Tour of Chris's House

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In these two videos, uploaded on 27 March 2009, Chris provides a tour of his house and the property that it's on. Like his own room, Chris's entire house is a disaster area. Several rooms are so full of shit that Chris literally cannot enter them.

Sometime in late August Chris's parents found out about the video and hilarity ensued.


Tour of Chris's House - Inside
Stardate 27 March 2009
CWC Major Update 26 March 2009
Tour of Chris's House - Outside
My family is a bunch of pack rats…
Chris, uttering the understatement of the century


[drops camera, which lands pointing at an empty wall]


[grunts and strains with effort to move things around off-screen]

[Natalie Imbruglia’s "Torn" plays in the background for a while]

[finally picks camera up]

Still recording?!

[starts tour]

I’d say-- well, that was the, uh… bathroom. I have to fix the door.

Um… here’s a bathroom. I take my shower in here often. Uh… use some… Axe and… Head & Shoulders.

Bathroom sink… and a commode.

Got a card t-table there… that I, uh, would sometimes set up when I wanna… play cards in my room or something… or when I wanna do some work.

This is the kitchen. Well, uh, just decided to leave the tree up, w-without the, uh, star on top. Yeah, it-- it’s a bit of a mess. But… at least we’ve got enough room to warm up a pizza or wash dishes. All that good stuff. The bare essentials.

And… this was… the living room. Again: before we… cluttered it up with so much… mess.

And… go downstairs. Here’s the front door.

Goin’ outside. See some of it.

Here’s Kitty. [uses a baby-talk voice] Hello, Kittyyy! What ya lookin’ at? Kitty, Kitty! Hello, Kitty, Kitty! Pretty!

Mmm… go downstairs further.

This would be the music room. Again: before it got cluttered. But now, my mom sleeps in here often.


[sighs loudly in a tone of despair] My family is a bunch of pack rats…


Downstairs bathroom. Not much goin’ on in here.

And then, another hallway.

The… utility room. There’s a… washer and dryer… and a hallway right outside… the door.

[speaks in whispers] This was the family room. It got cluttered and stuff.

Hi, Pop!

Bob: Hello, my son!

What’cha up to?

Bob: Goin’ to the city. [? its something that ends in an -y sound]

Okay. Goin’ outta here!

[Bob says something that’s unintelligible]


And… nowadays, the family room’s just basically used for… my dad viewing television… uh, a little bit of comfort. And… he sleeps alone on that bed over there.

[abruptly stops recording]


Tour of Chris's House - Outside
Stardate 27 March 2009
Tour of Chris's House - Inside
CWC Update!!!!! 27 March 2009
Got bats in our belfry.


Alright. So, we’ve seen the inside, so… let’s take a look outside and… [uses a baby-talk voice with his cat] let the kitty come in! She wants to come in! Huh, Kitty? [Kitty comes inside as Chris heads outside] See ya later!

Yep. Some of the front yard. Uh, it’s… a bit of a cloudy day.

[groans weakly] A branch hit my ear.

This is the front of the house.

[exhales loudly] This would be my father’s-- some of my father’s day lily garden. More beautiful… during the summertime, but the flowers have not yet bloomed.

Uh… my father’s… garden shed. He comes out here and listens to, uh… music on warm days. Got all that good stuff in there. Got a swing in there. A swing.

Uh… a side of the house. Got bats in our belfry.

We got more stuff around here.

There’s an arboretum.

Uh… that would be the workshop. Uh… again: or-- at least it used to be a workshop before… the inside got cluttered with… more junk.

And… more flower beds look bare in the summer time.

We have a hill. It’s a hill. How would you say “a hill”? It’s a hill!

Uh… can’t see the front of the-- uh, the front door… of the, uh, workshop clearly because it’s cluttered.

This is the back of the house. Gotta have a back porch. That’s cluttered, too.

That’s our, uh… gazebo.

I just tripped over a branch.

[sighs] I could see it better if we didn’t have so many trees!

This is Patty’s pen. My dog. Yeah, God rest her soul, God… bless her soul.

Down here a little bit. Yeah… we buried her right there next to the gazebo! And… there’s her doghouse! Yeah, this branch… fell down from… that tree. Uh… it’s too heavy to pick up.

That would be the, uh, back door… but… that door’s cluttered with stuff, so we can’t go in that way.

There-- there’s a tractor. And… cars.

And, uh… oh, yeah… there’s the, uh… arch where I sat down and… did that fun little picture of me and Patti sitting together.

Is that our cat? Hi, Scamper! What’chu doin’ over there?

[uses a baby-talk voice with his cats]

Yeah. There’s Lucy. Hi, Lucy.

Yeah. Hi, buddy! What’cha up to?

Hi, Lucy! Lucy, Lucy! Pretty baby!

Hi, buddy! Just wandering about, aren’t you? Yeah.

[switches back to his normal voice]

And, uh… in the distance there, that’s… our mailbox.

Just an old mailbox. It’s painted, but… it lost the paint due to weather.

Anyway… that’s our house! Hope you enjoyed, uh… a little bit of a tour. Have a good day.

And, uh, unless you’re invited-- unless you’re invited, no trespassing.

Again: that’s our house.


Resident Chris-chan
Stardate 11 April 2009
Made By MewLime
Subject Matter Chris
Video Type Remix
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Resident Chris-chan 2: Homecomeuppance
Stardate 11 April 2009
Made By MewLime
Subject Matter Chris
Video Type Remix
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

See also

CWC Major Update 26 March 2009 Chris's videos CWC Update!!!!! 27 March 2009
Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks