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* Download: [http://www.mediafire.com/?ujy9stnezvm]

{{Captain's Log}}

Revision as of 05:06, 17 June 2009

The April 16 Fetish Vids also include a set of photos, showing Chris wearing diapers.
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The April 16 Fetish Vids is a set of 3 videos and a handful of photos, showing Chris-Chan engaged in different explicit and shocking practices. The footage was released by the miscreants on 16 April 2009.

Fanta: Semen Flavor

Shows Christian consuming his own cum, with fanta as a chaser.

Can be viewed here: [1]

Spank Dat Ass

Shows Christian castigating himself.

How NOT to take a Shower

Shows Christian in his bathroom, doing a naked dance in the bathtub.

Can be viewed here: [4]

Really? This fetish?

A set of pictures, showing Chris wearing diapers (nappies to Eurofags), or as Chris calls them butt garments

Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks