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Line 41: Line 41:
[''Chris makes clopping noises.''] <br />
[''Chris makes clopping noises.''] <br />
[''Next page: [[Mao]] and [[Alec Benson Leary]] are dressed in Amish clothing''] <br />
[''Next page: [[Mao]] and [[Alec Benson Leary]] are dressed in Amish clothing''] <br />
'''Alec:'' Good day, neighbor Mao! <br />
'''Alec:''' Good day, neighbor Mao! <br />
'''Mao:''' Good day, neighbor Alec! <br />
'''Mao:''' Good day, neighbor Alec! <br />
'''Alec:''' How are you today? <br />
'''Alec:''' How are you today? <br />

Revision as of 22:03, 30 October 2010

Book10Replacement is a video Chris uploaded on 30 October 2010. In this video, Chris shows off the "corrected" version of Sonichu 10, something he said he started working on over half a year ago.

These new pages are horrendously unfinished even by Chris' standards. None are colored, for instance, and the majority of the action is textwalling. One wonders why he bothered.


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Stardate 30 October 2010
Subject Matter ComicsComics Comics
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy


Chris: Wait--it is done! Now I can reveal to you the true pages of which... replace... the ones that were gory... and outrageous! Starting with Page 90 where we ended the trial!
Sean: In our defense... we have a rock...
Judge: I think we've heard enough...jury?
Jury: We, the jury, find the defendants guilty times four!
Judge: I agree! I hereby sentence the four of them to residence in an Amish community! No technology access whatsoever, for the rest of their lives! Court is adjourned!
(Next page)
Narrator: Meanwhile, in the D.C. Maximum Security Prison...
Slaweel Yram: Eeheehee! My spell is completed! I will wreak havoc on that city once again! I am Slaweel!
[Next page: Slaweel has been knocked into the wall by an explosion of some sort.]
Slaweel: Dang it!
Guard: Hahahaha! Another failed spell, 06960?
Slaweel: Shut up!
Guard: Anyway, you have a new cellmate.
[Slaweel's new cellmate is revealed to be Kathleen Nicole Wallace, Jason Kendrick Howell's woman love slave.]
Slaweel: So, what did they get you for, lady?
[Next page]
Kathleen: Hm, well, [?], Slaweel. Anyway after the 4-cent_Garbage building collapse, Jason and I made our escape. After we got away we had a fight and he dumped me. He had caught me cheating with the secretary! I was distraught. I went and got-- and used some marijuana... a lot of it! The police caught me using it, I was tried, and now here I am! I heard Jason crashed into a mountain and died. That son of a *BEEP* got what he deserved. Trolling and torturing innocent people is devil's work anyway! Hmm.
Slaweel: Did you smuggle any MJ in?!
Kathleen: No, they frisked me and got all I had from my breasts and up my asshole. [?]
Slaweel: Oh.
[Next page: we see an extremely crude depiction of a horse-drawn carriage.]
Narrator: One month later, in the Amish community...
[Chris makes clopping noises.]
[Next page: Mao and Alec Benson Leary are dressed in Amish clothing]
Alec: Good day, neighbor Mao!
Mao: Good day, neighbor Alec!
Alec: How are you today?
Mao: I had a pleasant night's sleep, and my mandatory chosen wife--my mandatorily chosen wife, she had fixed a good bacon and eggs with biscuits for breakfast! It is good.
Alec: Yes it is.
[Chris hums a tune as we see Sean step on a rake lying on the ground and get whacked in the face. This joke is almost certainly "borrowed" from The Simpsons episodes "Cape Feare."]
[Next page: The Amish trolls continue to talk.]
Alec: Well! Neighbor Sean has hit himself with the rake again.
Mao: Yes.
Alec: He has been doing good being the village idiot his whole life.
Mao: I agree.
Alec: I am looking forward merrily to today's barn raising. Ms. Baisley is making her famous beans and bread.
Mao: Ms. Baisley is making her beans and bread again? I enjoy her beans and bread greatly. I enjoy her good food with her delicious milk freshly squeezed from her teats.
Alec: Yes, her bovine breasts give the best milk around, neighbor Mao.
Evan Christopher George: Neighbor Mao? neighbor Alec, you are mistaken! I am neighbor Evan.
Alec: Oh dear! I am in error. Where is neighbor Mao?
Evan: He has gone to the store for vittles.
[Next page: Mao is in the general store.]
Mao: Good day, shopkeep! I would like two pounds of black-eyed beans, ten carrots and fifty pounds of grain. And have you seen my pussy? She has run off attached to the teats of my lovely wife.
[Next page: Same as the ending of the original Sonichu #10.]
Chris: And then the end of the story. Those are the replacement pages for book number ten. Thank you very much and have a good day.

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Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks