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Revision as of 00:31, 10 September 2010

Hey people, how about those Mumble chats?

I've started a "10 minutes at a time" project to finish transcribing mumbles. Transcribing sucks, but 10 minutes in one go can relieve the strain on the people transcribing. Especially since if we get 10 or more people on board, transcribing a Mumble can be finished in the space of a couple of days instead of one person over the course of 10 days. I have a couple of people on board, but it would be nice to have several more. For the specifics of how it works, go to my user page. The Mumble chat we are currently tackling is #7. It would be nice if anyone who has a couple spare hours a day to transcribe a simple 10 minutes. Thanks in advance. --Fuckingstupid 22:25, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Chris and Love Suggestion?

I was thinking we should add a new article on the "Chris and...." series. Perhaps "Romance"? Maybe give an insight on his idea of being romantic. I feel we could write good article on this. There's a shit load of cheesy awkward sayings. Also,an observation on his behavior on dates with trolls could be good. Just a thought. --User:Bealtespip122

  • Not a bad idea. Because Chris has blurred the line between romance and sex. With him, it's one in the same. Would be interesting to poke at I think. Chris_Pickles

Aye, "romance" to him is just a means to an end. He sees act of dating as not about two people enjoying each others company, it's just to test compatibility so they can eventually fuck. Anything beyond that is just a ruse to keep the woman interested. I can't imagine him having a sincere desire to have an emotional connection with another human being, he just wants to be coddled and pleased. --Xanabit 05:10, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

  • I'd say the Love Quest really covers his attempts at "reelin' in da ladiez" and being thwarted by outside forces. Not so much as a personal insight into what Chris thinks is romantic or sweet. --Bealtespip122 16:31, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
    • Rather than being covered by the love quest page, it's just mentioned; same treatment for Chris and sex. The events of the Megan, Ivy, and Wallflower sagas tell a lot about his view of romance. Can't forget the essential McDonald's date either. Without some good writing, though, it might not make the best article. --Schuzrum Dias 17:35, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
  • well he wanted to make " Date Education" apart from sex education, i think a chris and romance, detailing what he thinks is romance would be a nice add to the cwcki.---Basgon 17:13, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

Fridays After Five yet again

This probably isn't a big surprise to anyone, but Chris was also at Fridays After Five on July 16th. No pictures, I'm afraid. He was wearing a bright orange sleeveless shirt with what looked like a beer logo on the back and holding a Budweiser aluminum bottle, a little mini fan made to look like an iPod, and a hula hoop for some reason. Most importantly he had a sort of basic attraction sign with him, nothing elaborate or directly sexual but it said something like "Friendly and Flirty Man Zone" or something similar to that and with more smaller text under that I couldn't make out. He was sitting on the back grass part and left a few minutes before the music was over. I would have loved to catch Chris's attempts at using the hula hoop, I bet that was funny as hell. Camelopardalis 03:25, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

  • Good work. Mind getting some pictures next time? CrassCrab 03:28, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
    • If I get to Charlottesville again when it's going on, I'll see what I can do. Camelopardalis 03:53, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • No pressure. It's your prerogative. CrassCrab 03:59, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • If you're some tard trying to get attention, fuck you, die. I have to put that disclaimer in nowadays, nothing personal. If you're being TRUE and HONEST, thank you so much for reporting this, because Chris holding something that says "Friendly and Flirty Man Zone" would be the most unintentionally hilarious thing that has ever happened. Sully 05:33, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Oh no, this is very real. I have another person confirming the hula hoop thing. The man zone thing is what confirms it. Yeah. It's pretty damn retarded. Clydec 06:30, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Holy shit, I'm just trying to help out during a dry spell and I'm even willing to try going back and get pics, and your reaction is "fuck you, die"? May I also point out that this very site has a giant banner across the top of the main page making in very clear that they want all sightings reported? What on earth is wrong with you? Camelopardalis 14:12, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Well, I say thanks for your assistance. Clyde confirms what is obviously good intel. Pics are nice, but hey. Nice find anyhow. Keep up the great work. --Ronichu 15:01, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Since we have confirmation, I guess I'll add this as a sighting to the Fridays after five article. Thanks a bunch Camelopardalis.--Beat 16:16, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Thanks, guys. To answer some of the "What, no pictures?!" sentiment, I went there to listen to some music and didn't really expect to see anything photo-worthy. These are local bands that usually play in bars and so on. Lots of people didn't bring cameras, especially as the band was a country-bluegrass bunch, not exactly Lady Gaga. I'll definitely have a camera along next time, just in case. Camelopardalis 01:51, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Oh, and I think I can explain the hula hoop. If you look at the pictures of Chris at FAF on July 9, the wide shots taken from inside the seats area, not the close-up one on CWCki, there's two young girls and apparently their moms using hula hoops right behind him. I know the general opinion is Chris isn't a pedo, but all it takes is some basic logic that he observed little girls hula hooping at FAF and then brought one the next week himself. Not that creepy behavior is anything new for Chris but following up the kid-photographing incident with this? Camelopardalis 02:09, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

"fan works purge", including TV Tropes even here

Partying like it's 1937 makes me kinda sad. --Sonijew is back 05:42, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

  • Meh. That Tropes "article" was one of the biggest crimes in CWCki history, and the Charles Wilbur Crushman thing was the first online item I've come across that was such a steaming pile of shit I could actually smell it. The rest I have no comment on, but there was so much selfsucking garbage on here that it justified a deletion policy, and it probably justified said deletion as well. Sully 05:48, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
Crimes against the people, I guess. Goodbye Comrade T.V. Tropes, hardly we knew ye. --Sonijew is back 06:25, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
The whole fan works section was a mistake in the first place. Clydec 06:34, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
Counter-revolutionary nest that sabotages and opposes the creative work of the people. --Sonijew is back 06:39, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
shut up, you face Clydec 06:42, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

The fan-works thing started out as a few fun little comics and stories that where just basically bored people fucking around and satirizing Chris' shit. Then people started taking it seriously, or trying to become e-famous, or just generally being self important and retarded. The good "fan-works" can be archived and stored elsewhere, because unless it's specifically relevant to Chris or a Chris event it really doesn't belong here.

More importantly, most of the fan-works sucked metric ass, and it was bringing in a massive collection of morons that where really starting to fag up the place. Personally, I think the "fan-works purge" is the best thing to happen to the CWCki in a long time.

I know I'm late to comment on this, but good grief, am I glad some of the stupid things I did were deleted. Was the whole purpose of the fan works section to make any contributors to realise they suck? =) --wwwwolf (wake me when you need me) 03:02, 6 August 2010 (PDT)

this community portal split idea was retarded

a very good post by clydec age 9 Clydec 06:37, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

  • WARNED YOU ABOUT THE SPLIT, BRO.--Champthom 17:00, 23 July 2010 (UTC)

Look what I did

I made a couple of userboxes. Use them, disdain/ridicule them, or improve them as you see fit.

—Preceding unsigned comment added by SeventhBase (talkcontribs)

Nice work - just enhancing your template links and signing your posts. --Anonymax 17:20, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
no these are stupid Clydec 04:54, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
More userboxes are not really what we need right now. --Fuckingstupid 22:30, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

new idea for speculation

speculation runs high. split that up into multiple pages or something Clydec 04:54, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Chris and relationships

Just a short idea: There are several categories regarding Chris relationships, aquaintances (for example Galpals "Males Chris doesn't hate") orjust general people he interacted with. I think it might be beneficial to have a kind of overview regarding what people he interacted with in what timeline. Could also be linked under "friends" etc. in order to illustrate the extent of his growing social isolation and successive personal development. -- Miela 13:22, 24 July 2010 (UTC)

July 23 Fridays After Five

I was at FAF this weekend, didn't stay for the whole thing, I was gone by about 7:30 or so but as far as I could tell Chris wasn't there. Actually the whole thing was pretty dead compared to the usual turnout, especially the lawn area which was almost empty. Heat index was something like 110, so I can't blame him for staying home, unless the reason was that Chris feels he's too heavily monitored at FAF these days. I did remember one more thing about Chris at FAF last week though, he had on dark wraparound sunglasses on... UNDER his regular eyeglasses. Camelopardalis 22:25, 24 July 2010 (UTC)

I guess that confirms his shades aren't prescription. Makes sense, he chose the cheapest frames available for his glasses, why would be spend the money for something expensive like prescription sunglasses? --Xanabit 22:28, 24 July 2010 (UTC)

Modnation Levels

I don't suppose anybody's actually played any of Chris's levels or anything?

It's completely understandable if nobody wants to play them, given that it's Chris, I'm sure they're all garbage, but currently all we have on his modnation efforts are a bunch of tiny screencaps I took from the website. We covered all of his LBP nonsense in detail, it's kinda weird that nobody's even tried to look into his tracks.

Any intrepid PS3 owners wanna step up?--Beat 21:30, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

I don't know if anyone else has suggested it already, but I've got a feeling that one of the best ways to reach (and troll) Chris right now is through ModNation, considering he probably spends most of his time there. Just track him down, join him in a game, "befriend" and chat with him... then beat him silly on his own levels and expect lulz. --SeventhBase 06:47, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

I'm sure everyone would appreciate good let's-play videos of the ModNation levels (along the lines of the LBP owl level preview video). Does ModNation allow recording/playing back online matches? Dramatic replays and dreadful overanalysis of Chris's online games would be terribly appreciated. I mean, I don't watch motorsports, but microsecond-by-microsecond commentary on clumsy moves just might be worth watching. =) --wwwwolf (wake me when you need me) 10:35, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

Just a question

Not sure it this is the right place to ask or talk about a question or if this is old news but forgive me if I am wrong about anything, but may I ask whats the deal with the Cwiki and /cwc/ fighting and every thing can't find anything about whats going?--Kota88 15:47, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

  • As far as I'm aware, there isn't anything. If you're talking about Delebonte being a fag and making a shittalk template, that doesn't have to do with /cwc/. /cwc/, as I see it, is a place where people go to talk about Chris. It's the watercooler where everyone goes to provide their own theories without threat of retribution. Cwcki is a place where facts are documented and presented. They don't really conflict, and /cwc/ doesn't really seem to be vandalising this site or anything, so I guess you just have bad information. Freecell 15:49, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

