Chris and his ego
Of everything that makes Chris Chris, his ego is one of the most dangerous traits. His ego has gotten so big that he outright refuses to surrender to anything, believe that potential sweethearts are actually trolls and that his comics are actually shitty. It's this ego that may one day lead to someone playing Kick the Autistic.
Origins of the ego
As pointed out in the Chris and Fame page, Chris's ego has been formed and tempered by many things: coddling by his mother, Barbara, his victory in the Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes and the fact that he uses his autism as a crutch. Because of his mother, he believes that everything bad that happens to him is the fault of someone else--be it Mary Lee Walsh and the villainous jerkops, slanderous trolls, the school board, or whomever else the Chandler parents told him was bad and wrong. Because of his stroke of dumb luck in the Sonic contest, he feels that he is destined to win everything with the most minimal of efforts. He believes he can get away with winning these contests because he has autism and deserves special treatment.
Additionally, he has taken his frequent mentions in the press, largely about his obsession with video games, to mean he has become famous.
His interactions with people have also formed his ego. After being kicked out of class at PVCC, he decided he needed a girlfriend, but because of a dream and women not liking a man that smells of sweat and Axe, he set a ridiculously high goal in life for himself. In the process, he refused to interact with men of any type, because they're all JERKS who have taken all the girls and left none for him. He feels that security guards are nothing more than jerkops because they interfere with his Love Quest when they're actually doing their job and that trolls have nothing better to do than to torture him and need to GET A LIFE, when Chris is the one staying at home, drawing shitty comics in an attempt to get china.
War against the ego
A major foe against Chris's ego are white knights. These waste of time and breath brave heroes have attempted to get through to Chris's head and get him to understand that what he's doing is ridiculous and that he needs to grow up. Instead, he brushed them all aside, ignoring their calls. One of the more popular white knights, Vivian Gee, became a troll because she couldn't get through Chris's stupid head.
When asked to get real, psychiatric help, Chris has told others that his church counselor, Rocky Shoemaker, is enough for him, that she could do so much more than someone with, oh, we don't know, someone with an actual degree in that field?
Whenever trolls do something that make him crash into slumber, Chris always finds a way to spring back up. When he left PandaHalo, he immediately came back with "another" gal-pal, Chloe, who was quickly replaced with Julie not more than 24 hours later. When Kacey cut off all contact from Chris and married Liquid, Chris whimpered and whined about wanting her back, until the papers for his copyright came in and he was proudly showing them off to the rest of the world and gloating, not a tear in sight.
People may find a way to knock Chris down, but he'll always find a way to stand back up.