Vanessa Saga

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Revision as of 02:28, 26 July 2009 by Champthom (talk | contribs) (Wiki-fying this a bit; also Christ almighty, Vanessa was a horrible troll but Chris fell for it)
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This is what Chris actually believed

In April and May 2009, Chris was duped into believing he was talking to pop icon Vanessa Hudgens as Joshua Martinez had formed an alliance with trolls to provide another front to trolling Chris.

Mostly due to the fact Josh wasn't exactly too bright himself (then again, being an idiot is probably the only way one can stand being around Chris), shit got fucked up and the plan was aborted by trolls.

These chats were procured by CWCkipedian Robotnik, as Josh had no problem in handing over chatlogs to whoever asked.


Firstly, Joshua, I wish to come clean. *sigh* The day I was kicked out of that church, my father accused you for putting up the nudie woman pics on my facebook (I personally did not want to take the blame for that, especially since I was amidst trollings back then as well, and I was trying to clean up my online image), so I went with it and let my father think what he thought. I had fretted that you may have been wrongfully kicked out of your church, and I am soo sorry about that. And in my early days of protest against the Encyclopedia Dramatica webpage I was also trying to get rid of then and now for about two years, I wanted the trolls to leave me alone, and I sold you out, Joshua; I posted a one-paragraph description about you and how famous you were, being in the movies, knowing the famous celebreties and all on that page. While the original paragraph is currently removed from the page, they still mock me with this, and I quote, An old classmate of Chris did some epic trolling. We don't actually know very much about Joshua, just a few key facts. Chris knew him from his old school (Joshua and Chris both had Special Ed together), recently met up with him again and was getting along fine. Apparently, Joshua was very popular with women and had met some famous celebrities. For some reason, Chris became extremely jealous and even tried to get ED to go after him. Note that Chris only values Joshua's friendship because he's popular with women, and that by being friends with him he might end up laid. Unfortunately for Chris, even other special education kids will fuck with him. The chick that Joshua was supposed to hook him up with was just Joshua trolling him with a picture of Vanessa Hudgens. CLICK HERE for Chris-chan unwittingly fapping to Joshua. I am even more sorry about that, because I sold you out like that. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I would deeply appreciate it. I was runnin' and hidin' from you because of A) the guilt I felt from those past actions, B) I felt afraid of what you might to do me in response to that, and C) My father advised me against talking to you, due to the past accusation. I will confess the church fiasco to him tonight. And if you still want to put me in that movie, I will discuss the details of a meeting between you, me and Vanessa over the phone later. The trolls are watching my e-mails, so I am unable to divulge any specific details, as the trolls can and will find me there and haunt me; they are truly devious and malicous; they would even probably find a way around any security measures. Peace, and TTYL,Christian.


  • ChrisChanSonichu (9:57:22): I felt soo bad saying the things I said back then; I was in error; not totally thinking too clear. But I have seen the light from our lord, Jesus, and my vision is more clear.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (9:58:28 PM): Listen, there is something I feel I should inform you.

A lot has changed since we last talked; I had moved on, talked to a lot of people online (a lot of which were impostorous trolls). But about a month ago, I received a call on my cell from a sweet girl, Ivy, who was a fan of my work. We've been talking a lot on the phone; a dash of e-mails too.

  • ChrisChanSonichu (9:59:19 PM): I have learned that she is the one I have been waiting for; the girl I was praying for. Because she has done a major task I needed a True Sweetheart for; Fix my Biological Clock.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:02:20 PM): I had been sleeping at 6AM, getting up in mid-afternoon. Then I met Ivy; she asked me to sing "I Need A Hero" from Bonnie Tyler for her in a video. So I decided to up it and make a Music Video of the project on my PS3's EyeCreate program. It's currently on YouTube if you want to see it.

I spent 3 days and 2 nights working on it; getting little sleep, because I wanted to finish it as quickly as possible, giving it a lot of thought and effort. In the process, I crashed the 2nd night at 9 PM, and...

  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:02:34 PM): and awaking the next morning at 6:30 AM.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:04:02 PM): A TRUE MIRACLE. And I had heard from God soon after that Ivy was to be my True Sweetheart. So I'm afraid my Romantic Ways are set for Ivy alone.

But I'd like it if Vanessa and I can still be friends, Vanessa. I still care about you.

  • Joshua (10:04:10 PM): send me the video
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:04:23 PM): I'll get a link
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:06:09 PM):
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:07:33 PM): I also have the original video file saved on my PS3
  • Joshua (10:07:58 PM): okey
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:08:11 PM): are you watching the video?
  • Joshua (10:08:42 PM): yup
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:08:47 PM): cool
  • Joshua (10:08:58 PM): im in U<V>A
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:09:10 PM): I'm proud of it.


  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:10:04 PM): I understand you'll be coming to town Wednesday.
  • Joshua (10:11:50 PM): yup thinking about it
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:12:37 PM): I'm sure I had told you I requested that you, and I meet at McDonalds at Forest Lakes to hang, chat, and talk about the movie and life i grew up.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:12:53 PM): but I look more forward to the hanging and chatting.
  • Joshua (10:14:37 PM): have you been too Salinas, California, ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:14:48 PM): I have not.
  • Joshua (10:16:03 PM): so tell me Chris how many site you have up?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:17:27 PM): I should go, I'm feeling a bit sleepy, but I look forward to meeting you.

none at the moment; a troll got into my webhost accounts in the past months and messed me up royally; the reconstruction of the Sonichu and Rosechu Site will commence this week on G.D.