Ok thanks, what I got was something about something about legi0n or who ever being mad about furrys being on the cwciki and users being blacklisted by someone but idk, I can't look a the thread right now because when ever i got to the /cwc/ I keep getting the message saying "Website Disabled". but anyway thanks for clearing this up a little for me.--Kota88 16:02, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

  • I can probably explain that one. People on /cwc/ follow most of the same "rules" as other imageboards (e.g. 4chan, 7chan, etc.) and as such tend to ban furries and stuff because they spam their boards with fetish porn. On the CWCki, this isn't an issue, and so we have a more lax set of rules. For people who don't understand the difference between the two systems, they might be led to believe that we are a furry site, when in fact we are just tolerant. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Freecell 16:10, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

Old News (Possible Bulbapedia incident)

Hey, newfag here. On Bulbapedia, there was apparently a small battle over whether or not to make Sonichu as a page, with Chris (obviously) being the sole supporter. A user posted quotes from their supposed discussion here: http://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/blog.php?b=15577 Considering said user had no idea who Sonichu was at the time of this discussion, or shortly before I told him a few hours earlier, I'm betting money it actually happened. Thing is, this happened in August of last year, so where should it go? - CypherFDP 12:47, 30 July 2010 (EST)

(Are you Brazilian/Portuguese by any chance?) I can't really confirm it's him. The use of "OVER 9" (like that stupid meme), incorrect use of "Your" (he's stupid, but that's not one of his quirks), NOT censoring the F-word with asterisks, as well as calling you a troll outright (though I wouldn't put it past him, frankly) and declaring the "reality" of Sonichu out in the open (he does probably believe this, but he would only insinuate it)... These are rather consistent with a copycat troll than the TRUE and HONEST Chris-chan. But if we DO get a confirmation, it should go in its own article, along with a Da Update showing that new information was unearthed.--SeventhBase 05:05, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
  • No, I was born in the Philippines, grew up in America. But anyway, I doubt we'll get any sort of confirmation, Chris has most likely long forgotten about this. I suppose I can ask if any of the conversation is left, but I don't think it'll prove anything. - CypherFDP 1:10, 30 July 2010 (EST)
    • Well, this is the only other edit he made. "I would like you to know that Sonichu is a REAL Pokemon. I know, because I have over 9 years of canon from him and his world, and have been in talks with Nintendo to put Sonichu and Rosechu into animal crossing, and have been in talk with Sega to make a Sonichu video game. Please consider this. Thank you. I will dare to keep my dreams alive." Hmm. Yeah, from the looks of it, it appears it was nothing more than a poser. I doubt even Chris would say something like that. Of course, I'm a newfag so make of it what you will. - CypherFDP 1:55, 30 July 2010 (EST)
    • Chris wouldn't mention the talks with Nintendo after finding out the people behind that were trolls. Too much wounded pride.--OFSheep 11:44, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Why are some people so eager to ban Chris everywhere on the Internet?

Including the people here on CWCki? Where's the fun in Chris crashing into PS3 slumber again? Damn, I wish Chris was allowed back to deviantART :( --Sonijew is back 05:10, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

More to the point, is there an official policy regarding stupid ass bullshit like "CWCipedia states that Chris may or may not create another account. Be sure to tip off the dA admins if he will return."? I think there should be.

  • Overenthusiastic nobodies eager to 'stick it' to Chris and be the #1 trolin genious lolololo. It's quite irritating, and seems as if they have zero forethought. And I can only see this problem getting worse as time goes on and Chris becomes more mainstream. Feels bad man. - Beemunk 14:46, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Chris is known to act out a lot, and on deviantART, acting out is considered trolling and it will get you banned. Also the fact that nobody wants him around. LAG4U 15:05, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

The same reason he gets banned from places IRL. --MoarDesu 02:24, 1 August 2010 (UTC)

More times often than not, Chris does a good job of getting himself banned, better than the trolls at times: for example, his continued uploading of NSFW material to Flipnote Hatena damned him more than trolls could. The problem with Chris is his un realistic expectation that he is exempt to normal rules, an expectation that will continue to bite him in the ass. CosmicFeeling 11:47, 3 August 2010 (PDT)

Chris's handwriting

Does anyone have a slightly recent example of Chris's handwriting? I just read a book on analyzing handwriting for character traits, and I want to see what I can pick out of him. Don't worry, I'll write the summary on my user page. I just need a sample. --GandWuser 16:41, 2 August 2010 (PDT)

2008 should be recent enough --Xanabit 16:48, 2 August 2010 (PDT)
OK thank you. --GandWuser 17:32, 2 August 2010 (PDT)
The Flipnotes should be the most recent example. --SeventhBase 18:26, 2 August 2010 (PDT)
The problem with those though is that they don't show pressure of his writing.

