GameStop is UNFAIR to Everyone; Not Just Me!
GameStop is UNFAIR to Everyone; Not Just Me! is a video Chris uploaded to YouTube on 7 December 2015, in response to a letter from trolls impersonating GameStop claiming to have expanded his ban from the video games store's Charlottesville Fashion Square branch to the entire state of Virginia.
Even though the letter stresses the availability of online shopping for games, Chris is undeterred, and also seems to miss or ignore the possibility of taking his latest incarnation of Son-chu and hauling ass to West Virginia or Washington D.C. to get his goodies instead, both of which are within two hours from Ruckersville.
He urges his fans to go to Gamestop stores and protest about what he claims is being unfair to autistics and the LGBT community. His tone for the entire video is sulky and whiny. He expects the Human Rights Campaign - an organization concerned with the gross mistreatment of sexual minorities - to support his childish personal vendetta against four local shops that rightfully banned him for being an idiot. Interestingly, one of his biggest problems with the store is how they don't sell Battletoads (worthy of note is that the last Battletoads game released at the time of the video was the Arcade Version back in 1994, and GameStop in fact DOES supply Battletoads NES and Arcade via "Rare Replay" on Xbox One), and also whines that they destroy unsold games (when they could be giving them to him, presumably).
His mannerisms are more cartoonish than ever; the shifts in his face and the pitch of his voice are more reminiscent of an insipid animated character than an actual human being - an indicator of his continued isolation. His ego has evidently led him to think that he is a representative for all autistic and LBGTQ people, as he labors the idea that Gamestop is discriminating against him on the basis of his neurology and gender identity. Yet despite their "discrimination", Chris still wants to be unbanned due to "points on the PowerUp, discounts on Pre-Owned items, Amiibos included, and fair deals there," as he stated on a Facebook comment. As even a cursory glance will reveal, Chris is playing his old card of Kick the Autistic combined with a new addition to his hand - kick the lesbian transgender.
Chris also appears to be attempting to imitate British mannerisms, probably from binge watching Doctor Who and the 80's British Sitcom Keeping Up Appearances (or simply an eerie imitation of Catherine), but completely misuses most of them and can't seem to decide on an accent.
We have received a response from GameStop, and it is certainly not good news at all. But, we must Protest Further. Because, not only me, they have a habit of BANNING Multiple Customers. They Discriminate of ANYTHING Battletoads. They Destroy ALL of their unsold games, instead of Donating them to the Hospitals, Children and whatnot.
"GameStop; BLEEDING UNFAIR to Autistics, LGBTQ, and practically Everyone!"
GameStop is UNFAIR to Everyone; Not Just Me! | |
Direct link | YouTube, archive |
Stardate | 7 December 2015 |
Subject Matter | ![]() |
Performance Style | ![]() |
Saga | ![]() |
Shirt | ![]() |
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“ | GameStop: Bloody unfair to autistic people and lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, and queer people | ” |
Good evening, fans. Apparently we finally have received a response from GameStop. Uh, but I would just like to go on record that uh, if it turns out that if this letter was not real, turned out to be a prank from somebody in the mailroom of GameStop possibly at the very least, they need to tell me directly, and what the deal is, because certainly being tired of being ignored.
Anyway uh, with that I’ll read the letter right now:
[clears throat] “December 4th, 2015. Dear Miss Chandler: This letter is to inform you that your petition to remove your existing ban from our GameStop retail locations in Charlottesville, Virginia was received and forwarded on to our corporate Safety and Loss Prevention Team per company policy for review. I was assigned your case number and have referenced the existing legal files concerning the attempted assault—quote-unquote—on one of our employees on December 26th, 2014, to provide context to your letter. I have also interviewed the managerial staff at the 1549 Rio [pronounced Rye-oh] Road East, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901 retail store location. While your patronage is appreciated, we have concluded based upon extensive evaluation of your case that expanding the current local ban to a statewide ban would be in the best interests of both parties. We take the safety of our employees and customer base very seriously and believe that the precedence set by your previous behavior and the threatening tone of your letter towards one of our valued employees unfortunately indicates a high likelihood of future conflict. I have enclosed a complete list of the GameStop restail stores where you are no longer permitted entry for your convenience. Please be aware that our employees will be instructed to contact local law enforcement for the immediate intervention if you should enter the premises at any of these locations. We hope that you will consider our GameStop online resources [Chris gives thumbs down] as a viable alternative to all of your game-related needs. Best wishes, Rus Rogerson, Corporate Safety and Loss Representative, GameStop Corporate Office and Headquarters, 625 Westport Parkway, Grapevine, Texas, 76051.”
