Chris and sexuality

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To this day, Chris's sexuality is very questionable. Before the Tomgirl Saga, Chris had an intense fear of "falling off the straight path". He feared that by being in contact with gay people, he himself, would pick up the gay virus, and his LoveQuest would take a complete 180. He currently identifies himself as a "lesbian transwoman" with a "lesbian soul". Initially, this transformation was a result of him thinking this method will attract the most mates by being attractive not only to straight women but also to lesbians and bisexual women, failing to realize that gay people are a minority group, and that straight women are usually not attracted to crossdressing men. As the Tomgirl saga progressed, however, Chris got more and more interested in his new sexual identity, and .


Main article: Homos

Chris the lesbian

Chris's selfie from a gay bar restroom. Disturbing, but unsurprising.

On 14 August 2014, Chris posted on his Facebook page that he himself was now officially a "lesbian-identified man".[1] He posted a picture of himself holding an LGBT flag. He stated that "I support the LBT fully; the G.[ay] M.[ale]s are fortunate to be on this boat." On 31 October 2014, Chris spent that Halloween at a gay bar dressed as a "Groovy 70's Lesbian",[2] further evidencing his apparent acceptance of homosexuality, in that visiting a gay bar was THE thing Chris had specified on multiple occasions that he would never do in his life.

However, as anyone who's even mildly aware of sexuality and gender will tell you, a "lesbian male" isn't actually a real thing. Though actual trans women can be lesbians, the idea of a "lesbian-identified male" is just something a guy might google after mass debating, and Chris's citation of Yahoo! Answers to validate its existence is unpersuasive to say the least. Whether or not Chris has had a turn of heart, and realized the error of his ways when it comes to homosexuality, we'll just have to wait and see. Sexuality seems to be the most powerful governing force in Chris's self-definition, and as such it is perhaps unsurprising that it has changed so dramatically over time, given his utter failure to find his place in the world.

Through 2017, Chris expressed his interest in media ripe with lesbian implications; hinted at to the point in which he fantasizes himself in the act. Prior to his relationship with Jessica Quinn, Chris complained of his loneliness by comparing to himself to Life Is Strange deuteragonist Chloe Price.

Chris's identification as a lesbian is closely tied to the next subject...


Some autistics simply do not understand sexual attraction (for example, high-functioning autistic and hugbox inventor Temple Grandin chooses to be celibate because she admits that she really does not understand sexual attraction and that she lacks the ability, as a consequence of her autism, to engage in a sexual relationship). This could explain some of Chris's views regarding sex and romance; he genuinely cannot understand the appeal of most sexual activity, aside from the fact he's seen people in the media do it and that he thinks that sex is something all men need to experience in order to become complete adults.

As the act of sexual intercourse and relationships in general are fairly social activities, it's quite possible that Chris views the act of losing his virginity as something of a rite of passage--something he needs to do in order to validate his own sexuality and prove to the world that he's a capable "adult". Chris also fails to realize that relationships are give and take. Every sweetheart that Chris has had, which eventually turned out to be a troll involved long, received relentless emails and calls in which Chris prattled on and on about how much he "loved" them and how he was looking forward to finally having sex. After supposedly losing his virginity, it's unknown if he still craves sexual intercourse as much as he did before. One thing is still certain, however, is that he still fervently desires the attention of a sweetheart.

After he was introduced to the term by his Mailbag correspondents, Chris took to interpreting and using "asexual" as an insult. In his CWCipedia page on The Wallflower, he referred to her as a "Got-Dang Asexual Woman!". He also became very offended when Jackie implied that he liked video games more than women, ranting that she should not label him as asexual (and missed her point completely).[3]

However, considering Chris's incessant shoehorning of entirely unnecessary sex into the comics, and the ludicrous efforts he goes to get some China, he does seem to possess sexual desire - though not necessarily for women, as these things could simply be part of his efforts to disprove his much-feared homosexuality.

Further, an asexual does not necessarily look for sex in a relationship. Most asexuals seek romantic partners or just prefer platonic friendships. Chris however, seems to develop sexual feelings for every girl he meets and appears to believe it is required (not to mention during the Adam Saga he mentioned wanting to bring Megan to Washington to "change her mind" on sex after she had told him she was asexual (whether she is or said it to get him off her back is not known) and make her the mother of Crystal. So its likely he is not an asexual

See Also

  1. August 2014 Facebook Posts#Chris comes out...kinda
  2. October 2014 Facebook Posts
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Jackie E-mails 2