Kiwi Farms posts (Marvin)

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This page is an archive of Marvin's key posts about Chris on the online forum Kiwi Farms. Posts are sorted by date.

Marvin on how the Miscreants trolled Chris

6 July 2015[1]

I'm not sure the distinction you're making. For example, Liquid and Kacey working together to troll Chris is a conspiracy. Just by definition.

The point I'm trying to make is that we knew Chris' psychology very well, so we knew what to say to him to get him riled up. But those situations were very artificial. The trolling makes people think Chris just randomly gets mad and starts yelling at people if you call Sonichu gay. Or call Sonic gay.

The youtube videos leave out all the calls and messages from e-girlfriends that built up Chris' reaction. For every trolling saga, there was a bunch of stuff happening in the background.

Without trolls, Chris is pretty different. I mean, not in his personality, of course. He's pretty much the same person regardless. But his reactions on youtube were highly inflated by troll girlfriends whispering shit to him behind the scenes. "Oh Chris, you're not just going to take that, are you? Chris, I need a man who can stand up for himself, not just a little wuss..." It takes quite a bit to whip Chris up into a frenzy. And it's hard to keep it going.

Marvin on the intimacy between Chris and Barb

15 October 2015

Barb's aging. Thin, kind of frail. Might not be very responsive.

In retrospect, I don't think Chris recognized anyone. There was the guy he exchanged words with, but going over my notes, it might've been just him being paranoid of someone.

There was an old lady behind Chris talking to him a few times. I don't think it was Rocky.

Chris' outfit, from what I could see, was very funny. @Rammspieler might have a picture.

Barb and Chris are way too physically intimate. It's one thing to describe their creepy relationship, it's quite another to watch it IRL. They hold hands and Chris is always putting his arm around her and rubbing her shoulders sensually. That's shit I'd do to someone I'd want to bang. Not a family member. It's weird.

There was some guy with white hair and a white suit talking to Not-Rocky. Then the PD came over and talked to Chris and Barb, with white-hair-guy and Not-Rocky in the row behind them. This is where I heard snippets referencing "six months" and something something something. I think I heard Chris stress sigh a few times and I think the PD got a little annoyed dealing with Chris. Not much, but I kinda sensed something like that. Maybe I imagined it.

After a bit, the PD went up to the judge and they called Chris up. Chris starts getting impatient with Barb. He said something like "are your ears clogged up??" and then "wanna follow me so you can hear what's going on?" Then she got up and trundled up there to accompany Chris.

This says a few things to me:

Perhaps Barb's hearing is wearing down. This fits in with her being frail and old. Chris is being kind of bossy to Barb. Chris expects Barb to be his bookkeeper so far as his punishments go. This is confirming what we heard about at the Snyder trial. Now, I couldn't hear anything they were saying up front. At this point, I didn't want to get hassled by Not-Rocky or whoever else was there, so I bailed and went to find Rammspieler.

Perspective on Chris's social life

4 November 2016[2]

In response to a user's comment, "I keep seeing you mention him having friends and that but you never say who they are (from what I've seen). Are they actually friends or just people like you and @LoveYouLongTime who merely tolerate him and a fully aware of his internet fame?":

IRL, non-troll people who he met independently. People who talked to him enough to decide to spend time with him separately on multiple occasions. Not just awkward laughs, where they then try to sidle away from him. They found Chris nice and friendly enough to invite him to places. Or to their houses or whatever.

People here hyperanalyze Chris' bad traits and dramatically overestimate those bad traits' significance to your average normal, non-internet person when he's out in the field.

Chris can be an annoying, creepy weirdo. I'm not saying that he's not. But there's a difference between "can be" and "110% of the time, no exceptions period".

Edit: And the flip side of the coin is that Chris is boring as shit. He's also not super popular. My whole point is that:

  • Making friends is not hard, even Chris can do it
  • Make no assumptions about Chris' daily life unless you're getting daily updates on it. Since we haven't gotten daily updates on Chris' life, pretty much since Bob died, don't assume you know what Chris does based on golden age trolling info. Golden age trolling info was when we were actively seducing Chris away from venturing out into the world and half assedly pursuing other sources of socialization. When the trolls go away, Chris goes out into the world again. He's not great at it, but the world is a big place. He's talked to enough nerd/gay people in Charlottesville to the point where he struck upon some friends who nerds/gays in the same way that he does.

Troll-Scripted Content

7 December 2017[3]

In response to a user's comment, "So what stuff was actually outright scripted?":

Most non-rant videos, like cakefarts.

