The Simpsons
The Simpsons is a cartoon about an extremely dysfunctional family, their daily life, and their various wacky adventures. At first the show was considered a classic, but over the years the quality has degenerated, with ridiculous storylines and token celebrity appearances now the order of the day. Of course, like all mediocre cartoons, Chris loves it, although not as much as he loves the sub-par rip-off, Family Guy.
The Show and Chris

Chris has ripped off or referenced the Simpsons many times in his life. Specifically:
- In the gallery of fail Chris added to his own Encyclopedia Dramatica article in March 2008, Chris tried to show some humility by having himself rip off Homer's catchphrase, seen right.
- Chris video'd himself singing his own version of the Mr. Plow remix that featured in a recent The Simpsons 20th anniversary special.
- When Chris finally decided to drink alcohol, his drink of choice was the Long Island Iced Tea, influenced by an episode where Marge Simpson drank one.
- The Secret Weapon video that at times Chris laughs like Nelson, a character of the series known for his signature "Ha-ha!" laugh.
- Chris also seems to have lifted the idea of a second Valentine's Day called "Love Day" from the episode Trash of the Titans." Of course, Chris missed the point that the holiday was an artificial one borne out of greed and selfishness rather than love, and also that the very people who created it thought it sounded stupid when they said the name should be, "like 'Love Day,' only not so lame."
- Many trolls have also noticed Sandy Rosechu's similarities to Lisa Simpson, as both have spiky hair and are said to be child prodigies. The difference is that Lisa isn't a bastard child born from an egg, and she has a personality.
- In the Common Questions section of the CWCipedia, Chris was called out on blatantly stealing jokes from many other shows. Chris justified himself by saying that "Like Family Guy, Simpsons, Excel Saga, and even South Park, taking jokes is of acceptable practice; it works when the author is short on original jokes, and wants to fill in a good one. Everybody does it. "Simpsons Did It.""
- In Sonichu 8, erotic artwork of Marge Simpson can be seen on the 63rd floor.
- In Mumble_4, Chris compared his life to Homer Simpson while arguing with Clyde Cash (and doing an impersonation of Homer).
- Chris downloaded The Simpsons Game on the PS3.
- In Sonichu 11, Chris "created" Constable Lou who may be connected to Sergeant Lou.
- In the 'Chris dispels videogame rumors' video, Chris stole a joke from Sideshow Bob, butchered it horribly, and referenced it so far out of context that it made no sense to almost anybody.
Vocal Impressions
In BlueSpike's PSN Chat v3.5, Chris attempts (very poorly) some impressions of various Simpsons characters (specifically Mr Burns, Homer, Marge and Maggie). He would do the same in Mumble 7, impersonating Homer and Bender; in an eerie bit of foreshadowing, Chris's Homer and Bender voices sound exactly the same but Chris doesn't notice.
Marge Poster
Recently, it seems that the centerfold poster of Marge's Playboy magazine has become one of Chris's many defenses against becoming a homo. Interestingly enough, there were two potential choices for him to pin on his wall; the first was a coy, innocent picture of Marge undressing (breasts visible but nipples concealed), the shadow of an eager Homer projected onto the rear wall, with Marge making eye contact with her husband. The second was of Marge wearing a see-through dress, looking directly at the camera and offering donuts to the viewer. Chris, ever classy, picked the one that has the most visible breasts and rejected the one that even had the shadow of a man on it (especially since Marge was looking at Homer, and not the camera).
Marge, of course, is a married woman. Not that this would stop Chris... or even slow him down.
“ | But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart. | ” |
- Matthew 28, something Chris has probably never read nor would care to read. |