Metal Gear

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Metal Gear Sonichu

Big Boss appeared in Sonichu 9, but was mauled by faggotry.

Being that Metal Gear Solid is so cash, and most of the trolls emerged from the depths of /v/ (Where wanking to Solid Snake is mandatory), several MGS references have emerged. Even Chris has made some possibly unintentional nods to the franchise. Vivian has also proclaimed his/her love for Liquid Snake.

Allusions Made By Trolls

  • 'La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo' was the same password EVA was supposed to give Big Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3. If anyone ever asks you 'Who are the Patriots? and you reply with anything else, you'll probably end up being smashed on the head with a PSTriple.

Allusions Made By Chris

  • Jason Kendrick Howell was portrayed similar to Big Boss, with brown hair, a headband and an eyepatch. Likely, Chris browsed /v/ for three seconds and saw a Big Boss picture; and decided it was close enough, despite Big Boss and Liquid Snake (Jason's e-alias) being radically different charaters.
  • Wild sneaks into the 4-cent company headquarters, which is apparently full of empty red corridors. Chris may be making a subtle joke at Metal Gear Solid's typical bland military bases. Or, far more likely, he is too stressed to include enemies, or details.


Take a good look. Chances are, Chris has one and you don't.

It should be pointed out that most of the trolls reference Metal Gear Solid Three, for the Playstation 2. It wouldn't be too outrageous to think this is because most trolls aren't on government welfare and can't cough up the hundreds of dollars for a PS3. This is one of those rare cases where God/Jesus decided to counter-troll.

Also of note, Metal Gear Solid is not listed as one of the best PS3 games, according to Chris.