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A boring [[Little Big Planet|LBP]] level [[Chris]] made in during his period of solitary confinement in [[2008]]. It really sucks up to [[PS3]], and therefore it was immediately featured on the [[Little Big Planet|LBP]] site. The reaction of the other [[Little Big Planet|LBP]] fans was however quite funny when [[nudes]] of [[Chris]] leaked onto the forum.
A boring [[Little Big Planet|LBP]] level [[Chris]] made in during his period of solitary confinement in [[2008]]. It really sucks up to the [[PS3]], and therefore it was immediately featured on the [[Little Big Planet|LBP]] site. The reaction of the other [[Little Big Planet|LBP]] fans was however quite funny when [[nudes]] of [[Chris]] leaked onto the forum. Also note the number of times Chris shouts out "Yay!", despite him proclaiming [[Homos|his straightness for the nth time]] in the video.

== Video ==
== Video ==

Revision as of 15:44, 23 June 2009

A boring LBP level Chris made in during his period of solitary confinement in 2008. It really sucks up to the PS3, and therefore it was immediately featured on the LBP site. The reaction of the other LBP fans was however quite funny when nudes of Chris leaked onto the forum. Also note the number of times Chris shouts out "Yay!", despite him proclaiming his straightness for the nth time in the video.


Prize bubbles coming down... they're all the icons. Yayyyyyyy!


Hello, LittleBigPlanet community! And everyone in the Sonichu and Rosechu fanbase. I'm here to introduce the level I've submitted to the LittleBigChallenge. This is it. So... go here, and heart it. I'm gonna play it for you once.

Right, so there's a lot of talk. You don't have to go through all of it. But I basically tell my story. That's me and my PS3. Opportunity to jam on my guitar. [Sings something?]

Right, so like I said. You just run through all the text I put in. Unless you wanna see 'em all.

But look, my pixelated PS3 is being put together, Tetris style. ... It completed, and look what else comes down!

You get pixelated PS3 this way. As well as the real one I put together from a- a worse ver- a worse version of someone else put together. And I talk about Parappa the Rapper and Unjammer Lammy. The original Singstar and Guitar Hero.

Yeah, so let's put Lammy and Parappa in a Guitar Hero game as guest star characters. Take the hint, Activision or Sony.

Right, so [?] prize bubbles [?] Uh oh...

And we are at the Cross-Media Bar I put together for each individual icon. And here's another photo opportunity.

Life of the PlayStation! Yayyyyyy...

Two ladders, but I think you know which one to choose to go up on.

Not too easy, but the time... but you figure it out.

Welcome to the PlayStation Store! Yayyyyyyy...

Prize pubbles coming down. They're all the icons! Yayyyy....

[somewhat unintelligible talk over the game sounds] ...move on... head home... collect the prize bubbles... all the icons on the PlayStation 3 Cross-Media Bar.

Also, over here, you'll get 20 bubbles out of the trophy.

Here's a tip. More bubbles. Get 'em on your way down. To going home.


And there's my PlayStation 3 Guitar. Custom painted.

Jumpin' up the ladder... doing all the Cross-Media Bar icons. [??? Igloo-enno choppy bay!]

Make new friends on the PlayStation Network.

Jump at the last bubble here. ...aaaand here.

Take a pride of you, some of the games in my collection.

And... [??? Royal debt.]

[an attempt at jamming along the music]

Hot chicks! In the three games! Uh, make that four. It's Sex and the City. Whoop-de-do. Yayyyyy! I'm straight, don't doubt me!

LittleBigPlanet. LittleBigPlanet. Yayyyyyy!

Check out the chick at the cash register, at your local GameStop.

And a couple of games that Sony has decided to do for me. Not yet [???].

And yes, there is a receipt in the bag. Make sure you check it out. Close-up. You'll get a copy of the receipt, and the prize bubbles [unintelligible over game sounds].

More bang for your buck with more memory.

Make sure you jump off, because that button is on the directional format.


I'll win a prize for acing the level. A Sonic trophy.

Of course you want to jump on the PSP. Move on at this point.

And now you can swing on the Cross-Media Bar icons. And you want to make sure you've got plenty of room for all the shopping you just did in this level.

It's a double-[??? life]. Bubble-[??? life] is like three a bag. More power for your buck!

In case you don't make it, or you're taking the paper airplane over there, [unintelligible yodelling] over there. For the five second delay.

Be sure to check out all individual story-[?] all individual talks, to enjoy whole story of my life with the PlayStation 3. Best choice. Among the consoles. Even lots better than the Hexbox. We will be number two choice.


Here's some- did whole bunch of prize bubbles that way, but I'm saving time, so let's go this way and finish the level.

Be sure to grab the circle or the arrows so you can grab the microphone.

It's not impossible. Take your time.

Or just keep pressing forward.

Life without PlayStation. We're talking about life with PlayStation.

Winning att-roo-with trophies.

PlayStation 3 and Portable are truly a place that I can call...

Digital Home. Yayyyyy! PlayStation Home. A digital home. Only on PlayStation 3! Coming soon, hopefully. Thank you Sony. Best upgrade ever.

So. Let's win me that crown[?], please! Heart this level! It's truly fantastic! From the creator of Sonichu and Rosechu. It took me a whole weekend to put this together.

Thank you in advance for hearting my level! And thank you to everyone who have hearted it already. Have a good day!

Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks

See Also