Template:Article of the now

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Revision as of 12:36, 16 November 2014 by Boomhauer (talk | contribs)
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2014 has been quite the rough year for Chris. Starting off like previous years, not much had happened, nor really expected, until a coffee maker in the lower bathroom of the Chandler household had started an electrical fire; thus, burning down most of the property. Chris, his mother, and a few remaining pets managed to escape, but were left in a temporary home for the time being. Things went quiet for the few months that followed the inferno, until Chris had once again become active that summer, when he began petitioning off and bidding original artwork on eBay, Craigslist, and other auctioning sites. With mixed results, it seemed Chris may have been recovering, both financially and in his self-entitled career.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long, as by late summer/early fall, Chris had apparently found himself a new sweetheart, whom was expected to be yet another fabricated lover. This speculation was met by even more false hope, in the form of "I Love You, Catherine", Chris's first video of 2014, addressed to another new relationship he had apparently been in. It was later proven in November that 'Catherine' was in fact another troll, misleading Chris into another gradual bout of depression; also known as weening, a practice which has been highly frowned upon by the community.

With only a month left in the year, it seems that this may be Chris's lowest point, yet. And while his egotism still shines through a bit in recent months (such as with his irrational boycott of Sonic Boom), many have come to simply pity Chris for everything that's gone on in his life.

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This template sits pride of place on the CWCki Main Page. It is a way of displaying some of the better quality articles on the CWCki. It is not usually the article that describes the most recent Chris-related event, though it often can be. Suggestions for new articles to be displayed here can be discussed either on this template's talk page, or on the CWCki:Community Portal‎.