  • Joshua (10:17:28 PM): send me some new videos of you to my e-mail
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:18:49 PM): Ok.
  • Joshua (10:19:19 PM): im thinking of put some video's up on the net
  • Joshua (10:19:39 PM): so whats ur site you use, to put ur's on??
  • Joshua (10:19:44 PM): plz tell me man
  • Joshua (10:20:29 PM): oh the part of the movie
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:20:30 PM): I suggested to Joshua and
  • Joshua (10:20:46 PM): which 1 you use urs?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:21:16 PM): Going to DailyMotion

here's a more current picture of me for you.

  • ATTENTION (10:21:54 PM): Transfer complete: ECP_00023.jpg.
  • Joshua (10:22:00 PM): the part in movie i need get joshua tell you do some acting on cam, bc i need it
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:22:41 PM): that's cool.

That picture I sent you won me a 400 dollar GameStop Gift Card a few months ago, which I shared with my Church's Congregation.

  • Joshua (10:22:49 PM): so if theres a way you can do it tonight, i need it, and need you too act like what you do when someone falls in love and
  • Joshua (10:23:45 PM): a part is that when you was single when you fight for ur love
  • Joshua (10:24:16 PM): can you do that?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:24:27 PM): I see, you want to see me being truly romantic, and how furious I can be as such.
  • Joshua (10:24:28 PM): i need it by tomorrow
  • Joshua (10:24:57 PM): yeah and send it too my e-mail
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:25:33 PM): I will think about what I can do for my audition, in the meantime, I'll send you the "Holding Out For a Hero" Music Video file I have on my PC
  • Joshua (10:25:57 PM): yeah if you want the part in movie i need it tonight
  • Joshua (10:26:13 PM): and i have too meet up with you this week
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:27:00 PM): hang on; I'll have to send it from my Yahoo e-mail account.
  • Joshua (10:27:25 PM): ok
  • Joshua (10:27:38 PM): need to be at less20 or 30 mins long
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:29:39 PM): my Yahoo account doesn't support such a large file size either. I'll try sending it to you over the AIM
  • Joshua (10:30:09 PM): um at less 5 mins and do another 5 mins and over and over
  • Joshua (10:30:29 PM): send it too e-mail