[throws down letter] And essentially the list has me banned from... statewide. Everywhere in Virginia, [removes glasses] they all the GameStops in Virginia, essentially, which, that just really pissed me off. [slams hand down on thigh] It really pisses me off! But I am not, I did not mean anything threatening in my letter. Their interpretation was quite off. And, things made it worse. I mean, I only asked to be unbanned from four [holds up three, then four fingers] stores, in addition to a shopping mall and one Best Buy location. They go and ban me statewide among the- their locations of all those stores! Ugh! This, this really, we need to step it up. Everybody! Go to your local GameStops and bring up a- and make a- bring up a sign of your own, and write on that, quote-unquote, “GameStop: Bloody unfair to autistic people and lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, and queer people.” This will certainly be forwarded to the Human Rights Campaign, Autism Awareness, and the Better Business Bureau, among all places.
Oh, [waves finger menacingly] and just to note—to take this to, to counter their attack, I have found and learned of a few other flaws in their plan, of which I am to quote; I have them written down among which...They apparently have banned a lot— a lot of PEOPLE! Lots of peoplllle! With hardly a reason, other than I don’t know Lords, don’t know Lords knows what. What is the bloody... past memory in those people in that corporate office to turn them into such cruel, soulless, heartless, bleedin’ bastads? Anyway, aside from that, they also do not sell anything Battletoads. No Battletoads! Anywhere, in any GameStop! No Battletoads! Not even the Raaaare remake on the Hex-Box! No Battletoads! They totally discriminate against Battletoads! Errybody loves Battletoads! Y’all should be siding with me on this.
And, among which, you know what they do to every last video game, used or otherwise possibly new that they cannot sell? You know what they do? [mimes] I have a mallet in my hand! This is a NES game of Super Mario Brothers Duck Hunt. Psshew! Smash it! THEY DESTROY THOSE GAAAMES! All my vintage br- brethren, vintage gaming re- brethren— you want to see those vintage games once again. You don’t want GameStop to destroy them. And even worse, here’s another bit: the hospitals and charities for the children—they have gone to GameStop and asked if they would donate any used games or any games at all. But guess what? They downright refuuuse! They do not donate any video games whatsoever. Used, new, none they could sell ever— no donation!
So therefore it is quite outright. GameStops are quite outright. So therefore, in respect to, among these, and the other reasons among YouTube videos and internet searches and what... heartless. GameStop... does to a lot of people. And discriminations among which! We must protest! Cancel any preorders. And certainly, do not use their online resources for further purchases! And if I am imitating any assent, it is quite accidental and p- coincidental! But I mean it! Not to be threatening to anybody in particular, but you know- but this to reflect how upset I am! And we have found—GameStop people, people who work there discriminate against Battletoads. They banned more than just me! They discriminate against autistic people, the lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgenders, and the queer. They discriminate against Battletoads. They destroyed all the unsold gaaames! Downright! Very bad, bloody! Bloody bloody bastads! Heartless, soulless. We stand amongst them! Not only to get me unbanned statewide and everywhere, but to make them not so discriminatatiiiive. Unfair to autistics, LGBTQ, Battletoads, and pretty much... the unsold, and everything. Unfair to everybody, GameStop is.
[deep breath] That’s pretty much all I have to say. And the express in my emotions. Thank you for your continuing support. Oh! The Amiibo figures—guess what? There’s still Toys ‘R’ Us, there’s still Wal-Mart, there’s still Target, and guess what? Ten dollars apiece or so for the Sonics and the Pikachu among which. There is eBay and Amazon! So, I am not haltered...on my own creations. And henceforth, so the orders on Etsy will continue to be honored, very much so. Thank you very much. Have a good and safe day...and DOWN WITH GAMESTOP!
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