Anyways, I finished. Read it on my Userpage. --GandWuser 18:34, 2 August 2010 (PDT)

Scripts for Sonichu TAS

Would it be fine to add scripts from the Sonichu Animated Series to the CWCiki? CosmicFeeling 11:40, 3 August 2010 (PDT)

The page is locked, so you'd have to ask an admin. Bill Lumburg 11:46, 3 August 2010 (PDT)
Who are the admins on the CWCiki? CosmicFeeling 19:18, 3 August 2010 (PDT)
That would be these fine people. I suggest putting the scripts on your namespace until they're ready for release. --SeventhBase 22:27, 3 August 2010 (PDT)

Spotted Chris at Game Stop

Another sighting! I went over to the GameStop at the mall and lo and behold, Christian Weston Chandler in all his glory. He was wearing jeans and plain gray shirt that was too small for him. I say too small because his chest was definitely accentuated and they came up a wee bit too shirt for a T-Shirt to be at. He was checking out the PS Triple section the majority of the time. I happened to look over my shoulder at one point and there he was, bent over with his tighty whities pulled up too far on his body, his shirt coming up rather far over his back. What he was bent over for, I have no idea. I turned back to what I was looking at and he was sighing periodically over who knows what. Then I heard, "kick da hex-box...kick da hex-box...kick da hex-box..." I had to look. He was kicking a row of X-Box games while saying it. It wasn't hard enough to knock things over, but still...what the fuuuuuck? The employee gave him a glance but didn't say anything. I'm assuming he does this on a regular basis that they just ignore him. Now that I think back on it, he was probably sighing because the PS Triple section is right next to the X-Box section and he was getting stuh-ressed that the games were touching. He left shortly after that so I was able to look at the vidya with no further disturbances.

I later decided to get a bite to eat at the Sbarros and holy shit, there was the lumberjack and the Snorlax feasting on Chick-Fil-A. They both wore baseball caps and you could definitely tell the past couple of years(or however old the most recent pictures of them were taken) haven't been kind to them. I have some unfortunate news that the Snorlax isn't as fat as she used to be(from the one picture we have). In fact, her legs were incredibly skinny. Probably even skinnier than Chris'. Her clothing looked like it hung from her loosely. She could just have the same oddly shaped body that Chris has. Either way, she didn't really look that healthy. Bob was very scruffy(probably can't shave because of his age) and shuffled around with a slight hunch. A little while later, Chris joined them before they all got up and left. Chris' underwear was bunched up over his pants and sticking out. Chris walked with his mother out, his arm around her and rubbing her back. I overheard him tell his mom, "I love you, mother." Uuuuuuh, yeeeeah. About 10-20 seconds later, Bob shuffled up behind them. And that was it. He continues to blow my mind. Danny 22:07, 6 August 2010 (PDT)

  • Ho-Ho-Holy shiiiiiiiit...! I could understand Barb's thinness (that diet after getting sick awhile back must have been murder on her), but Chris actually kicking X-Box games while saying "kick da hex-box"? That just takes the cake! I wish I knew what was going through the storeowner's head when he saw that. Hopefully the same thing everyone else was: what the fuck?--Blazer 22:13, 6 August 2010 (PDT)
  • That... That's just ridiculous. And here I thought Chris was beyond things a five year old would do. No pics, I assume? :( - CypherFDP 1:55, 7 August 2010 (EST)
    • Barb definitely has AIDS. -Beemunk 23:08, 6 August 2010 (PDT)
    • This is still an eyewitness sighting of Chris, so we're going to have to update the August 2010 article. Any information or sighting is helpful to us. --BreadGod 23:09, 6 August 2010 (PDT)
  • If he starts to frequent the store, look for the slightest excuse to get him banned. Anything that keeps Chris from buying more games is worth it. --Megaman 00:02, 7 August 2010 (PDT)
  • ewww chris wants to do it with his mom. thats like barf central and not just because of the incest either --This post has been brought to you by ShotgunJones 08:54, 7 August 2010 (PDT). Thanks for reading!

chris at faf again

Sighted chris at fridays after five. He was wearing grey shirt, girly fitting jeans, and his trucker vest. Spotted a pokewalker on each of his hips. No rocks or hoolahoops sighted, but the highlight was him doing a sort of dance waddle/dance where he would slowly turn in circles with both of his index fingers pointed in the air. Making sheepish eye contact with random people, and revealing a very forced looking smile. When i wandered past him while he was doing this on the side grass near the bandstand I could hear him muttering/singing "do a little dance, make a little love, do a little dance, make a little love".

No pictures, I assume? Either way, this is still helpful to us. --BreadGod 11:06, 7 August 2010 (PDT)
  • care to tell us how you managed to observe this scene from canada? --Cogsdev 11:31, 7 August 2010 (PDT)
  • Cogs brings the smackdown. My suggestion is to treat this one as bogus until we get more confirmation. Also, sign your damn posts. --Ronichu 15:58, 7 August 2010 (PDT)

I observed this with my own eyes and other sensory organs while, I did not observe this from canada as I am referring to fridays after five in c,va. Whether or not you choose to believe me is up to you. --hooplah

  • Yeah, I think we all know this is bullshit. You could have tried harder, though. Also, I don't want to make two posts, so is there any real confirmation on the previous section's sighting? It seems a bit too descriptive to me, and a family outing doesn't seem like the Chandler family to me. Freecell 17:37, 7 August 2010 (PDT)
    • I smell a /cwc/fag --Munch 00:13, 8 August 2010 (PDT)
      • 1) Wut 2) You can sign your post using four tildes (~) so that you don't have to type all that shit out. Freecell 07:01, 8 August 2010 (PDT)
  • I was at FAF last week and stayed for most of it. I'm 95% sure Chris wasn't there. Camelopardalis 05:59, 13 August 2010 (PDT)
    • Listen to this man. He's the one who spotted Chris on all those other occasions. --BreadGod 09:59, 13 August 2010 (PDT)

Was it just me...

