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Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto was a YouTube commentator known for his commentaries on Chris's videos and harshly criticizing Chris while having many faults similar to Chris himself.
A-Logging in a nutshell. You don't even need to watch the video in question, the title and thumbnail is quite enough, thank you very much.
What Saddam did in the Gulf War was potatoes to what Chris has done.
Tell that to the Kurds! A-Log, and an example of A-Logging


This article is about the term "A-Logging" and not about the person A-Log, so stop putting too many A-Log references until this turns into an Encyclopedia Dramatica article about A-Log himself.

A-Logging is a term used to describe the practice of those who follow Chris who wish to inflict harm upon him, often physical, and often for perceived "crimes" that Chris is "guilty" of. Those who follow this practice are known as A-Logs. A-Logs are an opposite extreme to white knights, whereas white knights try to defend Chris from trolls and help him to improve his situation, A-Logs hold the belief that Chris is beneath contempt and deserving of whatever scorn and harm he is subjected to and then some. While once fashionable, it has become a view associated with people who wish to "trollshield" themselves and therefore is looked down by the greater CWC community.

The term originates from Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto, a YouTube commentator who is known for providing commentary on Chris's videos, and often goes on about how Chris is an awful person (and how he, A-Log, is better) and wishes harm to be inflicted on him. However, A-Log is notorious for being known as "Chris-Chan 2.0" because of his poorly-written erotic fanfiction, his radio show, his awkward interviews at WolfDork.com etc. It was this practice, among other things (including his own similarities to Chris himself), that led to A-Log becoming a trolling subject himself, and the inspiration of this very page.


There are a few motivations which are common in A-Logs, as they are the motivations behind the original A-Log's commentaries.

Justifications for trolling Chris

Some would argue that it is sinister and just plain wrong to mock a mentally deficient person such as Chris. As a result, some people justify trolling him by arguing that he is, in fact, a bad person who "deserves" to be trolled. One common argument is that "Chris gives autistics a bad name." Others will appeal to his debatable racism, homophobia, or sexism as excuses to troll Chris. By establishing that Chris is a bad person, it seems to justify that Chris not only deserves the treatment he currently receives, but also deserves physical and/or psychological harm inflicted on him.


Often times, those who "A-Log" do so to "trollshield" or avoid becoming troll victims as well. These people tend to have many traits in common with Chris - they too are autistic, still live at home beyond an appropriate age, are unemployed and/or are living off welfare, have trouble with women, or are fixated on childish things. Some are perhaps even worse off than Chris. However, A-Logs will argue that they are "at least not like Chris" and are fervent in their urge to troll Chris so people don't troll them themselves. Often times, as in the case of the original A-Log this backfires and they find themselves becoming the subject of trolls.

Arguments against A-Logs

While Chris is far from perfect, there are those who believe that he is not exactly deserving of harm or extreme abuse that A-Logs would call for. This is reminiscent of the divided opinions in regards to BlueSpike and his style of trolling, with many disapproving of his extreme methods, but some who want a return to those more sadistic times.

Chris is not Hitler

Chris is not an utterly despicable person who is guilty of "crimes" that must be punished. Hitler was responsible for the death of over 6 million Jews, plus millions of other political dissidents in the years before and during World War II. Chris is just a poorly parented individual who spends his time playing vidya. While he is quite prone to rage and has a noted tendency to threaten people with violence and death, it is generally understood that Chris is not competent enough to actually carry out any threats. There are only a few notable events in Sonichu and CWCville where Chris's fictional actions are violent. The October 2011 GAMe PLACe incident also seems to portray Chris as a truly violent individual. More likely than not, Chris's actions on that day are likely to be the result of his mothers influence, non-existent driving skills, and sheer panic.[1][2]

Legal Liability

Perhaps the best reason against A-Logging is the legal liability (i.e. being charged and possibly convicted of stalking, terroristic threats, assault, or any other possible charges that could be filed against someone). Whatever feelings a person may have against Christian Weston Chandler, there is no legal defense for someone taking the law into their own hands and subsequently ending up with a possible life-altering felony conviction.

Chris's racism and homophobia

While his views on race and homosexuality are not politically correct, they hardly seem to suggest Chris is an amoral monster. Chris's discomfort for black people, while not politically correct, is arguably more from failing to understand social norms. Chris simply doesn't understand that one does not announce to the world one is discomforted by African-Americans; this is far from the outright ideology of white supremacy that your average KKK member would have. Chris has no history of actually going out and lynching blacks or other minorities that discomfort him. Chris's notable offenses have been picking on and applying stereotypes to the black kids who defeated him in card games at The GAMe PLACe, as well as using "Jew" as a pejorative against Michael Snyder, who Chris inaccurately believes to be Jewish. One of Chris's grievances, if you can call it that, is that non-white women don't fit his ideal vision of a sweetheart, which he constantly fails to properly articulate; it is entirely possible for a non-racist white man to not be sexually attracted to non-white women. Chris has used the racial slur of "nigger" in a few of his means of communication; while this is considered a serious mark of a racist, Chris shows some degree of reservation where he uses this word. During the Lars Call, Chris shows great apprehension towards using the word "nigga" and only does so when Lars gives him implicit permission. One of the most famous instances of Chris's use of the word "nigger" is in his video confronting Surf Shack Tito on his trolling efforts.[3] In this video, Chris's racism is often found humorous as Tito is meant to be of Hawaiian descent. When one examines Chris's use of the word, he does not show any understanding of the complexity, history, proper context, or underlying implications of the slur.[4] Once again, it is likely that Chris has been exposed to this word and chooses to repeat it blindly as he knows it that it is edgy and offensive to African-Americans.