The rant videos were more freeform, though they often had a framework or were in response to a specific request. ie "talk about topics X, Y and Z, and be sure to mention that you think he's weak! call him weak, like some sort of big disaster, like a bridge collapsing. ooh, or compare him to 9/11! that'll embarrass him!"

Marvin on Chris knowing that he was the Man in the Pickle Suit

26 January 2018[4]

I'm not in contact with Chris. (Other than the occasional tweet.)

When people troll Chris, they frequently come to me for advice. In the process, they share details about what's going on.

I don't know if Chris specifically knows I was the man in the pickle suit, but I think he'd probably forgive me, a la Adam Stackhouse and the other rehabilitated cwcville enemies. I think he knows my twitter handle is a troll, at least. And he forgave me at magfest for whatever he thinks I've done under my twitter handle.

Thetan Saga

24 June 2018[5]

In response to a user's comment, "Who was Thetan again? As in what did they do to troll Chris?":

She pretended to be Chris' friends from high school. She was before Catherine, after Bob's death during the long period of silence (or maybe right after the silence ended? maybe she ended it? don't remember).

The most notable thing I remember about her saga was that she made up that Borb hired Chris' high school friends. Chris got all sad and ran to Barb for comfort, to ask if it was true. And indeed, she confirmed it as true. (As far as we can trust stuff that Barb says, anyway.)

Marvin answers questions regarding OPERATION: Kingsnake

12 July 2018[6]

In response to a user's comment, "Devoting hours to managing Chris would be the solution that would work best, but nobody has that time. But getting Chris to check in about anything that sounds suspicious could help.":

It takes like 15 minutes a day, tops. Null has the passwords to the accounts. He checks shit, deletes shit. Chris doesn't act on any messages unless Null gives it the OK first. Otherwise it just sits in his inbox. Hell, it's actually an email null set up. Chris specifically has all his business messages go there.

In response to a user's comment, "Okay, so explain - this predated the existence of the filters?"

The filters were from years ago. Chris asked one e-girlfriend in one saga to watch his shit. He stopped trying to balance "troll vs not troll" on his own and just let the e-girlfriend do it. He doesn't read the message, he clicks "forward" or moves it to the "troll info" folder.

He also did it with Rob Bell, as I noted.

Then the next e-girlfriend came along and didn't pick back up on that. Hasn't been a thing since.

And that was back in like 2011? 2012? At the most recent.

Marvin on why Chris continued to believe the beliefs planted by the Idea Guys

20 November 2018[7]

"Reality" is a malleable concept to Chris.

To Chris, that these losers were pretending to be imaginary characters doesn't mean they they didn't unwittingly connect with their counterparts in the other dimension or whatever. So yeah, he thinks Wise and Boyd were assholes who stumbled upon some magic or some shit.

Chris is mostly mad about money first and being made to embarrass himself second.

In regards to why he still maintains a lot of their canon, it's because Chris is too invested in his imaginary world to give up on it so easily. I think after Wise and Boyd were outed, he felt really uncomfortable about retconning most of their changes. Because if he retcons the past six months, then fuck, why can't he retcon all of it? That would make him feel really uneasy about the possible reality of his imaginary world.

That reality is most important to him.


25 November 2018[8]

In response to a user's comment, "I also still don't think Chris is on real HRT. That shit requires a pysch eval. I remember some where, some one mentioned the possibility he badgered a walk in clinic for some stuff his mother would take for menopause. But I digress; if a doctor approved him for actual HRT, they are fucking liable for all the health risks included, and who ever approved his pysch eval needs their licenses revoked. Chris is not intelligent enough to understand HRT can lead to early death.":

Not anymore, we've got informed consent nowadays. Basically if you say the right things to a therapist for a few months, they'll write you a recommendation for HRT and send you to an endocrinologist. Chris was referred to one at UVA. They gave him a script and made him sign away liability (the "informed consent" part).

I knew about informed consent awhile ago, but I thought it was just some west coast debauchery. But unfortunately, it has reached the east coast, and a lot faster than I thought it would. For example, another lolcow, ContraPoints, lives in Baltimore, and he managed to scam some titty skittles from a shrink by blabbering the right keywords in like 3 months. FYI, the clinic he went to also offers pediatric trans care, including puberty blockers.

The medical system has thrown its hands up and said "fuck it, do whatever you want, we don't give a fuck anymore".

Marvin on lost content regarding the trolling of Chris

26 July 2019[9]

No, something like 90% of what got Chris to make the videos he did was never made public.