Vanessa Hudgens borrows Joshua's AIM to talk with Chris

  • Joshua (2:14:09 PM): Yeah
  • Joshua (2:14:46 PM): You think im sexy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:14:57 PM): yes
  • Joshua (2:15:33 PM): Am I Sexy than Ivy?
  • Joshua (2:16:25 PM): i got you stock little uh
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:17:43 PM): you are a sexy lady, but as I have stated before, I am saving myself for Ivy. She is sexy too. I understand you're teasing me and playing on my hormones and such, but I am strong-willed and I honestly should stay on my true course for Ivy, as it was set by God and Jesus.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:18:33 PM): Let me tell you a true story, about a dream I had.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:21:22 PM): I have had a number of dreams with Popular Guest Stars, including Britney Spears, Pamela Anderson, and many others. Specifically, I had this dream back when I had a crush on Megan Schroeder (Years Ago). I was at a momentary cross road, where I had to choose between Megan and Pamela. I stuck by my morals and went for Megan. And because the same is being applied between you and Ivy, I am going to remain strong and true and stay with Ivy.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:23:45 PM): As tempting as it is to lose it with a sexy celebrity as yourself, Vanessa, I am a man who stands strong and true and by the main woman in his life. I think you can understand that.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:24:15 PM): *sigh* but I digress.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:24:40 PM): have you found an opening in your schedule when you and I can meet in person?
  • Joshua(2:25:18 PM): comeone chris you know you'll take me real quick
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:26:01 PM): A lot of guys would take you real quick, I am tempted, but I have a good amount of self-control.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:26:22 PM): please stop teasing me now, it's crossing a line.
  • Joshua (2:27:15 PM): comeon
  • Joshua (2:27:39 PM): you know it and i know it, and you want me really bad
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:28:07 PM): please, just stop it.
  • Joshua (2:28:16 PM): so dont tell me you dont chris
  • Joshua (2:28:25 PM): you know what im doing right now?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:28:39 PM): in a Grocery Store?
  • Joshua (2:29:04 PM): no in my Limo touching my tits
  • Joshua (2:29:53 PM): rubbing my lips
  • Joshua (2:30:15 PM): and licking them
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:30:18 PM): PLEASE, Vanessa. You are wearing me out mentally right now.
  • Joshua (2:30:44 PM): chris dont you wish i was sitting next too you
  • Joshua (2:31:08 PM): rubbing my pretty little hands betwen ur leg's?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:31:13 PM): STOP!
  • Joshua (2:31:25 PM): you know you want it really bad
  • Joshua (2:31:41 PM): you told me you like talking nasty chris
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:32:05 PM): yes I did.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:32:42 PM): I had my mind on one thing, scheduling our meeting, and not you're doing a MAJOR change and feeling horny.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:34:21 PM): If there wasn't anyone else, I would have you, I would.
  • Joshua (2:34:26 PM): just think of me kissing on ur soft little lip's
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:35:04 PM): But I have Ivy, and I have made my promises to her, as she has mutually made her promises to me as well. And I had promised God and Jesus.
  • Joshua (2:35:55 PM): comeone chris i know it and you know it for urself! that you wanny have sex with me and put you soft little lip's next too mines
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:36:25 PM): I had promised my true love, my virginity, the romance, even keeping our relationship based on more than just sex for her.
  • Joshua (2:37:40 PM): just picture me next too you, and getting close and close and rubbing you hair so softly and kissing you and your hands next too my legs just rubbing up and down
  • Joshua (2:38:21 PM): with my titts next too ur mouth
  • Joshua (2:39:07 PM): comeone baby you know you like that?
  • Joshua (2:39:37 PM): what could you do too me in bed next too you?
  • Joshua (2:41:24 PM): are you there?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:41:28 PM): yes.
  • Joshua (2:41:35 PM): my pussy getting wet
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:42:45 PM): Listen, horny woman, please let's just concentrate on scheduling our social meeting for the next time you're in my area.
  • Joshua (2:42:47 PM): wanny put your fingers in it?
  • Joshua (2:43:12 PM): i know your Horny
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:43:47 PM): okay, I will admit that you have rigged my erection, but I have my promises to keep.
  • Joshua (2:43:53 PM): and guess makes both of us Horny
  • Joshua (2:44:12 PM): comeone you know like too fuck me really bad
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:44:42 PM): I would.
  • Joshua (2:44:48 PM): you want too right now
  • Joshua (2:45:15 PM): just think of putting you dick in my pussy beening so wet
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:46:03 PM): I wanna make out with you, I wanna rub your tits, I wanna do a lot to you.
  • Joshua (2:46:15 PM): whats els?
  • Joshua (2:46:31 PM): what could you do with me in bed?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:46:37 PM): I wanna tickle your pussy.
  • Joshua (2:46:52 PM): ur jacking off?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:47:01 PM): yeah
  • Joshua (2:47:24 PM): hammer down and call my name
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:47:46 PM): VANNESSA!!!
  • Joshua (2:48:12 PM): oh baby
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:48:13 PM): I'm puttin' it in you.
  • Joshua (2:48:21 PM): i like it
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:48:26 PM): me2
  • Joshua (2:48:32 PM): fuck me harder
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:48:36 PM): yes!
  • Joshua (2:48:55 PM): oh baby
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:48:59 PM): VANNEY!
  • Joshua (2:49:25 PM): put me in a doggy style
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:49:50 PM): yes, I'm still in you, and I lean forward to caress your breasts.
  • Joshua (2:50:04 PM): i'am baby
  • Joshua (2:50:12 PM): whos my bitch?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:50:20 PM): WOOF!
  • Joshua (2:50:29 PM): your my Bitch?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:50:41 PM): ARF!
  • Joshua (2:50:52 PM): oh baby
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:51:00 PM): OH!!!
  • Joshua (2:51:08 PM): you make me feel good
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:51:16 PM): awesome!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:51:24 PM): u there yet?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:51:32 PM): I'm getting there.
  • Joshua (2:51:35 PM): put that big dick in my pussy
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:51:47 PM): it's been in your pussy.
  • Joshua (2:51:48 PM): fuck me harder
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:51:56 PM): YES!
  • Joshua (2:51:56 PM): harder
  • Joshua (2:52:01 PM): harder
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:03 PM): YES!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:08 PM): YES!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:18 PM): gonna...
  • Joshua (2:52:35 PM): you like my wet pussy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:48 PM): YES!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:52 PM): gonna...
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:54 PM): gonna...
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:52:58 PM): soon...
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:53:16 PM): OH!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:53:19 PM): SHAZZAM!
  • Joshua (2:53:47 PM): oh baby kiss me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:53:54 PM): yes
  • Joshua (2:54:02 PM): put ur dick in my ass
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:54:28 PM): I'm sorry, I don't do that; not sanitary.
  • Joshua (2:54:33 PM): im gona fuck your brains out
  • Joshua (2:54:49 PM): eat my pussy
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:54:57 PM): damn!
  • Joshua (2:55:12 PM): oh baby
  • Joshua (2:55:17 PM): fuck me harder
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:55:25 PM): yes
  • Joshua (2:55:28 PM): got a cam?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:55:38 PM): I told you I didn't
  • Joshua (2:56:01 PM): oh baby i love your hudge dick
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:56:13 PM): I HAVE THE POWER!
  • Joshua (2:56:45 PM): fuck me call me bitch
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:57:00 PM): yes, bitch!
  • Joshua (2:57:24 PM): oh baby baby oh yes
  • Joshua (2:57:41 PM): shoot a load on me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:57:49 PM): BAM!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:58:08 PM): BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:58:26 PM): *sigh*
  • Joshua (2:58:38 PM): oh baby ur happy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:58:47 PM): yeah.
  • Joshua (2:59:02 PM): thinking of me Chris
  • Joshua (2:59:03 PM): ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:59:14 PM): yeah
  • Joshua (2:59:16 PM): oh baby
  • Joshua (2:59:22 PM): say you love me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:59:29 PM): I love you.
  • Joshua (2:59:41 PM): i love you too
  • ChrisChanSonichu (2:59:54 PM): r u cool now?
  • Joshua (2:59:59 PM): what a big dick you have
  • Joshua (3:00:06 PM): nope still horny
  • Joshua (3:00:11 PM): you?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (3:00:21 PM): I'm worn out.
  • Joshua (3:00:35 PM): oh baby you like it?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (3:00:41 PM): good.


