Time Void

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And when you gaze for a long time into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you
Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
CWC flung down the taut cavity of time

The Time Void (also known as the Void of Time, Little PIG Blanket, or the Playstation Network) is a plot device in the Sonichu canon devised by Chris to step out of the comics.

Gotta go back in time

Chris, actually acknowledging the criticisms from fans that the Sonichu comic had become focused more on Chris and his Love Quest and less on the titular character who zaps to the extreme, decided to send his comic persona into a Time Void.

In space, no one can hear you scream, in time you are heard to infinity..."
Deep thoughts during CWC's time-out in the Void

Time Hogs

Trippin' balls through time

Enter Sonichu 7 - Two of the Sonichu Balls are activated during an adventure through the time stream which disrupts Magi-Chan's shield, and exiles Chris out-of-time. Sonichu and Magi-Chan realize Captain Clownshirt is missing, but don't have any significant solutions to help him. Christian, meanwhile, attempts to sound sincere and empathetic (An impossibility) while prattling on with his falsely-remorseful soliloquy in the Time Void. Narration reveals that the Void was in fact God's "twist of fate that would force me into a long, emotional, forced, stressful hiatus"[1]

Christian straining himself while attempting to decipher how other people's feelings are affected by his actions

Wait, haven't I seen this before?

A stripe shirted goldbricker taken out of the storyline? It sounds familiar because it is! This is essentially the same scenario as the Sailor Moon villain's Mary Lee Walsh's Dark Mirror, and the fate of Crystal. The difference in this situation is that, despite being stranded between time, Chris is able to deliver endless neurotic thought bubbles and has the ability to absorb the Sonichu balls (To an unknown result... Hell it's not like he has to collect a certain number of BAAWLS to save his fake twin Sister from.... aw forget it!)

In appearance the Void also shares a common design with the Dark Mirror hole: a solid marker color. The Time Void gets a little more page space, but that's expected in order to fit all the words coming out of the autistic warrior's TRUE and HONEST mind.


Christian didn't quite leave the pages of his comic so quickly, and popped up in a backseat role:

Note that these are simply self-indulgent cameos for the author. The Ivy encounter was intended to further the Love Quest sub-plot turned major story arc, although it's unlikely this will be revisited due to her demise.

Two 'C' quarters plus a 'W' quarter are equal to one full Dumbass

CWCVille at Large

BILLY MAYS Allison Amber acts as the Vice-Mayor, and carries out all of the mayoral duties of CWCVille while Christian is persona in absentia. Readers are not informed towards any civic news under Ms. Amber's tenure.

"Too bad the regular size ones break easily on my 7-incher"

The Hedgehog Boys (and Girls)
Chris is basically forgotten by the Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon so that they can focus on sex, and dating. In addition, the fight sequences in Christian's absence no longer showcase the Jerkops. The presence of the Creator, however, is still conveyed even without an active role as he has his pussy whipped titular character ramble on with an incoherent bigoted screed in Episode 20. In other words, Sonichu goes back to serving as a Mary Sue proxy for Chris.

Return from the Void

*Sound of crickets chirping*
Sure, whatever you say.

Chris explains that he returned from the Different Dimension on 08 August 2008[2] - but this doesn't make sense (SURPRISE!) since it would mean he has been back in CWCVille, as mayor, for at least a year. It was previously hinted that CWC would be returning for the end of "first season" (For Sonichu 9), and is still featured as Chris-Chan Sonichu in the preview for Issue 10.

The question remains, "So, how does he escape the Time Void?".

Well, there is certainly no shortage of vehicles for resolution:

  • The Chaos Emeralds
  • Sonichu Balls
  • The will of GOD JESUS Himself
  • Leonard Bearstein and his Bear Band
  • A Time Warp that may open at any random time in the future (As noted by Magi-Chan. Gee, really precise there, chief.)
  • Christian JUST SHOWS UP with new powers/CWC-isms and NEVER speaks of the Time Void AGAIN

Let us await the bard's masterstroke.