Or was anyone else redirected to ads when they tried to access this adsite yesterday? I tried to get on but I couldn't. --GandWuser 16:52, 8 August 2010 (PDT)

I didn't notice anything wrong. --Ronichu 17:51, 8 August 2010 (PDT)

Regarding the Relics of Fail items...

I posted this a month or so ago on Champthom's usertalk page since he was the one who originally made these pages, but I figured that it might be better off here. Right now, out of 26 different relics, a total of 10 of them have the suffix "of fail". I think that the 'of fail' tag on the end of many of the items is a bit stale. Not only does it make them all seem generic and without personality, but 'of fail' just seems kind of juvenile. I'd like to start a vote to change the majority of the names to give them more flair, so they stand out more. Talked about it in IRC a few nights ago, and the consensus seemed to agree. One of the names thrown around was to change "Plush Boobs of Fail" into something along the lines of "Plush Boobs of Repressed Sexuality." Give them names that indicate their use, descriptors that tell you about the item before you even read about it. "Pokewalker of Sloth" or "Pokewalker of Inactivity". Even if the 'of fail' tag is supposed to indicate that Chris created it himself, there's no reason for the Plush Boobs and Sailor Moon Poster to have it included. Let me know what you think. Brofose 21:43, 14 August 2010 (PDT)

  • I second this. This site isn't ED, and should separate itself where convenient. Freecell 23:26, 14 August 2010 (PDT)
I disagree. The suffix has been grandfathered into CWC lore, original or not. Perhaps it's no longer necessary to append it to every new object Chris has, but I see no reason for the previous "of fails" to change. --SeventhBase 14:31, 15 August 2010 (PDT)

PS3 Tracker

Since I'm now denigrated to normal user i guess i have to be normal i am sad.

But anyway, based off a topic I saw earlier. We do have some people who know Chris on da PS3 and can see what game is playing at what time. What we need is a tracker to keep track of how much time he has wasted. Clydec 00:55, 16 August 2010 (PDT)

I wonder if we should add a ModNation tracker. I support the idea of a greater PS3 tracker as well.--MoarLurk 23:29, 18 August 2010 (PDT)
Can anyone confirm that Chris bought the PlayStation Plus Live Gold subscription, or does he have enough sense not to buy a $50 annual service that gives discounts to crap he already owns?--Jewlay 23:05, 18 August 2010 (PDT)


So you can't get into PVCC but you're tired of getting yelled at for chatting on tlak pages? Well I have you a solution. http://cwckiforum.proboards.com is now here for you,a nd you cna talk amongst yourselves about the CWCki or weeaboo shit or anime or whatever and make your arts and have a place to show then and develop them before they get added to the CWCki itself, and all kinds of useful shit and stuff like that. So come join the cwcki forum, the only forum about the Cwcki! http://cwckiforum.proboards.com

Yeah I know the colors suck and it's not all there yet. AHM WORKIN ON IT! Dr. Herodotus P. Shoggoth :Doktor of the Forbidden Sciences, Medallion Guardian, Imperial Emu, Emeritus of the Ancient and Justified Order of the Turtle 13:22, 17 August 2010 (PDT)

The color scheme is offensive to the eye. Was that intentional so discourage Chris from sticking his nose into it? --Xanabit 13:25, 17 August 2010 (PDT)

I'll take that excuse for my beign shitty with color layouts. But yeah, totally to throw off chris. That's it. Dr. Herodotus P. Shoggoth :Doktor of the Forbidden Sciences, Medallion Guardian, Imperial Emu, Emeritus of the Ancient and Justified Order of the Turtle 13:54, 17 August 2010 (PDT)

Chris spotted on CWCki (probably)

http://www.cogsdev.org/cwcki/Special:Contributions/G0dofThunderG0dofWar --Sonijew is back 13:47, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

  • Still waiting for a IP address confirmation... Griffintown 13:57, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

Most likely a troll, Chris isn't that smark with 1337 talk, and his changes are more ovbious, and clyde erased his changes immediately.--Basgon 18:44, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

Possi-Chris put a message about his user page not being public property, but a few edits made quick work of that. >:) --Eniggy 14:36, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

I personally talked to Bob and Chris

Knowing that Bob and Chris would only answer if I called with a 434 area code, I got Caller ID Faker thanks to the magic of Android Marketplace. Anyways, posing as a white knight (or more correctly an anti-troll), Bob asked me if I could let you guys know that he's at the Burger King in Ruckersville daily from 9:30 to 10:30 AM, and that sometimes Chris is with him. I then called Chris on his cell phone and asked him when the next Sonichu will be released. He said "eventually."