  • Joshua (11:54:38 PM): so i know you told me alittle abit of Ivy but the video of you on youtube of you laying down crying and some girl broke up with you
  • Joshua (11:54:44 PM): who was the girl?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:55:33 PM): That was MONTHS Ago. and I do not remember that "girl", but "she" was a troll anyway.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:57:07 PM): I think I remember now, yes. that was Sarah Cassandra McKenzie; not a troll. An australian girl, but she was a victim of the recent bushfires.
  • Joshua (11:57:13 PM): i need too know little more info about your child hood bc wanny use it for the movie
  • Joshua (11:57:24 PM): oh
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:59:26 PM): If I understood the scenario, I can offer a proper piece of my childhood from memory for the movie. A blow-up female sex doll, which came with a plastic, removable police outfit.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:01:37 AM): In my adult life, I have gone through a number of female sex dolls. After a while of putting my weight carefully on them in the artificial intercourse, they each would have a hole punctured on the inside from my weight, which was irrepairable.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:01:54 AM): I think I've been through 3 of the "Officer Nasty" dolls.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:02:20 AM): you can look up that, and other, sex dolls on
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:02:44 AM): and with a minimum 17 dollar purchase, they offer a free gift.
  • Joshua (12:02:46 AM): do you trust me?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:02:57 AM): yes, Vanessa, I trust you
  • Joshua (12:03:39 AM): do you put things in ur ass? if you do its kinda turn's me on
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:04:06 AM): I did for a short time, but I found it uncomfortable for me, so I don't do that anymore.
  • Joshua (12:04:23 AM): comeon baby you still do it plzz tell me honey
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:04 AM): sometimes with a narrow jet of water from my adjustable shower-head on a hose.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:11 AM): other than that, no.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:25 AM): I tell you straight-out.
  • Joshua (12:08:02 AM): dont play with me
  • Joshua (12:08:17 AM): chris you still have some feelings for me
  • Joshua (12:08:26 AM): i know you do bc i can tell it
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:08:34 AM): strictly caring feelings for you as a friend.
  • Joshua (12:09:09 AM): chris you bad boy
  • Joshua (12:09:13 AM): you know you do
  • Joshua (12:09:17 AM): just tell me
  • Joshua (12:09:27 AM): would you take me than ivy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:09:49 AM): no, I would take Ivy first, because I have promised my heart and virginity to her.
  • Joshua (12:10:03 AM): Chris you told me you love me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:10:14 AM): I love you as a friend.
  • Joshua (12:11:47 AM): what would you do if i was nacked in the Limo with you?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:11:57 AM): Yes, I would love to meet you for myself, as a friend.
  • Joshua (12:12:24 AM): and you like too see me Nacked
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:12:29 AM): I would feel nervous, and I would resist.
  • Joshua (12:12:43 AM): yeah right
  • Joshua (12:12:51 AM): you'll go at it
  • Joshua (12:12:54 AM): and fuck me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:13:26 AM): No, I would not. I have my morals, and Jesus guides me. And I have my strong promises I have mutually made with Ivy.
  • Joshua (12:13:45 AM): you told me something diff early today
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:14:11 AM): I caved in, but even though I typed "Vanessa", I was actually shouting "Ivy"
  • Joshua (12:14:19 AM): what would you do if you and Ivy broke up?
  • Joshua (12:14:41 AM): yeah right
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:14:41 AM): I would feel saddened for a while, but eventually I would move on.
  • Joshua (12:14:59 AM): no you would'nt you'll ask me out
  • Joshua (12:15:03 AM): would'nt you?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:15:23 AM): maybe, but I can not foresee the future.
  • Joshua (12:15:40 AM): yeah
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:16:01 AM): Look, you're going to back in C-Ville tomorrow, I can meet you at the McDonalds at Forest Lakes, what time is good for our meeting?
  • Joshua (12:16:05 AM): but still if i came down there now and tease you little you'll make you move belive me you will
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:16:37 AM): you can try, but I will remain strong and resist.
  • Joshua (12:16:52 AM): oh baby fuck me im horny
  • Joshua (12:17:05 AM): oh my god im really amn
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:17:07 AM): Do You Not Have Any Self-Control, Vanessa?
  • Joshua (12:17:18 AM): im so fucking horny
  • Joshua (12:17:22 AM): i want you
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:17:25 AM): Please, Control Yourself.
  • Joshua (12:17:32 AM): i want you chris
  • Joshua (12:17:38 AM): plzzz fuck me
  • Joshua (12:17:41 AM): i want it
  • Joshua (12:17:46 AM): dont make me bag
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:17:52 AM): I have set my ground rules.
  • Joshua (12:18:01 AM): comeon i want you
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:18:39 AM): Please control yourself. How about 3:00 or 4:00 for our meeting tomorrow afternoon?
  • Joshua (12:20:10 AM): comeon baby i want ur dick
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:20:19 AM): sorry, it is limp.
  • Joshua (12:20:27 AM): dont tease me
  • Joshua (12:20:33 AM): i dont like beening tease
  • Joshua (12:20:41 AM): FUCK ME
  • Joshua (12:20:43 AM): FUCK ME
  • Joshua (12:20:46 AM): CHRIS OH BABY
  • Joshua (12:20:54 AM): im rubbing my pussy
  • Joshua (12:20:57 AM): and getting wet
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:21:11 AM): I am being honest, I wish you would respect my space and request of a non-sexual conversation.
  • Joshua (12:21:28 AM): comeon
  • Joshua (12:21:37 AM): i want you dick really bad
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:22:22 AM): I was once your age, when I would have wanted sex left and right, but I have grown up more mature mentally, and I have my Sweetheart I have been praying for from God and Jesus.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:22:30 AM): I wish you would respect my wishes.
  • Joshua (12:27:40 AM): what happen too Sara?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:12 AM): Like I said earlier, she perished in the recent Australian Bushfires.
  • Joshua (12:28:32 AM): im talking about Sara Hammer
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:39 AM): oh.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:59 AM): A few years ago, she got married to William Spicer
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:29:43 AM): since her last visit just after her wedding, I haven't heard from her since, outside of her father's updates on rare occassion.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:30:14 AM): Last I heard, William has been treating her very well, and she is healthy and safe.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:30:41 AM): Joshua told me recently that she was employed, but I forget where.
  • Joshua (12:30:44 AM): how did you get fired from ur job selling knives?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:31:58 AM): that was when I worked as a Cutco salesman. I did not get fired; my boss got replaced, then I did not know what to do with any future business transactions from that summer job, so I quit.
  • Joshua (12:32:52 AM): tell me little bit about the girl at thee game place
  • Joshua (12:33:28 AM): ???
  • Joshua (12:33:33 AM): chris u there?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:33:51 AM): i'm here.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:34:00 AM): Megan.
  • Joshua (12:34:34 AM): whats the lyrics to Sonichu's Zip?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:35:13 AM): a crush I had my eye on for the two years we were in personal touch. But she felt no lovey emotions for me, and last June, I got kicked out of The Game Place by that bastard, Michael Snyder; he hated my guts.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:35:57 AM): I'll e-mail you the lyrics after I've found my hand-written lyric sheet.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:11 AM): because it would take a while to type them up, and I can't remember them all off the top of my head.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:19 AM): at the moment
  • Joshua (12:42:43 AM): have you seen the "sonichu the animated series" on youtube?
  • Joshua (12:42:55 AM): by Spaz Kid
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:43:00 AM): a bit of it
  • Joshua (12:49:57): why are you doing comic 10 when he hasn't finished comic 9 yet
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:50:09 AM): no, I am working on Book #9; I did those few pages for 10 on-the-spot in a random spark of inspiration.
  • Joshua (12:50:51 AM): ur gona give me a copy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:51:06 AM): I may.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:52:36 AM): I will have it completed soon enough.
  • Joshua (12:53:26): Where will you take me on our frst date?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:55:24 AM): I can treat you to lunch at the McDonalds when we meet there.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:55:56 AM): I have to get some sleep. I'll talk to you again later.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:56:09 AM): Love and Peace.