In regards to his homophobia, while his reasons are ill-informed at best, Chris is a rather ordinary person who is discomforted by homosexuals. Chris's father is the likely source of Chris's dislike of homosexuals as Chris has had very little friendly interaction with anyone, never mind true homosexuals.[5][6] Chris is not the Westboro Baptist Church which is engaged in a massive campaign against homosexuals using inflammatory language, nor is he head of a power-lobbying group against LGBT individuals in Washington.

The tugboat

Some A-Logs contend that Chris is a bad person because he "steals" taxpayer money. What is almost always overlooked by A-Logs who make this claim is that it wasn’t Chris who applied for social security disability; it was his father who applied for Chris and it was he who convinced Chris that he would make more off of disability than working at a minimum wage job. Realistically, Chris didn’t have any say in the matter because Bob held all the purse strings when it came to Chris having food, shelter and clothing.

So why doesn’t Chris get off his “lazy butt and earn his keep”? Well, because there are a couple of very difficult barriers that stand in his way that many A-Loggers simply don’t take into consideration.

First, there is the bureaucratic red tape and regulations involved in someone who is on disability working full-time. Ironically, it isn’t Chris sitting around playing video games day after day receiving a government check that would likely get him in trouble for disability fraud, it would be working full-time at a minimum wage job while still getting a disability check that would get him in trouble.

Second, there is the issue of Chris's lack of preparation in independent living skills as well as his lack of coaching in finding a job and being able to keep it. Moreover, given Chris’s rather infamous reputation by people who have documented every unsavory aspect of his life, it would be more likely than not by taking someone working in human services or in the employment field (that has extremely strong networking and connections) and a job coach (on a long-term basis) to convince a skeptical employer to give Chris a realistic chance at successfully finding and keeping a job. In addition, given Chris's rap sheet, even under ideal circumstances Chris's chances at decent employment may be slim at best. Chris has been convicted for the events of 28 October 2011 which may deter potential employers, regardless of his ability to perform to tasks they set him. While it may sound attractive to the uninformed to "kick his ass" when it comes to Chris working, in reality there are deep-seated issues that go way beyond the expertise of a few trolls, and no amount of A-Logging can change this.

Chris is just naive

Chris is not mentally retarded as defined by medical standards. His IQ is within normal range. What trips him up is his lack of "street smarts" or common sense. He actually believed that an attractive celebrity was interested in him sexually and that he was talking to her. He still insists that he's had many sweethearts, all very attractive women, and doesn't find it curious that they suddenly die or disappear. He is an easy mark, not a criminal mastermind.

Most people can avoid the trolls

Chris does share traits with a lot of people, and some of these traits are quite disturbing and embarrassing. It's a fair assumption that a lot of people who are following Chris's antics are unemployed gamer losers, for example. A lot of people have seen Chris and uttered "Finally, here's someone who's far more pathetic than I am".

But these traits, in itself, don't make you trollable. They may make you subject to ridicule, but it's an altogether different matter how you respond to that ridicule. You may give the people who laugh at you a mature response – laugh along with them at your own admitted faults, or just let the unwarranted criticism be what it is. Trolls certainly aren't interested in productive debate.

Or you can be like Chris and get BLANGRY at every traitorous troll under lucricities, which is exactly what the trolls want.

Most people can recognize their own faults and try to cope with them. Chris cannot.


Obviously you've never heard of what he calls other people who are autistic, and that he calls people with Aspergers(such as myself) "fakers". he doesn't deserve some, he deserves everything for giving us a bad name. The trolls are also doing what they do to him for a good reason. it's not about the autism to them, but more of that he's a moron who is evil reincarnate and deserves to go back to hell. I don't believe you know what all CWC has done to us on youtube.
GamerXZ0, in a YouTube comment on one of A-Log's videos.
29 years ago today, satan was born and molded into the fucktardian PENIS we know & despise today! Should i ever see him i'm gonna destroy him worse than new jack did to mass transit!
ISLAVERDE29, another YouTube comment on one of A-Log's videos.
Hooray he's dead. Now he'lll be spending his eternity in hell while I go piss on his grave.
mxc82, again, another YouTube comment on one of A-Log's videos, referring to Bob Chandler's death.
CHRIS-CHAN MUST DIE!!!! Sick fuck!
mxc82, once again, on YouTube. (Note: This is not a joke)
Chris Chan u are the single worst human being who ever live. If it wasn't for u fellow autistics and Sonic OC creators like me would be respected by the world. What you have done is unforgivable. I hope Barb dies and you spend the last minutes of your life crying about how your a pathetic failure fuck you
OfficialSteroidHedgy, in a comment in Chris's YouTube account.
I hope you are ashamed that a retarded autistic person (just like yourself) killed 20 innocent kids....all autistic people should be wiped from the earth and aborted before birth since you are all evil i wish the worst fates that heaven and hell can bring upon you and all the other autistic pieces of shit like you
RealReplyGirl4Ever, in a comment in Chris's YouTube account, comparing Chris to a man who shot up an elementary school.

Fucking Chris Chan. I hate this guy, sucks to have autism and ppl think you're like him
For those of you who never heard of this fella, Chrischan is a twenty-nine year old "highly functioning autistic" who is really a brain dead and delusional manchild. I am a austic myself and I feel ashamed about this jackass reenforcing a negative stereotype on austics and going out of his way to make normal autistics like myself look bad.
GearsX, in his "Chrischan Rant Quickie" DeviantArt Journal.
You know, blocking people is just going to make you look butthurt. Stop giving people with Autism and Apergers a bad name. I have aspergers, I'm 13, and yet I draw, and know better. Not to be mean, but with those blow up doll and stripping videos, you need help.
ShanuChinchillaXx, on Chris-Chan's fake DeviantArt account.


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