Video coming in a minute. Meat Miracle 16:54, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

Meat Miracle 17:01, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

You should have grilled him on that "eventually" part, and told him that if he was serious about Sonichu's success, he would update it more regularly. --BreadGod 17:25, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
So Bob talks about having no axe to grind and tries to coax the trolls away from their computers. Sounds like he's quite taken with his internet persona. --Silomentality 18:02, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

I will interview Chris tomorrow

What should I ask him? Meat Miracle 17:33, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

Details regarding "trolls hacked my bank accounts!" --Xanabit 17:39, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
Grill him on that "eventually" part he said in the last call. Tell him that if he was serious about Sonichu, he wouldn't go months at a time without updating. --BreadGod 17:39, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
Today's big news in the gaming world was the ps3 hack. Given Chris's attachment to the ps3, you could ask him if he's heard about it and what he thinks about it. --Silomentality 18:02, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
Definitely the information regarding his allegedly hacked back accounts. If you can disguise it as a different number, tell them your part of Best Buy's fraud investigation department, and ask for details concerning the incident. If Chris feel's he talking to someone who can actually fight back against trolls, he'll be willing to tell you everything. --SargentPickles 18:09, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
How his parents reacted when they found out about the Game Place incident and what happened with the police. Also possibly ask him about his future (if there's any games he's looking forward to, etc) that could preoccupy him and keep him off the internet like Modnation Racers is currently. Did he agree to an interview with you already or are you hoping he'll answer again? --Straw 18:41, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
  • I'm hoping he'll answer again. He answered the first time, so I'm guessing he'll answer a second time. Meat Miracle 19:38, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
If you get Bob again, ask him about his career with Western Electric and his inventions. Someone on his talk page on here thinks he assisted in the installation of the first automated telephone switchboard. If he did, that's more impressive than his plastic molding controls that Chris loves to talk about. KarryLing 21:37, 19 August 2010 (PDT)
I actually suggested that due to the time Bob worked for WE being around the same time of the automatic switchboard (due to his mention of an automatic device related to telephony before, with it possibly being WE's first truly electronic switchboard, the 1ESS), and considering the only other major test was in Illinois in 1960 by Bell Labs, it might have been WE's first major installation, and Chris's mind probably thought plastic molding controls were more exciting than the switchboard and simply forgot Bob ever mentioned it. --Eniggy 22:28, 19 August 2010 (PDT)

As a dedicated member of the TRUE and Loyal Fanbase, ask him where you can read the Sonichu comics, of course. Also, when will he finish the Videobooks of the last issues. --Sonijew is back 00:31, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

  • This is a good point. Some kind of subtle mention that the only place on the internet hosting the Sonichu website are the dirty trolls (maybe with a mention that you hate going to the site because of the lies they spread), just to make certain he knows the comics aren't anywhere else on the internet. --Borednewb 07:22, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

A smarter man may be able to put 2 and 2 together, and think you're a troll for knowing about the bank stuff, since he hasn't released anything about it. (beat panel) Remember, we don't know for sure what happened with those accounts, so don't feed him a line about trolls doing it, stay vague like just "Your father mentioned something about a bank account; what actually happened?", and let him answer for himself. --Xavier orona 01:54, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

I want to ask him something, but all I can think of doesn't relate to finding out more info about him, just his opinion on stuff he likes (like the new Gen 5 pokeymanz). Is that OK? (Yes, I know I fail so hard.) --GandWuser 07:53, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

  • That's fine. I'm actually going to ask him a few questions like that myself. I'm also going to ask him what he likes to do when he's not on the internet, which may help with trolling efforts. Meat Miracle 08:49, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

I've got ten questions so far:

  • What happened with the bank account hacking?
  • What future video games are you looking forward to?
  • What did your father invent and do when he worked with Western Electric, and did he really assist in the installation of the first automated telephone switchboard?
  • Are there any places other than the CWCki that host your comics?
  • What are your thoughts on Pokemon Black and White?
  • What are your favorite things to do when you're not on the internet?
  • What's an average day for Chris?
  • In Sonichu 3, there's a character named "Merried Seinor Comic. What does his name mean? (I had trouble thinking of another question)
  • Is there more than just an intake survey in your Autism papers?
  • If you were really serious about Sonichu, wouldn't you update more frequently?

Meat Miracle 09:47, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

Those will work just fine. Make sure you save all the hardest questions for last, otherwise he will just shut down. --BreadGod 10:11, 20 August 2010 (PDT)
Perhaps ask how his sweetheart search is going? Has he found anyone (not likely)? Or does he have his sights on some poor unlucky women? -- Lunachu 10:22, 20 August 2010 (PDT)
  • Added that to the list. I'll be interviewing him in a few hours. Meat Miracle 10:25, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

Hm, the only thing I'd change is "hacking", that's still feeding him a line of 'somebody else is involed,' and save it for when he becomes more open and likeley to tell (say on accident) the truth; "I heard mentioned that there was an overdraft on your credit card; did you spend too much, or what happened?" --Xavier orona 12:40, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

Do you have any idea when you will be able to post a recording? --Dalkalopagus 14:05, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

Crud, I wish I would've been able to find this earlier. I was going to suggest one that I'm sure is on everyone's minds, but I might as well post here:

Did Chris (or is he still planning to) go to his HS reunion? And if yes, did he ever get the chance to dance with Tiffany Gowen? --This post brought to you by ShotgunJones 14:49, 20 August 2010 (PDT). Thanks for reading!