Bah; some of this chatlog is missing and everything from 1:00:29 AM on may have happened on an earlier day. Sorry...

  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:32:47 AM): Hey, Vanessa.
  • Joshua (12:32:53 AM): jey
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:33:38 AM): I understand from Josh that you're staying at the H.I. across from Kroger right now, yes?
  • Joshua (12:33:49 AM): yeah
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:34:29 AM): cool. what time do you plan on getting up later this morning, because I'm thinking I can meet you in the lobby about then.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:34:37 AM): or soon after.
  • Joshua (12:34:48 AM): ok
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:35:34 AM): alright, shall we schedule 9:00?
  • Joshua (12:36:01 AM): that dvd you give joshua didnt work
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:11 AM): you mean the CD-R
  • Joshua (12:36:19 AM): yeah
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:28 AM): what happened?
  • Joshua (12:37:46 AM): reads Error 2041 an invalid sample description was found in the movie Strong CWC 2.mp4
  • Joshua (12:36:01 AM): that dvd you give joshua didnt work
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:11 AM): you mean the CD-R
  • Joshua (12:36:19 AM): yeah
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:28 AM): what happened?
  • Joshua (12:37:46 AM): reads Error 2041 an invalid sample description was found in the movie Strong CWC 2.mp4
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:42:14 AM): although, YouTube apparently didn't have trouble with such video files when I upload them before, but that's neither here nor there.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:42:40 AM): anyway, I will do that for you.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:43:12 AM): so I'll as again, can I meet you at your hotel at 9:00 AM today?
  • Joshua (12:45:37 AM): hey chris if i have too rush back to Cailf you wouldnt be mad would you?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:45:53 AM): a bit ticked, but not mad.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:46:00 AM): should I come earlier than 9?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:46:13 AM): I can do 7.
  • Joshua (12:49:32 AM): you know you like me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:49:54 AM): I like you as my friend.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:50:03 AM): and I care for you as my friend.
  • Joshua (12:50:09 AM): i wont say a word too ivy just say yes
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:50:30 AM): but I'm in Love with Ivy. And I made my solemn vows to not cheat on her.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:00:29 AM): Vanessa, I love you.
  • Joshua (1:00:44 AM): and you have feelings for me
  • Joshua (1:00:49 AM): and dont lie
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:01:02 AM): I feel for you, as an empathetic person
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:03:02 AM): I care, love and feel for you from my heart too.
  • Joshua (1:21:44 AM): but you love me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:21:54 AM): I love you as my close friend.
  • Joshua (1:21:55 AM): how long you know me?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:22:04 AM): a few years.
  • Joshua (1:22:35 AM): and you turning me down for Ivy?
  • Joshua (1:22:44 AM): and you know me for years
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:23:21 AM): Ivy fixed my biological clock; she is my muse; she inspires feelings into me I hadn't felt for a long time before I spoke to her.
  • Joshua (1:23:36 AM): okey
  • Joshua (1:23:46 AM): you know what love is?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:23:53 AM): do u?
  • Joshua (1:24:04 AM): yeah
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:24:06 AM): because I do.
  • Joshua (1:24:13 AM): tell me?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (1:24:14 AM): I've felt True Love.


  • Joshua (10:28:43 PM): well walk around the campus then with a sign then
  • Joshua (10:28:58 PM): with a hudge hat
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:28:59 PM): do you want me to go to a hotel and meet you there, is that what you're saying?
  • Joshua(10:29:19 PM): meet me tomorrow at the campus
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:29:25 PM): okay.
  • Joshua (10:29:26 PM): around 1:00pm
  • Joshua (10:29:31 PM): with a sign
  • Joshua(10:29:35 PM): saying
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:29:41 PM): your name?
  • Joshua (10:29:57 PM): yes
  • Joshua (10:30:44 PM): and my name and after that says im here im here im here its me!! with a smily face on it
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:31:08 PM): okay, sounds good.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:31:49 PM): 1:00 on the JMU campus; I will have the sign; you have my pictures, so you'll be able to recognize me.
  • Joshua (10:31:51 PM): you have a cat in hat?
  • Joshua (10:31:54 PM): Hat?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:32:07 PM): yes, I can wear my PaRappa the Rapper Hat.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:33:29 PM): and I will have the four videos I had on that CD-R for you to copy to your laptop on my PSP.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:33:42 PM): and a USB cable to hook the two up with.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:34:11 PM): but formatted to be compatible with most other programs.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:34:18 PM): *video viewing programs.
  • Joshua (10:50:10 PM): you'll in love with Ivy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:50:15 PM): yes I am.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:50:22 PM): very much.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:50:50 PM): today was our 2nd month anniversary from since we started communicating with each other on the telephone.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:50:59 PM): *our cell phones.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:52:14 PM): I sent her an animated greeting card, and I just printed the details she sent me for a new music video I'll be working on this week. similar to the "Holding Out For a Hero" video I did a while back.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:53:45 PM): except the song is Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back To Me", and the story is our fantasy future wedding
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:54:06 PM): LOTS of drawing to do and such.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:54:25 PM): :)
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:55:54 PM): I am looking forward to starting on the project. The previous music video took me 2 nights and 3 days to put together.


