Spamton G. Spamton

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Spamton's Kiwi Farms profile picture
Usually there's very little support for those who are incarcerated, regardless of whether they're guilty or innocent. So, oftentimes prisoners will end up feeling rather isolated and discontent, which increases their chances of reoffending. The nature of the letters I've thus far sent are religious in nature, as visiting the imprisoned is a work of mercy.
Spamton on why he writes letters to Chris.

Spamton G. Spamton is a Kiwi Farms user using the persona of the Deltarune character of the same name. Spamton claims to be a frequent writer and pen pal to inmates, including incarcerated Internet personalities such as Gypsy Crusader.

Thus far, Chris has written three letters addressed to Spamton. These letters revealed Chris' "Updated Ten Commandments," the existence of the Crusader roleplay, and his belief that he would return home to 14 Branchland Court. All of Spamton's known communications with Chris occurred before the latter's transfer to Western State Hospital. Spamton is generally regarded as one of the better and less obtrusive letter writers to Chris, though his decision to not publicly release the transcript of his second letter from Chris has been seen as an orbiter tendency.

Kiwi Farms Posts

First Letter

Main article: Jail Letter - 22 December 2021

Second Letter

Main article: Jail Letter - 8 January 2022

Third Letter

Main article: Jail Letter - Prayer to Spamton

Return to Sender

15 March 2022[1]

I have some important news (at least I suspect it's important?) Chris has apparently been confirmed as moving facilities. Even though this was known about for awhile, this definitely confirms that contact with him has been cut for the time being.

This was one of the last times I needed to check my mail while I'm visiting my friend, and I found the following letter sent back. My initial letter was sent back with "Booking" written on the front in marker. A sticker noted the following:




​ Most notably, this was also stamped on my initial letter:



Incest saga icon.png Jail Saga NuthouseSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisDavid HeilbergPraetor (Caden Peck) • Kenneth EngelhardtBarbara ChandlerHelena FiorenzaEels and the Egg-manFlutterSpamton G. SpamtonZomboCory AllisonThe CrusaderBizarre BazaarCelestiaMichael AfghaniJacob Sockness

Places Misc Jail Communications:
Coinciding Sagas: Praetor