  • No luck yet. I called him several times, each time using a 434 area code. His phone is on, but it's either silent or he doesn't have it with him. Or he doesn't want to answer. I will try again in an hour. Meat Miracle 14:58, 20 August 2010 (PDT)

If you're going to pose as a TRUE and HONEST fan, you should ask lots of questions about the comic and maybe then a couple about CWC himself, when he's off guard. Eamoo 09:55, 21 August 2010 (PDT)

This is what I said. --Sonijew is back 10:19, 21 August 2010 (PDT)
  • No luck yesterday either. I called three times late in the afternoon and still no answer. I'm going to try again today. Meat Miracle 11:24, 22 August 2010 (PDT)
    • Just keep trying. If you call him enough times he will eventually answer. --BreadGod 14:40, 22 August 2010 (PDT)

Magi-chan spin off comic

It's too bad that Chris has been quiet lately, so I've starting up a little project to see if I can get some life out of him. Since he's not updating the comic anymore I've "claimed ownership" and have started putting up pages on a deviant art account http://thefatestpat.deviantart.com/

Chris actually lives pretty close to me. I know he likes to call people out, and if he does so with me I can actually go meet him. Spread the word about the new "owner" of Sonichu and we can get some new trolling fun going.

Since you live near him, you should make a flier advertising your spin-off and slip it in his mailbox. Make sure it gives you credit for his characters. Chris'll flip his shit if he thinks someone's begun an ad campaign for a FALSE and DISHONEST version of his characters. Bonus points if it manages to convince him that you've achieved IRL fame with the project. You could write it as an advertisement for a fan club for your spin-off or something. Like you have this huge fan base that are making fliers and trying to increase your fame for you. Abyssal 14:50, 21 August 2010 (PDT)
If you do that, be sure to specify that it is the 'Official' spin off. After all, Chris has demonstrated it's possible to 'claim' other peoples characters if they lie (like Chris is currently doing by claiming to work on the comic) and make them your official character. -- Borednewb 16:32, 21 August 2010 (PDT)
Chris doesn't give a fuck about your shitty fanfiction and never will.
/thread. --Espanolic 16:04, 22 August 2010 (PDT)
Lurk more. Chris shat bricks about Asperchu for ages. Abyssal 07:57, 23 August 2010 (PDT)
this isn't asperchu, it's just shit. chris won't care. stop posting this on my cwcki. --Cogsdev 11:19, 8 September 2010 (PDT)

Hey guys, just a quick reminder that Champ has asked us not to post troll ideas on the CWCki (it's not really why we're here). So yeah. If he sees that post, that you put on the damn CWCki, the section might be condemned, and we would have to move out of it? --Ronichu 14:49, 23 August 2010 (PDT)


Help me out, where did replacing "source" with "sauce" originate from? It's used without exception on this wiki, but I've never seen it attributed to Chris or anything else.--Austin 13:56, 23 August 2010 (PDT)

  • Lurk more.--MoarLurk 14:08, 23 August 2010 (PDT)

I have. Quite a bit. Read pretty much every article. Still don't know where the term comes from.--Austin 14:20, 23 August 2010 (PDT)

Here you go. --Xanabit 14:25, 23 August 2010 (PDT)
Much apperciated. There's a Lurk More wiki? Sorry MoarLurk, I thought you were just being a smart ass.--Austin 14:42, 23 August 2010 (PDT)

The Trollbusters

It started with some shitty ModNation characters, but that new video suggests he's developed some kind of serious IP with this. I gotta admit, it's more interesting than Sonichu. --Xanabit 05:51, 27 August 2010 (PDT)

pickbothmanlol arabic spam

somebody needs to step in. it'll be IBAgeneva 2: Electric Boogaloo if nobody stops him. Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs 13:08, 5 September 2010 (PDT)

also he has an ED article Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs 13:23, 5 September 2010 (PDT)

So? Just revert and block his edits and him whenever he pops up. It's not like he's holding a knife to our throats. CrassCrab 11:27, 8 September 2010 (PDT)