I was almost not going to post this due to lack of lulz, then towards the end when he starts acting tough and talks about how attractive he is I decided it had to be posted.

  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:33:45 PM): she's okay. but now she's giving me a mean-eye; your bodyguards did a background check on me, with my run-ins with the police.
  • Joshua (11:33:57 PM): yeah
  • Joshua (11:34:53 PM): they do alot of background check alot bc they care for me
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:35:38 PM): I understand.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:35:49 PM): I just typed up what happened with the police to Emily.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:36:04 PM): would you like to know too?
  • Joshua (11:36:10 PM): sure
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:36:20 PM): This was in my EARLIER days of my Sweetheart Search Years Ago; I got handcuffed for "solicitation" and "loitering"; my attraction method for finding women was a sign stating that I was a single male, seeking a boyfriend-free woman. I learned a year or two later from my mother's words that having the sign by my side made me look retarded, and gave a possible impression of selling sex, which was NOT the case.
  • Joshua (11:36:56 PM): oh
  • Joshua (11:37:49 PM): yeah emily very cute girl
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:38:42 PM): Ivy is a beautiful girl too. Next time you talk to Harleen, or I meet you (whichever comes first), you may ask Harleen about Ivy; they were close friends.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:39:16 PM): she may also confidentially share a picture with you, if I don't first.
  • Joshua (11:39:27 PM): ok
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:39:54 PM): yesterday was our 2-month anniversary since we started talking to each other on the phones.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:40:08 PM): I sent her a fun animated greeting e-card
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:40:38 PM): and I'm going to create a new music video for her, where the story is a fantasy wedding between me and her.
  • Joshua (11:41:45 PM): oh ic
  • Joshua (11:42:29 PM): you should send emily some pic's of you
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:42:42 PM): the new video was her idea, and I delightfully agreed to it; she e-mailed me some of her details for the wedding. She wanted me to redraw "Home Movies"' Coach McGuirk for her father. :D
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:43:12 PM): I tried; she is not using an AOL client that can receive files on the AIM, or even in e-mail to her AIM address.
  • Joshua (11:45:55 PM): Have you try Sex on the Beach?
  • Joshua (11:48:30 PM): ??
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:48:44 PM): I'm sorry; I just accidentally angered Emily.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:50:30 PM): She said that after I made up for missing y'all with lunch next tuesday, she'll do something for me; I misunderstood and said a wrong thing with no intention of harm.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:50:34 PM): :(
  • Joshua (11:50:48 PM): ok
  • Joshua (11:51:08 PM): well you need to be nice
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:54:36 PM): that's not easy to think up on the spot, but I just explained how I can relate to how she feels about my mistake.
  • Joshua (11:54:49 PM): k
  • Joshua (11:54:58 PM): you have a mic?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:55:05 PM): yeah, but hang on for a bit.
  • Joshua (11:55:18 PM): say sorry to her on the mic
  • Joshua (11:58:13 PM): she's very Sexy
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:59:35 PM): I'm sure of that, but I'm just confiding in her about a piece of my past with encyclopedia dramatica.
  • Joshua (11:59:44 PM): ok
  • Joshua (12:06:17 AM): so what you think about emily?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:06:50 AM): she's a good girl.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:07:35 AM): she is understanding of my past situation, and I think she's feeling empathetic for me too.
  • Joshua (12:07:48 AM): kool
  • Joshua (12:10:37 AM): so ask me something you think Ivy is the 1 for you?
  • Joshua (12:11:15 AM): ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:11:58 AM): God told me so in his own words, and I've told you the true story about the previous music video and my fixed biological clock.
  • Joshua (12:13:18 AM): if you amd Ivy have a girl what would u Name it?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:13:23 AM): Crystal
  • Joshua (12:13:27 AM): if it was a Boy?
  • Joshua (12:13:33 AM): i mean the whole name
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:13:34 AM): Reginald, or her choice.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:13:41 AM): girl: Crystal Weston Chandler
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:14:06 AM): boy, Reginald (her choice for middle name and/or different first name) Chandler.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:14:44 AM): Crystal is just a pretty name, and I have had NUMEROUS DREAMS where I had my daughter in my arms, and her name was always Crystal Weston Chandler.
  • Joshua (12:17:55 AM): so i heard you know Karate?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:17:55 AM): I just finished talking to Emily; she's cool with me again; it is scheduled for a second attempt next tuesday.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:17:59 AM): a bit
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:18:51 AM): meeting in the Cafeteria/Ballroom building. Let's plan on meeting in front of the Ballroom entrance, just down the hall from the info desk on the 2nd floor.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:19:27 AM): I can do a karate kick and chop, but I don't consider myself a blackbelt.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:19:29 AM): :)
  • Joshua (12:20:33 AM): so you think you good as Joshua?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:21:50 AM): he's probably better than me at karate, but I am strong. I can lift my office chair in my room over my head, even with a moderately heavy object in the seat.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:22:05 AM): the chair alone is Heavy.
  • Joshua (12:23:31 AM): so why dont you try Karate on Joshua
  • Joshua (12:23:33 AM): ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:24:08 AM): I don't want to accidentally hurt him; I am a peaceful-type gentleman.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:24:21 AM): but I can put up a good defense and offense when provoked.
  • Joshua (12:25:27 AM): so you think Joshua can beat you in Karate?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:25:39 AM): most likely. lol
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:25:57 AM): but even I would be surprised if I could even pin him down.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:26:03 AM): he's slightly taller than me.
  • Joshua (12:26:21 AM): that dont mean nothing
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:26:33 AM): I see that.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:26:59 AM): but, yeah, I honestly think he would beat up my ass if he wanted to.
  • Joshua (12:27:05 AM): would you like too try it on Joshua?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:27:29 AM): IDK, maybe.
  • Joshua (12:28:09 AM): ask him
  • Joshua (12:28:15 AM): you should try
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:30:05 AM): I guess. lol but I feel kinda shy about it.
  • Joshua (12:32:07 AM): well try it om Joshua this week
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:32:22 AM): next time I see him, I'll ask.
  • Joshua (12:32:43 AM): he's gona say yes bc i know him really well
  • Joshua (12:34:05 AM): what gona happen if you get ur ass kicked?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:35:19 AM): hopefully I won't be hurt soo bad I would require an ambulance, but I'd probably cry and weep from the pain for a short moment to a while.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:35:58 AM): but I have handled the heaviest of emotional pain, and I have expirenced a dose of physical pain too.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:02 AM): a good dose
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:35:58 AM): but I have handled the heaviest of emotional pain, and I have expirenced a dose of physical pain too.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:02 AM): a good dose.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:37:26 AM): between being pinned down by the Nathanel Greene Elementary school staff in the 4th grade, being handcuffed and dragged, having my head rubbed vigorously on a carpet to make me shed bloddy tears.
  • Joshua (12:41:04 AM): ur wanny try it see how good you are?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:41:36 AM): alright; a later time I see him, I'll ask him.
  • Joshua (12:42:31 AM): so how you know ur Karate?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:42:43 AM): learned it from television mostly.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:42:45 AM): and movies
  • Joshua (12:43:19 AM): so that makes you good from watching it?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:44:15 AM): anyway, I have published a set of 8 questions on Sonichu, and 8 on myself. I'm not saying, but I have actually tried my karate in high school while I was in the gym, and in the lavatory so I don't have to touch the handle with my hands.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:46:28 AM): after we meet, I will let you watch my crazy nudie audition you requested, as well as my test of strength.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:46:41 AM): those were on the CD-R.
  • Joshua (12:48:18 AM): if joshua kick ur ass so bad and mess you face up how ur gona feel about it?
  • Joshua (12:48:41 AM): ??
  • Joshua (12:48:45 AM): just wounder
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:49:43 AM): A SHITLOAD OF PAIN, Physical, and Emotional; I would feel like my face is not as nice as it looks now, or before then, and that I would probably look like a hideous beast no woman would ever want.  :(
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:50:14 AM): I feel like I could cry just imagining that... :_(


