
  26. IRC chat, 02 January 2009.
  27. Chris's email to Megan Schroeder, 06 July 2007
  28. Chris's email to The Wallflower, 18 February 2010
  29. Christian in his Own Words.
  30. Mailbag 5
  31. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Christian_Weston_Chandler%27s_FUTURE_MESSAGE
  32. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Update_18_March_2009_More_Updated
  33. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_Comes_Out_of_the_Closet
  34. Chris Chan's Public Announcement
  35. https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/913230475774369794
  36. Jason Kendrick Howell message
  37. CWC Update 9 April 2009
  38. Show RESPECT to me, "C"CWC
  39. Sonichu #9, page 79
  40. CWC Update 29 July 2009
  41. [[1]]
  42. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Megan_emails,_Aug-Dec_2007
  43. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sweetheart#Will_Chris_ever_have_a_Sweetheart.3F
  44. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Feelings_of_the_election_results
  45. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jane
  46. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_Girls
  47. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jerk#Etymology_1
  48. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Get-Tar_Region
  49. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/jerk--off
  50. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/List_of_Christian%27s_edits_to_Encyclopedia_Dramatica#21_January
  51. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chop_Chop_Master_Onion%27s_Rap_Showdown
  52. Chris chan (CWCipedia)
  53. Email from Chris to Robert Simmons V on 12 August 2008
  54. I Love You Kacey
  55. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Story_of_My_Current_Days
  56. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/quest
  57. 57.0 57.1 CWC's Second Message
  58. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Calls_Out_Three_Na%C3%AFve_YouTubers
  59. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/naive
  60. Captain's Log, Stardate April 28th, 2009
  61. For Chris
  62. LadyOfTheCosmo#Twitter
  63. LadyOfTheCosmo#Twitter
  64. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Julie_Reveals_Herself
  65. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu%27s_News_Dash
  66. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Son10revp3.jpg
  67. [[2]]
  68. Mumble_4
  69. Mailbag 37
  70. IRC (03 January 2009)
  71. Song of Christian
  72. Sonichu #7
  73. Jackie E-mails 31
  74. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_7_Official_Videobook
  75. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/raincoat
  76. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/sonichu-12-pages-54-60.33547/
  77. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rapier#Adjective
  78. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/sonichu-12-pages-54-60.33547/
  79. August 2017 tweets#"Life is a cartoon"
  80. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Captain%27s_Log,_Stardate_April_28th,_2009
  81. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_8_Official_Videobook
  82. Silvana
  83. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Christian_Weston_Chandler%27s_FUTURE_MESSAGE
  84. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/List_of_Christian%27s_edits_to_Encyclopedia_Dramatica
  85. PSN comment as of 6 April 2011
  86. Take that Page DOWN NOW!
  87. Chris Drops the N-Bomb
  88. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Un-clit
  89. BlueSpike Skype Logs 7
  90. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-372
  91. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegemite
  92. [[3]]
  93. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/So_Need_a_Cute_Girl
  94. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Virginia_is_for_Virgins#Origins
  95. Random-access humor
  96. [[4]]
  97. CWCipedia article on Rosechu
  98. Katie Bay E-mails 3
  99. Jackie E-mails 6
  100. Sign Destruction Video
  101. Power
  102. [[5]]
  103. Issue 10 Page 68 Ultra Sonichu to the Basement Rosechus, on a single page
  104. Miyamoto Saga
  105. [[6]]
  106. [[7]]
  107. Sonichu 0
  108. A New, Fun Trick!
The CWC-tionary

Relationships: Attraction Location | Boyfriend-free girl | Darling | Dating education | Friend Zone | Gal-pal | Heart Level | Homos | Infinitely-High Boyfriend-Factor | Love Quest | Noviophobia | SLGBTQ | Sweetheart | Sweetheart from the Ground-Up

Sex: China | Comeuppance | Duck | JULAY | Mass debating | Negligent | Pedofork | Pickle | Recycling | Soul Bonding | Virgin with rage | Virginia is for Virgins | Women's rights

Himself: Biological clock | Butt garments | Captain's Log | Christian Love Day | DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS | Fuzzy-Wuzzies & Prickly-Wicklies | Honest Content | I'LL BREAK YOU DEAD | Monthly tugboat | Muscle bra | Random-access humor | Saga | Scale of Respect | Tomgirl |

Stressors: 4-cent_garbage | GOPony | HEXBox | JERKS | Jerkops | Kick the Autistic | Manajerks | Naïve | Niggos | Pmurt | Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens | Slow-in-the-minds | Tobacky

Fantasies: Curse-ye-ha-me-ha | Dimension | Fangs | Godjesus | Iron Curtain | OC | Un-clit

Comics: Anchuent Prophecy | Da Update | Electric Hedgehog Pokemon | Nombie-zazis | Parody | Rosechu | Sonichu | Sub-Episodes | Sweetbolt

See also: Chris and English | List of phrases Chris copied from media