The kacey date log

I have been holding onto this forever so I have decided to give it here

    As someone put two and two together, Kacey has met Chris Chan. On two occasions, and one near miss.
    Also, just to answer any questions from the gitar thread, I am the one who developed an allergy rash to Chris. I'm not kidding. It kept getting worse each time and I actually went to get shots and have to use a creme now for erasing the "scarring." It was on one side of my face (where I keep my phone) and along my left shoulder and both arms. It's not axe. It might be his laundry soap or something on his skin. I'm thinking it's his skin because it's where his bare hands touched me.
    and now onto our show  This is rushed short versions. Kim can help fill in details.
    First day:
    went to mall with Kim. We met, talked, and called Liquid. We planned to have Liquid not know that Kacey was there to try to be peacemaker, and he would call, find out and be angry.
    Chris had given us the slip, so we called him and finally got him to go back to the mall. It was scary seeing him for the first time. He sweats a god awful lot and gets tired just walking. You notice the medallion right away. He comes speeding towards us. He looks me over, rape eyes my breasts, and tells me "I thought you'd be a little more ::makes a hand motions showing a skinnier girl:: but you're gorgeous!" and I'm like "WTF? You think I look more what?" And he says he thought I'd be skinnier, but I'm hot. etc we go outside to take pictures. he puts his arm around me. I sob on the inside. He shows me his eyes up close. They both look hazel. they are not different colored. so we walk to starbucks. he draws me a picture of sonichu. He shows me the medallion. He constantly brushes his knee against mine and tries to rub my side, back and shoulder. Rape eyes are constant. I send liquid a text message to call.
    Liquid calls, I confess where I am, and Liquid starts screaming and demanding to talk to Chris. Chris grabs the phone and starts screaming in a crowded mall. People are uncomfortable, staring, and walk away. I'll let Liquid detail the call.
    Liquid talks to me again and is a jerk. I cry and ask Kim to go to the bathroom so I can sob. Inside we call Liquid and ask him what he told Chris. I smudge my makeup and go back out. Chris is coming towards us. I act like I'm upset and crying. Chris mentions how Liquid sucks, etc. He says he has to go. He grabs me and pulls my face into his chest and he smells like horror. He repeats that now we are friends and he will help me out. HE THEN SMELLS MY HAIR AND BRUSHES HIS LIPS AGAINST MY EAR. I look onto Kim with horror. She looks at me in horror. Chris bounds away without so much as a goodbye.
    + Chris touches me. a lot.
    + Chris is boring and goes on and on about Sonichu and how now I'm meeting the TRUE CREATOR.
    + Chris repeats about his stupid eyes. Thinks he's better than Liquid because both of Liquid's eyes are green.
    + Chris does not approve of Liquid
    + Chris scares everyone
    I'll let you digest this and Liquid can chime in and I'll write up the near miss meeting and part two.
    Near miss:
    My cousin and I went to Charlottesville to see Kim. We almost ran into Chris Chan. I saw him near the city hall with his stupid park poster. We ran away. He went in the building and we waited, but we did not see him come out. The end.
    Second time: (note Liquid is now gone)
    We met Chris at the mall again. There was horrible traffic so I was late and Chris left for his British Comedy. I called him and begged him back. He would FOR KACEY. He showed up. Rape eyes, told me I was pretty like a teacher he once had, rape eyes, etc. We walked around the mall. All of a sudden Chris calls out "OOPS MY KNUCKLE TOUCHED YOUR ASS." there are kids around. we hush chris to shut up.
    more rape eyes, he talks about how liquid trolled us both but now i have THE REAL DEAL TO HELP ME GET THROUGH THIS. more attempted touching and stroking of my bare arm. More boring. More Chris asking for my number, and I say I have overprotective parents who pay for it so i have to keep my restricted number and no. He keeps hinting to dating me and how pretty I am.
    Kim gets distracted by a friend. Chris and I walk along without realizing. He asks me if I want to see his car. I of course say yes but then realize Kim isn't there. I text her. Chris calls his father and lies and says he's in traffic and will be late going home. Chris takes me to his car. It's awful. Stickers of pokemon and sonichu everywhere (there is a homemade one of his tripod site address). The bumper sticker is held up by duct tape. He tries to hold my hand while we cross the street. I glare at him and break away. He asks if I want to sit in his car, I text Kim. I say no. He insists. I sit with the door open and my legs out, ready to run. He tells me the last girl in his car besides his mom was megan. I cry. I ask to take his picture. I do. He asks to take a picture together, so I do. he tries to grope my chest and misses horribly, only grazing it. I glare and him and tell him not to do that. He insists he slipped. I say let's go find kim. He tries to grab my hand again and I shake it away.
    He needs to rest so he sits down on a wall outside the mall. He notices my bag from Bath and Body works and asks what I bought. He smells them and one of them is called "P.S. I love you" and he jokes "P.S. IM LOVING YOU!" I laugh nervously and we find Kim. By this time Liquid asks for me to put on the phone so he can hear everything, so I do and hide the phone. I mention Chris liked the perfume I'm wearing, so he leans in and AUDIBLY MAKES A SNIFFING SOUND. I scream "OH LOOK MAKEUP" and run off. He asks me my fav color. I say "teal." he says "how atealing." I die on the inside.
    Chris keeps trying to get close and get my number. He messes with my hair and Kim yells at him for touching me. he touches me 5 seconds later. Then he leaves eventually after more boring and rape eyes.
    In a later call he invites me to stay the night. I say no. He says I can come over any weekend and go to his church. He doesn't know his own religion. He sucks.
    The end.
    + Chris touches me too much and tries to smell me
    + Chris is rape eyes always
    + Chris is a moron
    + Chris wants to be a sub for Liquid
    + Chris sweats sooooo much and wipes it off on his vest. He's gross.
    Any questions? I may remember more later.
    And after the first time, I couldn't stop shaking. It was weird.

can you guys include it in relevant articles

Wintermute 21:36, 6 September 2010 (PDT)