  • Joshua (12:20:48 AM): so i heard that you and Joshua and his friends was at the mall talking with you 1 day
  • Joshua (12:20:53 AM): with a girl
  • Joshua (12:20:55 AM): ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:21:13 AM): Yeah, Taylor's gal-pal, Kim I think was her name.
  • Joshua (12:21:18 AM): so what you think about the girl was with Joshua??
  • Joshua (12:21:34 AM): ???
  • Joshua (12:21:53 AM): i heard that you think she very sexy what i heard?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:22:09 AM): she was cute and sexy, but I still remain devoted to my Sweetest Ivy.
  • Joshua (12:23:51 AM): so if Ivy ask you too clean ur house all up would you?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:24:02 AM): yes
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:24:16 AM): but I would require finding places for all that junk.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:24:35 AM): my family were pack rats.
  • Joshua (12:25:01 AM): let me ask you something! if ivy ask too have sex with you, and said put something up in ur butt would you?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:25:15 AM): in a heartbeat
  • Joshua (12:26:09 AM): would you sub it up so far and go like oh baby i like it?
  • Joshua (12:26:15 AM): would you ride it?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:26:27 AM): yes
  • Joshua (12:27:13 AM): would you stick big 1's ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:27:56 AM): big what?
  • Joshua (12:27:59 AM): would you let her stick in you and go out and in?
  • Joshua (12:28:03 AM): big things
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:12 AM): specifically?
  • Joshua (12:28:13 AM): like a fake dick
  • Joshua (12:28:18 AM): yeah
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:27 AM): oh, yeah if she wanted to do that.
  • Joshua (12:28:29 AM): you can tell me
  • Joshua (12:28:39 AM): i mean too you
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:49 AM): I would take that in for her.
  • Joshua (12:29:36 AM): if she strapa fake dick on her and told you too bend over and would you let her fuck you hard?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:29:42 AM): yes
  • Joshua (12:31:07 AM): so you'll injoy it?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:31:21 AM): I guess.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:31:48 AM): I should go; I have to pull this all-nighter to finish my music video for Ivy. I need a cup of coffee too.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:31:51 AM): I'll TTYL.


Incomplete again, sorry. Long story short- Chris thinks he sees Vanessa IRL. Also, Clyde Cash!

