Tour of Chris's House II
In this video, leaked by Alec Benson Leary on 11 December 2013, Chris provides a second tour of his house and the property that it's on, showing how it has deteriorated even further since the first house tour video in March 2009.
Tour of Chris's House II | |
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Stardate | 11 December 2013 |
Subject Matter | 14 Branchland Court |
Performance Style | ![]() |
Other | ![]() |
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[Sounds of clutter can be heard as Chris steps over a pile of trash.] Mmph... Mmph. What you just seen was the living room, pretty where my mom and I are in, (Sighs) then what's blocked off the other side of the uh, well actually that was the family room in it's entirety, both halves. But, the other half, the second half was blocked.
And then the bathroom down here and, pretty much the, that's pretty much the utility room, laundry, and back door, but that too is blocked. So freakin' cluttered in here, in this house. [Grunts repeatedly]
Mr. C, my father, had to have narrow passageways, but they were not this narrow. Anyway uh, steps going to up the front door right there, and then more steps going up... (Pants heavily) Kitchen very much blocked off over with the Resident Evil refrigerator right there. I use the term Resident Evil because in Japan, Resident Evil video game is called Biohazard. And the one I cleaned recently.
That's as much of the living room as you can see above... Above this lot, which essentially consists of two couches, hardly been used. [Sighs]
Bu- way through this narrow hallway, upstairs bathroom with bathtub and shower, pretty much hasn't changed since the trolls first saw it.
And this is my room, obviously. Lot more cleaner than it is now, lot more clearer than the rest of the house, actually right now. Couch under that pile. Um, I'll make the bed shortly after. Anyway that's pretty much the inside of the house.
I guess I better show you the outside as well. [Bends down to pick up what appears to be a plastic lighter.] (Unintelligible) [Sighs as he knocks something else to the floor.]
D'oh. [Sighs again] Droppin' everything. It's so crowded in here! [Sighs] Hoarding mom and dad, everything... [Sighs] Cluttered, freaking cluttered.
[Chris descends the stairs and opens the front door.]
Hey Scamper! Yep, and we just exit the front of the house to the front yard. And there's the accessible portion of the day lily garden.
That's essentially the front of the house. Yeah, I think the front yard is more cluttered than the back yard. Eh, there's the garden shed. Pretty much not used nowadays.
My father liked to spend time in there. Yeah, trees cluttering up the gardens. Driveway... more (Unintelligible) the garden patch. (Unintelligible)
And, you saw the pen in the back yard earlier. Mmkay, so that's pretty much, that's the- well actually there's one room I missed. One room I missed.
[Chris re-enters the house and descends the stairs, approaching a wall of clutter. He places the camera in a small hole in the wall, revealing an entire room behind it.]
And behind this... (Unintelligible) music room. Cluttered in there too. So yeah, I'm not too proud of the state of the house. Okay? So that's pretty much everything right now.
See also
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