  • Joshua (11:08:11 PM): so what you think about me today?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:08:12 PM): talkin' to u and Emily.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:08:18 PM): you were cute.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:08:25 PM): I noticed your pink/white backpack.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:08:41 PM): I was dumb for not getting up and approaching you; I thought shouting "Vanessa" would be enough to strike up attention.
  • Joshua (11:09:08 PM): oh well you should of got up but i didnt hear you
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:09:50 PM): yeah. but it's okay; at least I saw you both.  :) That's enough for right now.
  • Joshua (11:10:00 PM): yeah
  • Joshua (11:10:07 PM): you think i look very sexy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:10:11 PM): at least I'll probably be more able to recognize you in public.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:10:12 PM): yes.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:11:08 AM): actually, I can't, because of my mother's recent emotions, she doesn't want me to take the car today.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:11:28 AM): I have to respect her wishes.
  • Joshua (12:11:43 AM): ok
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:11:52 AM): at least I was still able to sneak away with a good excuse for an aliby to see you and Emily.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:16:45 AM): yes, and she's speaking against hanging out with him.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:16:53 AM): I told you before why she hated him
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:17:05 AM): she sees him as a con-artist type.

ChrisChanSonichu (12:32:40 AM): Also, check with Emily's Bodyguard about Clyde Cash; spread the word about keeping watch for him, and to turn him into the police, please.


Vanessa decides to stop being a freeloading bitch and stops using Joshua's AIM

  • Vanessa (10:58:15 PM): so what you think about Brooke
  • Vanessa (10:58:16 PM): ?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:58:30 PM): Emily's talkin' about beastiality; I'm personally not into it.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:58:34 PM): she's cool.  :)
  • Vanessa (10:58:50 PM): you think she very sweet?
  • Vanessa (10:58:57 PM): and sexy girl?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (10:59:12 PM): she's sweet.
  • Vanessa (11:00:18 PM): you total gota meet her
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:00:28 PM): one day, maybe.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:00:50 PM): but I'm more interested in Ivy's coming to Virginia currently; only a few weeks to go.
  • Vanessa (11:23:39 PM): so what you think about me in playboy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:23:59 PM): you were goregous.
  • Vanessa (11:24:16 PM): i think you might of Jack off when you saw me?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:24:33 PM): I can control myself very well.
  • Vanessa (11:24:33 PM): yes you did dont be shy
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:25:14 PM): I'll admit you rigged an erection that day.
  • Vanessa (11:25:25 PM): yeah i knew
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:25:34 PM): but I didn't jack off, I swear on the bible.
  • Vanessa (11:25:41 PM): right
  • Vanessa (11:25:52 PM): with my nice body
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:26:50 PM): very nice bod, but I control myself for my Sweetheart I've been talking to for over two months now.  :)
  • Vanessa (11:27:06 PM): oh really
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:27:13 PM): yes.
  • Vanessa (11:27:19 PM): i have some nude nude pics of me like too see them?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:27:51 PM): no thank you, I've seen you already in that Playboy.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:28:46 PM): and I've made my promises to my Sweetest Ivy to not be sexy with anyone else but her before our mutual first time.
  • Vanessa (11:46:33 PM): what could you do with Ivy?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:47:00 PM): :) Most Everything I've learned from watching the porn I've watched.
  • Vanessa (11:48:38 PM): f she told you that Joshua and emily and Vanessa and 2 gay guys be there! and she told you let the gay guy fuck you would you let them?
  • Vanessa (11:49:03 PM): if she likes it
  • Vanessa (11:49:12 PM): if she bags you
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:49:27 PM): maybe
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:51:34 PM): are you going to have a party for your birthday?
  • Vanessa (11:51:44 PM): yeah very hudge party
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:51:52 PM): awesome.
  • Vanessa (11:52:07 PM): its a nude party
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:52:17 PM): testing me again?
  • Vanessa (11:52:21 PM): No
  • Vanessa (11:52:29 PM): just gona be the girls
  • Vanessa (11:52:35 PM): and joshua gona be there
  • Vanessa (11:52:38 PM): here
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:52:45 PM): ic.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:53:17 PM): if I asked to be invited, would you invite me?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:55:09 PM): and I would bring Ivy.
  • Vanessa (11:59:22 PM): just go there
  • Vanessa (11:59:37 PM): or go here
  • Vanessa (11:59:41 PM):
  • ChrisChanSonichu (11:59:43 PM): I did
  • Vanessa (11:59:54 PM): okey
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:01:27 AM): if you wanted me to comment further on your bod, than I say it is still very sexy.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:01:33 AM): and hot.
  • Vanessa (12:04:32 AM): do you workout?
  • Vanessa (12:04:52 AM): what you gona do if you see all of us Nacked at the Party?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:06 AM): I walk for at least an hour.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:16 AM): we'll be naked there too.
  • Vanessa (12:05:38 AM): lol you might get all horny and trying too have sex with one of us
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:42 AM): *at least an hour a day
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:05:54 AM): Ivy can keep me in line.  :)
  • Vanessa (12:06:11 AM): nay u'll try
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:06:12 AM): and I have a good sense of self-control.
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:06:31 AM): we'll see, won't we?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:07:02 AM): Did Vanessa hear me when I said that she could fly me and Ivy to your party?
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:07:20 AM): *or read my note of that
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:00 AM): I have a LOT of titles, and some of which were recorded from Cinemax and HBO in the past. A lot of the titles I have came from
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:28:34 AM): I'll have to make up a list of the movie titles for you, and you can look them up for yourself.
  • Vanessa (12:34:57 AM): kool you have a fake pussy?
  • Vanessa (12:35:02 AM): there?
  • Vanessa (12:35:43 AM): thats sweet
  • Vanessa (12:35:49 AM): if so
  • Vanessa (12:36:10 AM): if you do you do ant nothing wrong with that
  • ChrisChanSonichu (12:36:12 AM): I did receive a fake pussy with a sex doll.